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Example 1 with ServerState

use of voldemort.server.ServerState in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class MetadataStore method readFromDirectory.

public static MetadataStore readFromDirectory(File dir) {
    if (!Utils.isReadableDir(dir))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist or can not be read.");
    String storeDefDirPath = dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + MetadataStore.STORE_DEFINITIONS_STORE_NAME;
    // If config directory does not contain STORES sub directory, then
    // create one by parsing the stores.xml file
    List<String> configurationFiles = Arrays.asList(dir.list());
    if (configurationFiles == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No configuration found in " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
    if (!configurationFiles.contains(STORE_DEFINITIONS_STORE_NAME)) {
        // parse stores.xml and create STORES sub-dir
        StoreDefinitionsMapper mapper = new StoreDefinitionsMapper();
        List<StoreDefinition> storeDefinitions = null;
        try {
            storeDefinitions = mapper.readStoreList(new File(dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + STORES_KEY));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new VoldemortException("Cannot parse the store definitions from " + STORES_KEY + " file ", e);
        if (storeDefinitions == null) {
            throw new VoldemortException("Neither STORES nor stores.xml exist in the config directory");
        // Create the STORES sub directory
        File storeDefinitionsDir = new File(storeDefDirPath);
        if (!storeDefinitionsDir.mkdir()) {
            throw new VoldemortException("Unable to create " + STORE_DEFINITIONS_STORE_NAME + " sub directory");
        for (StoreDefinition storeDef : storeDefinitions) {
            try {
                FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(storeDefDirPath + File.separator + storeDef.getName()), mapper.writeStore(storeDef));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new VoldemortException("Cannot write store definition to file: " + storeDef.getName(), e);
    // Create a STORES configuration engine for STORES sub-directory
    StorageEngine<String, String, String> storesEngine = new ConfigurationStorageEngine(MetadataStore.STORE_DEFINITIONS_STORE_NAME, storeDefDirPath);
    Store<String, String, String> innerStore = new ConfigurationStorageEngine(MetadataStore.METADATA_STORE_NAME, dir.getAbsolutePath());
    MetadataStore store = new MetadataStore(innerStore, storesEngine);
    ServerState state = new ServerState(store);
    JmxUtils.registerMbean(state.getClass().getCanonicalName(), state);
    return store;
Also used : ServerState(voldemort.server.ServerState) StoreDefinitionsMapper(voldemort.xml.StoreDefinitionsMapper) ConfigurationStorageEngine( IOException( VoldemortException(voldemort.VoldemortException) StoreDefinition( File(


File ( IOException ( VoldemortException (voldemort.VoldemortException)1 ServerState (voldemort.server.ServerState)1 StoreDefinition ( ConfigurationStorageEngine ( StoreDefinitionsMapper (voldemort.xml.StoreDefinitionsMapper)1