use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class ConversationBotMonitored method initializeEventListeners.
protected void initializeEventListeners() {
EventListenerContext ctx = getEventListenerContext();
EventBus bus = getEventBus();
// create needs every trigger execution until 2 needs are created
this.needCreator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(ctx, getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName()), NO_OF_NEEDS);
bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, this.needCreator);
// count until 2 needs were created, then
// * connect the 2 needs
this.needConnector = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, "needConnector", NO_OF_NEEDS, new ConnectFromListToListAction(ctx, ctx.getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName(), ctx.getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName(), FacetType.OwnerFacet.getURI(), FacetType.OwnerFacet.getURI(), MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES, "Hello," + "I am the ConversationBot, a simple bot that will exchange " + "messages and deactivate its needs after some time."));
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, this.needConnector);
// add a listener that is informed of the connect/open events and that auto-opens
// subscribe it to:
// * connect events - so it responds with open
// * open events - so it responds with open (if the open received was the first open, and we still need to accept the connection)
this.autoOpener = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new OpenConnectionAction(ctx, "Hi, I am the ConverssationBot."));
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoOpener);
// add a listener that auto-responds to messages by a message and at different stages of messages processing fires
// different monitoring events. After specified number of messages, it unsubscribes from all events.
// subscribe it to:
// * message events - so it responds
// * open events - so it initiates the chain reaction of responses
this.autoResponder = new AutomaticMonitoredMessageResponderListener(ctx, NO_OF_MESSAGES, MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES);
bus.subscribe(OpenFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoResponder);
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoResponder);
// add a listener that closes the connection after it has seen 10 messages
this.connectionCloser = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, NO_OF_MESSAGES, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Farewell!"));
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.connectionCloser);
// add a listener that closes the connection when a failureEvent occurs
EventListener onFailureConnectionCloser = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Farewell!"));
bus.subscribe(FailureResponseEvent.class, onFailureConnectionCloser);
// add a listener that auto-responds to a close message with a deactivation of both needs.
// subscribe it to:
// * close events
this.needDeactivator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new DeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx), 1);
bus.subscribe(CloseFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.needDeactivator);
// add a listener that counts two NeedDeactivatedEvents and then tells the
// framework that the bot's messaging work is done and connection messages linked data can be crawled
this.crawlReadySignaller = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, NO_OF_NEEDS, new BaseEventBotAction(ctx) {
protected void doRun(Event event, EventListener executingListener) throws Exception {
bus.publish(new CrawlReadyEvent());
bus.subscribe(NeedDeactivatedEvent.class, this.crawlReadySignaller);
// add a listener that, when crawl is done, tells the
// framework that the bot's work is done
this.workDoneSignaller = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx));
bus.subscribe(CrawlDoneEvent.class, this.workDoneSignaller);
// add a listener that reacts to monitoring events
this.monitor = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "msgMonitor", new MessageLifecycleMonitoringAction(ctx));
bus.subscribe(MessageDispatchStartedEvent.class, this.monitor);
bus.subscribe(MessageDispatchedEvent.class, this.monitor);
bus.subscribe(SuccessResponseEvent.class, this.monitor);
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.monitor);
bus.subscribe(CrawlReadyEvent.class, this.monitor);
use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class RandomSimulatorBot method initializeEventListeners.
protected void initializeEventListeners() {
final EventListenerContext ctx = getEventListenerContext();
EventBus bus = getEventBus();
final Counter needCreationSuccessfulCounter = new CounterImpl("needsCreated");
final Counter needCreationFailedCounter = new CounterImpl("needCreationFailed");
final Counter needCreationStartedCounter = new CounterImpl("creationStarted");
final Counter creationUnfinishedCounter = new CounterImpl("creationUnfinished");
// create the first need when the first actEvent happens
this.groupMemberCreator = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, "groupMemberCreator", 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new IncrementCounterAction(ctx, needCreationStartedCounter), new IncrementCounterAction(ctx, creationUnfinishedCounter), new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(ctx, getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName())));
bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, this.groupMemberCreator);
// when a need is created (or it failed), decrement the creationUnfinishedCounter
EventListener downCounter = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "downCounter", new DecrementCounterAction(ctx, creationUnfinishedCounter));
// count a successful need creation
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, downCounter);
// if a creation failed, we don't want to keep us from keeping the correct count
bus.subscribe(NeedCreationFailedEvent.class, downCounter);
// we count the one execution when the creator realizes that the producer is exhausted, we have to count down
// once for that, too.
bus.subscribe(NeedProducerExhaustedEvent.class, downCounter);
// also, keep track of what worked and what didn't
bus.subscribe(NeedCreationFailedEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new IncrementCounterAction(ctx, needCreationFailedCounter)));
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new IncrementCounterAction(ctx, needCreationSuccessfulCounter)));
// print a logging message every N needs
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "logger", new BaseEventBotAction(ctx) {
int lastOutput = 0;
protected void doRun(final Event event, EventListener executingListener) throws Exception {
int cnt = needCreationStartedCounter.getCount();
int unfinishedCount = creationUnfinishedCounter.getCount();
int successCnt = needCreationSuccessfulCounter.getCount();
int failedCnt = needCreationFailedCounter.getCount();
if (cnt - lastOutput >= 200) {"started creation of {} needs, creation not yet finished for {}. Successful: {}, failed: {}", new Object[] { cnt, unfinishedCount, successCnt, failedCnt });
lastOutput = cnt;
// each time a need was created, wait for a random interval, then create another one
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new RandomDelayedAction(ctx, MIN_NEXT_CREATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, MAX_NEXT_CREATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, this.hashCode(), new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(ctx, getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName()))));
// when a hint is received, connect fraction of the cases after a random timeout
bus.subscribe(HintFromMatcherEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "hint-reactor", new RandomDelayedAction(ctx, MIN_RECATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, MAX_REACTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, (long) this.hashCode(), new MultipleActions(ctx, new SendFeedbackForHintAction(ctx), new ProbabilisticSelectionAction(ctx, PROB_OPEN_ON_HINT, (long) this.hashCode(), new OpenConnectionAction(ctx, "Hi!"), new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"))))));
// when an open or connect is received, send message or close randomly after a random timeout
EventListener opener = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "open-reactor", new RandomDelayedAction(ctx, MIN_RECATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, MAX_REACTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, (long) this.hashCode(), new ProbabilisticSelectionAction(ctx, PROB_MESSAGE_ON_OPEN, (long) this.hashCode(), new OpenConnectionAction(ctx, "Hi!"), new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"))));
bus.subscribe(OpenFromOtherNeedEvent.class, opener);
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherNeedEvent.class, opener);
// when an open is received, send message or close randomly after a random timeout
EventListener replyer = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "message-reactor", new RandomDelayedAction(ctx, MIN_RECATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, MAX_REACTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, (long) this.hashCode(), new ProbabilisticSelectionAction(ctx, PROB_MESSAGE_ON_MESSAGE, (long) this.hashCode(), new SendMessageAction(ctx), new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"))));
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherNeedEvent.class, replyer);
bus.subscribe(OpenFromOtherNeedEvent.class, replyer);
// When the needproducer is exhausted, stop.
this.workDoneSignaller = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "workDoneSignaller", new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx), 1);
bus.subscribe(NeedProducerExhaustedEvent.class, this.workDoneSignaller);
use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class ConversationBot method initializeEventListeners.
protected void initializeEventListeners() {
EventListenerContext ctx = getEventListenerContext();
EventBus bus = getEventBus();
// create needs every trigger execution until 2 needs are created
this.needCreator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(ctx, getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName()), NO_OF_NEEDS);
bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, this.needCreator);
// count until 2 needs were created, then
// * connect the 2 needs
this.needConnector = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, "needConnector", NO_OF_NEEDS, new ConnectFromListToListAction(ctx, ctx.getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName(), ctx.getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName(), FacetType.OwnerFacet.getURI(), FacetType.OwnerFacet.getURI(), MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES, "Hi, I am the ConversationBot."));
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, this.needConnector);
// add a listener that is informed of the connect/open events and that auto-opens
// subscribe it to:
// * connect events - so it responds with open
// * open events - so it responds with open (if the open received was the first open, and we still need to accept the connection)
this.autoOpener = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new OpenConnectionAction(ctx, "Hi, I " + "am the ConversationBot, too!"));
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoOpener);
// add a listener that auto-responds to messages by a message
// after 10 messages, it unsubscribes from all events
// subscribe it to:
// * message events - so it responds
// * open events - so it initiates the chain reaction of responses
this.autoResponder = new AutomaticMessageResponderListener(ctx, NO_OF_MESSAGES, MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES);
bus.subscribe(OpenFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoResponder);
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoResponder);
// add a listener that closes the connection after it has seen 10 messages
this.connectionCloser = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, NO_OF_MESSAGES, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"));
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.connectionCloser);
// add a listener that closes the connection when a failureEvent occurs
EventListener onFailureConnectionCloser = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"));
bus.subscribe(FailureResponseEvent.class, onFailureConnectionCloser);
// add a listener that auto-responds to a close message with a deactivation of both needs.
// subscribe it to:
// * close events
this.needDeactivator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new DeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx), 1);
bus.subscribe(CloseFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.needDeactivator);
// add a listener that counts two NeedDeactivatedEvents and then tells the
// framework that the bot's work is done
this.workDoneSignaller = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, NO_OF_NEEDS, new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx));
bus.subscribe(NeedDeactivatedEvent.class, this.workDoneSignaller);
use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class StandardTwoPhaseCommitNoVoteBot method initializeEventListeners.
protected void initializeEventListeners() {
EventListenerContext ctx = getEventListenerContext();
EventBus bus = getEventBus();
ParticipantCoordinatorBotContextWrapper botContextWrapper = (ParticipantCoordinatorBotContextWrapper) getBotContextWrapper();
// create needs every trigger execution until noOfNeeds are created
this.participantNeedCreator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "participantCreator", new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(ctx, botContextWrapper.getParticipantListName(), FacetType.ParticipantFacet.getURI()), noOfNeeds - 1);
bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, this.participantNeedCreator);
// when done, create one coordinator need
this.coordinatorNeedCreator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "coordinatorCreator", new FinishedEventFilter(participantNeedCreator), new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(ctx, botContextWrapper.getCoordinatorListName(), FacetType.CoordinatorFacet.getURI()), 1);
bus.subscribe(FinishedEvent.class, this.coordinatorNeedCreator);
// when done, connect the participants to the coordinator
this.needConnector = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, "needConnector", noOfNeeds, new ConnectFromListToListAction(ctx, botContextWrapper.getCoordinatorListName(), botContextWrapper.getParticipantListName(), FacetType.CoordinatorFacet.getURI(), FacetType.ParticipantFacet.getURI(), MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES, "Hi!"));
bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, this.needConnector);
// add a listener that is informed of the connect/open events and that auto-opens
// subscribe it to:
// * connect events - so it responds with open
// * open events - so it responds with open (if the open received was the first open, and we still need to accept the connection)
this.autoOpener = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, "autoOpener", new OpenConnectionAction(ctx, "Hi!"));
bus.subscribe(OpenFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoOpener);
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoOpener);
this.autoCloser = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, "autoCloser", noOfNeeds - 3, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"));
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.autoCloser);
// after the last connect event, all connections are closed!
this.needDeactivator = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new TwoPhaseCommitNoVoteDeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx), 1);
bus.subscribe(CloseFromOtherNeedEvent.class, this.needDeactivator);
// add a listener that counts two NeedDeactivatedEvents and then tells the
// framework that the bot's work is done
this.workDoneSignaller = new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, noOfNeeds, new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx));
bus.subscribe(NeedDeactivatedEvent.class, this.workDoneSignaller);
use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class DuplicateMessageSendingConversationBot method initializeEventListeners.
protected void initializeEventListeners() {
EventListenerContext ctx = getDuplicateMessageSenderDecorator(getEventListenerContext());
final EventBus bus = getEventBus();
// we're not expecting any failure messages in this test:
bus.subscribe(FailureResponseEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new BaseEventBotAction(ctx) {
protected void doRun(Event event, EventListener executingListener) {
FailureResponseEvent failureResponseEvent = (FailureResponseEvent) event;
bus.publish(new TestFailedEvent(DuplicateMessageSendingConversationBot.this, "Message failed: " + failureResponseEvent.getOriginalMessageURI() + ": " + WonRdfUtils.MessageUtils.getTextMessage(failureResponseEvent.getFailureMessage())));
// create atoms every trigger execution until 2 atoms are created
bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CreateAtomWithSocketsAction(ctx, getBotContextWrapper().getAtomCreateListName()), NO_OF_ATOMS));
// connect atoms
bus.subscribe(AtomCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, "atomConnector", NO_OF_ATOMS * 2, new ConnectFromListToListAction(ctx, getBotContextWrapper().getAtomCreateListName(), getBotContextWrapper().getAtomCreateListName(), WXCHAT.ChatSocket.asURI(), WXCHAT.ChatSocket.asURI(), MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES, "Hi!")));
// add a listener that is informed of the connect/open events and that
// auto-opens
// subscribe it to:
// * connect events - so it responds with open
// * open events - so it responds with open (if the open received was the first
// open, and we still need to accept the connection)
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherAtomEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new OpenConnectionAction(ctx, "Hi!")));
// add a listener that auto-responds to messages by a message
// after 10 messages, it unsubscribes from all events
// subscribe it to:
// * message events - so it responds
// * open events - so it initiates the chain reaction of responses
BaseEventListener autoResponder = new AutomaticMessageResponderListener(ctx, NO_OF_MESSAGES, MILLIS_BETWEEN_MESSAGES);
bus.subscribe(ConnectFromOtherAtomEvent.class, autoResponder);
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherAtomEvent.class, autoResponder);
// add a listener that closes the connection after it has seen 10 messages
bus.subscribe(MessageFromOtherAtomEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, NO_OF_MESSAGES, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!")));
// add a listener that closes the connection when a failureEvent occurs
EventListener onFailureConnectionCloser = new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CloseConnectionAction(ctx, "Bye!"));
bus.subscribe(FailureResponseEvent.class, onFailureConnectionCloser);
// add a listener that auto-responds to a close message with a deactivation of
// both atoms.
// subscribe it to:
// * close events
bus.subscribe(CloseFromOtherAtomEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new MultipleActions(ctx, new DeactivateAllAtomsAction(ctx), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new TestPassedEvent(this))), 1));
// add a listener that counts two AtomDeactivatedEvents and then tells the
// framework that the bot's work is done
bus.subscribe(AtomDeactivatedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, NO_OF_ATOMS, new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx)));