use of CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddMacroEditorDialog method initialize.
* Create the macro editor dialog. This is executed in a separate thread since it can take a
* noticeable amount time to complete, and by using a separate thread the GUI is allowed to
* continue to update. The GUI menu commands, however, are disabled until the telemetry
* scheduler initialization completes execution
private void initialize() {
// Build the macro editor dialog in the background
CcddBackgroundCommand.executeInBackground(ccddMain, new BackgroundCommand() {
// Create panels to hold the components of the dialog
JPanel editorPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
JPanel buttonPnl = new JPanel();
JButton btnClose;
* Build the macro editor dialog
protected void execute() {
modifications = new ArrayList<TableModification>();
loadedReferences = new ArrayList<MacroReference>();
// Set the initial layout manager characteristics
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0);
// Create a copy of the macro data so it can be used to determine if changes are
// made
// Define the panel to contain the table and place it in the editor
JPanel tablePnl = new JPanel();
tablePnl.setLayout(new BoxLayout(tablePnl, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
editorPnl.add(tablePnl, gbc);
// Set the modal undo manager and table references in the keyboard handler while
// the macro editor is active
ccddMain.getKeyboardHandler().setModalDialogReference(macroTable.getUndoManager(), macroTable);
// New button
JButton btnInsertRow = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Ins Row", INSERT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_I, "Insert a new row into the table");
// Create a listener for the Insert Row button
btnInsertRow.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Insert a new row into the table at the selected location
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Delete button
JButton btnDeleteRow = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Del Row", DELETE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_D, "Delete the selected row(s) from the table");
// Create a listener for the Delete row button
btnDeleteRow.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Delete the selected row(s) from the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Step through each row selected for deletion
for (int row : macroTable.getSelectedRows()) {
// Get the macro name
String name = macroTable.getValueAt(row, MacrosColumn.MACRO_NAME.ordinal()).toString();
// Check if the macro is used in any of the data tables
if (!name.isEmpty() && macroHandler.getMacroReferences(name, CcddMacroEditorDialog.this).length != 0) {
// Deselect the macro
macroTable.removeRowSelectionInterval(row, row);
// Inform the user that the macro can't be deleted
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddMacroEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Cannot delete macro '" + name + "'; macro is referenced by a data table", "Delete Macro", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
// Move Up button
JButton btnMoveUp = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Up", UP_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_U, "Move the selected row(s) up");
// Create a listener for the Move Up button
btnMoveUp.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Move the selected row(s) up in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Move Down button
JButton btnMoveDown = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Down", DOWN_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_W, "Move the selected row(s) down");
// Create a listener for the Move Down button
btnMoveDown.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Move the selected row(s) down in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Undo button
JButton btnUndo = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Undo", UNDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_Z, "Undo the last edit");
// Create a listener for the Undo button
btnUndo.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Undo the last cell edit
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Redo button
JButton btnRedo = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Redo", REDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_Y, "Redo the last undone edit");
// Create a listener for the Redo button
btnRedo.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Redo the last cell edit that was undone
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Store the macros button
JButton btnStore = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Store", STORE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_S, "Store the macro(s)");
// Create a listener for the Store button
btnStore.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Store the macros
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// the action
if (macroTable.isTableChanged(committedData) && !checkForMissingColumns() && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddMacroEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Store changes in project database?", "Store Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Get a list of the macro modifications
// Update the tables affected by the changes to the macro(s)
dbTable.modifyTablePerDataTypeOrMacroChanges(modifications, getUpdatedData(), CcddMacroEditorDialog.this);
// Close button
btnClose = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Close", CLOSE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_C, "Close the macro editor");
// Create a listener for the Close button
btnClose.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener(macroTable) {
* Close the macro editor dialog
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Add buttons in the order in which they'll appear (left to right, top to bottom)
// Distribute the buttons across two rows
* Macro editor dialog creation complete
protected void complete() {
// Display the macro editor dialog
showOptionsDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), editorPnl, buttonPnl, btnClose, DIALOG_TITLE, true);