Search in sources :

Example 1 with BulkHintEvent

use of won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class WonNodeControllerActor method onReceive.

 * Receive messages about newly discovered won node and decide to crawl or skip
 * processing these won nodes.
 * @param message
 * @throws Exception
public void onReceive(final Object message) {
    if (message instanceof Terminated) {
        // if it is some other actor handle it differently
        handleConnectionErrors((Terminated) message);
    if (message.equals(LIFE_CHECK_TICK)) {
    if (message instanceof WonNodeEvent) {
        WonNodeEvent event = (WonNodeEvent) message;
        if (event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.NEW_WON_NODE_DISCOVERED) || event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.GET_WON_NODE_INFO_FOR_CRAWLING) || event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.RETRY_REGISTER_FAILED_WON_NODE)) {
            // won node has already been discovered and connected
            if (crawlWonNodes.containsKey(event.getWonNodeUri())) {
                log.debug("Won node uri '{}' already discovered", event.getWonNodeUri());
                if (event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.GET_WON_NODE_INFO_FOR_CRAWLING)) {
                    WonNodeInfo wonNodeInfo = crawlWonNodes.get(event.getWonNodeUri()).getWonNodeInfo();
                    WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(event.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.CONNECTED_TO_WON_NODE, wonNodeInfo);
                    pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf());
            // skip crawling of won nodes in the skip list
            if (skipWonNodeUris.contains(event.getWonNodeUri())) {
                log.debug("Skip crawling won node with uri '{}'", event.getWonNodeUri());
                WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(event.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.SKIP_WON_NODE);
                pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf());
            // shall we try to connect to the won node or has it failed already ?
            if (failedWonNodeUris.contains(event.getWonNodeUri())) {
                log.debug("Suppress connection to already failed won node with uri {} , will try to connect later ...", event.getWonNodeUri());
            // try the connect to won node
            boolean logRegisterWarningForWonNode = event.getStatus().equals(WonNodeEvent.STATUS.RETRY_REGISTER_FAILED_WON_NODE);
            WonNodeConnection wonNodeConnection = addWonNodeForCrawling(event.getWonNodeUri(), logRegisterWarningForWonNode);
            // connection failed ?
            if (failedWonNodeUris.contains(event.getWonNodeUri())) {
                log.debug("Still could not connect to won node with uri: {}, will retry later ...", event.getWonNodeUri());
            // tell the crawler about discovered won nodes
            if (wonNodeConnection == null || wonNodeConnection.getWonNodeInfo() == null) {
                log.error("Cannot retrieve won node info from won node connection!");
            WonNodeEvent e = new WonNodeEvent(event.getWonNodeUri(), WonNodeEvent.STATUS.CONNECTED_TO_WON_NODE, wonNodeConnection.getWonNodeInfo());
            pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(e.getClass().getName(), e), getSelf());
    // send back hints to won nodes
    if (message instanceof HintEvent) {
        processHint((HintEvent) message);
    } else if (message instanceof BulkHintEvent) {
        BulkHintEvent bulkHintEvent = (BulkHintEvent) message;
        for (HintEvent hint : bulkHintEvent.getHintEvents()) {
Also used : BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent) DistributedPubSubMediator(akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator) WonNodeInfo(won.protocol.service.WonNodeInfo) WonNodeConnection(won.matcher.service.nodemanager.pojo.WonNodeConnection) WonNodeEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.WonNodeEvent) HintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.HintEvent) BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent)

Example 2 with BulkHintEvent

use of won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class RescalMatcherActor method executeRescalAlgorithm.

 * Load the need and connection data from the sparql endpoint, preprocess the data and write it to some directory
 * to be processed by the rescal python algorithm that produces hints. The hints are then loaded and send to
 * the event bus.
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws InterruptedException
private void executeRescalAlgorithm() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // load the needs and connections from the rdf store"start processing (every {} minutes) ...", config.getExecutionDuration());
    long queryDate = System.currentTimeMillis();"query needs and connections from rdf store '{}' from date '{}' to date '{}'", config.getSparqlEndpoint(), lastQueryDate, queryDate);
    // add the attributes of the needs to the rescal tensor
    TensorEntryAllGenerator tensorEntryAllGenerator = new TensorEntryAllGenerator("queries/attribute", config.getSparqlEndpoint(), lastQueryDate, queryDate);
    TensorEntryTokenizer tokenizer = new TensorEntryTokenizer(tensorEntryAllGenerator.generateTensorEntries());
    Collection<TensorEntry> tensorEntries = tokenizer.generateTensorEntries();
    for (TensorEntry entry : tensorEntries) {
    // add the connections between the needs to the rescal tensor
    tensorEntryAllGenerator = new TensorEntryAllGenerator("queries/connection", config.getSparqlEndpoint(), lastQueryDate, queryDate);
    tensorEntries = tensorEntryAllGenerator.generateTensorEntries();
    for (TensorEntry entry : tensorEntries) {
        rescalInputData.addNeedConnection(entry.getNeedUri(), entry.getValue(), true);
    }"number of needs in tensor: {}", rescalInputData.getNeeds().size());"number of attributes in tensor: {}", rescalInputData.getAttributes().size());"number of connections in tensor: {}", rescalInputData.getNumberOfConnections());"number of slices in tensor: {}", rescalInputData.getSlices().size());
    if (!rescalInputData.isValidTensor()) {"not enough tensor data available for execution yet, wait for next execution!");
    // write the files for rescal algorithm"write rescal input data to folder: {}", config.getExecutionDirectory());
    TensorMatchingData cleanedTensorData = rescalInputData.writeCleanedOutputFiles(config.getExecutionDirectory());
    int tensorSize = cleanedTensorData.getTensorDimensions()[0];
    if (rescalInputData.getNeeds().size() + rescalInputData.getAttributes().size() < config.getRescalRank()) {"Do not start rescal algorithm since tensor size (number of needs + number of attributes) = {} is " + "smaller than rank parameter {}.", tensorSize, config.getRescalRank());
    // execute the rescal algorithm in python
    String pythonCall = "python " + config.getPythonScriptDirectory() + "/ -inputfolder " + config.getExecutionDirectory() + " -outputfolder " + config.getExecutionDirectory() + "/output" + " -rank " + config.getRescalRank() + " -threshold " + config.getRescalThreshold();"execute python script: " + pythonCall);
    Process pythonProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(pythonCall);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pythonProcess.getInputStream()));
    String line;
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {;
    BufferedReader err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pythonProcess.getErrorStream()));
    while ((line = err.readLine()) != null) {
    int returnCode = pythonProcess.waitFor();
    if (returnCode != 0) {
        log.error("rescal python call returned error code: " + returnCode);
    // load the predicted hints and send the to the event bus of the matching service
    BulkHintEvent hintsEvent = hintReader.readHints(rescalInputData);
    int numHints = (hintsEvent == null || hintsEvent.getHintEvents() == null) ? 0 : hintsEvent.getHintEvents().size();"loaded {} hints into bulk hint event and publish", numHints);
    if (numHints > 0) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (HintEvent hint : hintsEvent.getHintEvents()) {
            builder.append("\n- " + hint);
        pubSubMediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(hintsEvent.getClass().getName(), hintsEvent), getSelf());
    lastQueryDate = queryDate;
Also used : TensorMatchingData(won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorMatchingData) BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent) InputStreamReader( DistributedPubSubMediator(akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator) HintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.HintEvent) BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent) TensorEntryTokenizer(won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorEntryTokenizer) TensorEntryAllGenerator(won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorEntryAllGenerator) TensorEntry(won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorEntry) BufferedReader(

Example 3 with BulkHintEvent

use of won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class SolrMatcherActor method processActiveNeedEvent.

protected void processActiveNeedEvent(NeedEvent needEvent) throws IOException, SolrServerException, JsonLdError {"Start processing active need event {}", needEvent);
    // check if the need has doNotMatch flag, then do not use it for querying or indexing
    Dataset dataset = needEvent.deserializeNeedDataset();
    NeedModelWrapper needModelWrapper = new NeedModelWrapper(dataset);
    if (needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_ME) && needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART)) {"Discarding received need due to flags won:NoHintForMe and won:NoHintForCounterpart: {}", needEvent);
    // check if need is usedForTesting only
    boolean usedForTesting = needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.USED_FOR_TESTING);
    SolrMatcherQueryExecutor queryExecutor = (usedForTesting ? testQueryExecuter : defaultQueryExecuter);
    // create another query depending if the current need is "WhatsAround" or a default need
    String queryString = null;
    if (needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.WHATS_AROUND)) {
        // WhatsAround doesnt match on terms only other needs in close location are boosted
        WhatsAroundQueryFactory qf = new WhatsAroundQueryFactory(dataset);
        queryString = qf.createQuery();
    } else {
        // default query matches content terms (of fields title, description and tags) with different weights
        // and gives an additional multiplicative boost for geographically closer needs
        DefaultNeedQueryFactory qf = new DefaultNeedQueryFactory(dataset);
        queryString = qf.createQuery();
    // add filters to the query: default filters are
    // - need status active
    // - creation date overlap 1 month
    // - OR-filtering for matching contexts if any were specified
    // now create three slightly different queries for different lists of needs:
    // 1) needs without NoHintForCounterpart => hints for current need
    // 2) needs without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround needs => hints for needs in index that are not WhatsAround
    // 3) needs without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround needs => hints for needs in index that are WhatsAround
    // to achieve this use a different filters for these queries
    // case 1) needs without NoHintForCounterpart => hints for current need
    List<String> filterQueries = new LinkedList<>();
    filterQueries.add(new NeedStateQueryFactory(dataset).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new CreationDateQueryFactory(dataset, 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART)).createQuery());
    if (needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts() != null && needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts().size() > 0) {
        filterQueries.add(new MatchingContextQueryFactory(needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts()).createQuery());
    if (!needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_ME)) {
        // execute the query"query Solr endpoint {} for need {} and need list 1 (without NoHintForCounterpart)", config.getSolrEndpointUri(usedForTesting), needEvent.getUri());
        SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeNeedQuery(queryString, null, filterQueries.toArray(new String[filterQueries.size()]));
        if (docs != null) {
            // generate hints for current need (only generate hints for current need, suppress hints for matched needs,
            // perform knee detection depending on current need is WhatsAround or not)
            BulkHintEvent events = null;
            if (needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.WHATS_AROUND)) {
                events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, needEvent, needModelWrapper, false, true, false);
            } else {
                events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, needEvent, needModelWrapper, false, true, true);
  "Create {} hints for need {} and need list 1 (without NoHintForCounterpart)", events.getHintEvents().size(), needEvent);
            // publish hints to current need
            if (events.getHintEvents().size() != 0) {
                getSender().tell(events, getSelf());
        } else {
            log.warning("No results found for need list 1 (without NoHintForCounterpart) query of need ", needEvent);
    // case 2) needs without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround needs => hints for needs in index that are not WhatsAround
    filterQueries = new LinkedList<>();
    filterQueries.add(new NeedStateQueryFactory(dataset).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new CreationDateQueryFactory(dataset, 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.NO_HINT_FOR_ME)).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.WHATS_AROUND)).createQuery());
    if (needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts() != null && needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts().size() > 0) {
        filterQueries.add(new MatchingContextQueryFactory(needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts()).createQuery());
    if (!needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART)) {
        // execute the query"query Solr endpoint {} for need {} and need list 2 (without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround needs)", config.getSolrEndpointUri(usedForTesting), needEvent.getUri());
        SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeNeedQuery(queryString, null, filterQueries.toArray(new String[filterQueries.size()]));
        if (docs != null) {
            // generate hints for matched needs (suppress hints for current need, only generate hints for matched needs, perform knee detection)
            BulkHintEvent events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, needEvent, needModelWrapper, true, false, true);
  "Create {} hints for need {} and need list 2 (without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround needs)", events.getHintEvents().size(), needEvent);
            // publish hints to current need
            if (events.getHintEvents().size() != 0) {
                getSender().tell(events, getSelf());
        } else {
            log.warning("No results found for need list 2 (without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround needs) query of need ", needEvent);
    // case 3) needs without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround needs => hints for needs in index that are WhatsAround
    filterQueries = new LinkedList<>();
    filterQueries.add(new NeedStateQueryFactory(dataset).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new CreationDateQueryFactory(dataset, 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.NO_HINT_FOR_ME)).createQuery());
    filterQueries.add(new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.WHATS_AROUND).createQuery());
    if (needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts() != null && needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts().size() > 0) {
        filterQueries.add(new MatchingContextQueryFactory(needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts()).createQuery());
    if (!needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART)) {
        // execute the query"query Solr endpoint {} for need {} and need list 3 (without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround needs)", config.getSolrEndpointUri(usedForTesting), needEvent.getUri());
        SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeNeedQuery(queryString, null, filterQueries.toArray(new String[filterQueries.size()]));
        if (docs != null) {
            // generate hints for matched needs (suppress hints for current need, only generate hints for matched needs, do not perform knee detection)
            BulkHintEvent events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, needEvent, needModelWrapper, true, false, false);
  "Create {} hints for need {} and need list 3 (without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround needs)", events.getHintEvents().size(), needEvent);
            // publish hints to current need
            if (events.getHintEvents().size() != 0) {
                getSender().tell(events, getSelf());
        } else {
            log.warning("No results found for need list 3 (without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround needs) query of need ", needEvent);
    // index need"Add need event content {} to solr index", needEvent);
Also used : BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent) Dataset(org.apache.jena.query.Dataset) NeedModelWrapper(won.protocol.util.NeedModelWrapper) SolrDocumentList(org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) SolrMatcherQueryExecutor(won.matcher.solr.query.SolrMatcherQueryExecutor)

Example 4 with BulkHintEvent

use of won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class HintBuilder method generateHintsFromSearchResult.

public BulkHintEvent generateHintsFromSearchResult(final SolrDocumentList docs, final NeedEvent need, NeedModelWrapper needModelWrapper, boolean doSuppressHintForNeed, boolean doSuppressHintForMatchedNeeds, boolean kneeDetection) {
    // check if knee detection should be performed
    SolrDocumentList newDocs = docs;
    if (kneeDetection) {
        newDocs = calculateMatchingResults(docs);
    BulkHintEvent bulkHintEvent = new BulkHintEvent();"Received {} matches as query result for need {}, keeping the top {} ", new Object[] { (docs != null) ? docs.size() : 0, need, newDocs.size() });
    boolean noHintForMe = needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_ME);
    boolean noHintForCounterpart = needModelWrapper.hasFlag(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART);
    log.debug("need to be matched has NoHintForMe: {}, NoHintForCounterpart: {} ", noHintForMe, noHintForCounterpart);
    for (SolrDocument doc : newDocs) {
        // NOTE: not the whole document is loaded here. The fields that are selected are defined
        // in won.matcher.solr.query.DefaultMatcherQueryExecuter - if additional fields are required, the field list
        // has to be extended in that class.
        String matchedNeedUri = doc.getFieldValue("id").toString();
        if (matchedNeedUri == null) {
            log.debug("omitting matched need: could not extract need URI");
        List<String> flags = getValueList(doc, HAS_FLAG_SOLR_FIELD);
        boolean matchedNeedNoHintForMe = flags.contains(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_ME.toString());
        boolean matchedNeedNoHintForCounterpart = flags.contains(WON.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART.toString());
        // check the matching contexts of the two needs that are supposed to be matched
        // send only hints to needs if their matching contexts overlap (if one need has empty matching context it always receives hints)
        Collection<Object> contextSolrFieldValues = doc.getFieldValues(MatchingContextQueryFactory.MATCHING_CONTEXT_SOLR_FIELD);
        Collection<String> matchedNeedMatchingContexts = new LinkedList<>();
        if (contextSolrFieldValues != null) {
            matchedNeedMatchingContexts = -> (String) a).collect(Collectors.toList());
        Collection<String> matchingContexts = needModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts();
        if (matchingContexts == null) {
            matchingContexts = new LinkedList<>();
        boolean contextOverlap = CollectionUtils.intersection(matchedNeedMatchingContexts, matchingContexts).size() > 0;
        boolean suppressHintsForMyContexts = !contextOverlap && !(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(matchingContexts));
        boolean suppressHintsForCounterpartContexts = !contextOverlap && !(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(matchedNeedMatchingContexts));
        // suppress hints for current if its flags or its counterparts flags say so or if it was specified in the calling parameters or matching contexts
        doSuppressHintForNeed = noHintForMe || matchedNeedNoHintForCounterpart || doSuppressHintForNeed || suppressHintsForMyContexts;
        // suppress hints for matched need if its flags or its counterparts flags say so or if it was specified in the calling parameters or matching contexts
        doSuppressHintForMatchedNeeds = noHintForCounterpart || matchedNeedNoHintForMe || doSuppressHintForMatchedNeeds || suppressHintsForCounterpartContexts;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("matched need has NoHintForMe: {}, NoHintForCounterpart: {}", matchedNeedNoHintForMe, matchedNeedNoHintForCounterpart);
            log.debug("need will receive a hint: {} (uri: {})", !doSuppressHintForNeed, need.getUri());
            log.debug("matched need need will receive a hint: {} (uri: {})", !doSuppressHintForMatchedNeeds, matchedNeedUri);
            log.debug("need matching contexts: {}", matchingContexts);
            log.debug("matched need matching contexts: {}", matchedNeedMatchingContexts);
        if (doSuppressHintForNeed && doSuppressHintForMatchedNeeds) {
            log.debug("no hints to be sent because of Suppress settings");
        // wonNodeUri can be returned as either a String or ArrayList, not sure on what this depends
        String wonNodeUri = getFieldValueFirstOfListIfNecessary(doc, WON_NODE_SOLR_FIELD);
        if (wonNodeUri == null) {
            log.debug("omitting matched need {}: could not extract WoN node URI", matchedNeedUri);
        // normalize the final score
        double score = Double.valueOf(doc.getFieldValue("score").toString()) * config.getScoreNormalizationFactor();
        score = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, score));
        log.debug("generate hint for match {} with normalized score {}", matchedNeedUri, score);
        if (!doSuppressHintForNeed) {
            bulkHintEvent.addHintEvent(new HintEvent(need.getWonNodeUri(), need.getUri(), wonNodeUri, matchedNeedUri, config.getSolrServerPublicUri(), score));
        // also send the same hints to the other side (remote need and wonnode)?
        if (!doSuppressHintForMatchedNeeds) {
            bulkHintEvent.addHintEvent(new HintEvent(wonNodeUri, matchedNeedUri, need.getWonNodeUri(), need.getUri(), config.getSolrServerPublicUri(), score));
    return bulkHintEvent;
Also used : BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent) SolrDocumentList(org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList) HintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.HintEvent) BulkHintEvent(won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent) SolrDocument(org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument)


BulkHintEvent (won.matcher.service.common.event.BulkHintEvent)4 HintEvent (won.matcher.service.common.event.HintEvent)3 DistributedPubSubMediator (akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator)2 SolrDocumentList (org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList)2 BufferedReader ( InputStreamReader ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Dataset (org.apache.jena.query.Dataset)1 SolrDocument (org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument)1 WonNodeEvent (won.matcher.service.common.event.WonNodeEvent)1 WonNodeConnection (won.matcher.service.nodemanager.pojo.WonNodeConnection)1 SolrMatcherQueryExecutor (won.matcher.solr.query.SolrMatcherQueryExecutor)1 TensorEntry (won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorEntry)1 TensorEntryAllGenerator (won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorEntryAllGenerator)1 TensorEntryTokenizer (won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorEntryTokenizer)1 TensorMatchingData (won.matcher.utils.tensor.TensorMatchingData)1 WonNodeInfo (won.protocol.service.WonNodeInfo)1 NeedModelWrapper (won.protocol.util.NeedModelWrapper)1