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Example 41 with CBDescIn

use of alma.ACS.CBDescIn in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class PropertySeqTest method testSetAsyncLongRW.

public void testSetAsyncLongRW() {
    CBvoidImpl cb = new CBvoidImpl();
    CBDescIn descIn = new CBDescIn(50000, 50000, 1208);
    synchronized (cb) {
        RWpropertyLongSeq.set_async(new int[] { 500, 600 }, cb._this(orb), descIn);
        try {
            // wait for 5s
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    // only 1 response is expected
    //assertEquals(1, cb.getResponseQueue().size());
    //CBResponse response = (CBResponse)cb.getResponseQueue().firstElement();
    // check reponse type
    //assertEquals(CBResponse.DONE_TYPE, response.type);
    // check value
    // TODO check value
    CompletionHolder completionHolder = new CompletionHolder();
    int[] value = RWpropertyLongSeq.get_sync(completionHolder);
    assertEquals(500, value[0], 0);
    assertEquals(600, value[1], 0);
Also used : CompletionHolder(alma.ACSErr.CompletionHolder) CBDescIn(alma.ACS.CBDescIn)

Example 42 with CBDescIn

use of alma.ACS.CBDescIn in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class PropertySeqTest method testSetAsyncDoubleRW.

public void testSetAsyncDoubleRW() {
    CBvoidImpl cb = new CBvoidImpl();
    CBDescIn descIn = new CBDescIn(50000, 50000, 1208);
    synchronized (cb) {
        RWpropertyDoubleSeq.set_async(new double[] { 500.0, 600.0 }, cb._this(orb), descIn);
        try {
            // wait for 5s
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    // only 1 response is expected
    //assertEquals(1, cb.getResponseQueue().size());
    //CBResponse response = (CBResponse)cb.getResponseQueue().firstElement();
    // check reponse type
    //assertEquals(CBResponse.DONE_TYPE, response.type);
    // check value
    // TODO check value
    CompletionHolder completionHolder = new CompletionHolder();
    double[] value = RWpropertyDoubleSeq.get_sync(completionHolder);
    assertEquals(500.0, value[0], 0);
    assertEquals(600.0, value[1], 0);
Also used : CompletionHolder(alma.ACSErr.CompletionHolder) CBDescIn(alma.ACS.CBDescIn)

Example 43 with CBDescIn

use of alma.ACS.CBDescIn in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class PropertySeqTest method testCreateMonitorLong.

public void testCreateMonitorLong() {
    // TODO do test with null callback ;)
    // TODO implement...
    CBlongSeqImpl cb = new CBlongSeqImpl();
    CBDescIn descIn = new CBDescIn(50000, 50000, 1208);
    Monitorlong monitor = ROpropertyLongSeq.create_monitor(cb._this(orb), descIn);
    try {
        // 10.5 sec
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    synchronized (cb) {
        try {
            // wait for 3s
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// TODO test if done was called
Also used : Monitorlong(alma.ACS.Monitorlong) CBDescIn(alma.ACS.CBDescIn)

Example 44 with CBDescIn

use of alma.ACS.CBDescIn in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class MyTestCBvoid method testActivateOffShoot.

public void testActivateOffShoot() throws Exception {
    // activate callback object
    MyTestCBvoid cb = new MyTestCBvoid(m_logger);"MyTestCBvoid instantiated...");
    CBvoid cbvoid = alma.ACS.CBvoidHelper.narrow(getContainerServices().activateOffShoot(cb));"MyTestCBvoid activated.");
    // activate dal listener object"activating dal listener offshoot...");
    DALChangeListenerPOA dalListenerSrv = new MyTestDALChangeListener();
    OffShoot offshoot2 = getContainerServices().activateOffShoot(dalListenerSrv);
    DALChangeListener dalListenerRef = DALChangeListenerHelper.narrow(offshoot2);"done activating dal listener offshoot.");
    // check if dal listener works..."calling dal listener...");
    dalListenerRef.object_changed("happyCurl");"done calling dal listener.");
    // check if callback works...
    RWdouble brightness = null;
    Lamp lamp = LampHelper.narrow(getContainerServices().getComponent(m_lampCurl));
    assertNotNull("reference to Lamp component not null", lamp);
    brightness = lamp.brightness();
    assertNotNull("brightness property of lamp not null", brightness);
    CBDescIn desc = new CBDescIn();"m_desc instantiated...");"before setting callback...");
    brightness.set_async(7.345, cbvoid, desc);
    m_logger.finer("callback set...");
//todo: do something and get feedback from the callback object		
//		m_logger.finer("changing value (sync)...");
//		brightness.set_sync(8.456);
Also used : DALChangeListenerPOA(com.cosylab.CDB.DALChangeListenerPOA) RWdouble(alma.ACS.RWdouble) OffShoot(alma.ACS.OffShoot) DALChangeListener(com.cosylab.CDB.DALChangeListener) Lamp(alma.acsexmplLamp.Lamp) CBvoid(alma.ACS.CBvoid) CBDescIn(alma.ACS.CBDescIn)

Example 45 with CBDescIn

use of alma.ACS.CBDescIn in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class SampleRequester method testA.

public void testA() throws Exception {
    // --- activate callback object
    ResponseReceiver x = new ResponseReceiver() {

        public void incomingResponse(String s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming String: " + s);

        public void incomingResponse(String[] s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming StringArray: " + Arrays.asList(s));

        public void incomingResponse(int s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming int: " + s);

        public void incomingResponse(int[] s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming intArray: " + s.length);

        public void incomingResponse(double s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming double: " + s);

        public void incomingResponse(double[] s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming doubleArray: " + s.length);

        public void incomingResponse(Object s) {
            System.out.println("Incoming Object: " + s);

        public void incomingException(Exception s) {
            System.out.println("Responding failed: " + s);
    CBDescIn descIn = RequesterUtil.giveDescIn();"setting string callback");
    CBstring cb = RequesterUtil.giveCBString(cs, x);
    responder.revertString("Hallo", cb, descIn);"setting string callback again");
    responder.revertString("Welt", cb, descIn);"setting long callback");
    responder.countString("Hallo", RequesterUtil.giveCBLong(cs, x), descIn);"setting long[] callback");
    responder.convertString("Hallo", RequesterUtil.giveCBLongSequence(cs, x), RequesterUtil.giveDescIn());"setting string[] callback");
    responder.dummy1("Hallo", RequesterUtil.giveCBStringSequence(cs, x), RequesterUtil.giveDescIn());"setting double[] callback");
    responder.dummy2("Hallo", RequesterUtil.giveCBDoubleSequence(cs, x), RequesterUtil.giveDescIn());"setting double callback");
    responder.dummy3("Hallo", RequesterUtil.giveCBDouble(cs, x), RequesterUtil.giveDescIn());
Also used : CBDescIn(alma.ACS.CBDescIn) CBstring(alma.ACS.CBstring)


CBDescIn (alma.ACS.CBDescIn)57 CompletionHolder (alma.ACSErr.CompletionHolder)11 Monitordouble (alma.ACS.Monitordouble)10 Completion (alma.ACSErr.Completion)7 Callback (alma.ACS.Callback)6 BACIDispatchAction (alma.ACS.jbaci.BACIDispatchAction)6 NO_IMPLEMENT (org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT)6 RWdouble (alma.ACS.RWdouble)5 Monitorfloat (alma.ACS.Monitorfloat)4 Monitorlong (alma.ACS.Monitorlong)4 ROdouble (alma.ACS.ROdouble)3 OffShoot (alma.ACS.OffShoot)2 LampUnavailable (alma.demo.LampUnavailable)2 NoPermissionEx (alma.maciErrType.NoPermissionEx)2 POAManager (org.omg.PortableServer.POAManager)2 ClientInfo (si.ijs.maci.ClientInfo)2 Manager (si.ijs.maci.Manager)2 CBDescOut (alma.ACS.CBDescOut)1 CBdouble (alma.ACS.CBdouble)1 CBlongPOA (alma.ACS.CBlongPOA)1