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Example 1 with IsA

use of in project gaffer-doc by gchq.

the class IfExample method applyPredicatesToInput.

public void applyPredicatesToInput() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    final If<Comparable> predicate = new If<>(new IsA(Integer.class), new IsMoreThan(3), new Not<>(new IsA(String.class)));
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    runExample(predicate, "This example tests first whether the input is an Integer. " + "If so, it is then tested to see if the value is greater than 3. " + "Otherwise, since it is not an Integer, we then test to see if it is NOT a String.", 2, 3, 5, "test", new HashMap<>(), new ArrayList<>());
Also used : IsA( IsMoreThan( If(

Example 2 with IsA

use of in project gaffer-doc by gchq.

the class IsAExample method isANumber.

public void isANumber() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    final IsA function = new IsA(Number.class);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    runExample(function, null, 1, 2.5, "abc");
Also used : IsA(

Example 3 with IsA

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IfIT method shouldRunOtherwiseOperationsWhenConditionIsFalse.

public void shouldRunOtherwiseOperationsWhenConditionIsFalse() throws OperationException {
    // Given
    final If<Object, Object> ifOperation = new If<>();
    ifOperation.setConditional(new Conditional(new IsA("java.lang.Integer")));
    ifOperation.setThen(new Map<>(Lists.newArrayList(new ToUpperCase(), new ToList())));
    ifOperation.setOtherwise(new Map<>(Lists.newArrayList(new ToLowerCase(), new ToList())));
    // When
    final Object output = graph.execute(ifOperation, getUser());
    // Then
Also used : IsA( Conditional( If( ToLowerCase( ToList( ToUpperCase( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with IsA

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IfIT method shouldDoOtherwiseWhenConditionIsFalseAndNoThenOperation.

public void shouldDoOtherwiseWhenConditionIsFalseAndNoThenOperation() throws OperationException {
    // Given
    final If<Object, Object> ifOperation = new If<>();
    ifOperation.setConditional(new Conditional(new IsA("java.lang.Integer")));
    ifOperation.setOtherwise(new Map<>(Lists.newArrayList(new ToLowerCase(), new ToList())));
    // When
    final Object output = graph.execute(ifOperation, getUser());
    // Then
Also used : IsA( Conditional( If( ToLowerCase( ToList( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with IsA

use of in project gaffer-doc by gchq.

the class IsAExample method isAString.

public void isAString() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    final IsA function = new IsA(String.class);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    runExample(function, null, 1, 2.5, "abc");
Also used : IsA(


IsA ( Test (org.junit.Test)5 If ( Conditional ( ToList ( ToLowerCase ( ToLong ( ToUpperCase ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)1 ElementAggregator ( ElementFilter ( ExampleAggregateFunction ( ExampleFilterFunction ( Serialiser ( ToBytesSerialiser ( JavaSerialiser ( MapSerialiser ( StringSerialiser ( RawLongSerialiser ( StringToStringSerialiser (