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Example 1 with AutoBuffer

use of water.AutoBuffer in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class RequestBuilders method buildJSONResponseBox.

protected String buildJSONResponseBox(Response response) {
    switch(response._status) {
        case done:
            RString result = new RString(_jsonResponseBox);
            result.replace("JSON_RESPONSE_BOX", response._response == null ? new String(response._req.writeJSON(new AutoBuffer()).buf()) : GSON_BUILDER.toJson(response.toJson()));
            return result.toString();
        case error:
        case redirect:
        case poll:
            return "";
Also used : AutoBuffer(water.AutoBuffer) RString(water.util.RString) RString(water.util.RString)

Example 2 with AutoBuffer

use of water.AutoBuffer in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class NetworkInitTest method testIPv4AddressEncoding.

// Test for H2OKey
public void testIPv4AddressEncoding() {
    byte[] address = toByte(ari(10, 10, 1, 44));
    int ipv4 = (int) ArrayUtils.encodeAsLong(address);
    AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
    byte[] returnedAddress = ab.put4(ipv4).flipForReading().getA1(4);
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(address, returnedAddress);
Also used : AutoBuffer(water.AutoBuffer) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with AutoBuffer

use of water.AutoBuffer in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class BufferedStringTest method testRead_impl.

@Ignore("This test fails currently - bugs in AutoBuffer, probably")
public void testRead_impl() throws Exception {
    final String source = "this is not a string";
    BufferedString sut1 = new BufferedString(source);
    AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
    BufferedString sut2 = new BufferedString("what?");
    assertEquals(sut1, sut2);
Also used : AutoBuffer(water.AutoBuffer) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with AutoBuffer

use of water.AutoBuffer in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class VariableImportance method map.

public void map(Chunk[] chks) {
    _votesOOB = new long[_ntrees];
    _votesSOOB = new long[_ntrees];
    _voteDiffs = new long[_ntrees];
    _varimp = 0.f;
    _varimpSD = 0.f;
    _nrows = new long[_ntrees];
    double[] data = new double[_ncols];
    float[] preds = new float[_nclasses + 1];
    final int rows = chks[0]._len;
    int _N = _nclasses;
    // shuffled oob rows
    int[] soob = null;
    boolean collectOOB = true;
    final int cmin = _cmin;
    //Need the chunk of code to score over every tree...
    //Doesn't do anything with the first tree, we score time last *manually* (after looping over all da trees)
    long seedForOob = ShuffleTask.seed(chks[0].cidx());
    for (int ntree = 0; ntree < _ntrees; ntree++) {
        int oobcnt = 0;
        // oob rows
        ArrayList<Integer> oob = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        long treeSeed = _model.seed(ntree);
        byte producerId = _model.producerId(ntree);
        int init_row = (int) chks[0]._start;
        long seed = Sampling.chunkSampleSeed(treeSeed, init_row);
        Random rand = Utils.getDeterRNG(seed);
        // Now for all rows, classify & vote!
        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
            //        int row = r + (int)chks[0]._start;
            // ------ THIS CODE is crucial and serve to replay the same sequence
            // of random numbers as in the method Data.sampleFair()
            // Skip row used during training if OOB is computed
            float sampledItem = rand.nextFloat();
            // Do not skip yet the rows with NAs in the rest of columns
            if (chks[_ncols - 1].isNA0(row))
            if (sampledItem < _model.sample)
            // Predict with this tree - produce 0-based class index
            int prediction = (int) _model.classify0(ntree, chks, row, _modelDataMap, (short) _N, false);
            // Junk row cannot be predicted
            if (prediction >= _nclasses)
            // Check tree miss
            int alignedPrediction = alignModelIdx(prediction);
            int alignedData = alignDataIdx((int) chks[_classcol].at80(row) - cmin);
            if (alignedPrediction == alignedData)
        _oobs = new int[oob.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < oob.size(); ++i) _oobs[i] = oob.get(i);
        //score on shuffled data...
        if (soob == null || soob.length < oobcnt)
            soob = new int[oobcnt];
        // Shuffle array and copy results into <code>soob</code>
        Utils.shuffleArray(_oobs, oobcnt, soob, seedForOob, 0);
        for (int j = 0; j < oobcnt; j++) {
            int row = _oobs[j];
            // - prepare a row data
            for (int i = 0; i < chks.length - 1; i++) {
                // 1+i - one free is expected by prediction
                data[i] = chks[i].at0(row);
            // - permute variable
            if (_var >= 0)
                data[_var] = chks[_var].at0(soob[j]);
                assert false;
            // - score data
            // - score only the tree
            //.classify0(ntree, _data, chks, row, _modelDataMap, numClasses );
            int prediction = (int) Tree.classify(new AutoBuffer(_model.tree(ntree)), data, (double) _N, false);
            if (prediction >= _nclasses)
            int pred = alignModelIdx(prediction);
            int actu = alignDataIdx((int) chks[_classcol].at80(_oobs[j]) - cmin);
            if (pred == actu)
Also used : AutoBuffer(water.AutoBuffer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Random(java.util.Random)

Example 5 with AutoBuffer

use of water.AutoBuffer in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class NetworkInitTest method testIPv6AddressEncoding.

// Test for H2OKey
public void testIPv6AddressEncoding() {
    byte[] address = toByte(toOctects(ari(0x2001, 0xdb8, 0x1234, 0x0001, 0x9988, 0x7766, 0xdead, 0xbabe)));
    long high = ArrayUtils.encodeAsLong(address, 8, 8);
    long low = ArrayUtils.encodeAsLong(address, 0, 8);
    AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
    byte[] returnedAddress = ab.put8(low).put8(high).flipForReading().getA1(16);
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(address, returnedAddress);
Also used : AutoBuffer(water.AutoBuffer) Test(org.junit.Test)


AutoBuffer (water.AutoBuffer)7 Test (org.junit.Test)4 RString (water.util.RString)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)1