use of water.fvec.Frame in project h2o-2 by h2oai.
the class MRUtils method mul.
public static Frame mul(Frame fr, final double d) {
Frame r = new MRTask2() {
public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) {
for (int i = 0; i < ncs.length; i++) {
NewChunk nc = ncs[i];
Chunk c = cs[i];
for (int r = 0; r < c._len; r++) nc.addNum(c.at0(r) * d);
}.doAll(fr.numCols(), fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),;
return r;
use of water.fvec.Frame in project h2o-2 by h2oai.
the class Models method findCompatibleFrames.
private static Map<String, Frame> findCompatibleFrames(Model model, Map<String, Frame> all_frames, Map<String, Set<String>> all_frames_cols) {
Map<String, Frame> compatible_frames = new TreeMap<String, Frame>();
Set<String> model_column_names = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(model._names));
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : all_frames_cols.entrySet()) {
Set<String> frame_cols = entry.getValue();
if (frame_cols.containsAll(model_column_names)) {
/// See if adapt throws an exception or not.
try {
Frame frame = all_frames.get(entry.getKey());
// TODO: this does too much work; write canAdapt()
Frame[] outputs = model.adapt(frame, false);
Frame adapted = outputs[0];
Frame trash = outputs[1];
// adapted.delete(); // TODO: shouldn't we clean up adapted vecs? But we can't delete() the frame as a whole. . .
// A-Ok
compatible_frames.put(entry.getKey(), frame);
} catch (Exception e) {
// skip
return compatible_frames;
use of water.fvec.Frame in project h2o-2 by h2oai.
the class Predict method serve.
protected Response serve() {
Frame fr = null;
try {
if (model == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model is required to perform validation!");
// Create a new random key
if (prediction == null)
prediction = Key.make("__Prediction_" + Key.make());
fr = new Frame(prediction, new String[0], new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(null);
fr = model.score(data);
// Jam in the frame key
fr = new Frame(prediction, fr._names, fr.vecs());
return Inspect2.redirect(this, prediction.toString());
} catch (Throwable t) {
return Response.error(t);
} finally {
if (fr != null)
use of water.fvec.Frame in project h2o-2 by h2oai.
the class ASTNum method select.
// Execute a col/row selection & return the selection. NULL means "all".
// Error to mix negatives & positive. Negative list is sorted, with dups
// removed. Positive list can have dups (which replicates cols) and is
// ordered. numbers. 1-based numbering; 0 is ignored & removed.
static Object select(long len, AST ast, Env env) {
// Trivial "all"
if (ast == null)
return null;
long[] cols;
if (!env.isAry()) {
// Peek double; Silent truncation (R semantics)
int col = (int) env._d[env._sp - 1];
// Ignore a non-existent column
if (col < 0 && col < -len)
col = 0;
if (col == 0)
return new long[0];
return new long[] { col };
// Got a frame/list of results.
// Decide if we're a toss-out or toss-in list
// Peek-frame
Frame ary = env._ary[env._sp - 1];
if (ary.numCols() != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selector must be a single column: " + ary.toStringNames());
Vec vec = ary.anyVec();
// Check for a matching column of bools.
if (ary.numRows() == len && vec.min() >= 0 && vec.max() <= 1 && vec.isInt() && ary.numRows() > 1)
// Boolean vector selection.
return ary;
// Convert single vector to a list of longs selecting rows
if (ary.numRows() > 10000000)
throw"Unimplemented: Cannot explicitly select > 10000000 rows in slice.");
cols = MemoryManager.malloc8((int) ary.numRows());
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; ++i) {
if (vec.isNA(i))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not use NA as index!");
cols[i] = vec.at8(i);
return cols;
use of water.fvec.Frame in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class GLRM method init.
* Validate all parameters, and prepare the model for training.
public void init(boolean expensive) {
_ncolX = _parms._k;
_ncolA = _train == null ? -1 : _train.numCols();
_ncolY = _train == null ? -1 : LinearAlgebraUtils.numColsExp(_train, true);
if (_parms._gamma_x < 0)
error("_gamma_x", "gamma must be a non-negative number");
if (_parms._gamma_y < 0)
error("_gamma_y", "gamma_y must be a non-negative number");
if (_parms._max_iterations < 1 || _parms._max_iterations > 1e6)
error("_max_iterations", "max_iterations must be between 1 and 1e6 inclusive");
if (_parms._init_step_size <= 0)
error("_init_step_size", "init_step_size must be a positive number");
if (_parms._min_step_size < 0 || _parms._min_step_size > _parms._init_step_size)
error("_min_step_size", "min_step_size must be between 0 and " + _parms._init_step_size);
// Cannot recover SVD of original _train from XY of transformed _train
if (_parms._recover_svd && (_parms._impute_original && _parms._transform != DataInfo.TransformType.NONE))
error("_recover_svd", "_recover_svd and _impute_original cannot both be true if _train is transformed");
if (_train == null)
if (_ncolA < 2)
error("_train", "_train must have more than one column");
if (_valid != null && _valid.numRows() != _train.numRows())
error("_valid", "_valid must have same number of rows as _train");
if (_ncolY > 5000)
warn("_train", "_train has " + _ncolY + " columns when categoricals are expanded. Algorithm may be slow.");
if (_parms._k < 1 || _parms._k > _ncolY)
error("_k", "_k must be between 1 and " + _ncolY + " inclusive");
if (_parms._user_y != null) {
// Check dimensions of user-specified initial Y
if (_parms._init != GlrmInitialization.User)
error("_init", "init must be 'User' if providing user-specified points");
Frame user_y = _parms._user_y.get();
assert user_y != null;
int user_y_cols = _parms._expand_user_y ? _ncolA : _ncolY;
// Check dimensions of user-specified initial Y
if (user_y.numCols() != user_y_cols)
error("_user_y", "The user-specified Y must have the same number of columns (" + user_y_cols + ") " + "as the training observations");
else if (user_y.numRows() != _parms._k)
error("_user_y", "The user-specified Y must have k = " + _parms._k + " rows");
else {
int zero_vec = 0;
Vec[] centersVecs = user_y.vecs();
for (int c = 0; c < _ncolA; c++) {
if (centersVecs[c].naCnt() > 0) {
error("_user_y", "The user-specified Y cannot contain any missing values");
} else if (centersVecs[c].isConst() && centersVecs[c].max() == 0)
if (zero_vec == _ncolA)
error("_user_y", "The user-specified Y cannot all be zero");
if (_parms._user_x != null) {
// Check dimensions of user-specified initial X
if (_parms._init != GlrmInitialization.User)
error("_init", "init must be 'User' if providing user-specified points");
Frame user_x = _parms._user_x.get();
assert user_x != null;
if (user_x.numCols() != _parms._k)
error("_user_x", "The user-specified X must have k = " + _parms._k + " columns");
else if (user_x.numRows() != _train.numRows())
error("_user_x", "The user-specified X must have the same number of rows " + "(" + _train.numRows() + ") as the training observations");
else {
int zero_vec = 0;
Vec[] centersVecs = user_x.vecs();
for (int c = 0; c < _parms._k; c++) {
if (centersVecs[c].naCnt() > 0) {
error("_user_x", "The user-specified X cannot contain any missing values");
} else if (centersVecs[c].isConst() && centersVecs[c].max() == 0)
if (zero_vec == _parms._k)
error("_user_x", "The user-specified X cannot all be zero");
for (int i = 0; i < _ncolA; i++) {
if (_train.vec(i).isString() || _train.vec(i).isUUID())
throw H2O.unimpl("GLRM cannot handle String or UUID data");
// check to make sure we can fit.
if (expensive && error_count() == 0)