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Example 1 with QuestParticipant

use of in project Ublisk by Derkades.

the class Arzhur method waterProblem.

private void waterProblem(UPlayer player) {
    QuestParticipant qp = player.getQuestParticipant(Quest.WATER_PROBLEM, this);
    if (qp.getProgress(QuestProgress.CHECKED_DAM)) {
        // If the player has checked the dam
        qp.sendMessage("Oh no, we must fix the dam before it completely breaks. You should collect some wood from the saw and bring it to Alvin.");
    } else {
        // If neither of the above are true
        qp.sendMessage("People from the village have been complaining about an excessive amount of water, can you go and check the Glaenor Dam?");
        if (!qp.getProgress(QuestProgress.DAM_FIRST_TALK))
Also used : QuestParticipant(

Example 2 with QuestParticipant

use of in project Ublisk by Derkades.

the class Roy method talk.

public void talk(UPlayer player) {
    QuestParticipant qp = player.getQuestParticipant(Quest.UNKNOWN, this);
    qp.sendMessage("Hoi " + player.getName() + ", ik ben Roy");
    Town town = player.getLastTown();
    String townNaam = town.getName();
    qp.sendMessage("Je bent in: " + townNaam);
Also used : QuestParticipant( Town(xyz.derkades.ublisk.Town)

Example 3 with QuestParticipant

use of in project Ublisk by Derkades.

the class TestNPC method talk.

public void talk(UPlayer player) {
    final QuestParticipant qp = player.getQuestParticipant(Quest.UNKNOWN, this);
    /*ClickAction action = new ClickAction(){

			public void click(ClickedOption option) {
    // Option option1 = new Option(10, Material.STONE, "Some random option", "Some lore!", "Line 2");
    // Option option2 = new Option(11, Material.WOOD, "Option without lore");
    // qp.openMenu(new NPCMenu("Test Menu", action, option1, option2));
    new NPCMenu("Test Menu", 3 * 9, qp) {

        public void open() {
            items.put(10, new ItemBuilder(Material.STONE).name("Some random option").lore("Some lore!", "Lines 2").create());
            items.put(11, new ItemBuilder(Material.WOOD).name("Option without lore").create());

        public boolean onOptionClick(OptionClickEvent event) {
            return false;
Also used : QuestParticipant( ItemBuilder(xyz.derkades.derkutils.bukkit.ItemBuilder) NPCMenu(

Example 4 with QuestParticipant

use of in project Ublisk by Derkades.

the class Zoltar method talk.

public void talk(UPlayer player) {
    QuestParticipant qp = player.getQuestParticipant(Quest.HAY_TRANSPORT, this);
    UInventory inv = qp.getInventory();
    if (qp.getProgress(QuestProgress.HAY_TRANSPORT_STARTED) && inv.contains(Material.HAY_BLOCK, 10)) {
        inv.remove(Material.HAY_BLOCK, 10);
        qp.sendMessage("There you are! That took you a while, didn't it? Anyway, thanks for helping.");
        // Send a message
        // Give reward experience
        // Set the quest as completed for this player
        qp.sendMessage("Hold on! If you ever need to sell something, come to me I am always here to buy your goodies.");
    } else {
        qp.sendMessage("Hello, I'm the junk merchant.");
Also used : QuestParticipant( UInventory(xyz.derkades.ublisk.utils.inventory.UInventory)

Example 5 with QuestParticipant

use of in project Ublisk by Derkades.

the class Merek method talk.

public void talk(UPlayer player) {
    QuestParticipant qp = player.getQuestParticipant(Quest.INTRODUCTION, this);
    UInventory inv = qp.getInventory();
    if (inv.containsItems(new Item(Material.LOG, 10), new Item(Material.STRING, 16), new MoneyItem(MoneyItem.Type.DUST).setAmount(10))) {
        qp.sendMessage("Great! Now go to Ulric to craft a weapon.");
    } else if (inv.containsItems(new Item(Material.STRING, 16), new MoneyItem(MoneyItem.Type.DUST).setAmount(10))) {
        qp.sendMessage("Finally get 10 wood logs at the saw");
    } else if (inv.containsItems(new Item(Material.WOOL, 4), new MoneyItem(MoneyItem.Type.DUST).setAmount(10))) {
        qp.sendMessage("Great job, now please break down your wool into 16 string by using the windmill.");
    } else if (inv.contains(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, 10)) {
        qp.sendMessage("Now bring me 4 wool by killing sheep.");
    } else {
        qp.sendMessage("What are you doing out here? You don't even have a weapon yet! I'll tell you what you'll need to make a weapon. First, get 10 gold dust by killing animals.");
Also used : QuestParticipant( MoneyItem( Item(xyz.derkades.ublisk.utils.inventory.Item) UInventory(xyz.derkades.ublisk.utils.inventory.UInventory) MoneyItem(


QuestParticipant ( UInventory (xyz.derkades.ublisk.utils.inventory.UInventory)5 ItemBuilder (xyz.derkades.derkutils.bukkit.ItemBuilder)1 Town (xyz.derkades.ublisk.Town)1 MoneyItem ( NPCMenu ( Item (xyz.derkades.ublisk.utils.inventory.Item)1