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Example 1 with Setting

use of utils.ArgumentSet.Setting in project jdchain-core by blockchain-jd-com.

the class KeyGenCommand method main.

 * 入口;
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Setting setting = ArgumentSet.setting().prefix(READ_ARG, NAME_ARG, OUT_DIR_ARG, LOCAL_CONF_ARG, CRYPTO_ALGORITHM).option(OPT_DECRYPTING, OPT_DEBUG);
    ArgumentSet argSet = ArgumentSet.resolve(args, setting);
    try {
        ArgEntry[] argEntries = argSet.getArgs();
        if (argEntries.length == 0) {
  "Miss argument!\r\n" + "-r : Run in reading mode if set this option, or in generating mode if not set.\r\n" + "-d : Decrypt priv key in reading mode, optional.\r\n" + "-n : name of key.\r\n" + "-o : output dir of key under generating mode.\r\n");
        if (argSet.getArg(READ_ARG) != null) {
            readKey(argSet.getArg(READ_ARG).getValue(), argSet.hasOption(OPT_DECRYPTING));
        } else {
            ArgEntry name = argSet.getArg(NAME_ARG);
            if (name == null) {
      "Miss name of key!");
            String outputDir = null;
            ArgEntry dirArg = argSet.getArg(OUT_DIR_ARG);
            if (dirArg == null || dirArg.getValue() == null) {
                // 在当前目录生成;
                outputDir = "." + File.separatorChar;
            //"Miss storage dir of keys!");
            // return;
            } else {
                outputDir = dirArg.getValue();
            if (!FileUtils.existDirectory(outputDir)) {
                // 创建目录;
      "The storage dir[" + outputDir + "] doesn't exist,  it will be created automatically!");
            // return;
            ArgEntry cryptoAlgorithm = argSet.getArg(CRYPTO_ALGORITHM);
            String algorithm = null != cryptoAlgorithm ? cryptoAlgorithm.getValue() : DEFAULT_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM;
            ArgEntry localConfArg = argSet.getArg(LOCAL_CONF_ARG);
            String localConfPath = localConfArg == null ? null : localConfArg.getValue();
            generateKeyPair(algorithm, name.getValue(), outputDir, localConfPath);
    } catch (Exception e) {"Error!!! %s", e.getMessage());
        if (argSet.hasOption(OPT_DEBUG)) {
Also used : Setting(utils.ArgumentSet.Setting) ArgumentSet(utils.ArgumentSet) ArgEntry(utils.ArgumentSet.ArgEntry) DecryptionException(

Example 2 with Setting

use of utils.ArgumentSet.Setting in project jdchain-core by blockchain-jd-com.

the class LedgerInitCommand method main.

 * 入口;
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Prompter prompter = DEFAULT_PROMPTER;
    Setting argSetting = ArgumentSet.setting().prefix(LOCAL_ARG, INI_ARG).option(MONITOR_OPT);
    ArgumentSet argSet = ArgumentSet.resolve(args, argSetting);
    try {
        if (argSet.hasOption(MONITOR_OPT)) {
            prompter = LOG_PROMPTER;
        ArgEntry localArg = argSet.getArg(LOCAL_ARG);
        if (localArg == null) {
  "Miss local config file which can be specified with arg [%s]!!!", LOCAL_ARG);
        LocalConfig localConf = LocalConfig.resolve(localArg.getValue());
        ArgEntry iniArg = argSet.getArg(INI_ARG);
        if (iniArg == null) {
  "Miss ledger initializing config file which can be specified with arg [%s]!!!", INI_ARG);
        // load ledger init setting;
        LedgerInitProperties ledgerInitProperties = LedgerInitProperties.resolve(iniArg.getValue());
        // 加载当前节点的私钥;
        // 根据 identity-mode 验证 local.conf 参数的正确性
        String base58Pwd = localConf.getLocal().getPassword();
        PubKey localNodePubKey;
        PrivKey privKey;
        if (ledgerInitProperties.getIdentityMode() == IdentityMode.CA) {
            X509Certificate certificate = CertificateUtils.parseCertificate(FileUtils.readText(localConf.getLocal().getCaPath()));
            localNodePubKey = CertificateUtils.resolvePubKey(certificate);
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(base58Pwd)) {
                privKey = CertificateUtils.parsePrivKey(localNodePubKey.getAlgorithm(), FileUtils.readText(localConf.getLocal().getPrivKeyPath()));
            } else {
                privKey = CertificateUtils.parsePrivKey(localNodePubKey.getAlgorithm(), FileUtils.readText(localConf.getLocal().getPrivKeyPath()), base58Pwd);
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(base58Pwd)) {
                base58Pwd = Base58Utils.encode(base58Pwd.getBytes());
        } else {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(base58Pwd)) {
                base58Pwd = KeyGenUtils.readPasswordString();
            localNodePubKey = KeyGenUtils.decodePubKey(localConf.getLocal().getPubKeyString());
            privKey = KeyGenUtils.decodePrivKey(localConf.getLocal().getPrivKeyString(), base58Pwd);
        // 地址根据公钥生成
        String localNodeAddress = AddressEncoding.generateAddress(localNodePubKey).toBase58();
        // 加载全部公钥;
        int currId = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < ledgerInitProperties.getConsensusParticipantCount(); i++) {
            ParticipantProperties partiConf = ledgerInitProperties.getConsensusParticipant(i);
            if (localNodeAddress.equals(partiConf.getAddress().toBase58())) {
                currId = i;
        if (currId == -1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The current node specified in local.conf is not found in ledger.init!");
        // Output ledger binding config of peer;
        if (!FileUtils.existDirectory(localConf.getBindingOutDir())) {
        File ledgerBindingFile = new File(localConf.getBindingOutDir(), LEDGER_BINDING_FILE_NAME);
        LedgerBindingConfig conf;
        if (ledgerBindingFile.exists()) {
            conf = LedgerBindingConfig.resolve(ledgerBindingFile);
        } else {
            conf = new LedgerBindingConfig();
        // 启动初始化;
        LedgerInitCommand initCommand = new LedgerInitCommand();
        HashDigest newLedgerHash = initCommand.startInit(currId, privKey, base58Pwd, ledgerInitProperties, localConf, prompter, conf);
        if (newLedgerHash != null) {
            // success;
            // so save ledger binding config to file system;
  "\r\n------ Update Ledger binding configuration success! ------[%s]", ledgerBindingFile.getAbsolutePath());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        prompter.error("\r\n Ledger init process has been broken by error!");
    prompter.confirm(InitializingStep.LEDGER_INIT_COMPLETED.toString(), "\r\n\r\n Press any key to quit. :>");
    if (argSet.hasOption(MONITOR_OPT)) {
        // 管理工具启动的方式下,需自动退出
Also used : Setting(utils.ArgumentSet.Setting) ParticipantProperties(com.jd.blockchain.ledger.LedgerInitProperties.ParticipantProperties) ArgEntry(utils.ArgumentSet.ArgEntry) X509Certificate( LedgerInitProperties(com.jd.blockchain.ledger.LedgerInitProperties) ArgumentSet(utils.ArgumentSet) File(


ArgumentSet (utils.ArgumentSet)2 ArgEntry (utils.ArgumentSet.ArgEntry)2 Setting (utils.ArgumentSet.Setting)2 LedgerInitProperties (com.jd.blockchain.ledger.LedgerInitProperties)1 ParticipantProperties (com.jd.blockchain.ledger.LedgerInitProperties.ParticipantProperties)1 File ( X509Certificate ( DecryptionException (