use of utils.concurrent.AsyncFuture in project jdchain-core by blockchain-jd-com.
the class BlockCommitService method commitBlock.
public boolean commitBlock(Block block, BlockClosure done) throws BlockCommittedException {
boolean result = true;
long latestBlockHeight = ledgerRepository.retrieveLatestBlockHeight();
if (latestBlockHeight >= block.getHeight()) {
throw new BlockCommittedException(block.getHeight());
if (latestBlockHeight + 1 != block.getHeight()) {
LOGGER.error("commit block ignore. expect height:{}, latest block: {}", block.getHeight(), latestBlockHeight);
return false;
RaftConsensusMessageContext context = RaftConsensusMessageContext.createContext(realmName);
String batch = messageHandle.beginBatch(context);
LoggerUtils.debugIfEnabled(LOGGER, "commit block start, batchId: {}", batch);
Status status = Status.OK();
try {
int msgId = 0;
for (byte[] tx : block.getTxs()) {
AsyncFuture<byte[]> asyncFuture = messageHandle.processOrdered(msgId++, tx, context);
Optional.ofNullable(done).ifPresent(d -> d.addFuture(asyncFuture));
// todo ?
LedgerBlock repositoryLatestBlock = ledgerRepository.getLatestBlock();
assert repositoryLatestBlock.getHeight() == block.getHeight();
blockCommitCallbackList.forEach(c -> c.commitCallBack(block, true));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("commitBlock error", e);
result = false;
messageHandle.rollbackBatch(TransactionState.CONSENSUS_ERROR.CODE, context);
status = new Status(TransactionState.CONSENSUS_ERROR.CODE, e.getMessage());
blockCommitCallbackList.forEach(c -> c.commitCallBack(block, false));
LoggerUtils.debugIfEnabled(LOGGER, "commit block end, batchId: {}, blockHeight: {}, status: {}", batch, block.getHeight(), status);
if (done != null) {;
return result;
use of utils.concurrent.AsyncFuture in project jdchain-core by blockchain-jd-com.
the class BftsmartNodeServer method preComputeAppHash.
* From consensus outcomes, do nothing now The operation of executing the batch
* was moved to the consensus stage 2 and 3, in order to guaranteed ledger
* consistency
// @Override
// public byte[][] appExecuteBatch(byte[][] commands, MessageContext[] msgCtxs, boolean fromConsensus) {
// if (replyList == null || replyList.size() == 0) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// }
// // todo 此部分需要重新改造
// /**
// * 默认BFTSmart接口提供的commands是一个或多个共识结果的顺序集合
// * 根据共识的规定,目前的做法是将其根据msgCtxs的内容进行分组,每组都作为一个结块标识来处理
// * 从msgCtxs可以获取对应commands的分组情况
// */
// int manageConsensusId = msgCtxs[0].getConsensusId();
// List<byte[]> manageConsensusCmds = new ArrayList<>();
// List<ReplyContextMessage> manageReplyMsgs = new ArrayList<>();
// int index = 0;
// for (MessageContext msgCtx : msgCtxs) {
// if (msgCtx.getConsensusId() == manageConsensusId) {
// manageConsensusCmds.add(commands[index]);
// manageReplyMsgs.add(replyList.get(index));
// } else {
// // 达到结块标准,需要进行结块并应答
// blockAndReply(manageConsensusCmds, manageReplyMsgs);
// // 重置链表和共识ID
// manageConsensusCmds = new ArrayList<>();
// manageReplyMsgs = new ArrayList<>();
// manageConsensusId = msgCtx.getConsensusId();
// manageConsensusCmds.add(commands[index]);
// manageReplyMsgs.add(replyList.get(index));
// }
// index++;
// }
// // 结束时,肯定有最后一个结块请求未处理
// if (!manageConsensusCmds.isEmpty()) {
// blockAndReply(manageConsensusCmds, manageReplyMsgs);
// }
// return null;
// }
* Block and reply are moved to consensus completion stage
// private void blockAndReply(List<byte[]> manageConsensusCmds, List<ReplyContextMessage> replyList) {
// consensusBatchId = messageHandle.beginBatch(realmName);
// List<AsyncFuture<byte[]>> asyncFutureLinkedList = new ArrayList<>(manageConsensusCmds.size());
// try {
// int msgId = 0;
// for (byte[] txContent : manageConsensusCmds) {
// AsyncFuture<byte[]> asyncFuture = messageHandle.processOrdered(msgId++, txContent, realmName, consensusBatchId);
// asyncFutureLinkedList.add(asyncFuture);
// }
// messageHandle.completeBatch(realmName, consensusBatchId);
// messageHandle.commitBatch(realmName, consensusBatchId);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // todo 需要处理应答码 404
// LOGGER.error("Error occurred while processing ordered messages! --" + e.getMessage(), e);
// messageHandle.rollbackBatch(realmName, consensusBatchId, TransactionState.CONSENSUS_ERROR.CODE);
// }
// // 通知线程单独处理应答
// notifyReplyExecutors.execute(() -> {
// // 应答对应的结果
// int replyIndex = 0;
// for(ReplyContextMessage msg : replyList) {
// msg.setReply(asyncFutureLinkedList.get(replyIndex).get());
// TOMMessage request = msg.getTomMessage();
// ReplyContext replyContext = msg.getReplyContext();
// request.reply = new TOMMessage(replyContext.getId(), request.getSession(), request.getSequence(),
// request.getOperationId(), msg.getReply(), replyContext.getCurrentViewId(),
// request.getReqType());
// if (replyContext.getNumRepliers() > 0) {
// bftsmart.tom.util.Logger.println("(ServiceReplica.receiveMessages) sending reply to "
// + request.getSender() + " with sequence number " + request.getSequence()
// + " and operation ID " + request.getOperationId() + " via ReplyManager");
// replyContext.getRepMan().send(request);
// } else {
// bftsmart.tom.util.Logger.println("(ServiceReplica.receiveMessages) sending reply to "
// + request.getSender() + " with sequence number " + request.getSequence()
// + " and operation ID " + request.getOperationId());
// replyContext.getReplier().manageReply(request, msg.getMessageContext());
// }
// replyIndex++;
// }
// });
// }
* Used by consensus write phase, pre compute new block hash
* @param cid 当前正在进行的共识ID;
* @param commands 请求列表
public BatchAppResultImpl preComputeAppHash(int cid, byte[][] commands, long timestamp) {
List<AsyncFuture<byte[]>> asyncFutureLinkedList = new ArrayList<>(commands.length);
List<byte[]> responseLinkedList = new ArrayList<>();
StateSnapshot newStateSnapshot, preStateSnapshot, genisStateSnapshot;
BatchAppResultImpl result;
String batchId = "";
int msgId = 0;
byte[] cidBytes = BytesUtils.toBytes(cid);
try {
if (commands.length == 0) {
// 没有要做预计算的消息,直接组装结果返回
result = BatchAppResultImpl.createFailure(responseLinkedList, cidBytes, batchId, cidBytes);
} else {
BftsmartConsensusMessageContext context = BftsmartConsensusMessageContext.createInstance(realmName, timestamp);
batchId = messageHandle.beginBatch(context);
contexts.put(batchId, context);
stateHolder.batchingID = batchId;
// 获取前置区块快照状态
preStateSnapshot = messageHandle.getLatestStateSnapshot(realmName);
if (preStateSnapshot instanceof BlockStateSnapshot) {
BlockStateSnapshot preBlockStateSnapshot = (BlockStateSnapshot) preStateSnapshot;
long preBlockTimestamp = preBlockStateSnapshot.getTimestamp();
if (timestamp < preBlockTimestamp && (preBlockTimestamp - timestamp) > timeTolerance) {
// 打印错误信息
LOGGER.warn("The time[{}] of the last block is mismatch with the current[{}] for time tolerance[{}] !!!", preBlockTimestamp, timestamp, timeTolerance);
// 设置返回的应答信息
for (byte[] command : commands) {
// 状态设置为共识错误
responseLinkedList.add(createAppResponse(command, TransactionState.CONSENSUS_TIMESTAMP_ERROR));
// 将该状态设置为未执行
// 回滚该操作
messageHandle.rollbackBatch(TransactionState.CONSENSUS_TIMESTAMP_ERROR.CODE, context);
// 返回成功,但需要设置当前的状态
return BatchAppResultImpl.createSuccess(responseLinkedList, cidBytes, batchId, cidBytes);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Last block's timestamp = {}, current timestamp = {}, time tolerance = {} !", preBlockTimestamp, timestamp, timeTolerance);
// 创世区块的状态快照
genisStateSnapshot = messageHandle.getGenesisStateSnapshot(realmName);
for (byte[] txContent : commands) {
AsyncFuture<byte[]> asyncFuture = messageHandle.processOrdered(msgId++, txContent, context);
newStateSnapshot = messageHandle.completeBatch(context);
for (AsyncFuture<byte[]> asyncFuture : asyncFutureLinkedList) {
result = BatchAppResultImpl.createSuccess(responseLinkedList, newStateSnapshot.getSnapshot(), batchId, genisStateSnapshot.getSnapshot());
} catch (BlockRollbackException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error occurred while pre compute app! --" + e.getMessage(), e);
for (byte[] command : commands) {
responseLinkedList.add(createAppResponse(command, e.getState()));
result = BatchAppResultImpl.createFailure(responseLinkedList, cidBytes, batchId, cidBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error occurred while pre compute app! --" + e.getMessage(), e);
for (byte[] command : commands) {
responseLinkedList.add(createAppResponse(command, TransactionState.IGNORED_BY_BLOCK_FULL_ROLLBACK));
result = BatchAppResultImpl.createFailure(responseLinkedList, cidBytes, batchId, cidBytes);
} finally {
return result;