Search in sources :

Example 6 with FileExistsException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class Directory method create.

 * Create a new file in the directory.
 * @param name The file name.  Must be 8+3 characters.
 * @param blockManager To allocate blocks for the created file entry.
 * @return The new directory entity.
 * @throws FileExistsException If the entry already
 * exists.
Dirent create(String name, BlockManager blockManager) throws FileExistsException {
    // Check to see if it is already there.
    if (entries.get(name) != null)
        throw new FileExistsException("File " + name + " already exists");
    Dirent ent;
    if (Objects.equals(name, ImgFS.DIRECTORY_FILE_NAME)) {
        ent = new HeaderDirent(name, blockManager);
    } else {
        ent = new Dirent(name, blockManager);
    return ent;
Also used : FileExistsException(

Example 7 with FileExistsException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class MapMaker method makeMap.

 * Make a map from the given map data source.
 * @param args User supplied arguments.
 * @param src The data source to load.
 * @param mapNameExt
 * @return The output filename for the map.
private String makeMap(CommandArgs args, LoadableMapDataSource src, String mapNamePrefix) {
    if (src.getBounds().isEmpty())
        return null;
    FileSystemParam params = new FileSystemParam();
    params.setMapDescription(args.getDescription());"Started making", args.getMapname(), "(" + args.getDescription() + ")");
    try {
        Map map = Map.createMap(mapNamePrefix + args.getMapname(), args.getOutputDir(), params, args.getMapname(), sort);
        setOptions(map, args);
        MapBuilder builder = new MapBuilder();
        if (!OverviewBuilder.OVERVIEW_PREFIX.equals(mapNamePrefix)) {
            if (args.getProperties().containsKey("route") || args.getProperties().containsKey("net"))
        builder.makeMap(map, src);
        // Collect information on map complete.
        String outName = map.getFilename();"finished making map", outName, "closing");
        return outName;
    } catch (FileExistsException e) {
        throw new MapFailedException("File exists already", e);
    } catch (FileNotWritableException e) {
        throw new MapFailedException("Could not create or write to file", e);
Also used : FileSystemParam( MapFailedException( FileNotWritableException( MapBuilder( Map( FileExistsException(

Example 8 with FileExistsException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class FileCopier method addImg.

private void addImg(FileSystem outfs, FileInfo info) {
    FileCopier fc = new FileCopier(info.getFilename());
    List<SubFileInfo> subFiles = info.subFiles();
    for (SubFileInfo sf : subFiles) {
        try {
            ImgChannel chan = outfs.create(sf.getName());
            Closeable sync = fc.add(sf.getName(), chan);
            ((FileLink) chan).link(sf, sync);
        } catch (FileExistsException e) {
            log.warn("Could not copy " + sf.getName(), e);
Also used : FileImgChannel( ImgChannel( Closeable( FileLink( FileExistsException(

Example 9 with FileExistsException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class MdrBuilder method init.

 * Create the mdr file and initialise.
 * It has a name that is based on the overview-mapname option, as does
 * the associated MDX file.
 * @param args The command line arguments.
public void init(CommandArgs args) {
    String name = args.get("overview-mapname", "osmmap");
    String outputDir = args.getOutputDir();
    outputName = Utils.joinPath(outputDir, name + "_mdr.img");
    ImgChannel mdrChan;
    try {
        // Create the .img file system/archive
        FileSystemParam params = new FileSystemParam();
        tmpName = File.createTempFile("mdr", null, new File(outputDir));
        imgfs = ImgFS.createFs(tmpName.getPath(), params);
        // Create the MDR file within the .img
        mdrChan = imgfs.create(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".MDR");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ExitException("Could not create global index file");
    // Create the sort description
    Sort sort = SrtTextReader.sortForCodepage(args.getCodePage());
    // Set the options that we are using for the mdr.
    MdrConfig config = new MdrConfig();
    // Wrap the MDR channel with the MDRFile object
    mdrFile = new MDRFile(mdrChan, config);
    try {
        ImgChannel srtChan = imgfs.create(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".SRT");
        SRTFile srtFile = new SRTFile(srtChan);
    // Do not close srtFile here
    } catch (FileExistsException e) {
        throw new ExitException("Could not create SRT file within index file");
Also used : ImgChannel( SRTFile( FileSystemParam( MdrConfig( Sort( MDRFile( IOException( SRTFile( File( MDRFile( ExitException( FileExistsException(

Example 10 with FileExistsException

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class ImgFS method createInitFS.

 * Set up and ImgFS that has just been created.
 * @param chan The real underlying file to write to.
 * @param params The file system parameters.
 * @throws FileNotWritableException If the file cannot be written for any
 * reason.
private void createInitFS(FileChannel chan, FileSystemParam params) throws FileNotWritableException {
    readOnly = false;
    this.fsparam = params;
    // The block manager allocates blocks for files.
    headerBlockManager = new BlockManager(params.getBlockSize(), 0);
    // it already existing, so it is created by hand.
    try {
        directory = new Directory(headerBlockManager);
        Dirent ent = directory.create(DIRECTORY_FILE_NAME, headerBlockManager);
        FileNode f = new FileNode(chan, ent, "w");
        header = new ImgHeader(f);
    } catch (FileExistsException e) {
        throw new FileNotWritableException("Could not create img file directory", e);
    fileBlockManager = new BlockManager(params.getBlockSize(), params.getReservedDirectoryBlocks());
    assert header != null;
Also used : FileNotWritableException( FileExistsException(


FileExistsException ( FileNotWritableException ( ImgChannel ( FileSystemParam ( FileImgChannel ( ExitException ( Map ( Sort ( SRTFile ( FileLink ( MapBuilder ( Closeable ( File ( FileNotFoundException ( IOException ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 MapFailedException ( Area ( MDRFile (