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Example 1 with ExitException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class StyleImpl method readStyle.

 * Evaluate the style options and try to read the style.
 * The option --style-file give the location of an alternate file or
 * directory containing styles rather than the default built in ones.
 * The option --style gives the name of a style, either one of the
 * built in ones or selects one from the given style-file.
 * If there is no name given, but there is a file then the file should
 * just contain one style.
 * @param props the program properties
 * @return A style instance or null in case of error.
public static Style readStyle(EnhancedProperties props) {
    String loc = props.getProperty("style-file");
    if (loc == null)
        loc = props.getProperty("map-features");
    String name = props.getProperty("style");
    if (loc == null && name == null)
        name = "default";
    if (name == null) {
        StyleFileLoader loader = null;
        try {
            loader = StyleFileLoader.createStyleLoader(loc, null);
            int numEntries = loader.list().length;
            if (numEntries > 1)
                throw new ExitException("Style file " + loc + " contains multiple styles, use option --style to select one.");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new ExitException("Could not open style file " + loc);
        } finally {
    Style style;
    try {
        style = new StyleImpl(loc, name, props, WITHOUT_CHECKS);
    } catch (SyntaxException e) {
        System.err.println("Error in style: " + e.getMessage());
        throw new ExitException("Could not open style " + (name == null ? "" : name));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        String msg = "Could not open style ";
        if (name != null) {
            msg += name;
            if (loc != null)
                msg += " in " + loc;
        } else
            msg += loc + " . Make sure that it points to a style or add the --style option.";
        throw new ExitException(msg);
    return style;
Also used : SyntaxException( FileNotFoundException( Style( ExitException(

Example 2 with ExitException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class AbstractTestMap method makeMap.

protected void makeMap(String[] args) {
    // Default to nowhere in particular.
    double lat = 51.724;
    double lng = 0.2487;
    // Arguments allow you to place the map where ever you wish.
    if (args.length > 1) {
        lat = Double.valueOf(args[0]);
        lng = Double.valueOf(args[1]);
    log.debug("this is a test make map program. Start", lat, '/', lng);
    FileSystemParam params = new FileSystemParam();
    params.setMapDescription("OSM street map");
    Map map;
    try {
        map = Map.createMap("32860003", ".", params, "32860003", SrtTextReader.sortForCodepage(1252));
    } catch (FileExistsException e) {
        throw new ExitException("File exists already", e);
    } catch (FileNotWritableException e) {
        throw new ExitException("Could not create or write file", e);
    map.addInfo("Program released under the GPL");
    map.addInfo("This map data is made available under the Open Database License:");
    // There has to be (at least) two copyright messages or else the map
    // does not show up.  The second one will be displayed at startup,
    // although the conditions where that happens are not known.
    map.addCopyright("program licenced under GPL v2");
    // This one gets shown when you switch on, so put the actual
    // map copyright here.  This is made up data, so no copyright applies.
    map.addCopyright("No copyright");
    Area area = new Area(lat, lng, lat + 1, lng + 1);
    // There must always be an empty zoom level at the least detailed level."area " + area);" or " + lat + '/' + lng);
    Zoom z1 = map.createZoom(1, 24);
    Subdivision topdiv = map.topLevelSubdivision(area, z1);
    // Create a most detailed view
    Zoom z = map.createZoom(0, 24);
    Subdivision div = map.createSubdivision(topdiv, area, z);
    drawTestMap(map, div, lat, lng);
Also used : Area( FileSystemParam( FileNotWritableException( Zoom( Subdivision( Map( ExitException( FileExistsException(

Example 3 with ExitException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class Main method endOptions.

public void endOptions(CommandArgs args) {
    fileOptions(args);"Start tile processors");
    int threadCount = maxJobs;
    int taskCount = futures.size();
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    if (threadPool == null) {
        if (threadCount == 0) {
            threadCount = 1;
            if (taskCount > 2) {
                // run one task to see how much memory it uses
      "Max Memory: " + runtime.maxMemory());
                long maxMemory = 0;
                for (MemoryPoolMXBean mxBean : ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans()) {
                    if (mxBean.getType() == MemoryType.HEAP) {
                        MemoryUsage memoryUsage = mxBean.getPeakUsage();
              "Max: " + memoryUsage.getMax());
              "Used: " + memoryUsage.getUsed());
                        if (memoryUsage.getMax() > maxMemory && memoryUsage.getUsed() != 0) {
                            maxMemory = memoryUsage.getMax();
                            threadCount = (int) (memoryUsage.getMax() / memoryUsage.getUsed());
                threadCount = Math.max(threadCount, 1);
                threadCount = Math.min(threadCount, runtime.availableProcessors());
                System.out.println("Setting max-jobs to " + threadCount);
        }"Creating thread pool with " + threadCount + " threads");
        threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount);
    // process all input files
    for (FilenameTask task : futures) {
    List<FilenameTask> filenames = new ArrayList<>();
    int numMapFailedExceptions = 0;
    if (threadPool != null) {
        while (!futures.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                try {
                    // don't call get() until a job has finished
                    if (futures.get(0).isDone()) {
                        FilenameTask future = futures.remove(0);
                        // Provoke any exceptions by calling get and then
                        // save the result for later use
                    } else
                } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                    // Re throw the underlying exception
                    Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                    if (cause instanceof Exception)
                        // noinspection ProhibitedExceptionThrown
                        throw (Exception) cause;
                    else if (cause instanceof Error)
                        // noinspection ProhibitedExceptionThrown
                        throw (Error) cause;
                        throw e;
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError | ExitException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (MapFailedException mfe) {
                // System.err.println(mfe.getMessage()); // already printed via log
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (!args.getProperties().getProperty("keep-going", false)) {
                    throw new ExitException("Exiting - if you want to carry on regardless, use the --keep-going option");
    System.out.println("Number of MapFailedExceptions: " + numMapFailedExceptions);
    if ((taskCount > threadCount + 1) && (maxJobs == 0) && (threadCount < runtime.availableProcessors())) {
        System.out.println("To reduce the run time, consider increasing the amnount of memory available for use by mkgmap by using the Java -Xmx flag to set the memory to more than " + 100 * (1 + ((runtime.maxMemory() * runtime.availableProcessors()) / (threadCount * 1024 * 1024 * 100))) + " MB, providing this is less than the amount of physical memory installed.");
    if (combiners.isEmpty())
    boolean hasFiles = false;
    for (FilenameTask file : filenames) {
        if (file == null || file.isCancelled() || file.getFilename() == null) {
            if (args.getProperties().getProperty("keep-going", false))
                throw new ExitException("Exiting - if you want to carry on regardless, use the --keep-going option");
        hasFiles = true;
    if (!hasFiles) {
        log.warn("nothing to do for combiners.");
    }"Combining maps");
    // Get them all set up.
    for (Combiner c : combiners) c.init(args);
    filenames.sort(new Comparator<FilenameTask>() {

        public int compare(FilenameTask o1, FilenameTask o2) {
            if (!o1.getFilename().endsWith(".img") || !o2.getFilename().endsWith(".img"))
                return o1.getFilename().compareTo(o2.getFilename());
            // Both end in .img
            try {
                int id1 = FileInfo.getFileInfo(o1.getFilename()).getHexname();
                int id2 = FileInfo.getFileInfo(o2.getFilename()).getHexname();
                if (id1 == id2)
                    return 0;
                else if (id1 < id2)
                    return -1;
                    return 1;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
            return 0;
    // will contain img files for which an additional ovm file was found
    HashSet<String> foundOvmFiles = new HashSet<>();
    // try OverviewBuilder with special files
    if (tdbBuilderAdded) {
        for (FilenameTask file : filenames) {
            if (file == null || file.isCancelled())
            try {
                String fileName = file.getFilename();
                if (!fileName.endsWith(".img"))
                fileName = OverviewBuilder.getOverviewImgName(fileName);
      "  " + fileName);
                FileInfo fileInfo = FileInfo.getFileInfo(fileName);
                // add the real input file
                for (Combiner c : combiners) {
                    if (c instanceof OverviewBuilder)
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
    // Tell them about each filename (OverviewBuilder excluded)
    for (FilenameTask file : filenames) {
        if (file == null || file.isCancelled())
        try {
  "  " + file);
            FileInfo fileInfo = FileInfo.getFileInfo(file.getFilename());
            for (Combiner c : combiners) {
                if (c instanceof OverviewBuilder && foundOvmFiles.contains(file.getFilename()))
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new MapFailedException("could not open file " + e.getMessage());
    // All done, allow tidy up or file creation to happen
    for (Combiner c : combiners) c.onFinish();
    if (tdbBuilderAdded && args.getProperties().getProperty("remove-ovm-work-files", false)) {
        for (String fName : foundOvmFiles) {
            String ovmFile = OverviewBuilder.getOverviewImgName(fName);
  "removing " + ovmFile);
            new File(ovmFile).delete();
Also used : MapFailedException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileNotFoundException( FileInfo( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) ExitException( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) OutOfMemoryError(java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) Combiner( MemoryUsage( OverviewBuilder( FileNotFoundException( ExitException( SyntaxException( MapFailedException( IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) OutOfMemoryError(java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) MemoryPoolMXBean( File(

Example 4 with ExitException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class TypSaver method makeMap.

public String makeMap(CommandArgs args, String filename) {
    String outfilename = filename;
    // These are the family and product id's that are wanted.
    int familyId = args.get("family-id", CommandArgs.DEFAULT_FAMILYID);
    int productId = args.get("product-id", CommandArgs.DEFAULT_PRODUCTID);
    try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
        byte[] buf = new byte[256];
        int n =;
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
        // Get the product and family id's that are actually in the supplied TYP file.
        int foundFamily = buffer.getChar(0x2f);
        int foundProduct = buffer.getChar(0x31);
        if (familyId != foundFamily || productId != foundProduct) {
            buffer.putChar(0x2f, (char) familyId);
            buffer.putChar(0x31, (char) productId);
            outfilename = makeOutName(filename);
            writeAlteredTyp(outfilename, in, buf, n);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ExitException("TYP file cannot be opened or read: " + filename);
    return outfilename;
Also used : IOException( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ExitException( FileInputStream(

Example 5 with ExitException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class BoundaryUtil method getBoundaryDirContent.

 * Check content of directory or zip file with precompiled boundary data,
 * dirName Name has to be a directory or a zip file.
 * @param dirName : path to a directory or a zip file containing the *.bnd files
 * @return the available *.bnd files in dirName.
public static List<String> getBoundaryDirContent(String dirName) {
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
    File boundaryDir = new File(dirName);
    if (!boundaryDir.exists())
        log.error("boundary directory/zip does not exist: " + dirName);
    else {
        if (boundaryDir.isDirectory()) {
            // boundaryDir.list() is much quicker than boundaryDir.listFiles(FileFilter)
            String[] allNames = boundaryDir.list();
            for (String name : allNames) {
                if (name.endsWith(".bnd"))
        } else if (boundaryDir.getName().endsWith(".zip")) {
            try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(boundaryDir)) {
                Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
                boolean isFlat = true;
                while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                    ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                    if (entry.isDirectory()) {
                        isFlat = false;
                    if (entry.getName().endsWith(".bnd"))
                if (!isFlat) {
                    log.error("boundary zip file contains directories. Files in directories will be ignored." + dirName);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                log.error("Cannot read", dirName, ioe);
                // ioe.printStackTrace();
                throw new ExitException("Failed to read required file " + dirName);
    return names;
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) ZipFile( ZipEntry( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( ZipFile( File( ExitException(


ExitException ( IOException ( FileNotFoundException ( File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 FileInputStream ( Zoom ( InputStream ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)3 Map ( LevelInfo ( OutOfMemoryError (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError)2 StandardCharsets (java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets)2 Files (java.nio.file.Files)2 LocalDateTime (java.time.LocalDateTime)2 DateTimeFormatter (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter)2 FormatStyle (java.time.format.FormatStyle)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 List (java.util.List)2