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Example 6 with TableModification

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddDbTableCommandHandler method buildModificationCommand.

 * Build the commands to modify the table
 * @param tableInfo
 *            table information
 * @param modifications
 *            list of row modification information
 * @param typeDefn
 *            table type definition
 * @param newDataTypeHandler
 *            data type handler with data type modifications. null (or a reference to the
 *            current data type handler) if the change does not originate from the data type
 *            editor
 * @param tableTree
 *            CcddTableTreeHandler reference describing the table tree
 * @param skipInternalTables
 *            true to not build and execute the commands to update the internal tables. This is
 *            used during a data type update where only the data type name has changed in order
 *            to speed up the operation
 * @return Table row modification command
private String buildModificationCommand(TableInformation tableInfo, List<TableModification> modifications, TypeDefinition typeDefn, CcddDataTypeHandler newDataTypeHandler, CcddTableTreeHandler tableTree, boolean skipInternalTables) {
    StringBuilder modCmd = new StringBuilder("");
    List<Object[]> tablePathList = null;
    // Check that there are modifications
    if (!modifications.isEmpty()) {
        StringBuilder linksDelCmd = new StringBuilder("");
        StringBuilder tlmDelCmd = new StringBuilder("");
        // are not due to an update in the data type editor
        if (newDataTypeHandler == null) {
            // Set the updated data type handler to use the current handler
            newDataTypeHandler = dataTypeHandler;
        // Step through each modification
        for (TableModification mod : modifications) {
            // Check if this is a prototype table (modifications are made to the table)
            if (tableInfo.isPrototype()) {
                StringBuilder valuesModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder linksModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder tlmModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder groupsModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder fieldsModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder ordersModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder assnsModCmd = new StringBuilder("");
                // Build the update command
                modCmd.append("UPDATE " + tableInfo.getProtoVariableName().toLowerCase() + " SET ");
                // Step through each changed column
                for (int column = 0; column < mod.getRowData().length; column++) {
                    // Check if the column value changed
                    if (mod.getOriginalRowData()[column] == null || !mod.getOriginalRowData()[column].equals(mod.getRowData()[column])) {
                        // Build the command to change the column value
                        modCmd.append(typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[column] + " = " + delimitText(mod.getRowData()[column]) + ", ");
                // structure
                if (!skipInternalTables && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
                    // Get the original and current variable names, data types, array sizes,
                    // and bit lengths
                    String oldVariableName = mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString();
                    String newVariableName = mod.getRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString();
                    String oldDataType = mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString();
                    String newDataType = mod.getRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString();
                    String oldArraySize = mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getArraySizeColumn()].toString();
                    String newArraySize = mod.getRowData()[mod.getArraySizeColumn()].toString();
                    String oldBitLength = mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getBitLengthColumn()].toString();
                    String newBitLength = mod.getRowData()[mod.getBitLengthColumn()].toString();
                    // Initialize the flag to indicate no rate has changed
                    boolean rateChanged = false;
                    // Step through each rate index
                    for (int rateIndex : mod.getRateColumn()) {
                        // Get the old and new rate values
                        String oldRate = mod.getOriginalRowData()[rateIndex].toString();
                        String newRate = mod.getRowData()[rateIndex].toString();
                        // Check if the rate changed
                        if (!oldRate.equals(newRate)) {
                            // Set the flag to indicate that the rate changed and stop
                            // searching
                            rateChanged = true;
                    // Set the flags to indicate if the variable name, data type, array size,
                    // and bit length values have changed
                    boolean variableChanged = !oldVariableName.equals(newVariableName);
                    boolean dataTypeChanged = !oldDataType.equals(newDataType);
                    boolean arraySizeChanged = !oldArraySize.equals(newArraySize);
                    boolean bitLengthChanged = !oldBitLength.equals(newBitLength);
                    // of this prototype and their entries in the internal tables
                    if (variableChanged || dataTypeChanged || arraySizeChanged || bitLengthChanged || rateChanged) {
                        // has changed
                        if (variableChanged || dataTypeChanged || arraySizeChanged || bitLengthChanged) {
                            // Set the flag to force the variable paths and offsets lists to be
                            // rebuilt
                            isPathUpdate = true;
                        // structure, and this structure is a root table
                        if (dataTypeChanged && !newDataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(newDataType) && rootStructures.contains(newDataType)) {
                            // Get the variable path
                            String newVariablePath = tableInfo.getTablePath() + "," + newDataType + "." + newVariableName;
                            // If the structure chosen as the variable's data type is a root
                            // structure, then any references in the internal tables are
                            // changed to the structure's new path as a child
                            valuesModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " SET " + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + newDataType + ",', E'" + newVariablePath + ",'); ");
                            groupsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.GROUPS.getTableName() + " SET " + GroupsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + GroupsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + newDataType + "(,|$)', E'" + newVariablePath + "\\\\1'); ");
                            fieldsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " SET " + FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + newDataType + ",', E'" + newVariablePath + ",'); INSERT INTO " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " SELECT regexp_replace(" + FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + newDataType + "', E'" + newVariablePath + "'), " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.getColumnName() + ", " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_DESC.getColumnName() + ", " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_SIZE.getColumnName() + ", " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.getColumnName() + ", " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_REQUIRED.getColumnName() + ", " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_APPLICABILITY.getColumnName() + ", " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.getColumnName() + " FROM " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + newDataType + "' AND " + FieldsColumn.FIELD_APPLICABILITY.getColumnName() + " != '" + ApplicabilityType.ROOT_ONLY.getApplicabilityName() + "'; ");
                            ordersModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName() + " SET " + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + newDataType + ",', E'" + newVariablePath + ",'); INSERT INTO " + InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName() + " SELECT " + OrdersColumn.USER_NAME.getColumnName() + ", regexp_replace(" + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + newDataType + "', E'" + newVariablePath + "'), " + OrdersColumn.COLUMN_ORDER.getColumnName() + " FROM " + InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " = '" + newDataType + "'; ");
                            String orgPathWithChildren = newDataType + "(," + PATH_IDENT + ")?";
                            assnsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'(?:^" + orgPathWithChildren + "|(" + assnsSeparator + ")" + orgPathWithChildren + ")', E'\\\\2" + newVariablePath + "\\\\1\\\\3', 'ng'); ");
                            // References in the links and telemetry scheduler to the root
                            // structure and its children are not automatically amended to
                            // include the new parent structure path, but are instead removed
                            deleteLinkPathRef("^" + newDataType + "(?:,|\\\\.|$)", linksDelCmd);
                            deleteTlmPathRef(newDataType + "(?:,|\\\\.|$)", tlmDelCmd);
                        // doesn't change even if multiple modifications are made to the table
                        if (tablePathList == null) {
                            // Create a list of table path arrays that are instances of this
                            // prototype table
                            tablePathList = tableTree.getTableTreePathArray(tableInfo.getPrototypeName(), tableTree.getNodeByNodeName(DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NODE_NAME), -1);
                            // primitive or another structure
                            if (dataTypeChanged && !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(oldDataType)) {
                                // Add the paths for references to the prototype in non-root
                                // prototype tables
                                tablePathList.addAll(tableTree.getTableTreePathArray(tableInfo.getPrototypeName(), tableTree.getNodeByNodeName(DEFAULT_PROTOTYPE_NODE_NAME), -1));
                        // Step through each table path found
                        for (Object[] path : tablePathList) {
                            boolean isDelLinksAndTlm = false;
                            // Get the variable name path from the table tree
                            String tablePath = tableTree.getFullVariablePath(path);
                            // Append the original/new data type and/or name of the variable
                            // that's being changed to the variable path. Escape any PostgreSQL
                            // reserved characters so that the original path can be used in a
                            // regular expression
                            String orgVariablePath = tablePath + "," + oldDataType + "." + oldVariableName;
                            String orgVarPathEsc = CcddUtilities.escapePostgreSQLReservedChars(orgVariablePath);
                            String newVariablePath = tablePath + "," + newDataType + "." + newVariableName;
                            // that the array status (is or isn't) remains unchanged
                            if ((variableChanged || (dataTypeChanged && dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(oldDataType) && newDataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(newDataType))) && !(arraySizeChanged && (oldArraySize.isEmpty() || newArraySize.isEmpty()))) {
                                // Create the commands to update the internal tables for
                                // instances of non-array member variables of the prototype
                                // table
                                valuesModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName(), ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName(), "", "", true));
                                groupsModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.GROUPS.getTableName(), GroupsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName(), "", "", true));
                                fieldsModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName(), FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName(), "", "", true));
                                ordersModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName(), OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName(), "", "", true));
                                String orgPathWithChildren = orgVarPathEsc + "(," + PATH_IDENT + ")?";
                                assnsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'(?:^" + orgPathWithChildren + "|(" + assnsSeparator + ")" + orgPathWithChildren + ")', E'\\\\2" + newVariablePath + "\\\\1\\\\3', 'ng'); ");
                                // and telemetry scheduler tables, which is handled elsewhere)
                                if (!dataTypeChanged && !bitLengthChanged && !rateChanged) {
                                    // Create the command to update the links table for
                                    // instances of variables of the prototype table
                                    linksModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.LINKS.getTableName(), LinksColumn.MEMBER.getColumnName(), "", "", true));
                                    // Since the variable still fits within any message in the
                                    // telemetry scheduler table to which it's assigned just
                                    // change all references to the variable
                                    tlmModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getTableName(), TlmSchedulerColumn.MEMBER.getColumnName(), "(.*" + tlmSchSeparator + ")", "\\\\1", true));
                                } else // The data type, bit length, or rate changed
                                    // Set the flag to indicate that references to the variable
                                    // and any children should be removed from the links and
                                    // telemetry scheduler tables
                                    isDelLinksAndTlm = true;
                            // Check if the bit length changed, but not the data type or rate
                            if (bitLengthChanged && !dataTypeChanged && !rateChanged) {
                                // Append the bit lengths to the variable paths
                                String orgVarPathEscBit = orgVarPathEsc + (oldBitLength.isEmpty() ? "" : ":" + oldBitLength);
                                String newVariablePathBit = newVariablePath + (newBitLength.isEmpty() ? "" : ":" + newBitLength);
                                // Create the command to update the links and telemetry
                                // scheduler tables for instances of variables of the prototype
                                // table. If bit-packing changed due to the bit length update
                                // then the affected variables are subsequently removed from
                                // the links and telemetry scheduler tables
                                linksModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEscBit, newVariablePathBit, InternalTable.LINKS.getTableName(), LinksColumn.MEMBER.getColumnName(), "", "", true));
                                tlmModCmd.append(updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEscBit, newVariablePathBit, InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getTableName(), TlmSchedulerColumn.MEMBER.getColumnName(), "(.*" + tlmSchSeparator + ")", "\\\\1", true));
                            // primitive or another structure
                            if (dataTypeChanged && !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(oldDataType)) {
                                // Create the command to delete references to any children of
                                // the original structure path and change the data type for
                                // references to the structure itself
                                valuesModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " WHERE " + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + orgVarPathEsc + ",'; " + updateVarNameAndDataType(orgVarPathEsc, newVariablePath, InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName(), ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName(), "", "", false));
                                // Build a regular expression for locating references to the
                                // original variable path
                                String pathMatch = orgVarPathEsc + "(?:,|$)";
                                // Remove all references to the structure and its children
                                groupsModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.GROUPS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + GroupsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + pathMatch + "'; ");
                                fieldsModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + pathMatch + "'; ");
                                ordersModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + pathMatch + "'; ");
                                String orgPathWithChildren = orgVarPathEsc + "(?:," + PATH_IDENT + ")?";
                                assnsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + orgPathWithChildren + "', E'', 'ng'); UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'" + assnsSeparator + orgPathWithChildren + "', E'', 'ng'); ");
                                // handled elsewhere)
                                if (!rateChanged) {
                                    // Set the flag to indicate that references to the variable
                                    // and any children should be removed from the links and
                                    // telemetry scheduler tables
                                    isDelLinksAndTlm = true;
                            // row addition and deletion methods)
                            if (arraySizeChanged && (oldArraySize.isEmpty() || newArraySize.isEmpty())) {
                                // Remove all references to the structure's children, but not
                                // the structure itself
                                valuesModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " WHERE " + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + orgVarPathEsc + "(?:,|\\\\[)" + "'; ");
                                // Build a regular expression for locating references to the
                                // original variable path and any children
                                String pathMatch = orgVarPathEsc + "(?:,|\\\\[|$)";
                                // Remove all references to the structure and its children in
                                // the internal tables (other than the custom values table)
                                groupsModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.GROUPS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + GroupsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + pathMatch + "'; ");
                                fieldsModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + pathMatch + "'; ");
                                ordersModCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + pathMatch + "'; ");
                                // Check if the variable changed from not an array to an array
                                if (!newArraySize.isEmpty()) {
                                    // Remove all non-array references to the structure and its
                                    // children in the script associations. If the variable
                                    // changed from an array to not an array then updates to
                                    // the associations are handled by the row deletion method
                                    assnsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + orgVarPathEsc + "(?:" + assnsSeparator + "|," + PATH_IDENT + "|$)', E'', 'ng'); ");
                                // handled elsewhere)
                                if (!rateChanged) {
                                    // Set the flag to indicate that references to the variable
                                    // and any children should be removed from the links and
                                    // telemetry scheduler tables
                                    isDelLinksAndTlm = true;
                            // scheduler tables
                            if (rateChanged || isDelLinksAndTlm) {
                                // Create the commands to delete the variable from the link and
                                // telemetry scheduler tables
                                deleteLinkAndTlmPathRef(oldArraySize, oldVariableName, orgVariablePath, orgVarPathEsc, linksDelCmd, tlmDelCmd);
                // Check is a command was created to change the associations table
                if (assnsModCmd.length() != 0) {
                    // Clean up any associations that no longer have a table referenced
                    assnsModCmd.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'^" + assnsSeparator + "', E'', 'ng'); UPDATE " + InternalTable.ASSOCIATIONS.getTableName() + " SET " + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + " = regexp_replace(" + AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.getColumnName() + ", E'" + assnsSeparator + "$', E'', 'ng'); ");
                // Remove the trailing comma and space, then add the condition based on the
                // row's primary key, and add the commands to update the internal tables
                modCmd = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(modCmd, ", ");
                modCmd.append(" WHERE " + typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[DefaultColumn.PRIMARY_KEY.ordinal()] + " = " + mod.getRowData()[DefaultColumn.PRIMARY_KEY.ordinal()] + "; " + valuesModCmd.toString() + groupsModCmd.toString() + fieldsModCmd.toString() + ordersModCmd.toString() + assnsModCmd.toString() + linksModCmd.toString() + tlmModCmd.toString());
            } else // internal tables are to be updated, and this table is a structure
            if (!skipInternalTables && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
                // Get the variable path, including its name and data type
                String variablePath = tableInfo.getTablePath() + "," + mod.getRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString() + "." + mod.getRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString();
                // Step through each changed column
                for (int column = 0; column < mod.getRowData().length; column++) {
                    // Check if the column value changed
                    if (!mod.getOriginalRowData()[column].equals(mod.getRowData()[column])) {
                        // Build the command to delete the old value in the custom values table
                        // (in case it already exists), then insert the (new) value into the
                        // custom values table
                        modCmd.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " WHERE " + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " = '" + variablePath + "' AND " + ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column] + "';");
                        // the existing custom value should be removed
                        if (!mod.getRowData()[column].toString().startsWith(REPLACE_INDICATOR)) {
                            modCmd.append(" INSERT INTO " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " (" + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + ", " + ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName() + ", " + ValuesColumn.VALUE.getColumnName() + ") VALUES ('" + variablePath + "', '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column] + "', '" + mod.getRowData()[column] + "'); ");
                // Escape any PostgreSQL reserved characters so that the path can be used in a
                // regular expression
                String variablePathEsc = CcddUtilities.escapePostgreSQLReservedChars(variablePath);
                // Step through each rate index
                for (int rateIndex : mod.getRateColumn()) {
                    // Get the old and new rate values
                    String oldRate = mod.getOriginalRowData()[rateIndex].toString();
                    String newRate = mod.getRowData()[rateIndex].toString();
                    // Check if the rate changed
                    if (!oldRate.equals(newRate)) {
                        // Create the commands to delete the variable from the link and
                        // telemetry scheduler tables
                        deleteLinkAndTlmPathRef(mod.getRowData()[mod.getArraySizeColumn()].toString(), mod.getRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString(), variablePath, variablePathEsc, linksDelCmd, tlmDelCmd);
        // Check if a deletion to the links table exists
        if (linksDelCmd.length() != 0) {
            // Terminate the links table command and add it to the modification command
        // Check if a deletion to the telemetry scheduler table exists
        if (tlmDelCmd.length() != 0) {
            // Terminate the telemetry scheduler table command and add it to the modification
            // command
    return modCmd.toString();
Also used : TableModification(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification) DatabaseObject(CCDD.CcddConstants.DatabaseObject)

Example 7 with TableModification

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddTableEditorHandler method buildUpdates.

 * Compare the current table data to the committed table data and create lists of the changed
 * values necessary to update the table in the database to match the current values
protected void buildUpdates() {
    // value change)
    if (editorDialog != null) {
        // Store the description into the table information class so that it can be used to
        // compare if a change occurred
    // Store the most recently committed table data and column order into the table information
    // class so that it can be used to compare if a change occurred
    // Remove change information from a previous commit, if any
    // Create an empty row of data for comparison purposes
    Object[] emptyRow = table.getEmptyRow();
    // Re-index the rows in case any have been added, moved, or deleted
    // Get the number of rows that have been committed to the database for this table
    int numCommitted = committedInfo != null ? committedInfo.getData().length : 0;
    // Get the table cell values
    Object[][] tableData = table.getTableData(true);
    // Create storage for the array used to indicate if a row has been modified
    boolean[] rowModified = new boolean[committedInfo.getData().length];
    // Step through each row in the table
    for (int tblRow = 0; tblRow < tableData.length; tblRow++) {
        boolean matchFound = false;
        // data type columns are present, and the path isn't manually set
        if (editorDialog != null && variablePathIndex != -1 && variableNameIndex != -1 && dataTypeIndex != -1 && tableData[tblRow][variablePathIndex].toString().equals(getVariablePath(tableData[tblRow][variableNameIndex].toString(), tableData[tblRow][dataTypeIndex].toString(), true))) {
            // Blank the data for this column so that it isn't stored in the database (paths
            // not manually entered by the user are constructed on-the-fly for display in the
            // table)
            tableData[tblRow][variablePathIndex] = "";
        // Step through each row in the committed version of the table data
        for (int comRow = 0; comRow < numCommitted && !matchFound; comRow++) {
            // Check if the primary key values match for these rows
            if (tableData[tblRow][primaryKeyIndex].equals(committedInfo.getData()[comRow][primaryKeyIndex])) {
                // Set the flag indicating this row has a match
                matchFound = true;
                // Copy the current row's primary key and row index into the empty comparison
                // row
                emptyRow[primaryKeyIndex] = tableData[tblRow][primaryKeyIndex];
                emptyRow[rowIndex] = tableData[tblRow][rowIndex];
                // a row deletion instead of a modification)
                if (!Arrays.equals(tableData[tblRow], emptyRow)) {
                    // Set the flag indicating this row has a modification
                    rowModified[comRow] = true;
                    // Step through each column in the row
                    for (int column = 0; column < tableData[tblRow].length; column++) {
                        // the variable path column
                        if (!tableData[tblRow][column].equals(committedInfo.getData()[comRow][column])) {
                            // Store the row modification information and stop searching
                            modifications.add(new TableModification(tableData[tblRow], committedInfo.getData()[comRow], variableNameIndex, dataTypeIndex, arraySizeIndex, bitLengthIndex, rateIndex));
        // Check if no matching row was found with the current data
        if (!matchFound) {
            // Store the row addition information
            additions.add(new TableModification(tableData[tblRow], variableNameIndex, dataTypeIndex, arraySizeIndex, bitLengthIndex));
    // Step through each row of the committed data
    for (int comRow = 0; comRow < numCommitted; comRow++) {
        // Check if no matching row was found with the current data
        if (!rowModified[comRow]) {
            // Store the row deletion information
            deletions.add(new TableModification(committedInfo.getData()[comRow], variableNameIndex, dataTypeIndex, arraySizeIndex, bitLengthIndex));
Also used : TableModification(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification) Point(java.awt.Point)

Example 8 with TableModification

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddMacroEditorDialog method buildUpdates.

 * Compare the current macro table data to the committed data and create lists of the changed
 * values necessary to update the table in the database to match the current values
private void buildUpdates() {
    // Remove change information from a previous commit, if any
    // Get the number of rows that have been committed to the database
    int numCommitted = committedData.length;
    // Get the macro table cell values
    String[][] tableData = CcddUtilities.convertObjectToString(macroTable.getTableData(true));
    // Step through each row in the macro table
    for (int tblRow = 0; tblRow < tableData.length; tblRow++) {
        boolean matchFound = false;
        // Step through each row in the committed version of the macro table data
        for (int comRow = 0; comRow < numCommitted && !matchFound; comRow++) {
            // Check if the index values match for these rows
            if (tableData[tblRow][MacrosColumn.OID.ordinal()].equals(committedData[comRow][MacrosColumn.OID.ordinal()])) {
                // Set the flags indicating this row has a match
                matchFound = true;
                boolean isChangedColumn = false;
                // Step through each column in the row
                for (int column = 0; column < tableData[tblRow].length; column++) {
                    // Check if the current and committed values don't match
                    if (!tableData[tblRow][column].equals(committedData[comRow][column])) {
                        // Set the flag to indicate a column value changed and stop searching
                        isChangedColumn = true;
                // Check if any columns were changed
                if (isChangedColumn) {
                    // Store the row modification information
                    modifications.add(new TableModification(tableData[tblRow], committedData[comRow]));
Also used : TableModification(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification) Point(java.awt.Point)


TableModification (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableModification)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 TableInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation)2 DatabaseObject (CCDD.CcddConstants.DatabaseObject)2 Point (java.awt.Point)2 BackgroundCommand (CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)1 CCDDException (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException)1 TypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 List (java.util.List)1