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Example 1 with UpdateInodeEntry

use of alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class AccessTimeUpdater method updateAccessTime.

 * Update inode last access time. Requires at least read lock acquired for the inode.
 * @param context the journal context
 * @param inode the target inode
 * @param opTimeMs the last access time to set on the inode
public void updateAccessTime(JournalContext context, Inode inode, long opTimeMs) {
    if (opTimeMs - inode.getLastAccessTimeMs() > mUpdatePrecision) {
        try (LockResource lr = mInodeTree.getInodeLockManager().lockUpdate(inode.getId())) {
            if (mExecutorService != null) {
                // journal update asynchronously
                UpdateInodeEntry entry = mInodeTree.updateInodeAccessTimeNoJournal(inode.getId(), opTimeMs);
            } else {
                mInodeTree.updateInode(context, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder().setId(inode.getId()).setLastAccessTimeMs(opTimeMs).build());
Also used : UpdateInodeEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry) LockResource(alluxio.resource.LockResource)

Example 2 with UpdateInodeEntry

use of alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class InodeTree method createPath.

 * Creates a file or directory at path.
 * This method expects that the last edge leading to the target inode to be write-locked. If the
 * last existing inode in the path is /a/b/c and we want to create /a/b/c/d/e, the c->d edge must
 * be write locked.
 * On success, createPath attempts to push the write lock forward as far as possible. For the
 * above example, createPath would take a write lock on d->e, and downgrade the c->d lock from a
 * write lock to a read lock. This may not be possible if inodePath is a composite path which
 * doesn't own the write lock. In that case no downgrade will occur.
 * @param rpcContext the rpc context
 * @param inodePath the path
 * @param context method context
 * @return a list of created inodes
 * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException when there is already a file at path if we want to create a
 *         directory there
 * @throws BlockInfoException when blockSizeBytes is invalid
 * @throws InvalidPathException when path is invalid, for example, (1) when there is nonexistent
 *         necessary parent directories and recursive is false, (2) when one of the necessary
 *         parent directories is actually a file
 * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
 *         option is false
public List<Inode> createPath(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath, CreatePathContext<?, ?> context) throws FileAlreadyExistsException, BlockInfoException, InvalidPathException, IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
    Preconditions.checkState(inodePath.getLockPattern() == LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
    // TODO(gpang): consider splitting this into createFilePath and createDirectoryPath, with a
    // helper method for the shared logic.
    AlluxioURI path = inodePath.getUri();
    if (path.isRoot()) {
        String errorMessage = "Not allowed to create existing root path: " + path;
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(errorMessage);
    if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
        if (context instanceof CreateDirectoryContext && ((CreateDirectoryContext) context).getOptions().getAllowExists()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            String pathType = "file";
            if (context instanceof CreateDirectoryContext) {
                pathType = "directory";
            String errorMessage = String.format("Not allowed to create %s because path already exists: %s", pathType, path);
            throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(errorMessage);
    if (context instanceof CreateFileContext) {
        CreateFileContext fileContext = (CreateFileContext) context;
        if (fileContext.getOptions().getBlockSizeBytes() < 1) {
            throw new BlockInfoException("Invalid block size " + fileContext.getOptions().getBlockSizeBytes());
    LOG.debug("createPath {}", path);
    String[] pathComponents = inodePath.mPathComponents;
    String name = path.getName();
    // pathIndex is the index into pathComponents where we start filling in the path from the inode.
    int pathIndex = inodePath.getExistingInodeCount();
    if (pathIndex < pathComponents.length - 1) {
        // Otherwise we add the remaining path components to the list of components to create.
        if (!context.isRecursive()) {
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(String.format("File %s creation failed. Component %d(%s) does not exist", path, pathIndex, pathComponents[pathIndex]));
    // The ancestor inode (parent or ancestor) of the target path.
    Inode ancestorInode = inodePath.getAncestorInode();
    if (!ancestorInode.isDirectory()) {
        throw new InvalidPathException("Could not traverse to parent directory of path " + path + ". Component " + pathComponents[pathIndex - 1] + " is not a directory.");
    InodeDirectoryView currentInodeDirectory = ancestorInode.asDirectory();
    List<Inode> createdInodes = new ArrayList<>();
    if (context.isPersisted()) {
        // Synchronously persist directories. These inodes are already READ locked.
        for (Inode inode : inodePath.getInodeList()) {
            if (!inode.isPersisted()) {
                // This cast is safe because we've already verified that the file inode doesn't exist.
                syncPersistExistingDirectory(rpcContext, inode.asDirectory());
    if ((pathIndex < (pathComponents.length - 1) || !mInodeStore.getChild(currentInodeDirectory, name).isPresent()) && context.getOperationTimeMs() > currentInodeDirectory.getLastModificationTimeMs()) {
        // (1) There are components in parent paths that need to be created. Or
        // (2) The last component of the path needs to be created.
        // In these two cases, the last traversed Inode will be modified if the new timestamp is after
        // the existing last modified time.
        long currentId = currentInodeDirectory.getId();
        try (LockResource lr = mInodeLockManager.lockUpdate(currentId)) {
            long updatedLastModified = mInodeStore.get(currentId).get().getLastModificationTimeMs();
            if (updatedLastModified < context.getOperationTimeMs()) {
                UpdateInodeEntry.Builder updateInodeEntry = UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder().setId(currentId).setLastModificationTimeMs(context.getOperationTimeMs()).setLastAccessTimeMs(context.getOperationTimeMs());
                if (context.getXAttr() != null) {
    // Fill in the ancestor directories that were missing.
    // NOTE, we set the mode of missing ancestor directories to be the default value, rather
    // than inheriting the option of the final file to create, because it may not have
    // "execute" permission.
    CreateDirectoryContext missingDirContext = CreateDirectoryContext.defaults();
    StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder().append(String.join(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR, Arrays.asList(pathComponents).subList(0, pathIndex)));
    for (int k = pathIndex; k < (pathComponents.length - 1); k++) {
        MutableInodeDirectory newDir = MutableInodeDirectory.create(mDirectoryIdGenerator.getNewDirectoryId(rpcContext.getJournalContext()), currentInodeDirectory.getId(), pathComponents[k], missingDirContext);
        if (currentInodeDirectory.isPinned() && !newDir.isPinned()) {
            newDir.setMediumTypes(new HashSet<>(currentInodeDirectory.getMediumTypes()));
        inheritOwnerAndGroupIfEmpty(newDir, currentInodeDirectory);
        // if the parent has default ACL, copy that default ACL as the new directory's default
        // and access acl, ANDed with the umask
        // if it is part of a metadata load operation, we ignore the umask and simply inherit
        // the default ACL as the directory's new default and access ACL
        short mode = context.isMetadataLoad() ? Mode.createFullAccess().toShort() : newDir.getMode();
        DefaultAccessControlList dAcl = currentInodeDirectory.getDefaultACL();
        if (!dAcl.isEmpty()) {
            Pair<AccessControlList, DefaultAccessControlList> pair = dAcl.generateChildDirACL(mode);
        String newDirPath = k == 0 ? ROOT_PATH : pathBuilder.append(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR).append(pathComponents[k]).toString();
        mState.applyAndJournal(rpcContext, newDir, newDirPath);
        // concurrent creates from trying to persist the same directory name.
        if (context.isPersisted()) {
            syncPersistExistingDirectory(rpcContext, newDir);
        currentInodeDirectory = newDir;
    // Create the final path component.
    MutableInode<?> newInode;
    // create the new inode, with a write lock
    if (context instanceof CreateDirectoryContext) {
        CreateDirectoryContext directoryContext = (CreateDirectoryContext) context;
        MutableInodeDirectory newDir = MutableInodeDirectory.create(mDirectoryIdGenerator.getNewDirectoryId(rpcContext.getJournalContext()), currentInodeDirectory.getId(), name, directoryContext);
        // if the parent has default ACL, take the default ACL ANDed with the umask as the new
        // directory's default and access acl
        // When it is a metadata load operation, do not take the umask into account
        short mode = context.isMetadataLoad() ? Mode.createFullAccess().toShort() : newDir.getMode();
        DefaultAccessControlList dAcl = currentInodeDirectory.getDefaultACL();
        if (!dAcl.isEmpty()) {
            Pair<AccessControlList, DefaultAccessControlList> pair = dAcl.generateChildDirACL(mode);
        if (directoryContext.isPersisted()) {
            // Do not journal the persist entry, since a creation entry will be journaled instead.
            if (context.isMetadataLoad()) {
                // if we are creating the file as a result of loading metadata, the newDir is already
                // persisted, and we got the permissions info from the ufs.
                Long operationTimeMs = context.getOperationTimeMs();
                if (operationTimeMs != null) {
                    newDir.setLastModificationTimeMs(operationTimeMs, true);
                    newDir.setLastAccessTimeMs(operationTimeMs, true);
            } else {
        // Do NOT call setOwner/Group after inheriting from parent if empty
        inheritOwnerAndGroupIfEmpty(newDir, currentInodeDirectory);
        newInode = newDir;
    } else if (context instanceof CreateFileContext) {
        CreateFileContext fileContext = (CreateFileContext) context;
        MutableInodeFile newFile = MutableInodeFile.create(mContainerIdGenerator.getNewContainerId(), currentInodeDirectory.getId(), name, System.currentTimeMillis(), fileContext);
        // if the parent has a default ACL, copy that default ACL ANDed with the umask as the new
        // file's access ACL.
        // If it is a metadata load operation, do not consider the umask.
        DefaultAccessControlList dAcl = currentInodeDirectory.getDefaultACL();
        short mode = context.isMetadataLoad() ? Mode.createFullAccess().toShort() : newFile.getMode();
        if (!dAcl.isEmpty()) {
            AccessControlList acl = dAcl.generateChildFileACL(mode);
        if (fileContext.isCacheable()) {
        if (fileContext.getWriteType() == WriteType.ASYNC_THROUGH) {
        // Do NOT call setOwner/Group after inheriting from parent if empty
        inheritOwnerAndGroupIfEmpty(newFile, currentInodeDirectory);
        newInode = newFile;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unrecognized create options: %s", context));
    if (currentInodeDirectory.isPinned() && !newInode.isPinned()) {
        newInode.setMediumTypes(new HashSet<>(currentInodeDirectory.getMediumTypes()));
    mState.applyAndJournal(rpcContext, newInode, inodePath.getUri().getPath());
    Inode inode = Inode.wrap(newInode);
    LOG.debug("createFile: File Created: {} parent: {}", newInode, currentInodeDirectory);
    return createdInodes;
Also used : AccessControlList( DefaultAccessControlList( FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileAlreadyExistsException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) CreateFileContext(alluxio.master.file.contexts.CreateFileContext) LockResource(alluxio.resource.LockResource) DefaultAccessControlList( UpdateInodeEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry) CreateDirectoryContext(alluxio.master.file.contexts.CreateDirectoryContext) BlockInfoException(alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 3 with UpdateInodeEntry

use of alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class InodeTreePersistentState method applyInodeAccessTime.

 * Updates last access time for Inode without journaling. The caller should apply the journal
 * entry separately.
 * @param inodeId the id of the target inode
 * @param accessTime the new value for last access time
 * @return the journal entry that represents the update
public UpdateInodeEntry applyInodeAccessTime(long inodeId, long accessTime) {
    UpdateInodeEntry entry = UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder().setId(inodeId).setLastAccessTimeMs(accessTime).build();
    return entry;
Also used : UpdateInodeEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry)

Example 4 with UpdateInodeEntry

use of alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class AccessTimeUpdater method flushUpdates.

private void flushUpdates() {
    try (JournalContext context = mFileSystemMaster.createJournalContext()) {
        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> iterator = mAccessTimeUpdates.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Map.Entry<Long, Long> inodeEntry =;
            UpdateInodeEntry entry = UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder().setId(inodeEntry.getKey()).setLastAccessTimeMs(inodeEntry.getValue()).build();
    } catch (UnavailableException e) {
        LOG.debug("Failed to flush access time updates.", e);
Also used : UpdateInodeEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry) UpdateInodeEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry) JournalContext(alluxio.master.journal.JournalContext) UnavailableException(alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


UpdateInodeEntry (alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry)4 LockResource (alluxio.resource.LockResource)2 AlluxioURI (alluxio.AlluxioURI)1 BlockInfoException (alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException)1 FileAlreadyExistsException (alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException)1 FileDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException)1 InvalidPathException (alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)1 UnavailableException (alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException)1 CreateDirectoryContext (alluxio.master.file.contexts.CreateDirectoryContext)1 CreateFileContext (alluxio.master.file.contexts.CreateFileContext)1 JournalContext (alluxio.master.journal.JournalContext)1 AccessControlList ( DefaultAccessControlList ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1