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Example 26 with BufferedString

use of water.parser.BufferedString in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class IcedHasMapGenericTest method testSerialization.

public void testSerialization() {
    IcedHashMapGeneric m = new IcedHashMapGeneric();
    // String -> String pair
    m.put("haha", "gaga");
    // String -> String pair
    m.put("str->freezable", new IcedDouble(3.14));
    // String -> String pair
    m.put("str->freezable[]", new Freezable[] { new IcedDouble(3.14) });
    // String -> String pair
    m.put("str->Integer", 314);
    // Freezable -> String pair
    m.put(new BufferedString("haha2"), "gaga");
    // String -> String pair
    m.put(new BufferedString("str->freezable2"), new IcedDouble(3.14));
    // String -> String pair
    m.put(new BufferedString("str->freezable[]2"), new Freezable[] { new IcedDouble(3.14) });
    // String -> String pair
    m.put(new BufferedString("str->Integer2"), 314);
    // String -> String pair
    m.put(new IcedLong(1234), 1234);
    byte[] buf = new AutoBuffer().put(m).buf();
    IcedHashMapGeneric m2 = new AutoBuffer(buf).get();
    assertEquals(m.size(), m2.size());
    Set<Map.Entry> entries = m.entrySet();
    for (Map.Entry e : entries) {
        if (e.getValue() instanceof Freezable[])
            assert Arrays.deepEquals((Freezable[]) e.getValue(), (Freezable[]) m2.get(e.getKey()));
            assertEquals(e.getValue(), m2.get(e.getKey()));
Also used : IcedHashMapGeneric(water.util.IcedHashMapGeneric) IcedDouble(water.util.IcedDouble) IcedLong(water.util.IcedLong) BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString) Map(java.util.Map) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with BufferedString

use of water.parser.BufferedString in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class TestUtil method assertStringVecEquals.

public static void assertStringVecEquals(Vec expecteds, Vec actuals) {
    assertEquals(expecteds.length(), actuals.length());
    assertEquals("Vec types match", expecteds.get_type_str(), actuals.get_type_str());
    for (int i = 0; i < expecteds.length(); i++) {
        String expected = toStr(expecteds.atStr(new BufferedString(), i));
        String actual = toStr(actuals.atStr(new BufferedString(), i));
        final String message = i + ": " + expected + " != " + actual + ", chunkIds = " + expecteds.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", " + actuals.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", row in chunks = " + (i - expecteds.chunkForRow(i).start()) + ", " + (i - actuals.chunkForRow(i).start());
        assertEquals(message, expected, actual);
Also used : BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString) BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString)

Example 28 with BufferedString

use of water.parser.BufferedString in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class VecUtils method stringToCategorical.

   * Create a new {@link Vec} of categorical values from string {@link Vec}.
   * FIXME: implement in more efficient way with Brandon's primitives for BufferedString manipulation
   * @param vec a string {@link Vec}
   * @return a categorical {@link Vec}
public static Vec stringToCategorical(Vec vec) {
    final String[] vecDomain = new CollectStringVecDomain().domain(vec);
    MRTask task = new MRTask() {

        private transient java.util.HashMap<String, Integer> lookupTable;

        protected void setupLocal() {
            lookupTable = new java.util.HashMap<>(vecDomain.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < vecDomain.length; i++) {
                // FIXME: boxing
                lookupTable.put(vecDomain[i], i);

        public void map(Chunk c, NewChunk nc) {
            BufferedString bs = new BufferedString();
            for (int row = 0; row < c.len(); row++) {
                if (c.isNA(row)) {
                } else {
                    c.atStr(bs, row);
                    nc.addNum(lookupTable.get(bs.bytesToString()), 0);
    // Invoke tasks - one input vector, one ouput vector
    task.doAll(new byte[] { Vec.T_CAT }, vec);
    // Return result
    return task.outputFrame(null, null, new String[][] { vecDomain }).vec(0);
Also used : java.util(java.util) NonBlockingHashMap(water.nbhm.NonBlockingHashMap) BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString) BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk) C0DChunk(water.fvec.C0DChunk) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk)

Example 29 with BufferedString

use of water.parser.BufferedString in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class CStrChunk method asciiLStrip.

   * Optimized lstrip() & rstrip() methods to operate across the entire CStrChunk buffer in one pass.
   * NewChunk is the same size as the original, despite trimming.
   * @param nc NewChunk to be filled with strip version of strings in this chunk
   * @param set chars to strip, treated as ASCII
   * @return Filled NewChunk
public NewChunk asciiLStrip(NewChunk nc, String set) {
    // copy existing data
    BufferedString bs = new BufferedString().set(_mem);
    //update offsets and byte array
    for (int i = 0; i < _len; i++) {
        int j = 0;
        int off = _valstart + UnsafeUtils.get4(_mem, idx(i));
        if (off != NA) {
            while (intersects(_mem[off], set)) off++;
            while (_mem[off + j] != 0) j++;
            nc.addStr(bs.set(_mem, off, j));
        } else
    return nc;
Also used : BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString)

Example 30 with BufferedString

use of water.parser.BufferedString in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class CStrChunk method asciiRStrip.

public NewChunk asciiRStrip(NewChunk nc, String set) {
    // copy existing data
    BufferedString bs = new BufferedString();
    //update offsets and byte array
    for (int i = 0; i < _len; i++) {
        int j = 0;
        int off = _valstart + UnsafeUtils.get4(_mem, idx(i));
        if (off != NA) {
            //Find end
            while (_mem[off + j] != 0) j++;
            while (// March back while char in set
            intersects(_mem[off + j - 1], set)) j--;
            bs.set(_mem, off, j);
        } else
    return nc;
Also used : BufferedString(water.parser.BufferedString)


BufferedString (water.parser.BufferedString)43 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)12 Test (org.junit.Test)9 MRTask (water.MRTask)8 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)8 Chunk (water.fvec.Chunk)7 NewChunk (water.fvec.NewChunk)6 ValFrame (water.rapids.vals.ValFrame)5 IcedLong (water.util.IcedLong)5 IOException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 DateTimeFormatter (org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter)2 TestFrameBuilder (water.fvec.TestFrameBuilder)2 BackendModel (deepwater.backends.BackendModel)1 BackendParams (deepwater.backends.BackendParams)1 RuntimeOptions (deepwater.backends.RuntimeOptions)1 ImageDataSet (deepwater.datasets.ImageDataSet)1 GenModel (hex.genmodel.GenModel)1 EasyPredictModelWrapper (hex.genmodel.easy.EasyPredictModelWrapper)1