use of water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class StackedEnsemble method addModelPredictionsToLevelOneFrame.
public static void addModelPredictionsToLevelOneFrame(Model aModel, Frame aModelsPredictions, Frame levelOneFrame) {
if (aModel._output.isBinomialClassifier()) {
// GLM uses a different column name than the other algos, yay!
// Predictions column names have been changed. . .
Vec preds = aModelsPredictions.vec(2);
levelOneFrame.add(aModel._key.toString(), preds);
} else if (aModel._output.isClassifier()) {
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't yet know how to stack multinomial classifiers: " + aModel._key);
} else if (aModel._output.isAutoencoder()) {
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't yet know how to stack autoencoders: " + aModel._key);
} else if (!aModel._output.isSupervised()) {
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't yet know how to stack unsupervised models: " + aModel._key);
} else {
levelOneFrame.add(aModel._key.toString(), aModelsPredictions.vec("predict"));
use of water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class StackedEnsembleModel method distributionFamily.
private DistributionFamily distributionFamily(Model aModel) {
// TODO: hack alert: In DRF, _parms._distribution is always set to multinomial. Yay.
if (aModel instanceof DRFModel)
if (aModel._output.isBinomialClassifier())
return DistributionFamily.bernoulli;
else if (aModel._output.isClassifier())
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to set the distribution for a multinomial Random Forest classifier.");
return DistributionFamily.gaussian;
try {
Field familyField = ReflectionUtils.findNamedField(aModel._parms, "_family");
Field distributionField = (familyField != null ? null : ReflectionUtils.findNamedField(aModel, "_dist"));
if (null != familyField) {
// GLM only, for now
GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family thisFamily = (GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family) familyField.get(aModel._parms);
if (thisFamily == GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family.binomial) {
return DistributionFamily.bernoulli;
try {
return Enum.valueOf(DistributionFamily.class, thisFamily.toString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to find the right DistributionFamily for Family: " + thisFamily);
if (null != distributionField) {
Distribution distribution = ((Distribution) distributionField.get(aModel));
DistributionFamily distributionFamily;
if (null != distribution)
distributionFamily = distribution.distribution;
distributionFamily = aModel._parms._distribution;
// NOTE: If the algo does smart guessing of the distribution family we need to duplicate the logic here.
if (distributionFamily == DistributionFamily.AUTO) {
if (aModel._output.isBinomialClassifier())
distributionFamily = DistributionFamily.bernoulli;
else if (aModel._output.isClassifier())
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to determine the distribution for a multinomial classifier.");
distributionFamily = DistributionFamily.gaussian;
return distributionFamily;
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to stack models that have neither a distribution hyperparameter nor a family hyperparameter.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(e.toString(), e.toString());
use of water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class StackedEnsembleModel method checkAndInheritModelProperties.
public void checkAndInheritModelProperties() {
if (null == _parms._base_models || 0 == _parms._base_models.length)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("When creating a StackedEnsemble you must specify one or more models; found 0.");
Model aModel = null;
boolean beenHere = false;
trainingFrameChecksum = _parms.train().checksum();
for (Key<Model> k : _parms._base_models) {
aModel = DKV.getGet(k);
if (null == aModel) {
Log.warn("Failed to find base model; skipping: " + k);
if (beenHere) {
// check that the base models are all consistent
if (_output._isSupervised ^ aModel.isSupervised())
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: there is a mix of supervised and unsupervised models: " + Arrays.toString(_parms._base_models));
if (modelCategory != aModel._output.getModelCategory())
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: there is a mix of different categories of models: " + Arrays.toString(_parms._base_models));
Frame aTrainingFrame = aModel._parms.train();
if (trainingFrameChecksum != aTrainingFrame.checksum())
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: they use different training frames. Found checksums: " + trainingFrameChecksum + " and: " + aTrainingFrame.checksum() + ".");
NonBlockingHashSet<String> aNames = new NonBlockingHashSet<>();
if (!aNames.equals(this.names))
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: they use different column lists. Found: " + this.names + " and: " + aNames + ".");
NonBlockingHashSet<String> anIgnoredColumns = new NonBlockingHashSet<>();
if (null != aModel._parms._ignored_columns)
if (!anIgnoredColumns.equals(this.ignoredColumns))
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: they use different ignored_column lists. Found: " + this.ignoredColumns + " and: " + aModel._parms._ignored_columns + ".");
if (!responseColumn.equals(aModel._parms._response_column))
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: they use different response columns. Found: " + responseColumn + " and: " + aModel._parms._response_column + ".");
if (_output._domains.length != aModel._output._domains.length)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: there is a mix of different numbers of domains (categorical levels): " + Arrays.toString(_parms._base_models));
if (nfolds != aModel._parms._nfolds)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base models are inconsistent: they use different values for nfolds.");
// TODO: loosen this iff _parms._valid or if we add a separate holdout dataset for the ensemble
if (aModel._parms._nfolds < 2)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base model does not use cross-validation: " + aModel._parms._nfolds);
// TODO: loosen this iff it's consistent, like if we have a _fold_column
if (aModel._parms._fold_assignment != Modulo)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base model does not use Modulo for cross-validation: " + aModel._parms._nfolds);
if (!aModel._parms._keep_cross_validation_predictions)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Base model does not keep cross-validation predictions: " + aModel._parms._nfolds);
// Hack alert: DRF only does Bernoulli and Gaussian, so only compare _domains.length above.
if (!(aModel instanceof DRFModel) && distributionFamily(aModel) != distributionFamily(this))
Log.warn("Base models are inconsistent; they use different distributions: " + distributionFamily(this) + " and: " + distributionFamily(aModel) + ". Is this intentional?");
// TODO: If we're set to DistributionFamily.AUTO then GLM might auto-conform the response column
// giving us inconsistencies.
} else {
// !beenHere: this is the first base_model
_output._isSupervised = aModel.isSupervised();
this.modelCategory = aModel._output.getModelCategory();
this._dist = new Distribution(distributionFamily(aModel));
_output._domains = Arrays.copyOf(aModel._output._domains, aModel._output._domains.length);
// TODO: set _parms._train to aModel._parms.train()
_output._names = aModel._output._names;
this.names = new NonBlockingHashSet<>();
this.ignoredColumns = new NonBlockingHashSet<>();
if (null != aModel._parms._ignored_columns)
// consistent with the base_models:
if (null != this._parms._ignored_columns) {
NonBlockingHashSet<String> ensembleIgnoredColumns = new NonBlockingHashSet<>();
if (!ensembleIgnoredColumns.equals(this.ignoredColumns))
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("A StackedEnsemble takes its ignored_columns list from the base models. An inconsistent list of ignored_columns was specified for the ensemble model.");
responseColumn = aModel._parms._response_column;
if (!responseColumn.equals(_parms._response_column))
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("StackedModel response_column must match the response_column of each base model. Found: " + responseColumn + " and: " + _parms._response_column);
nfolds = aModel._parms._nfolds;
_parms._distribution = aModel._parms._distribution;
beenHere = true;
if (null == aModel)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("When creating a StackedEnsemble you must specify one or more models; " + _parms._base_models.length + " were specified but none of those were found: " + Arrays.toString(_parms._base_models));
use of water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class DeepLearning method makeDataInfo.
* Helper to create the DataInfo object from training/validation frames and the DL parameters
* @param train Training frame
* @param valid Validation frame
* @param parms Model parameters
* @param nClasses Number of response levels (1: regression, >=2: classification)
* @return DataInfo
static DataInfo makeDataInfo(Frame train, Frame valid, DeepLearningParameters parms, int nClasses) {
double x = 0.782347234;
boolean identityLink = new Distribution(parms).link(x) == x;
DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(train, valid, //nResponses
parms._autoencoder ? 0 : 1, //use all FactorLevels for auto-encoder
parms._autoencoder || parms._use_all_factor_levels, //transform predictors
parms._standardize ? (parms._autoencoder ? DataInfo.TransformType.NORMALIZE : parms._sparse ? DataInfo.TransformType.DESCALE : DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE) : DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, //transform response for regression with identity link
!parms._standardize || train.lastVec().isCategorical() ? DataInfo.TransformType.NONE : identityLink ? DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE : DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, //whether to skip missing
parms._missing_values_handling == DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.Skip, // do not replace NAs in numeric cols with mean
false, // always add a bucket for missing values
true, // observation weights
parms._weights_column != null, parms._offset_column != null, parms._fold_column != null);
// Checks and adjustments:
// 1) observation weights (adjust mean/sigmas for predictors and response)
// 2) NAs (check that there's enough rows left)
GLMTask.YMUTask ymt = new GLMTask.YMUTask(dinfo, nClasses, !parms._autoencoder && nClasses == 1, parms._missing_values_handling == MissingValuesHandling.Skip, !parms._autoencoder).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame);
if (ymt.wsum() == 0 && parms._missing_values_handling == DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.Skip)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("No rows left in the dataset after filtering out rows with missing values. Ignore columns with many NAs or set missing_values_handling to 'MeanImputation'.");
if (parms._weights_column != null && parms._offset_column != null) {
Log.warn("Combination of offset and weights can lead to slight differences because Rollupstats aren't weighted - need to re-calculate weighted mean/sigma of the response including offset terms.");
if (parms._weights_column != null && parms._offset_column == null) /*FIXME: offset not yet implemented*/
dinfo.updateWeightedSigmaAndMean(ymt.predictorSDs(), ymt.predictorMeans());
if (nClasses == 1)
dinfo.updateWeightedSigmaAndMeanForResponse(ymt.responseSDs(), ymt.responseMeans());
return dinfo;
use of water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class DeepLearningModel method scoreAutoEncoder.
* Score auto-encoded reconstruction (on-the-fly, without allocating the reconstruction as done in Frame score(Frame fr))
* @param frame Original data (can contain response, will be ignored)
* @param destination_key Frame Id for output
* @param reconstruction_error_per_feature whether to return the squared error per feature
* @return Frame containing one Vec with reconstruction error (MSE) of each reconstructed row, caller is responsible for deletion
public Frame scoreAutoEncoder(Frame frame, Key destination_key, final boolean reconstruction_error_per_feature) {
if (!get_params()._autoencoder)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Only for AutoEncoder Deep Learning model.", "");
final int len = _output._names.length;
Frame adaptFrm = new Frame(frame);
adaptTestForTrain(adaptFrm, true, false);
final int outputcols = reconstruction_error_per_feature ? model_info.data_info.fullN() : 1;
Frame mse = new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] mse) {
double[] tmp = new double[len];
double[] out = new double[outputcols];
final Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info);
for (int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; row++) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) tmp[i] = chks[i].atd(row);
score_autoencoder(tmp, out, neurons, false, /*reconstruction*/
for (int i = 0; i < outputcols; ++i) mse[i].addNum(out[i]);
}.doAll(outputcols, Vec.T_NUM, adaptFrm).outputFrame();
String[] names;
if (reconstruction_error_per_feature) {
String[] coefnames = model_info().data_info().coefNames();
assert (outputcols == coefnames.length);
names = new String[outputcols];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
names[i] = "reconstr_" + coefnames[i] + ".SE";
} else {
names = new String[] { "Reconstruction.MSE" };
Frame res = new Frame(destination_key, names, mse.vecs());
addModelMetrics(new ModelMetricsAutoEncoder(this, frame, res.numRows(), res.vecs()[0].mean()));
return res;