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Example 1 with Point

use of ww.Point in project cg by nmahoude.

the class Divination method removeMyVision.

private long removeMyVision(GameState state, long potential) {
    // remove my vision
    for (int id = 0; id < 2; id++) {
        Agent agent = state.agents[id];
        // remove the point
        potential &= ~agent.position.mask;
        for (int i = 0; i < Dir.LENGTH; i++) {
            Cell around = agent.cell.neighbors[i];
            if (around != Cell.InvalidCell) {
                // remove the point
                potential &= ~around.position.mask;
    return potential;
Also used : Agent(ww.Agent) Cell(ww.Cell) Point(ww.Point)

Example 2 with Point

use of ww.Point in project cg by nmahoude.

the class Divination method getCorrectInformationsFromCurrentStateOrLockedAgents.

private void getCorrectInformationsFromCurrentStateOrLockedAgents(GameState state) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        if (state.agents[2 + i].position != Point.unknown) {
            if (guessedPosition[1 - i] == state.agents[2 + i].position) {
                // we had inversed the agents, correct error now
                guessedPosition[1 - i] = guessedPosition[i];
                guessedPositionLocked[1 - i] = guessedPositionLocked[i];
            // save the point but we know it
            guessedPosition[i] = state.agents[2 + i].position;
            guessedPositionLocked[i] = isLocked(state.agents[2 + i]);
            if (debugMode)
                System.err.println("CG Info : set " + i + " @ " + guessedPosition[i]);
        } else {
            if (guessedPositionLocked[i] == true) {
                if (debugMode)
                    System.err.println("CG Info & locked " + i + " @ " + guessedPosition[i]);
            } else {
                guessedPosition[i] = Point.unknown;
Also used : Point(ww.Point)

Example 3 with Point

use of ww.Point in project cg by nmahoude.

the class Oracle method checkForMove.

private void checkForMove(GameState currentState, Cell locatedConstruction) {
    HashSet<Point>[] possibilitiesByAgent = (HashSet<Point>[]) new HashSet[4];
    possibilitiesByAgent[2] = bruteForce(currentState, 2, formerPossiblePositions[2], locatedConstruction.position);
    if (possibilitiesByAgent[2].contains(locatedConstruction)) {
    possibilitiesByAgent[3] = bruteForce(currentState, 3, formerPossiblePositions[3], locatedConstruction.position);
    if (possibilitiesByAgent[3].contains(locatedConstruction)) {
    // if agents was seen and is still seen and didn't move, it's cant be him
    for (int id = 2; id < 4; id++) {
        if (hasBeenStill(currentState, id)) {
        if (hasMoved(currentState, id) || locatedConstruction.position == formerSimulatedState.agents[id].position) {
    int count = (possibilitiesByAgent[2].size() != 0 ? 1 : 0) + (possibilitiesByAgent[3].size() != 0 ? 1 : 0);
    if (count == 0) {
        debugException(currentState, locatedConstruction, possibilitiesByAgent);
        if (!PROD) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Nobody in the range to make the move !");
        } else {
            fillAllPossiblePositions(currentState, possiblePositions[2]);
            fillAllPossiblePositions(currentState, possiblePositions[3]);
    } else if (count == 1) {
        int id = possibilitiesByAgent[2].size() > 0 ? 2 : 3;
        if (!currentState.agents[id].inFogOfWar()) {
        } else {
    } else {
        // on ne sait pas qui a fait quoi, donc on doit ajouter toutes les cellules possibles aux 2 agents :(
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            Cell cellToCheck = locatedConstruction.neighbors[i];
            if (!cellToCheck.isValid())
            if (canSeeCell(currentState.agents[0], cellToCheck))
            if (canSeeCell(currentState.agents[1], cellToCheck))
Also used : Point(ww.Point) Cell(ww.Cell) Point(ww.Point) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 4 with Point

use of ww.Point in project cg by nmahoude.

the class Oracle method fillAllPossiblePositions.

public static void fillAllPossiblePositions(GameState state, Set<Point> pos) {
    for (int y = 0; y < GameState.size; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < GameState.size; x++) {
            Cell cell = state.grid.get(x, y);
            if (!cell.isValid())
Also used : Cell(ww.Cell) Point(ww.Point)

Example 5 with Point

use of ww.Point in project cg by nmahoude.

the class Oracle method apply.

// ----- old
 * Apply the Oracle
 * @param state
public void apply(GameState state) {
    for (int id = 2; id < 4; id++) {
        if (!state.agents[id].inFogOfWar()) {
        } else if (possiblePositions[id].size() == 1) {
            Point p = possiblePositions[id].iterator().next();
            state.positionAgent(state.agents[id], p);
        } else {
            if (debugMode)
                System.err.println("We don't know where the agent " + id + " is but he is in " + possiblePositions[id]);
            // heightest place for unknown enemy
            if (possiblePositions[id].size() > 0) {
                int bestHeigh = -1;
                Point bestPoint = null;
                for (Point p : possiblePositions[id]) {
                    Cell cell = state.grid.get(p);
                    if (cell.height != 4 && cell.height > bestHeigh) {
                        bestHeigh = cell.height;
                        bestPoint = p;
                state.positionAgent(state.agents[id], bestPoint);
Also used : Point(ww.Point) Cell(ww.Cell) Point(ww.Point)


Point (ww.Point)10 Cell (ww.Cell)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 Dir (ww.Dir)2 Agent (ww.Agent)1 Move (ww.sim.Move)1