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Example 1 with ActionOnFirstNEventsListener

use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class DuplicateMessageURIFailureBot method initializeEventListeners.

protected void initializeEventListeners() {
    EventListenerContext ctx = getEventListenerContext();
    EventBus bus = getEventBus();
    // create needs every trigger execution until 2 needs are created
    bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(// use a decorator that will cause the same need URI to be used in each create message
    new ConstantNewEventURIDecorator(ctx, "constantMsgURI" + System.currentTimeMillis()), getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName()), 2));
    // log error if we can create 2 needs
    bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 2, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogErrorAction(ctx, "Should not have been able to create 2 needs using message with identical URIs"), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new TestFailedEvent(this, "Should not have been able to create 2 needs with identical URI")))));
    // log success if we could create 1 need
    bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnFirstNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Good: could create one need"), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new SuccessEvent()))));
    // log success if we got an error for 2nd need
    bus.subscribe(NeedCreationFailedEvent.class, new ActionOnFirstNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Good: need creation failed for 2nd need."), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new SuccessEvent()))));
    // when we have 2 SuccessEvents, we're done. Deacivate the needs and signal we're finished
    bus.subscribe(SuccessEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 2, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Test passed."), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new TestPassedEvent(this)), new DeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx))));
    // when we have a FailureEvent, we're done, too. Deacivate the needs and signal we're finished
    bus.subscribe(TestFailedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Test failed."), new DeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx))));
    // wait for the needDeactivated event, then say we're done.
    bus.subscribe(NeedDeactivatedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx, this)));
// TODO: fix: bot runs forever even if test fails.
// TODO: fix: need 1 is not deactivated if test fails.
Also used : EventListenerContext( ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener( ConstantNewEventURIDecorator( CreateNeedWithFacetsAction( EventBus( SignalWorkDoneAction( TestFailedEvent( ActionOnFirstNEventsListener( TestPassedEvent( SuccessEvent( DeactivateAllNeedsAction( ActionOnEventListener(

Example 2 with ActionOnFirstNEventsListener

use of in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class DuplicateNeedURIFailureBot method initializeEventListeners.

protected void initializeEventListeners() {
    EventListenerContext ctx = getEventListenerContext();
    EventBus bus = getEventBus();
    // create needs every trigger execution until 2 needs are created
    bus.subscribe(ActEvent.class, new ActionOnEventListener(ctx, new CreateNeedWithFacetsAction(// use a decorator that will cause the same need URI to be used in each create message
    new ConstantNewNeedURIDecorator(ctx, "constantNeedURI" + System.currentTimeMillis()), getBotContextWrapper().getNeedCreateListName()), 2));
    // log error if we can create 2 needs
    bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 2, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogErrorAction(ctx, "Should not have been able to create 2 needs with identical URI"), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new TestFailedEvent(this, "Should not have been able to create 2 needs with identical URI")))));
    // log success if we could create 1 need
    bus.subscribe(NeedCreatedEvent.class, new ActionOnFirstNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Good: could create one need"), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new SuccessEvent()))));
    // log success if we got an error for 2nd need
    bus.subscribe(NeedCreationFailedEvent.class, new ActionOnFirstNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Good: need creation failed for 2nd need."), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new SuccessEvent()))));
    // when we have 2 SuccessEvents, we're done. Deacivate the needs and signal we're finished
    bus.subscribe(SuccessEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 2, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Test passed."), new PublishEventAction(ctx, new TestPassedEvent(this)), new DeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx))));
    // when we have a FailureEvent, we're done, too. Deacivate the needs and signal we're finished
    bus.subscribe(TestFailedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new MultipleActions(ctx, new LogAction(ctx, "Test failed."), new DeactivateAllNeedsAction(ctx))));
    // wait for the needDeactivated event, then say we're done.
    bus.subscribe(NeedDeactivatedEvent.class, new ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener(ctx, 1, new SignalWorkDoneAction(ctx, this)));
// TODO: fix: bot runs forever even if test fails.
// TODO: fix: need 1 is not deactivated if test fails.
Also used : EventListenerContext( ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener( CreateNeedWithFacetsAction( EventBus( SignalWorkDoneAction( TestFailedEvent( ActionOnFirstNEventsListener( TestPassedEvent( ConstantNewNeedURIDecorator( SuccessEvent( DeactivateAllNeedsAction( ActionOnEventListener(


EventListenerContext ( SignalWorkDoneAction ( CreateNeedWithFacetsAction ( DeactivateAllNeedsAction ( EventBus ( SuccessEvent ( TestFailedEvent ( TestPassedEvent ( ActionOnEventListener ( ActionOnFirstNEventsListener ( ActionOnceAfterNEventsListener ( ConstantNewEventURIDecorator ( ConstantNewNeedURIDecorator (