use of WayofTime.bloodmagic.event.TeleposeEvent in project BloodMagic by WayofTime.
the class AlchemyArrayEffectLaputa method update.
public boolean update(TileEntity tile, int ticksActive) {
if (ticksActive >= 100) {
World world = tile.getWorld();
if (radius == -1) {
((TileAlchemyArray) tile).setItemDrop(false);
radius = getRandomRadius(world.rand);
teleportHeightOffset = getRandomHeightOffset(world.rand);
currentPos = new BlockPos(-radius, -radius, -radius);
BlockPos pos = tile.getPos();
if (world.isRemote) {
return false;
int j = -radius;
int i = -radius;
int k = -radius;
if (currentPos != null) {
j = currentPos.getY();
i = currentPos.getX();
k = currentPos.getZ();
int checks = 0;
int maxChecks = 100;
while (j <= radius) {
while (i <= radius) {
while (k <= radius) {
if (i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0) {
if (checks >= maxChecks) {
this.currentPos = new BlockPos(i, j, k);
return false;
if (checkIfSphere(radius, i, j, k)) {
BlockPos newPos = pos.add(i, j, k);
BlockPos offsetPos = newPos.up(teleportHeightOffset);
TeleposeEvent event = new TeleposeEvent(world, newPos, world, offsetPos);
if (Utils.swapLocations(event.initalWorld, event.initialBlockPos, event.finalWorld, event.finalBlockPos) && ! {
this.currentPos = new BlockPos(i, j, k);
return false;
k = -radius;
i = -radius;
this.currentPos = new BlockPos(i, j, k);
return false;
return true;
return false;
use of WayofTime.bloodmagic.event.TeleposeEvent in project BloodMagic by WayofTime.
the class TileTeleposer method initiateTeleport.
public void initiateTeleport() {
if (!getWorld().isRemote && canInitiateTeleport() && getBlockType() instanceof BlockTeleposer) {
ItemStack focusStack = getStackInSlot(0);
ItemTelepositionFocus focus = (ItemTelepositionFocus) focusStack.getItem();
Binding binding = focus.getBinding(focusStack);
if (binding == null)
BlockPos focusPos = focus.getBlockPos(getStackInSlot(0));
World focusWorld = focus.getWorld(getStackInSlot(0));
if (focusWorld == null)
TileEntity boundTile = focusWorld.getTileEntity(focusPos);
if (boundTile instanceof TileTeleposer && boundTile != this) {
final int focusLevel = (getStackInSlot(0).getItemDamage() + 1);
final int lpToBeDrained = (int) (0.5F * Math.sqrt((pos.getX() - focusPos.getX()) * (pos.getX() - focusPos.getX()) + (pos.getY() - focusPos.getY() + 1) * (pos.getY() - focusPos.getY() + 1) + (pos.getZ() - focusPos.getZ()) * (pos.getZ() - focusPos.getZ())));
if (NetworkHelper.getSoulNetwork(binding).syphonAndDamage(PlayerHelper.getPlayerFromUUID(binding.getOwnerId()), lpToBeDrained * (focusLevel * 2 - 1) * (focusLevel * 2 - 1) * (focusLevel * 2 - 1))) {
int blocksTransported = 0;
for (int i = -(focusLevel - 1); i <= (focusLevel - 1); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= (focusLevel * 2 - 2); j++) {
for (int k = -(focusLevel - 1); k <= (focusLevel - 1); k++) {
TeleposeEvent event = new TeleposeEvent(getWorld(), pos.add(i, 1 + j, k), focusWorld, focusPos.add(i, 1 + j, k));
if (Utils.swapLocations(event.initalWorld, event.initialBlockPos, event.finalWorld, event.finalBlockPos) && ! {
NetworkHelper.syphonFromContainer(focusStack, lpToBeDrained * blocksTransported);
List<Entity> originalWorldEntities;
List<Entity> focusWorldEntities;
AxisAlignedBB originalArea = new AxisAlignedBB(pos.getX(), pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ(), pos.getX() + 1, Math.min(focusWorld.getHeight(), pos.getY() + 2 * focusLevel), pos.getZ() + 1).expand(focusLevel - 1, 0, focusLevel - 1);
originalWorldEntities = getWorld().getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, originalArea);
AxisAlignedBB focusArea = new AxisAlignedBB(focusPos.getX(), focusPos.getY() + 1, focusPos.getZ(), focusPos.getX() + 1, Math.min(focusWorld.getHeight(), focusPos.getY() + 2 * focusLevel), focusPos.getZ() + 1).expand(focusLevel - 1, 0, focusLevel - 1);
focusWorldEntities = focusWorld.getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, focusArea);
if (focusWorld.equals(getWorld())) {
if (!originalWorldEntities.isEmpty()) {
for (Entity entity : originalWorldEntities) {
TeleportQueue.getInstance().addITeleport(new Teleports.TeleportSameDim(new BlockPos(entity.posX - pos.getX() + focusPos.getX(), entity.posY - pos.getY() + focusPos.getY(), entity.posZ - pos.getZ() + focusPos.getZ()), entity, binding.getOwnerId(), true));
if (!focusWorldEntities.isEmpty()) {
for (Entity entity : focusWorldEntities) {
TeleportQueue.getInstance().addITeleport(new Teleports.TeleportSameDim(new BlockPos(entity.posX - pos.getX() + focusPos.getX(), entity.posY - pos.getY() + focusPos.getY(), entity.posZ - pos.getZ() + focusPos.getZ()), entity, binding.getOwnerId(), true));
// FIXME - Fix cross-dimension teleports causing major desync
// } else {
// if (!originalWorldEntities.isEmpty()) {
// for (Entity entity : originalWorldEntities) {
// TeleportQueue.getInstance().addITeleport(new Teleports.TeleportToDim(new BlockPos(entity.posX - pos.getX() + focusPos.getX(), entity.posY - pos.getY() + focusPos.getY(), entity.posZ - pos.getZ() + focusPos.getZ()), entity, focusStack.getTagCompound().getString(Constants.NBT.OWNER_UUID), getWorld(), focusWorld.provider.getDimension(), true));
// }
// }
// if (!focusWorldEntities.isEmpty()) {
// for (Entity entity : focusWorldEntities) {
// TeleportQueue.getInstance().addITeleport(new Teleports.TeleportToDim(new BlockPos(entity.posX - pos.getX() + focusPos.getX(), entity.posY - pos.getY() + focusPos.getY(), entity.posZ - pos.getZ() + focusPos.getZ()), entity, focusStack.getTagCompound().getString(Constants.NBT.OWNER_UUID), focusWorld, getWorld().provider.getDimension(), true));
// }
// }
// }