use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFileIOHandler method retrieveScriptFromDatabase.
* Retrieve the contents of the specified script from the database and save it to a file
* @param script
* name of the script to retrieve
* @param file
* reference to the script file
protected void retrieveScriptFromDatabase(String script, File file) {
PrintWriter pw = null;
try {
// Get the script file contents from the database
List<String[]> lines = dbTable.retrieveInformationTable(InternalTable.SCRIPT, false, script, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
boolean cancelRetrieve = false;
// Check if the data file exists
if (file.exists()) {
// Check if the existing file should be overwritten
if (new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>Overwrite existing script file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'?", "Overwrite File", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Check if the existing file can't be deleted
if (!file.delete()) {
throw new CCDDException("Cannot replace");
} else // File should not be overwritten
// Cancel retrieving the script
cancelRetrieve = true;
// Check that the user didn't cancel the export
if (!cancelRetrieve) {
// Check if the script file can't be created
if (!file.createNewFile()) {
throw new CCDDException("Cannot create");
// Output the table data to the selected file
pw = new PrintWriter(file);
// Step through each row in the table
for (String[] line : lines) {
// Output the line contents (ignore the line number)
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Inform the user that the script file cannot be created
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage() + " script file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", ce.getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the script file cannot be written to
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>Cannot write to script file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} finally {
// Check if the PrintWriter was opened
if (pw != null) {
// Close the script file
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddEDSHandler method createEnumerationList.
* Build an enumeration list from the supplied enumeration string
* @param namespace
* name space
* @param enumeration
* enumeration in the format <enum value><enum value separator><enum label>[<enum
* value separator>...][<enum pair separator>...]
* @return Enumeration list for the supplied enumeration string
private EnumerationListType createEnumerationList(NamespaceType namespace, String enumeration) {
EnumerationListType enumList = factory.createEnumerationListType();
try {
// Get the character that separates the enumeration value from the associated label
String enumValSep = CcddUtilities.getEnumeratedValueSeparator(enumeration);
// Check if the value separator couldn't be located
if (enumValSep == null) {
throw new CCDDException("separator character between enumeration value and label missing");
// Get the character that separates the enumerated pairs
String enumPairSep = CcddUtilities.getEnumerationPairSeparator(enumeration, enumValSep);
// Check if the enumerated pair separator couldn't be located
if (enumPairSep == null) {
throw new CCDDException("separator character between enumerated pairs missing");
// Divide the enumeration string into the separate enumeration definitions
String[] enumDefn = enumeration.split(Pattern.quote(enumPairSep));
// Step through each enumeration definition
for (int index = 0; index < enumDefn.length; index++) {
// Split the enumeration definition into the name and label components
String[] enumParts = enumDefn[index].split(Pattern.quote(enumValSep), 2);
// Create a new enumeration value type and add the enumerated name and value to the
// enumeration list
ValueEnumerationType valueEnum = factory.createValueEnumerationType();
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Inform the user that the enumeration format is invalid
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Enumeration '" + enumeration + "' format invalid in table '" + namespace.getName() + "'; " + ce.getMessage(), "Enumeration Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
return enumList;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddCSVHandler method importFromFile.
* Build the information from the table definition(s) in the current file
* @param importFile
* import file reference
* @param importAll
* ImportType.IMPORT_ALL to import the table type, data type, and macro definitions,
* and the data from all the table definitions; ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY to load
* only the data for the first table defined
* @throws CCDDException
* If a data is missing, extraneous, or in error in the import file
* @throws IOException
* If an import file I/O error occurs
* @throws Exception
* For any unanticipated errors
public void importFromFile(FileEnvVar importFile, ImportType importType) throws CCDDException, IOException, Exception {
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
List<TableTypeDefinition> tableTypeDefns = new ArrayList<TableTypeDefinition>();
List<String[]> dataTypeDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
List<String[]> macroDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
List<String[]> reservedMsgIDDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
tableDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>();
// macros, then a second pass to read the table data and fields
for (int loop = 1; loop <= 2; loop++) {
int columnNumber = 0;
// Create a buffered reader to read the file
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(importFile));
// Flags indicating if importing should continue after an input error is detected
boolean continueOnTableTypeError = false;
boolean continueOnDataTypeError = false;
boolean continueOnMacroError = false;
boolean continueOnColumnError = false;
boolean continueOnDataFieldError = false;
boolean continueOnReservedMsgIDError = false;
boolean continueOnTableTypeFieldError = false;
// Initialize the input tag
CSVTags importTag = null;
// Read first line in file
String line = br.readLine();
// outer while loop accounts for multiple table definitions within a single file
while (line != null) {
TableTypeDefinition tableTypeDefn = null;
// Initialize the table information
int numColumns = 0;
String tablePath = "";
// Create empty table information and table type definition references
TypeDefinition typeDefn = null;
// Storage for column indices
int[] columnIndex = null;
// Initialize the number of matching columns and the cell data storage
String[] columnValues = null;
// Create a table definition to contain the table's information
TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition();
// Flag that indicates if a table type row is the type name and description or
// a column definition
boolean isTypeName = false;
// inner while loop reads the information for a single table in the file
while (line != null) {
// Remove any trailing commas, empty quotes, and leading/trailing white
// space characters from the row. If the CSV file is generated from a
// spreadsheet application then extra commas are appended to a row if
// needed for the number of columns to be equal with the other rows. These
// empty trailing columns are ignored
line = line.replaceAll("(?:[,\\s*]|\\\"\\s*\\\")*$", "");
// character)
if (!line.isEmpty() && !line.startsWith("#")) {
// Parse the import data. The values are comma- separated; however,
// commas within quotes are ignored - this allows commas to be included
// in the data values
columnValues = CcddUtilities.splitAndRemoveQuotes(line);
// Remove any leading/trailing white space characters from the first
// column value
String firstColumn = columnValues[0].trim();
// Check if this is the table name and table type tag
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.NAME_TYPE.getTag())) {
// Set the input type to look for the table name and table type
importTag = CSVTags.NAME_TYPE;
// information
if (loop == 2 && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
// to beginning another one
} else // type are defined
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.COLUMN_NAMES.getTag()) && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
// Set the input type to look for the table column names
importTag = CSVTags.COLUMN_NAMES;
} else // type are defined
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.DESCRIPTION.getTag()) && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
// Set the input type to look for the table description
importTag = CSVTags.DESCRIPTION;
} else // are defined
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.DATA_FIELD.getTag()) && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
// Set the input type to look for the data field(s)
importTag = CSVTags.DATA_FIELD;
} else // Check if this is the table type tag
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE.getTag())) {
// Set the input type to look for the table type definition
importTag = CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE;
// Set the flag so that the next row is treated as the table type
// name and description
isTypeName = true;
} else // is defined
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE_DATA_FIELD.getTag()) && tableTypeDefn != null) {
// Set the input type to look for the table type data field(s)
} else // Check if this is the data type tag
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.DATA_TYPE.getTag())) {
// Set the input type to look for the data type(s)
importTag = CSVTags.DATA_TYPE;
} else // Check if this is the macro tag
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.MACRO.getTag())) {
// Set the input type to look for the macro(s)
importTag = CSVTags.MACRO;
} else // Check if this is the reserved message IDs tag
if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.RESERVED_MSG_IDS.getTag())) {
// Set the input type to look for the reserved IDs
} else // Not a tag (or no table name and type are defined); read in the
// information based on the last tag read
// Check if this is the first pass
if (loop == 1) {
switch(importTag) {
// Check if this is the table type name and description
if (isTypeName) {
// Reset the flag so that subsequent rows are
// treated as column definitions
isTypeName = false;
columnNumber = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS;
// present
if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 1) {
// Add the table type definition
tableTypeDefn = new TableTypeDefinition(columnValues[0], (columnValues.length == 2 ? columnValues[1] : ""));
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnTableTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeError, "<html><b>Missing table type name in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Table Type Error", "Ignore this table type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid table types", "Stop importing", parent);
} else // This is a column definition
// present
if (columnValues.length == TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.values().length - 1) {
// Add the table type column definition,
// checking for (and if possible, correcting)
// errors
continueOnTableTypeError = addImportedTableTypeDefinition(continueOnTableTypeError, tableTypeDefn, new String[] { String.valueOf(columnNumber), columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.NAME.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.UNIQUE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.POINTER_ALLOWED.ordinal() - 1] }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
// Update the column index number for the next
// column definition
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnTableTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeError, "<html><b>Table type '" + tableTypeDefn.getTypeName() + "' definition has missing or extra " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Table Type Error", "Ignore this table type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid table types", "Stop importing", parent);
// Check if all definitions are to be loaded
if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
// present
if (columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 || columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 2) {
// Append empty columns as needed to fill out
// the expected number of inputs
columnValues = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(columnValues, FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 - columnValues.length);
// Add the data field definition, checking for
// (and if possible, correcting) errors
continueOnTableTypeFieldError = addImportedDataFieldDefinition(continueOnTableTypeFieldError, tableTypeDefn, new String[] { CcddFieldHandler.getFieldTypeName(tableTypeDefn.getTypeName()), columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_DESC.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_SIZE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_REQUIRED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_APPLICABILITY.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal() - 1] }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnTableTypeFieldError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeFieldError, "<html><b>Table type '</b>" + tableTypeDefn.getTypeName() + "<b>' has missing or extra data field " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Field Error", "Ignore this invalid data field", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data fields", "Stop importing", parent);
// Check if all definitions are to be loaded
if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
// present
if (columnValues.length == 4) {
// Add the data type definition (add a blank to
// represent the OID)
dataTypeDefns.add(new String[] { columnValues[DataTypesColumn.USER_NAME.ordinal()], columnValues[DataTypesColumn.C_NAME.ordinal()], columnValues[DataTypesColumn.SIZE.ordinal()], columnValues[DataTypesColumn.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()], "" });
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnDataTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnDataTypeError, "<html><b>Missing or extra data type definition " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Type Error", "Ignore this data type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data types", "Stop importing", parent);
case MACRO:
// Check if all definitions are to be loaded
if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
// present
if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 1) {
// Add the macro definition (add a blank to
// represent the OID)
macroDefns.add(new String[] { columnValues[0], (columnValues.length == 2 ? columnValues[1] : ""), "" });
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnMacroError = getErrorResponse(continueOnMacroError, "<html><b>Missing or extra macro definition " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Macro Error", "Ignore this macro", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid macros", "Stop importing", parent);
// Check if all definitions are to be loaded
if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
// present
if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 1) {
// Append empty columns as needed to fill out
// the expected number of inputs
columnValues = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(columnValues, 2 - columnValues.length);
// Add the reserved message ID definition (add
// a blank to represent the OID)
reservedMsgIDDefns.add(new String[] { columnValues[ReservedMsgIDsColumn.MSG_ID.ordinal()], columnValues[ReservedMsgIDsColumn.DESCRIPTION.ordinal()], "" });
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnReservedMsgIDError = getErrorResponse(continueOnReservedMsgIDError, "<html><b>Missing or extra reserved message ID " + "definition input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Reserved Message ID Error", "Ignore this data type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid reserved message IDs", "Stop importing", parent);
// before other data
throw new CCDDException("Import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>' information missing");
} else // This is the second pass
switch(importTag) {
// not used)
if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 3) {
// Use the table name (with path, if applicable)
// and type to build the parent, path, and type for
// the table information class
tablePath = columnValues[0];
// Get the table's type definition
typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableDefn.getTypeName());
// Check if the table type doesn't exist
if (typeDefn == null) {
throw new CCDDException("Unknown table type '" + tableDefn.getTypeName() + "'");
// Get the number of expected columns (the hidden
// columns, primary key and row index, should not
// be included in the CSV file)
numColumns = typeDefn.getColumnCountVisible();
} else // Incorrect number of inputs
throw new CCDDException("Too many/few table name and type inputs");
// Store the table description
// Check if any column names exist
if (columnValues.length != 0) {
// Number of columns in an import file that match
// the target table
int numValidColumns = 0;
// Create storage for the column indices
columnIndex = new int[columnValues.length];
// Step through each column name
for (int index = 0; index < columnValues.length; index++) {
// Get the index for this column name
columnIndex[index] = typeDefn.getVisibleColumnIndexByUserName(columnValues[index]);
// that of a column in the table
if (columnIndex[index] != -1) {
// Increment the counter that tracks the
// number of matched columns
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or
// the import canceled
continueOnColumnError = getErrorResponse(continueOnColumnError, "<html><b>Table '</b>" + tableDefn.getName() + "<b>' column name '</b>" + columnValues[index] + "<b>' unrecognized in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Column Error", "Ignore this invalid column name", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid column names", "Stop importing", parent);
// in the table
if (numValidColumns == 0) {
throw new CCDDException("No columns in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>' match those in the target table", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
} else // The file contains no column data
throw new CCDDException("Format invalid for import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'");
// Set the input type to look for cell data
importTag = CSVTags.CELL_DATA;
// Create storage for the row of cell data and
// initialize the values to nulls (a null indicates
// that the pasted cell value won't overwrite the
// current table value if overwriting; if inserting the
// pasted value is changed to a space)
String[] rowData = new String[numColumns];
Arrays.fill(rowData, null);
// Step through each column in the row
for (int index = 0; index < columnValues.length; index++) {
// Check if the column exists
if (index < columnIndex.length && columnIndex[index] != -1) {
// Store the cell data in the column matching
// the one in the target table
rowData[columnIndex[index]] = columnValues[index];
// Add the row of data read in from the file to the
// cell data list
// Check if the expected number of inputs is present
if (columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 || columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 2) {
// Append empty columns as needed to fill out the
// expected number of inputs
columnValues = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(columnValues, FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 - columnValues.length);
// Add the data field definition, checking for (and
// if possible, correcting) errors
continueOnDataFieldError = addImportedDataFieldDefinition(continueOnDataFieldError, tableDefn, new String[] { tableDefn.getName(), columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_DESC.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_SIZE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_REQUIRED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_APPLICABILITY.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal() - 1] }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
} else // The number of inputs is incorrect
// Check if the error should be ignored or the
// import canceled
continueOnDataFieldError = getErrorResponse(continueOnDataFieldError, "<html><b>Table '</b>" + tableDefn.getName() + "<b>' has missing or extra data field " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Field Error", "Ignore this invalid data field", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data fields", "Stop importing", parent);
case MACRO:
// before other data
throw new CCDDException("Import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>' information missing");
// Read next line in file
line = br.readLine();
// Check if this is the second pass
if (loop == 2) {
// Add the table's definition to the list
// Check if only the data from the first table is to be read
if (importType == ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY) {
// Stop reading table definitions
// Check if this is the first pass
if (loop == 1) {
// Add the table type if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same
// name if the type definitions are the same
String badDefn = tableTypeHandler.updateTableTypes(tableTypeDefns, fieldHandler);
// same name
if (badDefn != null) {
throw new CCDDException("Imported table type '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
// Check if all definitions are to be loaded
if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
// Add the data type if it's new or match it to an existing one with the
// same name if the type definitions are the same
badDefn = dataTypeHandler.updateDataTypes(dataTypeDefns);
// the same name
if (badDefn != null) {
throw new CCDDException("Imported data type '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
// Add the macro if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same
// name if the values are the same
badDefn = macroHandler.updateMacros(macroDefns);
// same name
if (badDefn != null) {
throw new CCDDException("Imported macro '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
// Add the reserved message ID if it's new
} finally {
try {
// Check that the buffered reader exists
if (br != null) {
// Close the file
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the file cannot be closed
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot close import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptManagerDialog method addAssociation.
* Add an association to the script associations list based on the script and table selections
* @param insertPoint
* insertion point for the added row into the associations table:
* TableInsertionPoint.START to insert as the first row in the table,
* TableInsertionPoint.SELECTION to insert below the currently selected row, or
* TableInsertionPoint.END to insert as the last row in the table
* @return true if the association inputs are valid and the association is successfully added
private boolean addAssociation(TableInsertionPoint insertPoint) {
boolean isAdded = false;
try {
List<String> members = new ArrayList<>();
// Check if the tree is filtered by group
if (tableTree.isFilteredByGroup()) {
// Step through each selected group
for (String group : tableTree.getSelectedGroups()) {
// Add the group to the list. Any table belonging to the group is deselected
members.add(GROUP_DATA_FIELD_IDENT + group);
// Remove any excess white space
// Check if the name field isn't blank
if (!nameFld.getText().isEmpty()) {
// Check if the association name does not match the alphanumeric input type
if (!nameFld.getText().matches(InputDataType.ALPHANUMERIC.getInputMatch())) {
throw new CCDDException("Illegal character(s) in association name");
// creating a duplicate
for (int row = 0; row < assnsTable.getRowCount(); row++) {
// matches the one being added (case insensitive)
if (nameFld.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(assnsTable.getValueAt(row, AssociationsTableColumnInfo.NAME.ordinal()).toString())) {
throw new CCDDException("Association name already in use");
// Add the selected table names, skipping child tables if an ancestor of the table is
// selected
// Get a file descriptor for the script file name
FileEnvVar scriptFile = new FileEnvVar(scriptFld.getText());
// Check that the script association already exists in the list
if (isAssociationExists(scriptFile.getAbsolutePathWithEnvVars(), members.toArray(new String[0]))) {
throw new CCDDException("An association with this script and table(s) " + "already exists in the script associations table");
// Create the script association strings
String assn = "";
// Step through each selected table/group in the tree
for (String member : members) {
// Add the table/group name to the script association
assn += member + ASSN_TABLE_SEPARATOR;
// Remove the trailing table separator
assn = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(assn, ASSN_TABLE_SEPARATOR);
// Insert the new script association at the end of the associations table, then select
// it and scroll to it
assnsTable.insertRow(true, insertPoint, new Object[] { nameFld.getText(), descriptionFld.getText(), scriptFile.getAbsolutePathWithEnvVars(), CcddUtilities.highlightDataType(assn), (scriptFile.exists() ? AvailabilityType.AVAILABLE : AvailabilityType.SCRIPT_MISSING) });
isAdded = true;
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Inform the user that an input value is invalid
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
return isAdded;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTableEditorHandler method initialize.
* Create the table editor
private void initialize() {
// Set the table type definition
// Get the model column indices for columns with special input types
// Create a copy of the table information
// Get the array size and index column indices and create a row filter to show/hide the
// array member rows if an array size column exists
// Define the table editor JTable
table = new CcddJTableHandler(ModifiableSizeInfo.INIT_VIEWABLE_DATA_TABLE_ROWS.getSize()) {
* Highlight any macros or special flags in the table cells
* @param component
* reference to the table cell renderer component
* @param text
* cell text
* @param isSelected
* true if the cell is to be rendered with the selection highlighted
* @param int
* row cell row, view coordinates
* @param column
* cell column, view coordinates
protected void doSpecialRendering(Component component, String text, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
// Highlight any macro names in the table cell. Adjust the highlight color to
// account for the cell selection highlighting so that the macro is easily readable
macroHandler.highlightMacro(component, text, isSelected ? ModifiableColorInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getColor() : ModifiableColorInfo.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT.getColor());
// Highlight 'sizeof(data type)' instances
CcddDataTypeHandler.highlightSizeof(component, text, isSelected ? ModifiableColorInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getColor() : ModifiableColorInfo.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT.getColor());
// Highlight the flag that indicates the custom value for this cell is to be
// removed and the prototype's value used instead. Create a highlighter painter
DefaultHighlightPainter painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(isSelected ? ModifiableColorInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getColor() : Color.MAGENTA);
// Create the match pattern
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^" + Pattern.quote(REPLACE_INDICATOR));
// Create the pattern matcher from the pattern
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
// Check if there is a match in the cell value
if (matcher.find()) {
try {
// Highlight the matching text. Adjust the highlight color to account for
// the cell selection highlighting so that the search text is easily
// readable
((JTextComponent) component).getHighlighter().addHighlight(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), painter);
} catch (BadLocationException ble) {
// Ignore highlighting failure
* Get the tool tip text for a table cell, showing any macro name replaced with its
* corresponding macro value
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent me) {
String toolTipText = null;
// Get the row and column of the cell over which the mouse pointer is hovering
Point point = me.getPoint();
int row = rowAtPoint(point);
int column = columnAtPoint(point);
// Check if a cell is beneath the mouse pointer
if (row != -1 && column != -1) {
// Expand any macros in the cell text and display this as the cell's tool tip
// text
toolTipText = macroHandler.getMacroToolTipText(getValueAt(row, column).toString());
return toolTipText;
* Return true if the table data, column order, description, or a data field changes.
* If the table isn't open in and editor (as when a macro is changed) then the table
* description and data fields are not applicable
protected boolean isTableChanged(Object[][] previousData, List<Integer> ignoreColumns) {
boolean isFieldChanged = false;
// and/or value change)
if (editorDialog != null) {
// Update the field information with the current text field values
// Set the flag if the number of fields, field attributes, or field contents
// have changed
isFieldChanged = CcddFieldHandler.isFieldChanged(tableInfo.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformation(), committedInfo.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformation(), false);
return super.isTableChanged(previousData, ignoreColumns) || isFieldChanged || !getColumnOrder().equals(committedInfo.getColumnOrder()) || (editorDialog != null && !committedInfo.getDescription().equals(getDescription()));
* Allow multiple line display in all columns
protected boolean isColumnMultiLine(int column) {
return true;
* Hide the the specified columns
protected boolean isColumnHidden(int column) {
return column == primaryKeyIndex || column == rowIndex;
* Override isCellEditable to determine which cells can be edited
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
// Initialize the flag to the table edit flag (based on the table edit flag this
// enables normal editing or disables editing any cell)
boolean isEditable = isEditEnabled;
// one row
if (isEditable && (isDisplayable() || editorDialog == null) && tableModel != null && tableModel.getRowCount() != 0) {
// Convert the view row and column indices to model coordinates
int modelRow = convertRowIndexToModel(row);
int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
// Check if the cell is editable
isEditable = isDataAlterable(((List<?>) tableModel.getDataVector().elementAt(modelRow)).toArray(new String[0]), modelRow, modelColumn);
return isEditable;
* Override isDataAlterable to determine which table data values can be changed
* @param rowData
* array containing the table row data
* @param row
* table row index in model coordinates
* @param column
* table column index in model coordinates
* @return true if the data value can be changed
protected boolean isDataAlterable(Object[] rowData, int row, int column) {
boolean isAlterable = true;
// Check if the table data has at least one row
if (rowData != null && rowData.length != 0) {
// Copy the row of table data. This prevents the macro expansions for array
// size and bit length below from changing the cell contents
Object[] rowCopy = Arrays.copyOf(rowData, rowData.length);
// Check if the array size column is present in this table
if (arraySizeIndex != -1) {
// Expand any macros in the array size column
rowCopy[arraySizeIndex] = newMacroHandler.getMacroExpansion(rowCopy[arraySizeIndex].toString());
// Check if the array size column is present in this table
if (bitLengthIndex != -1) {
// Expand any macros in the array size column
rowCopy[bitLengthIndex] = newMacroHandler.getMacroExpansion(rowCopy[bitLengthIndex].toString());
// Flag that is true if the row represents an array definition
boolean isArrayDefinition = arraySizeIndex != -1 && variableNameIndex != -1 && !rowCopy[arraySizeIndex].toString().isEmpty() && !ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(rowCopy[variableNameIndex]);
// Check if the cell is non-alterable based on the following criteria:
if (// this is not a prototype table
((column == variableNameIndex || column == dataTypeIndex || column == arraySizeIndex || column == bitLengthIndex) && !tableInfo.isPrototype()) || // displays an array member
((column == variableNameIndex || column == dataTypeIndex || column == arraySizeIndex) && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(rowCopy[variableNameIndex])) || // isn't valid for structures
(dataTypeIndex != -1 && !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString()) && !typeDefn.isStructureAllowed()[column]) || // This data type is a pointer and the column isn't valid for pointers
(dataTypeIndex != -1 && dataTypeHandler.isPointer(rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString()) && !typeDefn.isPointerAllowed()[column]) || // This is the enumeration or rate cell in a row displaying an array definition
((isArrayDefinition && enumerationIndex.contains(column) && rateIndex.contains(column))) || // type is not an integer (signed or unsigned)
(column == bitLengthIndex && ((arraySizeIndex != -1 && !rowCopy[arraySizeIndex].toString().isEmpty()) || (dataTypeIndex != -1 && !dataTypeHandler.isInteger(rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString())))) || // length is present
(column == arraySizeIndex && ((variableNameIndex != -1 && rowCopy[variableNameIndex].toString().isEmpty()) || (bitLengthIndex != -1 && !rowCopy[bitLengthIndex].toString().isEmpty()))) || // This is a rate cell, and a data type exists that is not a primitive
(rateIndex.contains(column) && dataTypeIndex != -1 && !rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString().isEmpty() && !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString())) || // first array member
(variableNameIndex != -1 && dataTypeIndex != -1 && dataTypeHandler.isString(rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString()) && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(rowCopy[variableNameIndex]) && !rowCopy[variableNameIndex].toString().endsWith("[0]")) || // the variable path
(isArrayDefinition && (typeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].equals(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID) || column == variablePathIndex)) || // variables in a non-root prototype structure
(column == variablePathIndex && rowCopy[variablePathIndex].toString().isEmpty())) {
// Set the flag to prevent altering the data value
isAlterable = false;
} else // Check the column groupings
// Step through each column grouping
for (AssociatedColumns colGrp : associatedColumns) {
// Check if the cell is non-alterable based on the following criteria:
if ((// isn't an integer type (signed or unsigned)
column == colGrp.getEnumeration() && !dataTypeHandler.isInteger(rowCopy[colGrp.getDataType()].toString())) || // defined
((column == colGrp.getMinimum() || column == colGrp.getMaximum()) && rowCopy[colGrp.getDataType()].toString().isEmpty())) {
// Set the flag to prevent altering the data value and stop
// searching
isAlterable = false;
// Check if no command argument pairing reset the flag
if (isAlterable) {
// Step through each non-command argument minimum/maximum pairing
for (MinMaxPair minMax : minMaxPair) {
// is missing, empty, or isn't a primitive type
if (dataTypeIndex != -1 && (rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString().isEmpty() || !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(rowCopy[dataTypeIndex].toString())) && (column == minMax.getMinimum() || column == minMax.getMaximum())) {
// Set the flag to prevent altering the data value and stop
// searching
isAlterable = false;
return isAlterable;
* Override getCellEditor so that for a data type column cell in a row where the
* enumeration cell isn't empty the combo box editor that displays only integer data
* types (signed and unsigned) is returned; for all other cells return the normal cell
* editor
* @param row
* table view row number
* @param column
* table view column number
* @return The cell editor for the specified row and column
public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) {
// Get the editor for this cell
TableCellEditor cellEditor = super.getCellEditor(row, column);
// Convert the row and column indices to the model coordinates
int modelRow = convertRowIndexToModel(row);
int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
// column and the bit length cell is not empty
if (modelColumn == dataTypeIndex && bitLengthIndex != -1 && !getExpandedValueAt(modelRow, bitLengthIndex).isEmpty()) {
// Select the combo box cell editor that displays only integer data types
// (signed and unsigned)
cellEditor = enumDataTypeCellEditor;
} else // Check if this is a data type and enumeration pairing or a command argument
// column grouping
// Step through each column grouping
for (AssociatedColumns colGrp : associatedColumns) {
// type column, and that the associated enumeration cell isn't blank
if (modelColumn == colGrp.getDataType() && colGrp.getEnumeration() != -1 && !getExpandedValueAt(modelRow, colGrp.getEnumeration()).isEmpty()) {
// Select the combo box cell editor that displays only integer data
// types (signed and unsigned) and stop searching
cellEditor = enumDataTypeCellEditor;
return cellEditor;
* Validate changes to the editable cells; e.g., verify cell content and, if found
* invalid, revert to the original value. Update array members if needed
* @param tableData
* list containing the table data row arrays
* @param row
* table model row index
* @param column
* table model column index
* @param oldValue
* original cell contents
* @param newValue
* new cell contents
* @param showMessage
* true to display the invalid input dialog, if applicable
* @param isMultiple
* true if this is one of multiple cells to be entered and checked; false if
* only a single input is being entered
* @return true to indicate that subsequent errors should be displayed; false if
* subsequent errors should not be displayed; null if the operation should be
* canceled
protected Boolean validateCellContent(List<Object[]> tableData, int row, int column, Object oldValue, Object newValue, Boolean showMessage, boolean isMultiple) {
// Reset the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is invalid
try {
// Set the parameters that govern recalculating packed variables to begin with
// the first row in the table and to use the first variable in the pack to set
// the rates for other variables in the same pack
int startRow = 0;
boolean useRowRate = false;
// Create a string version of the new value, replacing any macro in the text
// with its corresponding value
String newValueS = newMacroHandler.getMacroExpansion(newValue.toString(), validDataTypes);
// to this structure's prototype or the prototype of one of its children
if (variableHandler.isInvalidReference()) {
throw new CCDDException("Invalid input value in column '</b>" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column] + "<b>'; data type invalid or unknown in sizeof() call");
// Check if the cell is flagged for replacement by the prototype value
if (newValueS.startsWith(REPLACE_INDICATOR)) {
// Remove the flag so that the updated value is stored as a custom value
newValueS = newValueS.replaceFirst("^" + REPLACE_INDICATOR, "");
// Check that the new value isn't blank
if (!newValueS.isEmpty()) {
// Check if the values in this column must not be duplicated
if (typeDefn.isRowValueUnique()[column]) {
// Step through each row in the table
for (int otherRow = 0; otherRow < tableData.size(); otherRow++) {
// matches the one being added (case insensitive)
if (otherRow != row && newValueS.equalsIgnoreCase(getExpandedValueAt(tableData, otherRow, column))) {
throw new CCDDException("Invalid input value for column '</b>" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column] + "<b>'; value must be unique");
// Step through each column grouping
for (AssociatedColumns colGrp : associatedColumns) {
// Check if this is a name column
if (column == colGrp.getName()) {
// Step through the column groupings
for (AssociatedColumns otherColGrp : associatedColumns) {
// name matches the name of another command argument
if (!colGrp.equals(otherColGrp) && newValueS.equals(getExpandedValueAt(tableData, row, otherColGrp.getName()))) {
throw new CCDDException("Invalid input value for column '</b>" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column] + "<b>'; command argument names must be unique for a command");
} else // Check if this is the minimum or maximum value columns
if (column == colGrp.getMinimum() || column == colGrp.getMaximum()) {
// Verify that the minimum/maximum value is valid for the
// argument's data type, and stop searching
validateMinMaxContent(tableData, row, column, newValueS, colGrp.getDataType(), colGrp.getMinimum(), colGrp.getMaximum());
// Step through each minimum/maximum pairing
for (MinMaxPair minMax : minMaxPair) {
// Check if this is the minimum or maximum value columns
if (column == minMax.getMinimum() || column == minMax.getMaximum()) {
// Verify that the minimum/maximum value is valid for the
// argument's data type, and stop searching
validateMinMaxContent(tableData, row, column, newValueS, dataTypeIndex, minMax.getMinimum(), minMax.getMaximum());
// Check if the value doesn't match the expected input type
if (!newValueS.matches(typeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].getInputMatch())) {
throw new CCDDException("Invalid characters in column '</b>" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column] + "<b>'; characters consistent with input type '" + typeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].getInputName() + "' expected");
// Check if this is a message ID name column
if (msgIDNameIndex.contains(column)) {
// The message ID, which is included with the ID name in the combo box
// list, doesn't appear when the item is selected from the list, so
// remove the ID
newValueS = newValueS.replaceFirst(" \\(.*", "");
// Flag that indicates that the new cell value contains a macro and/or a
// sizeof() call
boolean hasMacroSizeof = CcddMacroHandler.hasMacro(newValue.toString()) || CcddVariableSizeAndConversionHandler.hasSizeof(newValue.toString());
// prevents the macro reference from being lost
if (!hasMacroSizeof) {
// Store the new value in the table data array after formatting the cell
// value per its input type. This is needed primarily to clean up numeric
// formatting
newValueS = typeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].formatInput(newValueS);
newValue = newValueS;
tableData.get(row)[column] = newValueS;
// Replace any macro in the original text with its corresponding value
String oldValueS = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(oldValue.toString());
// original text with its corresponding value
if (!newValueS.equals(oldValueS)) {
String variableName = null;
String dataType = null;
String arraySize = null;
String bitLength = null;
// Check if the variable name column exists
if (variableNameIndex != -1) {
// Get the variable name for the current row, expanding macros in the
// name (if present)
variableName = getExpandedValueAt(tableData, row, variableNameIndex);
// Check if the data type column exists
if (dataTypeIndex != -1) {
// Get the data type for the current row
dataType = tableData.get(row)[dataTypeIndex].toString();
// Check if the array size column exists
if (arraySizeIndex != -1) {
// Get the array size for the current row, expanding macros in the
// value (if present)
arraySize = getExpandedValueAt(tableData, row, arraySizeIndex);
// Check if the bit length column exists
if (bitLengthIndex != -1) {
// Get the bit length for the current row, expanding macros in the
// value (if present)
bitLength = getExpandedValueAt(tableData, row, bitLengthIndex);
// Check if the variable name or data type has been changed
if (column == variableNameIndex || column == dataTypeIndex) {
// if a data type is pasted into the cell
if (invalidDataTypes != null && invalidDataTypes.contains(dataType)) {
throw new CCDDException("Data type '</b>" + dataType + "<b>' invalid; structure cannot reference itself or an ancestor");
// Check if the variable is an array
if (arraySize != null) {
// and the bit length exceeds the size of the data type in bits
if (column == dataTypeIndex && !newValueS.isEmpty() && bitLength != null && !bitLength.isEmpty() && Integer.valueOf(bitLength) > newDataTypeHandler.getSizeInBits(dataType)) {
throw new CCDDException("Bit length exceeds the size of the data type");
// Get the array index values from the array size column and update
// array members if this is an array definition
int[] arrayDims = ArrayVariable.getArrayIndexFromSize(arraySize);
adjustArrayMember(tableData, arrayDims, arrayDims, row, column);
// manually set
if (variablePathIndex != -1 && tableData.get(row)[variablePathIndex].toString().equals(getVariablePath((column == variableNameIndex ? oldValueS : variableName), (column == dataTypeIndex ? oldValueS : dataType), true))) {
// Update the variable path with the new variable name and/or data
// type
tableData.get(row)[variablePathIndex] = getVariablePath(variableName, dataType, true);
} else // Check if this is the array size column
if (column == arraySizeIndex) {
// Get the original and updated array index values
int[] arraySizeOld = ArrayVariable.getArrayIndexFromSize(oldValueS);
int[] arraySizeNew = ArrayVariable.getArrayIndexFromSize(newValueS);
// Set the flag that indicates the array index values changed based on
// the number of index values changing
boolean isDifferent = arraySizeOld.length != arraySizeNew.length;
// individual array index values must be compared
if (!isDifferent) {
// Step through each index value
for (int index = 0; index < arraySizeOld.length; index++) {
// Check if the original and updated values differ
if (arraySizeOld[index] != arraySizeNew[index]) {
// Set the flag to indicate an index value changed and stop
// searching
isDifferent = true;
// Check if the original and updated values differ
if (isDifferent) {
// Add or remove array members to match the new array size
adjustArrayMember(tableData, arraySizeOld, arraySizeNew, row, column);
} else // Check if this is the rate column and the row is an array definition
if (rateIndex.contains(column) && arraySize != null && variableName != null && !arraySize.isEmpty() && !ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(variableName)) {
// Get the array index value(s)
int[] arrayDims = ArrayVariable.getArrayIndexFromSize(arraySize);
// Update the array members with the new rate
adjustArrayMember(tableData, arrayDims, arrayDims, row, column);
} else // Check if this is the rate column and the variable has a bit length value
if (rateIndex.contains(column) && bitLength != null && dataType != null && !bitLength.isEmpty()) {
// Adjust the rates of any other bit-wise variables that are packed
// together with this variable, using this row's rate
startRow = row;
useRowRate = true;
} else // Check if this is the bit length column
if (column == bitLengthIndex) {
// data type
if (bitLength != null && !bitLength.isEmpty() && dataType != null && Integer.valueOf(bitLength) > newDataTypeHandler.getSizeInBits(dataType)) {
throw new CCDDException("Bit length exceeds the size of the data type");
// Adjust the rates of any other bit-wise variables that are packed
// together with this variable, using the first packed variable's rate
startRow = row;
} else // Check if this is the variable path column
if (column == variablePathIndex && variableName != null && !variableName.isEmpty() && dataType != null && !dataType.isEmpty()) {
// entered
if (!newValueS.isEmpty()) {
// another structure table
if (variableHandler.isVariablePathInUse(tableInfo.getTablePath() + "," + dataType + "." + variableName, newValueS)) {
throw new CCDDException("Variable path already in use in another structure");
} else // The cell has been blanked
// Build the variable path from the variable name and data type
tableData.get(row)[variablePathIndex] = getVariablePath(variableName, dataType, false);
} else // array
if (variableName != null && dataType != null && arraySize != null && column != variableNameIndex && column != dataTypeIndex && column != arraySizeIndex && column != variablePathIndex && !arraySize.isEmpty() && (!ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(variableName) || newDataTypeHandler.isString(dataType))) {
// Propagate the value to all members of this array/string
propagateArrayValues(tableData, row, column);
// Clear the contents of any cells that are no longer valid in this row
clearInvalidCells(tableData.get(row), row);
// Adjust the rates of the bit-wise variables that are packed together,
// beginning at the indicated row
setAllPackedVariableRates(tableData, startRow, useRowRate);
// Check if the new value contains any macros
if (hasMacroSizeof) {
// Store the new value, with the macro(s) restored, into the table data
// array
tableData.get(row)[column] = newValue;
} else // vice versa)
if (!newValue.equals(oldValue)) {
// Store the new value in the table data array
tableData.get(row)[column] = newValue;
// Check if the column is the array size
if (column == arraySizeIndex) {
// Propagate the value to all members of this array/string
propagateArrayValues(tableData, row, column);
} else // The cell value didn't change
// Pop the edit from the stack
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Set the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is invalid
// Check if the error message dialog should be displayed
if (showMessage) {
// Check if this is a single cell insert
if (!isMultiple) {
// Inform the user that the input value is invalid
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(editorDialog, "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} else // This is one of multiple cells being inserted
// Inform the user that the input value is invalid
CcddDialogHandler validityDlg = new CcddDialogHandler();
int buttonSelected = validityDlg.showIgnoreCancelDialog(editorDialog, "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Invalid Input", "Ignore this invalid input", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid inputs for this table", "Cease inputting values");
// Check if the Ignore All button was pressed
if (buttonSelected == IGNORE_BUTTON) {
// Set the flag to ignore subsequent input errors
showMessage = false;
} else // Check if the Cancel button was pressed
if (buttonSelected == CANCEL_BUTTON) {
// Set the flag to cancel updating the cells
showMessage = null;
// Restore the cell contents to its original value and pop the edit from the
// stack
tableData.get(row)[column] = oldValue;
return showMessage;
* Clear the contents of cells in the specified row that are no longer valid due to the
* contents of other cells
* @param tableData
* list containing the table data row arrays
* @param row
* table model row index
private void clearInvalidCells(Object[] rowData, int row) {
// Step through each visible column
for (int column = 0; column < getColumnCount(); column++) {
// Get the column index in model coordinates
int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
if (// rate, or variable path column, and that the cell is not alterable
(modelColumn != variableNameIndex && modelColumn != dataTypeIndex && modelColumn != arraySizeIndex && modelColumn != bitLengthIndex && modelColumn != variablePathIndex && !rateIndex.contains(modelColumn) && !isDataAlterable(rowData, row, modelColumn)) || // (i.e., it's a structure), and structures are not allowed for this column
(dataTypeIndex != -1 && !newDataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(rowData[dataTypeIndex].toString()) && !typeDefn.isStructureAllowed()[modelColumn]) || // pointers are not allowed for this column
(dataTypeIndex != -1 && newDataTypeHandler.isPointer(rowData[dataTypeIndex].toString()) && !typeDefn.isPointerAllowed()[modelColumn]) || // data type isn't a primitive
(dataTypeIndex != -1 && modelColumn == bitLengthIndex && !newDataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(rowData[dataTypeIndex].toString()))) {
// Clear the contents of the cell
rowData[modelColumn] = "";
* Load the database values into the table and format the table cells
protected void loadAndFormatData() {
// Place the data into the table model along with the column names, set up the
// editors and renderers for the table cells, set up the table grid lines, and
// calculate the minimum width required to display the table information
int totalWidth = setUpdatableCharacteristics(committedInfo.getData(), typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser(), committedInfo.getColumnOrder(), toolTips, true, true, true);
// editor dialog
if (editorDialog != null) {
// Get the minimum width needed to display all columns, but no wider than the
// display
int width = Math.min(totalWidth + LAF_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDisplayMode().getWidth());
// Check if the editor's width is less than the minimum
if (editorDialog.getTableWidth() < width) {
// Set the initial and preferred editor size
editorDialog.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, editorDialog.getPreferredSize().height));
// Create the drop-down combo box for the column with the name 'data type' that
// displays the available data types, including primitive types and the names of
// tables that represent structures, and add a mouse listener to handle mouse click
// events. Set up any command argument data type, argument name, enumeration,
// minimum, and maximum groupings
setUpDataTypeColumns(null, null);
// Set up any minimum and maximum pairings (excluding those associated with command
// argument groupings)
// Create drop-down combo boxes that display the available sample rates for the
// "Rate" column
// Create drop-down combo boxes that display the available message ID names and
// values
// Create the mouse listener for the data type column
* Override prepareRenderer to allow adjusting the background colors of table cells
public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column) {
JComponent comp = (JComponent) super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
// highlight colors override the invalid highlight color
if (comp.getBackground() != ModifiableColorInfo.FOCUS_BACK.getColor() && comp.getBackground() != ModifiableColorInfo.SELECTED_BACK.getColor()) {
// contain an item in the list
if (!isCellValueFound(row, column)) {
// Change the cell's background color
} else // Check if this cell is protected from changes
if (!isCellEditable(row, column)) {
// Change the cell's text and background colors
} else // variable
if (variableNameIndex != -1 && getExpandedValueAt(table.convertRowIndexToModel(row), variableNameIndex).toString().matches(PAD_VARIABLE + "[0-9]+(?:\\[[0-9]+\\])?$")) {
// Change the cell's background color
return comp;
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method to handle right double click events on the
* array size cells in order to show/hide the array index column and array member rows,
* and to handle sorting of columns based on their input type
protected void setTableSortable() {
// Get the table's row sorter
TableRowSorter<?> sorter = (TableRowSorter<?>) getRowSorter();
// Create a runnable object to be executed
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
* Execute after all pending Swing events are finished. This allows the number
* of viewable columns to catch up with the column model when a column is
* removed
public void run() {
// Issue a table change event so that the new row is displayed properly
// when the array view is collapsed. Can't use tableModel here since it
// isn't set when the first call to this method is made
((UndoableTableModel) table.getModel()).fireTableStructureChanged();
// Check if the table has a sorter (i.e., has at least one row)
if (sorter != null) {
// filter
if (sorter.getRowFilter() == null && rowFilter != null) {
// Apply the row filter that shows/hides the array members
// Step through each table column
for (int column = 0; column < table.getModel().getColumnCount(); column++) {
// Get the input type format for this column
final InputTypeFormat inputFormat = typeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].getInputFormat();
// Add a column sort comparator
sorter.setComparator(column, new Comparator<String>() {
* Override the comparison when sorting columns to account for the
* column's input type format. Note that macros aren't expanded when
* sorting. Though expansion provides an accurate sort, visually it's
* confusing since the macro values aren't readily apparent. For
* columns with a numeric input type that contain macros then initial
* numeric portion (if any) if used when sorting
public int compare(String cell1, String cell2) {
Integer result = 0;
// Check if either cell is empty
if (cell1.isEmpty() || cell2.isEmpty()) {
// Compare as text (alphabetically)
result = cell1.compareTo(cell2);
} else // Neither cell is empty
// type
switch(inputFormat) {
case TEXT:
// Compare as text (alphabetically)
result = cell1.compareTo(cell2);
// number
if (cell1.matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch() + ".*") && cell2.matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch() + ".*")) {
switch(inputFormat) {
// Compare the two cell values as integers
result ="(" + InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch() + ").*", "$1")), Integer.valueOf(cell2.replaceAll("(" + InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch() + ").*", "$1")));
// Compare the two cell values as integers
result ="(" + InputDataType.HEXADECIMAL.getInputMatch() + ").*", "$1")), Integer.decode(cell2.replaceAll("(" + InputDataType.HEXADECIMAL.getInputMatch() + ").*", "$1")));
case FLOAT:
// Compare the two cell values as floating
// points
result ="(" + InputDataType.FLOAT.getInputMatch() + ").*", "$1")), Double.valueOf(cell2.replaceAll("(" + InputDataType.FLOAT.getInputMatch() + ").*", "$1")));
case RATE:
// Calculate the value of the cells'
// expressions, then compare the results as
// floating point values
result =, CcddMathExpressionHandler.evaluateExpression(cell2));
case ARRAY:
// Array sizes are in the format #<,#<...>.
// Each cell's array dimensions are first
// separated, then the first dimension is
// compared between the two cells, then the
// second, and so on until a mismatch is
// found; the sort is performed based on
// the mismatch (e.g., '1, 2' follows '1'
// when sorted in ascending order)
String[] dim1 = cell1.split("\\s*,\\s*");
String[] dim2 = cell2.split("\\s*,\\s*");
// same dimensions than the second
if (dim1.length == dim2.length) {
// long as there's no mismatch
for (int index = 0; index < dim1.length && result == 0; index++) {
// sizeof() call)
if (dim1[index].matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch()) && dim2[index].matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch())) {
// Compare the two array
// dimensions
result =[index]), Integer.valueOf(dim2[index]));
} else // One or both dimension values
// isn't a number
// Compare as text
// (alphabetically)
result = dim1[index].compareTo(dim2[index]);
} else // fewer dimensions than the second
if (dim1.length < dim2.length) {
// long as there's no mismatch
for (int index = 0; index < dim1.length && result == 0; index++) {
// sizeof() call)
if (dim1[index].matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch()) && dim2[index].matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch())) {
// Compare the two array
// dimensions
result =[index]), Integer.valueOf(dim2[index]));
} else // One or both dimension values
// isn't a number
// Compare as text
// (alphabetically)
result = dim1[index].compareTo(dim2[index]);
// dimension values are identical
if (result == 0) {
// Set the result to indicate the
// first cell comes before the
// second since the second has more
// dimensions
result = -1;
} else // The first array size has the more
// dimensions than the second
// long as there's no mismatch
for (int index = 0; index < dim2.length && result == 0; index++) {
// sizeof() call)
if (dim1[index].matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch()) && dim2[index].matches(InputDataType.INTEGER.getInputMatch())) {
// Compare the two array
// dimensions
result =[index]), Integer.valueOf(dim2[index]));
} else // One or both dimension values
// isn't a number
// Compare as text
// (alphabetically)
result = dim1[index].compareTo(dim2[index]);
// dimension values are identical
if (result == 0) {
// Set the result to indicate the
// first cell comes after the
// second since the second has
// fewer dimensions
result = 1;
} else // One or both cells doesn't begin with a number (this
// is the case if the cell begins with a macro or
// sizeof() call)
// Compare as text (alphabetically)
result = cell1.compareTo(cell2);
return result;
* Move the selected row(s) in the specified direction if possible. Account for if the
* selection or target is an array definition or member
* @param rowDelta
* row move direction (-1 for up, +1 for down)
private void adjustAndMoveSelectedRows(int rowDelta) {
int modelStartRow;
int modelEndRow;
boolean isCanMove = false;
// Set the selected start and end rows
MoveCellSelection selected = new MoveCellSelection();
// Set the selected start and end rows (model coordinates), and the direction to
// move
modelStartRow = selected.getStartRow();
modelEndRow = selected.getEndRow();
// Check if the selected row(s) can be moved in the desired direction
if ((rowDelta < 0 && modelStartRow > 0) || (rowDelta > 0 && modelEndRow < tableModel.getRowCount() - 1)) {
// Check if the table can display arrays
if (isCanHaveArrays()) {
// While the start row references an array member
while (ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(getExpandedValueAt(modelStartRow, variableNameIndex))) {
// Decrement the start index to get to the array definition row
// Check if the selected ending row references an array definition
if (!getExpandedValueAt(modelEndRow, arraySizeIndex).isEmpty() && !ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(getExpandedValueAt(modelEndRow, variableNameIndex))) {
// Increment the end row so that the members will be included below
boolean isIncludeMember = false;
// model hasn't been reached
while (modelEndRow < tableModel.getRowCount() && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(getExpandedValueAt(modelEndRow, variableNameIndex))) {
// Increment the end index to get to the end of the array
isIncludeMember = true;
// Check if the ending row was adjusted to include an array member
if (isIncludeMember) {
// Decrement the row index since the row selection is inclusive
// Check if the selected row(s) can be moved in the desired direction
if ((rowDelta < 0 && modelStartRow > 0) || (rowDelta > 0 && modelEndRow < tableModel.getRowCount() - 1)) {
// Get the array size column value for the target row
String arraySize = getExpandedValueAt((rowDelta < 0 ? modelStartRow : modelEndRow) + rowDelta, arraySizeIndex);
// Check if the array size is present on this row
if (!arraySize.isEmpty()) {
// Get the total number of array members
int totalSize = ArrayVariable.getNumMembersFromArraySize(arraySize);
// Adjust the number of rows to move based on the number of array
// members
rowDelta += totalSize * rowDelta;
// Set the flag to indicate the selected row(s) can be moved
isCanMove = true;
} else // The table can't have an array
// Set the flag to indicate the selected row(s) can be moved
isCanMove = true;
// Calculate the row that the selected row(s) will be moved to
int modelToRow = modelStartRow + rowDelta;
// Check if the selected row(s) can be moved
if (isCanMove) {
// Move the row(s) in the specified direction and update the cell selection
performRowMove(modelStartRow, modelEndRow, modelToRow, selected, rowDelta);
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for moving the selected row(s) up one row in
* order to prevent moving a row within an array definition and its member rows;
* instead skip past the array
protected void moveRowUp() {
// Move the selected row(s) up if possible
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for moving the selected row(s) down one row in
* order to prevent moving a row within an array definition and its member rows;
* instead skip past the array
protected void moveRowDown() {
// Move the selected row(s) down if possible
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for moving the selected row(s) so that
* adjustments can be made to the rates for any packed variables
* @param startRow
* selected starting row, in model coordinates
* @param endRow
* selected ending row, in model coordinates
* @param toRow
* target row to move the selected row(s) to, in model coordinates
* @param selected
* cell selection class
* @param rowDelta
* row move direction and magnitude
protected void performRowMove(int startRow, int endRow, int toRow, MoveCellSelection selected, int rowDelta) {
// Move the row(s)
super.performRowMove(startRow, endRow, toRow, selected, rowDelta);
// Check if this is a parent structure table
if (tableInfo.isRootStructure()) {
// Load the table data into a list
List<Object[]> tableData = getTableDataList(false);
// Adjust the rate for any packed variables, beginning with the lowest affected
// row index
setAllPackedVariableRates(tableData, Math.min(startRow, toRow), false);
// Check if a rate value changed
if (isRateChange) {
// Load the array of data into the table
loadDataArrayIntoTable(tableData.toArray(new Object[0][0]), true);
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for putting data into a new row inserted below
* the specified row in order to adjust the insertion index based on the presence of
* array members
* @param targetRow
* index of the row in model coordinates below which to insert the new row
* @param data
* data to place in the inserted row
* @return The new row's index, in model coordinates, adjusted as needed to account for
* array member visibility
protected int insertRowData(int targetRow, Object[] data) {
// Check if table has rows, and has variable name and array size columns
if (targetRow != -1 && isCanHaveArrays()) {
// Get the array size value
String arraySize = getExpandedValueAt(targetRow, arraySizeIndex);
// (i.e., this is the array definition row)
if (!arraySize.isEmpty() && !ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(getExpandedValueAt(targetRow, variableNameIndex))) {
// Adjust the row index past the array definition and member rows
targetRow += ArrayVariable.getNumMembersFromArraySize(arraySize);
} else // Check if the array members are set to be displayed
if (isShowArrayMembers) {
boolean isIndex = false;
// While the selection row is on an array member
while (targetRow < tableModel.getRowCount() && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(getExpandedValueAt(targetRow, variableNameIndex))) {
// Skip the array member row
isIndex = true;
// Check if an array member was skipped
if (isIndex) {
// Decrement the row index
// Insert the supplied data below the selected row
return super.insertRowData(targetRow, data);
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for removing a row from the table. Array
* member rows are ignored unless the array definition row is also deleted; for this
* case the entire array is removed
* @param tableData
* list containing the table data row arrays
* @param modelRow
* row to remove (model coordinates)
* @return The index of the row prior to the last deleted row's index
protected int removeRow(List<Object[]> tableData, int modelRow) {
boolean isArray = false;
// Check if the table has array size and variable name columns
if (isCanHaveArrays()) {
// Extract the array size cell value
String arraySize = getExpandedValueAt(modelRow, arraySizeIndex);
// Check if an array size is present
if (!arraySize.isEmpty()) {
// Set the flag indicating that an array row is being removed
isArray = true;
// Perform while this row is an array member
while (ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(tableData.get(modelRow)[variableNameIndex])) {
// Move the row index up
// Get the row index of the last array member
int arrayRow = modelRow + ArrayVariable.getNumMembersFromArraySize(arraySize);
// Step through each member of the array
while (arrayRow >= modelRow) {
// Delete the row
// Go to the next array member row to remove
// Check if the row does not represent an array definition or member
if (!isArray) {
// Delete the row
super.removeRow(tableData, modelRow);
// Adjust the rate for any packed variables, beginning with this row
setAllPackedVariableRates(tableData, convertRowIndexToView(modelRow), false);
return modelRow - 1;
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for getting the special replacement character
* when deleting the contents of a cell. Get the corresponding cell value from the
* table's prototype
* @param row
* cell row index in model coordinates
* @param column
* cell column index in model coordinates
* @return The corresponding cell value from the tables' prototype
protected String getSpecialReplacement(int row, int column) {
return dbTable.queryTableCellValue(tableInfo.getPrototypeName(), committedInfo.getData()[row][primaryKeyIndex], typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[column], editorDialog);
* Override the CcddJTableHandler method for deleting a cell. Set the special character
* flag to false if the table is a prototype - prototypes can't have an entry in the
* custom values table so no special handling is needed for this case
* @param isReplaceSpecial
* false to replace the cell value with a blank; true to replace the cell
* contents with the prototype's corresponding cell value
protected void deleteCell(boolean isReplaceSpecial) {
super.deleteCell(isReplaceSpecial && !tableInfo.isPrototype());
* Adjust the starting row index to the next row during a paste (insert) operation. If
* the insertion point falls within an array, skip to the row immediately following the
* array's members
* @param startRow
* starting row index in view coordinates
* @return Starting row index, in model coordinates, at which to insert a new row
protected int adjustPasteStartRow(int startRow) {
// Check if the starting row index references a valid row
if (startRow >= 0 && startRow < getRowCount()) {
// Convert the row index to model coordinates and adjust the starting row index
// to the next row
startRow = convertRowIndexToModel(startRow) + 1;
} else // The starting index is not a valid row
// Set the starting row index to the end of the table
startRow = tableModel.getRowCount();
// variable size and array name columns, and an array size is present
if (startRow < tableModel.getRowCount() && isCanHaveArrays() && !getExpandedValueAt(startRow, arraySizeIndex).isEmpty()) {
// been reached
while (startRow < tableModel.getRowCount() && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(getExpandedValueAt(startRow, variableNameIndex))) {
// Adjust the row index to the next row
return startRow;
* Determine if a row insertion is required during a paste operation. Array member rows
* are inserted automatically when an array is defined, so if an array member is being
* inserted no row needs to be inserted by the paste operation
* @param index
* current index into the cell data array
* @param cellData
* array containing the cell data being inserted
* @param startColumn
* data insertion starting column index
* @param endColumn
* data insertion ending column index
* @return true if a row should be inserted; false otherwise
protected boolean isInsertRowRequired(int index, Object[] cellData, int startColumn, int endColumn) {
boolean isNotArrayMember = true;
// Get the variable name column index in view coordinates
int variableNameIndexView = convertColumnIndexToView(variableNameIndex);
// Step through the row of data being inserted
for (int column = startColumn; column <= endColumn; column++, index++) {
// Check if the column index matches the variable name column
if (column == variableNameIndexView) {
// Check if the variable name cell has a value and is an array member
if (cellData[index] == null || ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(cellData[index])) {
// Set the flag to indicate a new row doesn't need to be inserted
isNotArrayMember = false;
// Stop searching
return isNotArrayMember;
* Override the paste method so that hidden rows (array members) are displayed prior to
* pasting in new data
protected boolean pasteData(Object[] cellData, int numColumns, boolean isInsert, boolean isAddIfNeeded, boolean startFirstColumn, boolean combineAsSingleEdit) {
Boolean showMessage = true;
// Check if the pasted data should be combined into a single edit operation
if (combineAsSingleEdit) {
// End any active edit sequence, then disable auto-ending so that the paste
// operation can be handled as a single edit for undo/redo purposes
// Get the table data array
List<Object[]> tableData = getTableDataList(false);
// Calculate the number of rows to be pasted in
int numRows = cellData.length / numColumns;
// Initialize the starting row to the first row, which is the default if no row is
// selected
int startRow = 0;
// Check if no row is selected
if (getSelectedRow() == -1) {
// Clear the column selection. The column selection can remain in effect after
// an undo action that clears the row selection. It needs to be cleared if
// invalid so that the starting column index is correctly calculated below
} else // A row is selected
// Determine the starting row for pasting the data based on the selected row
startRow = convertRowIndexToModel(getSelectedRow()) + getSelectedRowCount() - 1;
// Determine the starting column and ending column for pasting the data. If no
// column is selected then default to the first column. Data pasted outside of the
// column range is ignored
int startColumn = startFirstColumn ? 0 : Math.max(Math.max(getSelectedColumn(), 0), getSelectedColumn() + getSelectedColumnCount() - 1);
int endColumn = startColumn + numColumns - 1;
int endColumnSelect = Math.min(endColumn, getColumnCount() - 1);
// members are hidden
if (isCanHaveArrays() && !isShowArrayMembers) {
// Show the array members. All rows must be visible in order for the pasted
// data to be inserted correctly. The model and view row coordinates are the
// same after expanding the array members. Note that this clears the row and
// column selection
// Check if the data is to be inserted versus overwriting existing cells
if (isInsert) {
// Adjust the starting row index to the one after the selected row, and account
// for hidden rows, if applicable
startRow = adjustPasteStartRow(startRow);
} else // contains no rows
if (startRow == -1) {
// Set the start row to the first row
startRow = 0;
// Determine the ending row for pasting the data
int endRow = startRow + numRows;
// Clear the cell selection
// Counters for the number of array member rows added (due to pasting in an array
// definition) and the number of rows ignored (due to the first pasted row(s) being
// an array member)
int arrayRowsAdded = 0;
int totalAddedRows = 0;
int skippedRows = 0;
boolean isIgnoreRow = false;
// Step through each new row
for (int index = 0, row = startRow; row < endRow && showMessage != null; row++) {
boolean skipRow = false;
// Calculate the row in the table data where the values are to be pasted. This
// must be adjusted to account for pasting in arrays
int adjustedRow = row + totalAddedRows - skippedRows;
// member
for (int column = startColumn; column <= endColumn && column < getColumnCount() && showMessage != null; column++) {
// Get the index into the cell data for this column
int tempIndex = index + column - startColumn;
// Check if rows were removed due to an array size reduction or removal
if (arrayRowsAdded < 0) {
// Set the flag indicating that this row of data is to be skipped and
// increment the skipped row counter
skipRow = true;
// Adjust the row counters so that all array member rows are skipped
} else // and that the value is an array member
if (variableNameIndex == convertColumnIndexToModel(column) && tempIndex < cellData.length && cellData[tempIndex] != null && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(cellData[tempIndex])) {
// the array members
if (arrayRowsAdded > 0) {
// Move the row index back so that the array member data is pasted
// in the proper row
adjustedRow -= arrayRowsAdded;
} else // No rows were added for this array member
// member has no definition
if (row == startRow) {
// Set the flag indicating that array member rows are ignored
isIgnoreRow = true;
// Set the flag indicating that this row of data is to be skipped
// and increment the skipped row counter
skipRow = true;
// Update the cell data index so that this row is skipped
index += numColumns;
// Check that this row is not to be ignored
if (!skipRow) {
// Check if inserting is in effect and the cell value is null
if (isInsert && index < cellData.length && cellData[index] == null) {
// Replace the null with a blank
cellData[index] = "";
// Check if a row needs to be inserted to contain the cell data
if ((isInsert || (isAddIfNeeded && adjustedRow == tableData.size())) && isInsertRowRequired(index, cellData, startColumn, endColumn)) {
// Insert a row at the selection point
tableData.add(adjustedRow, getEmptyRow());
// Store the index into the array of data to be pasted
int indexSave = index;
// are pasted, then the cells that are not empty are pasted
for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
// Check if this is the second pass through the row's columns
if (pass == 2) {
// Reset the index into the array of data to be pasted so that the
// non-blank cells can be processed
index = indexSave;
// Step through the columns, beginning at the one with the focus
for (int column = startColumn; column <= endColumn && showMessage != null; column++) {
// outside the bounds or protected then discard the value
if (column < getColumnCount()) {
// Convert the column coordinate from view to model
int columnModel = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
// Get the value to be pasted into the cell, cleaning up the
// value if needed. If the number of cells to be filled exceeds
// the stored values then insert a blank. A null paste value
// indicates that the current cell's value won't be overwritten
Object newValue = index < cellData.length ? (cellData[index] != null ? cleanUpCellValue(cellData[index], adjustedRow, columnModel) : (isInsert ? "" : null)) : "";
// alterable
if (newValue != null && ((pass == 1 && newValue.toString().isEmpty()) || (pass == 2 && !newValue.toString().isEmpty())) && isDataAlterable(tableData.get(adjustedRow), adjustedRow, columnModel)) {
// Get the original cell value
Object oldValue = tableData.get(adjustedRow)[columnModel];
// being inserted, that the value isn't blank
if (!oldValue.equals(newValue) && !(isInsert && newValue.toString().isEmpty())) {
// Insert the value into the cell
tableData.get(adjustedRow)[columnModel] = newValue;
// Get the number of rows in the table prior to
// inserting the new value
int previousRows = tableData.size();
// Validate the new cell contents
showMessage = validateCellContent(tableData, adjustedRow, columnModel, oldValue, newValue, showMessage, cellData.length > 1);
// following an invalid input
if (showMessage == null) {
// Stop pasting data
// Get the number of rows added due to pasting in the
// new value. This is non-zero if an array definition
// is pasted in or if an existing array's size is
// altered
int deltaRows = tableData.size() - previousRows;
// Check if the row count changed
if (deltaRows > 0) {
// Store the number of added/deleted rows and
// update the total number of added/deleted rows
arrayRowsAdded = deltaRows;
totalAddedRows += arrayRowsAdded;
// Increment the index to the next value to paste
// Check if the user hasn't selected the Cancel button following an invalid input
if (showMessage != null) {
// Load the array of data into the table
loadDataArrayIntoTable(tableData.toArray(new Object[0][0]), true);
// Check if automatic edit sequence ending is in effect
if (getUndoHandler().isAutoEndEditSequence()) {
// Flag the end of the editing sequence for undo/redo purposes
// Check if there are rows left to be selected
if (endRow - 1 - skippedRows > 0) {
// Select all of the rows into which the data was pasted
setRowSelectionInterval(startRow, endRow - 1 - skippedRows);
// Select all of the columns into which the data was pasted
setColumnSelectionInterval(startColumn, endColumnSelect);
// Select the pasted cells and force the table to be redrawn so that the
// changes are displayed
setSelectedCells(startRow, endRow - 1, startColumn, endColumnSelect);
// Check if any rows were ignored
if (isIgnoreRow) {
// Inform the user how many rows were skipped
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(editorDialog, "<html><b>" + skippedRows + " array member row(s) ignored due " + "to missing array definition(s)", "Rows Ignored", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
// Set the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is valid (if an
// invalid input set the flag to false then it can prevent closing the editor)
// Check if the pasted data should be combined into a single edit operation
if (combineAsSingleEdit) {
// Re-enable auto-ending of the edit sequence and end the sequence. The pasted
// data can be removed with a single undo if desired
return showMessage == null;
* Override the method for cleaning-up of the cell value. The default is to remove any
* leading and trailing white space characters. This method skips removal of white
* space characters for cells having input types that allow it
* @param value
* new cell value
* @param row
* table row, model coordinates
* @param column
* table column, model coordinates
* @return Cell value following clean-up
protected Object cleanUpCellValue(Object value, int row, int column) {
// string (i.e., it isn't boolean, etc.)
if (!table.isEditing() && value instanceof String) {
// Get the input type for this column
InputDataType inputType = typeDefn.getInputTypes()[column];
// space characters
if (inputType != InputDataType.TEXT_WHT_SPC && inputType != InputDataType.TEXT_MULTI_WHT_SPC) {
// Perform the default clean-up (remove leading and trailing white space
// characters)
value = super.cleanUpCellValue(value, row, column);
return value;
* Handle a change to the table's content
protected void processTableContentChange() {
// and/or value change)
if (editorDialog != null) {
// Update the change indicator for the table
// Place the table into a scroll pane
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
// Disable storage of edit operations during table creation
// Set common table parameters and characteristics
table.setFixedCharacteristics(scrollPane, tableInfo.isPrototype(), ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL, true, ModifiableColorInfo.TABLE_BACK.getColor(), true, true, ModifiableFontInfo.DATA_TABLE_CELL.getFont(), true);
// Get a reference to the table model to shorten later calls
tableModel = (UndoableTableModel) table.getModel();
// Re-enable storage of edit operations
// Set the reference to the editor's data field handler in the undo handler so that data
// field value changes can be undone/redone correctly
// Set the undo/redo manager and handler for the description and data field values
setEditPanelUndo(table.getUndoManager(), table.getUndoHandler());
// Set the mouse listener to expand and collapse arrays
// Get the variable path separators and create the variable path column content, if present
// change)
if (editorDialog != null) {
// Create the input field panel to contain the table editor
createDescAndDataFieldPanel(editorDialog, scrollPane, tableInfo.getProtoVariableName(), tableInfo.getDescription(), tableInfo.getFieldHandler());
// Set the dialog name so that this dialog can be recognized as being open by the table
// selection dialog, and the JTable name so that table change events can be identified
// with this table
// Store the current data field information in the event an undo/redo operation occurs