Search in sources :

Example 1 with H2OCountedCompleter

use of water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class GLM2 method checkKKTAndComplete.

protected void checkKKTAndComplete(final CountedCompleter cc, final GLMIterationTask glmt, final double[] newBeta, final boolean failedLineSearch) {
    H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter) cc;
    final double[] fullBeta = newBeta == null ? MemoryManager.malloc8d(_srcDinfo.fullN() + _intercept - _noffsets) : expandVec(newBeta, _activeCols);
    // now we need full gradient (on all columns) using this beta
    new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets, GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, _glm, false, true, true, fullBeta, _ymu, 1.0 / _nobs, thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(cmp) {

        public String toString() {
            return "checkKKTAndComplete.Callback, completer = " + getCompleter() == null ? "null" : getCompleter().toString();

        public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt2) {
            // first check KKT conditions!
            final double[] grad = glmt2.gradient(alpha[0], _currentLambda);
            if (Utils.hasNaNsOrInfs(grad)) {
                _failedLineSearch = true;
            // TODO: add warning and break the lambda search? Or throw Exception?
            glmt._val = glmt2._val;
            _lastResult = makeIterationInfo(_iter, glmt2, null, glmt2.gradient(alpha[0], 0));
            // check the KKT conditions and filter data for next lambda_value
            // check the gradient
            double[] subgrad = grad.clone();
            ADMMSolver.subgrad(alpha[0], _currentLambda, fullBeta, subgrad);
            double grad_eps = GLM_GRAD_EPS;
            if (!failedLineSearch && _activeCols != null) {
                for (int c = 0; c < _activeCols.length - _noffsets; ++c) if (subgrad[_activeCols[c]] > grad_eps)
                    grad_eps = subgrad[_activeCols[c]];
                else if (subgrad[c] < -grad_eps)
                    grad_eps = -subgrad[_activeCols[c]];
                int[] failedCols = new int[64];
                int fcnt = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < grad.length - 1; ++i) {
                    if (Arrays.binarySearch(_activeCols, i) >= 0)
                    if (subgrad[i] > grad_eps || -subgrad[i] > grad_eps) {
                        if (fcnt == failedCols.length)
                            failedCols = Arrays.copyOf(failedCols, failedCols.length << 1);
                        failedCols[fcnt++] = i;
                if (fcnt > 0) {
                    final int n = _activeCols.length;
                    final int[] oldActiveCols = _activeCols;
                    _activeCols = Arrays.copyOf(_activeCols, _activeCols.length + fcnt);
                    for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; ++i) _activeCols[n + i] = failedCols[i];
                    LogInfo(fcnt + " variables failed KKT conditions check! Adding them to the model and continuing computation.(grad_eps = " + grad_eps + ", activeCols = " + (_activeCols.length > 100 ? "lost" : Arrays.toString(_activeCols)));
                    _activeData = _srcDinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols);
                    // NOTE: tricky completer game here:
                    // We expect 0 pending in this method since this is the end-point, ( actually it's racy, can be 1 with pending 1 decrement from the original Iteration callback, end result is 0 though)
                    // while iteration expects pending count of 1, so we need to increase it here (Iteration itself adds 1 but 1 will be subtracted when we leave this method since we're in the callback which is called by onCompletion!
                    // [unlike at the start of nextLambda call when we're not inside onCompletion]))
                    new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets, GLM2.this.self(), _activeData, _glm, true, true, true, resizeVec(newBeta, _activeCols, oldActiveCols), _ymu, glmt._reg, thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter())).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
            int diff = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA - _iter + _iter1;
            if (diff > 0)
                // update progress
                new GLM2_ProgressUpdate(diff).fork(_progressKey);
            GLM2.this.setSubmodel(newBeta, glmt2._val, (H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter().getCompleter());
            _done = true;
            LogInfo("computation of current lambda done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - GLM2.this.start_time) + "ms");
            assert _lastResult._fullGrad != null;
Also used : H2OCallback(water.H2O.H2OCallback) GLMIterationTask(hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMIterationTask) H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter)

Example 2 with H2OCountedCompleter

use of water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class GLM2 method run.

public void run(boolean doLog, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
    if (doLog)
    // just fork off the nfolds+1 tasks and wait for the results
    assert alpha.length == 1;
    start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (nlambdas == -1)
        nlambdas = 100;
    if (lambda_search && nlambdas <= 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(LogInfo("GLM2: nlambdas must be > 1 when running with lambda search."));
    Futures fs = new Futures();
    Key dst = dest();
    new YMUTask(GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, n_folds, new H2OCallback<YMUTask>(cmp) {

        public String toString() {
            return "YMUTask callback. completer = " + getCompleter() != null ? "null" : getCompleter().toString();

        public void callback(final YMUTask ymut) {
            if (ymut._ymin == ymut._ymax)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(LogInfo("GLM2: attempted to run with constant response. Response == " + ymut._ymin + " for all rows in the training set."));
            if (ymut.nobs() == 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(LogInfo("GLM2: got no active rows in the dataset after discarding rows with NAs"));
            _ymu = ymut.ymu();
            _nobs = ymut.nobs();
            if ( == Family.binomial && prior != -1 && prior != _ymu && !Double.isNaN(prior)) {
                _iceptAdjust = -Math.log(_ymu * (1 - prior) / (prior * (1 - _ymu)));
            } else
                prior = _ymu;
            H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter();
            // public GLMIterationTask(int noff, Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMParams glm, boolean computeGram, boolean validate, boolean computeGradient, double [] beta, double ymu, double reg, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
            new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets, GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, _glm, false, true, true, nullModelBeta(_srcDinfo, _ymu), _ymu, 1.0 / _nobs, thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(cmp) {

                public String toString() {
                    return "LMAXTask callback. completer = " + (getCompleter() != null ? "NULL" : getCompleter().toString());

                public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt) {
                    double[] beta = glmt._beta;
                    if (beta_start == null) {
                        beta_start = beta;
                    _nullDeviance = glmt._val.residualDeviance();
                    _currentLambda = lambda_max = Math.max(Utils.maxValue(glmt._grad), -Utils.minValue(glmt._grad)) / Math.max(1e-3, alpha[0]);
                    _lastResult = makeIterationInfo(0, glmt, null, glmt.gradient(0, 0));
                    GLMModel model = new GLMModel(GLM2.this, dest(), _srcDinfo, _glm, glmt._val, beta_epsilon, alpha[0], lambda_max, _ymu, prior);
                    if (lambda_search) {
                        assert !Double.isNaN(lambda_max) : LogInfo("running lambda_value search, but don't know what is the lambda_value max!");
                        model = addLmaxSubmodel(model, glmt._val, beta);
                        if (nlambdas == -1) {
                            lambda = null;
                        } else {
                            if (lambda_min_ratio == -1)
                                lambda_min_ratio = _nobs > 25 * _srcDinfo.fullN() ? 1e-4 : 1e-2;
                            final double d = Math.pow(lambda_min_ratio, 1.0 / (nlambdas - 1));
                            if (nlambdas == 0)
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("nlambdas must be > 0 when running lambda search.");
                            lambda = new double[nlambdas];
                            lambda[0] = lambda_max;
                            if (nlambdas == 1)
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of lambdas must be > 1 when running with lambda_search!");
                            for (int i = 1; i < lambda.length; ++i) lambda[i] = lambda[i - 1] * d;
                            lambda_min = lambda[lambda.length - 1];
                            max_iter = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA * nlambdas;
                        _runAllLambdas = false;
                    } else {
                        if (lambda == null || lambda.length == 0)
                            lambda = new double[] { DEFAULT_LAMBDA };
                        int i = 0;
                        while (i < lambda.length && lambda[i] > lambda_max) ++i;
                        if (i == lambda.length)
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given lambda(s) are all > lambda_max = " + lambda_max + ", have nothing to run with. lambda = " + Arrays.toString(lambda));
                        if (i > 0) {
                            model.addWarning("Removed " + i + " lambdas greater than lambda_max.");
                            lambda = Utils.append(new double[] { lambda_max }, Arrays.copyOfRange(lambda, i, lambda.length));
                            addLmaxSubmodel(model, glmt._val, beta);
                    lambda_min = lambda[lambda.length - 1];
                    if (n_folds > 1) {
                        final H2OCountedCompleter futures = new H2OEmptyCompleter();
                        final GLM2[] xvals = new GLM2[n_folds + 1];
                        futures.addToPendingCount(xvals.length - 2);
                        for (int i = 0; i < xvals.length; ++i) {
                            xvals[i] = (GLM2) GLM2.this.clone();
                            xvals[i].n_folds = 0;
                            xvals[i].standardize = standardize;
                            xvals[i].family = family;
                            xvals[i].link = link;
                            xvals[i].beta_epsilon = beta_epsilon;
                            xvals[i].max_iter = max_iter;
                            xvals[i].variable_importances = variable_importances;
                            if (i != 0) {
                                xvals[i]._srcDinfo = _srcDinfo.getFold(i - 1, n_folds);
                                xvals[i].destination_key = Key.make(dest().toString() + "_xval_" + i, (byte) 1, Key.HIDDEN_USER_KEY, H2O.SELF);
                                xvals[i]._nobs = ymut.nobs(i - 1);
                                xvals[i]._ymu = ymut.ymu(i - 1);
                                final int fi = i;
                                final double ymu = ymut.ymu(fi - 1);
                                // new GLMIterationTask(offset_cols.length,GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, _glm, false, true, true,nullModelBeta(),_ymu,1.0/_nobs, thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(cmp){
                                new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets, self(), xvals[i]._srcDinfo, _glm, false, true, true, nullModelBeta(xvals[fi]._srcDinfo, ymu), ymu, 1.0 / ymut.nobs(fi - 1), thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(futures) {

                                    public String toString() {
                                        return "Xval LMAXTask callback., completer = " + getCompleter() == null ? "null" : getCompleter().toString();

                                    public void callback(GLMIterationTask t) {
                                        xvals[fi].beta_start = t._beta;
                                        xvals[fi]._currentLambda = xvals[fi].lambda_max = Math.max(Utils.maxValue(glmt._grad), -Utils.minValue(glmt._grad)) / Math.max(1e-3, alpha[0]);
                                        assert xvals[fi].lambda_max > 0;
                                        xvals[fi]._lastResult = makeIterationInfo(0, t, null, t.gradient(alpha[0], 0));
                                        GLMModel m = new GLMModel(GLM2.this, xvals[fi].destination_key, xvals[fi]._srcDinfo, _glm, t._val, beta_epsilon, alpha[0], xvals[fi].lambda_max, xvals[fi]._ymu, prior);
                                        m.submodels = new Submodel[] { new Submodel(xvals[fi].lambda_max, t._beta, t._beta, 0, 0, t._beta.length >= sparseCoefThreshold) };
                                        m.submodels[0].validation = t._val;
                                        assert t._val != null;
                                        if (xvals[fi].lambda_max > lambda_max) {
                                            new ParallelGLMs(GLM2.this, new GLM2[] { xvals[fi] }, lambda_max, 1, futures).fork();
                        _xvals = xvals;
                    nextLambda(nextLambdaValue(), new LambdaIteration(getCompleter()));
Also used : Submodel(hex.glm.GLMModel.Submodel) YMUTask(hex.glm.GLMTask.YMUTask) GLMIterationTask(hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMIterationTask) H2OCallback(water.H2O.H2OCallback) H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) H2OEmptyCompleter(water.H2O.H2OEmptyCompleter)

Example 3 with H2OCountedCompleter

use of water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class FrameSplitter method compute2.

public void compute2() {
    // Lock all possible data
    // Create a template vector for each segment
    final Vec[][] templates = makeTemplates(dataset, ratios);
    final int nsplits = templates.length;
    assert nsplits == ratios.length + 1 : "Unexpected number of split templates!";
    // Launch number of distributed FJ for each split part
    final Vec[] datasetVecs = dataset.vecs();
    splits = new Frame[nsplits];
    for (int s = 0; s < nsplits; s++) {
        Frame split = new Frame(destKeys[s], dataset.names(), templates[s]);
        splits[s] = split;
    H2O.submitTask(new H2OCountedCompleter(FrameSplitter.this) {

        public void compute2() {
            for (int s = 0; s < nsplits; s++) {
                new FrameSplitTask(new // Completer for this task
                H2OCountedCompleter(// Completer for this task
                this) {

                    public void compute2() {

                    public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter caller) {
                        synchronized (FrameSplitter.this) {
                            // synchronized on this since can be accessed from different workers
                            workersExceptions = workersExceptions != null ? Arrays.copyOf(workersExceptions, workersExceptions.length + 1) : new Throwable[1];
                            workersExceptions[workersExceptions.length - 1] = ex;
                        // we handle the exception so wait perform normal completion
                        return false;
                }, datasetVecs, ratios, s).asyncExec(splits[s]);
            // complete the computation of nsplits-tasks
    // complete the computation of thrown tasks
Also used : H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) CountedCompleter(jsr166y.CountedCompleter)

Example 4 with H2OCountedCompleter

use of water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class NeuralNet method startTrain.

void startTrain() {
    running = true;
    // Vec[] vecs = Utils.append(_train, response);
    // reChunk(vecs);
    // final Vec[] train = new Vec[vecs.length - 1];
    // System.arraycopy(vecs, 0, train, 0, train.length);
    // final Vec trainResp = classification ? vecs[vecs.length - 1].toEnum() : vecs[vecs.length - 1];
    final Vec[] train = _train;
    final Vec trainResp = classification ? response.toEnum() : response;
    final Layer[] ls = new Layer[hidden.length + 2];
    ls[0] = new VecsInput(train, null);
    for (int i = 0; i < hidden.length; i++) {
        switch(activation) {
            case Tanh:
                ls[i + 1] = new Tanh(hidden[i]);
            case TanhWithDropout:
                ls[i + 1] = new TanhDropout(hidden[i]);
            case Rectifier:
                ls[i + 1] = new Rectifier(hidden[i]);
            case RectifierWithDropout:
                ls[i + 1] = new RectifierDropout(hidden[i]);
            case Maxout:
                ls[i + 1] = new Maxout(hidden[i]);
            case MaxoutWithDropout:
                ls[i + 1] = new MaxoutDropout(hidden[i]);
    if (classification)
        ls[ls.length - 1] = new VecSoftmax(trainResp, null);
        ls[ls.length - 1] = new VecLinear(trainResp, null);
    //copy parameters from NeuralNet, and set previous/input layer links
    for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) ls[i].init(ls, i, this);
    final Key sourceKey = Key.make(input("source"));
    final Frame frame = new Frame(_names, train);
    frame.add(_responseName, trainResp);
    final Errors[] trainErrors0 = new Errors[] { new Errors() };
    final Errors[] validErrors0 = validation == null ? null : new Errors[] { new Errors() };
    NeuralNetModel model = new NeuralNetModel(destination_key, sourceKey, frame, ls, this);
    model.training_errors = trainErrors0;
    model.validation_errors = validErrors0;
    final Frame[] adapted = validation == null ? null : model.adapt(validation, false);
    final Trainer trainer;
    final long num_rows = source.numRows();
    if (mode == SingleThread) {"Entering single-threaded execution mode");
        trainer = new Trainer.Direct(ls, epochs, self());
    } else {
        // one node works on the first batch of points serially for improved stability
        if (warmup_samples > 0) {
  "Training the first " + warmup_samples + " samples in serial for improved stability.");
            Trainer warmup = new Trainer.Direct(ls, (double) warmup_samples / num_rows, self());
        //TODO: for MapReduce send weights from master VM to all other VMs
        if (mode == SingleNode) {
  "Entering single-node (multi-threaded Hogwild) execution mode.");
            trainer = new Trainer.Threaded(ls, epochs, self(), -1);
        } else if (mode == MapReduce) {
            if (warmup_samples > 0 && mode == MapReduce) {
      "Multi-threaded warmup with " + warmup_samples + " samples.");
                Trainer warmup = new Trainer.Threaded(ls, (double) warmup_samples / num_rows, self(), -1);
            //TODO: for MapReduce send weights from master VM to all other VMs
  "Entering multi-node (MapReduce + multi-threaded Hogwild) execution mode.");
            trainer = new Trainer.MapReduce(ls, epochs, self());
        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid execution mode.");
    }"Running for " + epochs + " epochs.");
    final NeuralNet nn = this;
    // Use a separate thread for monitoring (blocked most of the time)
    Thread monitor = new Thread() {

        Errors[] trainErrors = trainErrors0, validErrors = validErrors0;

        public void run() {
            try {
                Vec[] valid = null;
                Vec validResp = null;
                if (validation != null) {
                    assert adapted != null;
                    final Vec[] vs = adapted[0].vecs();
                    valid = Arrays.copyOf(vs, vs.length - 1);
                    System.arraycopy(adapted[0].vecs(), 0, valid, 0, valid.length);
                    validResp = vs[vs.length - 1];
                //score the model every 2 seconds (or less often, if it takes longer to score)
                final long num_samples_total = (long) (Math.ceil(num_rows * epochs));
                long num = -1, last_eval = runTimeMs();
                do {
                    //time between evaluations
                    final long interval = (long) (score_interval * 1000);
                    long time_taken = runTimeMs() - last_eval;
                    if (num >= 0 && time_taken < interval) {
                        Thread.sleep(interval - time_taken);
                    last_eval = runTimeMs();
                    num = eval(valid, validResp);
                    if (num >= num_samples_total)
                    if (mode != MapReduce) {
                        if (!isRunning(self()) || !running)
                    } else {
                        //MapReduce calls cancel() early, we are waiting for running = false
                        if (!running)
                } while (true);
                // remove validation data
                if (adapted != null && adapted[1] != null)
      "Training finished.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {

        private long eval(Vec[] valid, Vec validResp) {
            long[][] cm = null;
            if (classification) {
                int classes = ls[ls.length - 1].units;
                cm = new long[classes][classes];
            NeuralNetModel model = new NeuralNetModel(destination_key, sourceKey, frame, ls, nn);
            // score model on training set
            Errors e = eval(train, trainResp, score_training, valid == null ? cm : null);
            e.score_training = score_training == 0 ? train[0].length() : score_training;
            trainErrors = Utils.append(trainErrors, e);
            model.unstable |= Double.isNaN(e.mean_square) || Double.isNaN(e.cross_entropy);
            model.training_errors = trainErrors;
            // score model on validation set
            if (valid != null) {
                e = eval(valid, validResp, score_validation, cm);
                e.score_validation = score_validation == 0 ? valid[0].length() : score_validation;
                validErrors = Utils.append(validErrors, e);
                model.unstable |= Double.isNaN(e.mean_square) || Double.isNaN(e.cross_entropy);
            model.validation_errors = validErrors;
            model.confusion_matrix = cm;
            // terminate model building if we detect that a model is unstable
            if (model.unstable)
                NeuralNet.running = false;
            return e.training_samples;

        private Errors eval(Vec[] vecs, Vec resp, long n, long[][] cm) {
            Errors e = NeuralNet.eval(ls, vecs, resp, n, cm);
            e.training_samples = trainer.processed();
            e.training_time_ms = runTimeMs();
            return e;
    // Gracefully terminate the job submitted via H2O web API
    if (mode != MapReduce) {
        //tell the monitor thread to finish too
        running = false;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } else {
        while (running) {
            //MapReduce will inform us that running = false
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // remove this job -> stop H2O interface from refreshing
    H2OCountedCompleter task = _fjtask;
    if (task != null)
Also used : H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) Layer(hex.Layer)

Example 5 with H2OCountedCompleter

use of water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class RPC method call.

// Make an initial RPC, or re-send a packet.  Always called on 1st send; also
// called on a timeout.
public synchronized RPC<V> call() {
    // add it to the RPC call.
    if (_dt.getCompleter() != null) {
        CountedCompleter cc = _dt.getCompleter();
        assert cc instanceof H2OCountedCompleter;
        boolean alreadyIn = false;
        if (_fjtasks != null)
            for (H2OCountedCompleter hcc : _fjtasks) if (hcc == cc)
                alreadyIn = true;
        if (!alreadyIn)
            addCompleter((H2OCountedCompleter) cc);
    // If running on self, just submit to queues & do locally
    if (_target == H2O.SELF) {
        assert _dt.getCompleter() == null;
        _dt.setCompleter(new H2O.H2OCallback<DTask>() {

            public void callback(DTask dt) {
                assert dt == _dt;
                synchronized (RPC.this) {
                    // F/J guarentees called once
                    assert !_done;
                    _done = true;

            public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter dt) {
                assert dt == _dt;
                synchronized (RPC.this) {
                    // Filter down to 1st exceptional completion
                    if (_done)
                        return true;
                    // must be set as the last thing before notify, the waiting thread can wake up any at any time!
                    _done = true;
                return true;
        return this;
    // Keep a global record, for awhile
    if (_target != null)
        _target.taskPut(_tasknum, this);
    try {
        // We could be racing timeouts-vs-replies.  Blow off timeout if we have an answer.
        if (isDone()) {
            if (_target != null)
            return this;
        // send the basic UDP control packet.
        if (!_sentTcp) {
            // Ship the UDP packet!
            while (true) {
                // Retry loop for broken TCP sends
                AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(_target);
                try {
                    ab.putTask(UDP.udp.exec, _tasknum).put1(CLIENT_UDP_SEND).put(_dt);
                    boolean t = ab.hasTCP();
                    assert sz_check(ab) : "Resend of " + _dt.getClass() + " changes size from " + _size + " to " + ab.size() + " for task#" + _tasknum;
                    // Then close; send final byte
                    // Set after close (and any other possible fail)
                    _sentTcp = t;
                    // Break out of retry loop
                } catch (AutoBuffer.AutoBufferException e) {
                    Log.info_no_DKV(Log.Tag.Sys.WATER, "IOException during RPC call: " + e._ioe.getMessage() + ",  AB=" + ab + ", for task#" + _tasknum + ", waiting and retrying...");
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
        // end of while(true)
        } else {
            // Else it was sent via TCP in a prior attempt, and we've timed out.
            // This means the caller's ACK/answer probably got dropped and we need
            // him to resend it (or else the caller is still processing our
            // request).  Send a UDP reminder - but with the CLIENT_TCP_SEND flag
            // instead of the UDP send, and no DTask (since it previously went via
            // TCP, no need to resend it).
            AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(_target).putTask(UDP.udp.exec, _tasknum);
        // Double retry until we exceed existing age.  This is the time to delay
        // until we try again.  Note that we come here immediately on creation,
        // so the first doubling happens before anybody does any waiting.  Also
        // note the generous 5sec cap: ping at least every 5 sec.
        _retry += (_retry < 5000) ? _retry : 5000;
        // Put self on the "TBD" list of tasks awaiting Timeout.
        // So: dont really 'forget' but remember me in a little bit.
        return this;
    } catch (Error t) {
        throw Log.err(t);
Also used : H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) H2OCountedCompleter(water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) CountedCompleter(jsr166y.CountedCompleter)


H2OCountedCompleter (water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter)14 CountedCompleter (jsr166y.CountedCompleter)4 GLMIterationTask (hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMIterationTask)2 H2OCallback (water.H2O.H2OCallback)2 H2OEmptyCompleter (water.H2O.H2OEmptyCompleter)2 Layer (hex.Layer)1 GLMParameters (hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters)1 GLMWeightsFun (hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMWeightsFun)1 Submodel (hex.glm.GLMModel.Submodel)1 YMUTask (hex.glm.GLMTask.YMUTask)1 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)1 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)1 VectorGroup (water.fvec.Vec.VectorGroup)1 BufferedString (water.parser.BufferedString)1 ExpectedExceptionForDebug (water.util.Utils.ExpectedExceptionForDebug)1