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Example 1 with CouldntPerformActionEx

use of alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class EventComponentTest method doSomeStuff.

	 * Gets the supplier component to send out events 
public void doSomeStuff() throws AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx {
    try {
        // get the supplier component to create 10 default events.
        // The consumer will unsubscribe after having received 5 of these events.
        m_supplierComp.sendEvents((short) 10);
        // Now give the supplier component a bunch of event structs to publish on the fridge channel
        // Note that the event type is different from the above.
        int nNestedEvents = 5;
        NestedFridgeEvent[] nestedEvents = new NestedFridgeEvent[nNestedEvents];
        for (int i = 0; i < nNestedEvents; i++) {
            nestedEvents[i] = new NestedFridgeEvent();
            nestedEvents[i].status = TemperatureStatus.ATREF;
    } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx e) {
        throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(e);
Also used : AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx) CouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx) NestedFridgeEvent(alma.FRIDGE.FridgeControlPackage.NestedFridgeEvent)

Example 2 with CouldntPerformActionEx

use of alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class TestLogLevelsCompTest method testGetLevels.

	 * @throws Exception
public void testGetLevels() throws Exception {
    int[] levels;
    for (TestLogLevelsComp testlogComp : components) {
        try {
            levels = testlogComp.getLevels();
        } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
            throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
        String componentName =;
        // Prepare the log levels via the container's LoggingConfigurable interface
        String containerName = containerTestUtil.resolveContainerName(componentName);
        LoggingConfigurable containerLogConfig = containerTestUtil.getContainerLoggingIF(containerName);
        // @TODO get logger name from the container via a new IDL method, because the logger name 
        //       may not be the same as the container (e.g. for C++ containers).
        //String loggerName = containerName;
        String loggerName = componentName;
        // Get the log level that our test component is subject to 
        alma.Logging.LoggingConfigurablePackage.LogLevels componentLogLevels = containerLogConfig.get_logLevels(loggerName);
        if (componentLogLevels.useDefault) {
  "levels from component's getLevels method (hardcoded remote, local, effective): " + levels[0] + ", " + levels[1] + ", " + levels[2] + ", " + levels[3] + ", " + levels[4]);
            Assert.assertEquals(levels[3], componentLogLevels.minLogLevel);
            Assert.assertEquals(levels[4], componentLogLevels.minLogLevelLocal);
        } else {
  "levels from component's getLevels method and LoggingConfigurable: " + levels[0] + ", " + levels[1] + ", " + levels[2] + ", " + levels[3] + ", " + levels[4]);
        // levels[0-4]: hardcoded remote, hardcoded local, AcsLogger, AcsLogHandler, StdoutConsoleHandler
        Assert.assertTrue(levels[3] != -1);
        Assert.assertTrue(levels[4] != -1);
        // The AcsLogger setting should be the minimum of the one for AcsLogHandler and StdoutConsoleHandler
        int minLevel = levels[3];
        if (levels[3] > levels[4] || levels[3] == -1)
            minLevel = levels[4];
        Assert.assertEquals(levels[2], minLevel);
//		// Sleep is to work-around a race condition, whereby the tearDown() can get called "too early"
//		// (logging not properly initialised when it is already  stopped after running this short method).
//		Thread.sleep(3000);
Also used : AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx) CouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx) TestLogLevelsComp(alma.contLogTest.TestLogLevelsComp) LoggingConfigurable(alma.Logging.LoggingConfigurable)

Example 3 with CouldntPerformActionEx

use of alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class CounterTest method testNC.

	 * @throws Exception
public void testNC() throws Exception {
    // Start consumers first, then suppliers
    for (CounterConsumer consumer : consumers) {
        String componentName =;
        try {
   + " now expecting blocks");
        } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
            throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
    int blocksOut = 0;
    for (CounterSupplier supplier : suppliers) {
        String componentName =;
        try {
  "requesting " + componentName + " to sendBlocks");
            blocksOut = supplier.sendBlocks(initVal, lastVal, changeVal, period);
   + " has sent " + blocksOut + " blocks");
        } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
            throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
    // Now wait till all consumers are done ...
    int blocksIn = 0;
    for (CounterConsumer consumer : consumers) {
        String componentName =;
        try {
            blocksIn = consumer.waitTillDone();
   + " has received " + blocksIn + " blocks");
            Assert.assertEquals(blocksOut, blocksIn);
        } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
            throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
// make sure there was enough time to let logs through 
Also used : AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx) CouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx) CounterSupplier(alma.COUNTER.CounterSupplier) CounterConsumer(alma.COUNTER.CounterConsumer)

Example 4 with CouldntPerformActionEx

use of alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class LocalPubSubTest method testOneSupplierOneSubscriberMixedEvents.

	 * Publishes >= 200 "MountStatusData" or "LightweightMountStatusData" events on the NC "CONTROL_REALTIME", 
	 * using a single supplier component "JavaSupplier-1" for sequential publishing at a rate of 1 events every 48 ms,
	 * and a single subscriber component "JavaSubscriber" for counting the events.
	 * The call to the supplier component is asynchronous, returning while the publisher runs in "indefinite publishing" mode. 
	 * Once the subscriber has received enough data, we terminate the supplier. 
public void testOneSupplierOneSubscriberMixedEvents() throws Throwable {
    final int numEvents = 200;
    final int eventPeriodMillis = 48;
    String[] ncNames = new String[] { CHANNELNAME_CONTROL_REALTIME.value };
    // mixed events spec
    final NcEventSpec[] ncEventSpecs = new NcEventSpec[] { new NcEventSpec(ncNames[0], new String[] { "MountStatusData", "LightweightMountStatusData" }, // don't care about antenna name here
    "") };
    // Create, configure and activate dynamic subscriber component.
    // It must be running before we publish events, to make sure we don't lose any.
    String subscriberContainerName = "localSubscriberContainer1";
    String subscriberComponentName = "JavaSubscriber-1";
    try {
        containerUtil.startContainer(localhostName, ContainerImplLangType.JAVA, subscriberContainerName, null, true);
        final CorbaNotifyConsumerOperations subscriberComp = componentAccessUtil.getDynamicSubscriberComponent(subscriberComponentName, subscriberContainerName, ImplLangT.JAVA);
        subscriberComp.ncConnect(ncNames);"Connected subscriber to NC " + ncNames[0]);
        Callable<Integer> runSubscriber = new Callable<Integer>() {

            public Integer call() throws Exception {
      "About to call subscriber#receiveEvents in a separate thread...");
                return subscriberComp.receiveEvents(ncEventSpecs, 0, numEvents);
        Future<Integer> subscriberCallFuture = singThrExec.submit(runSubscriber);
        // to "ensure" that the subscriber is ready before we publish events 
        // Create dynamic supplier component
        String componentName = "JavaSupplier-1";
        CorbaNotifySupplierOperations supplierComp = componentAccessUtil.getDynamicSupplierComponent(componentName, supplierContainerName, ImplLangT.JAVA);
        // supplier setup
        supplierComp.ncConnect(ncNames);"Connected supplier to NC " + ncNames[0] + ". Will now send ~" + numEvents + " events, one every " + eventPeriodMillis + " ms.");
        // Let publisher component publish events as long as it takes for the subscriber to get enough of them 
        supplierComp.sendEvents(ncEventSpecs, eventPeriodMillis, -1);
        int subscriberReceptionTimeMillis = subscriberCallFuture.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Subscriber component done. It received " + numEvents + " events in " + subscriberReceptionTimeMillis + " ms.");
        int expectedReceptionTimeMillis = numEvents * eventPeriodMillis;
        assertThat("It should have taken around " + expectedReceptionTimeMillis + " ms to receive the events.", subscriberReceptionTimeMillis, is(both(greaterThan((int) (0.90 * expectedReceptionTimeMillis))).and(lessThan((int) (1.1 * expectedReceptionTimeMillis)))));
        // stop supplier (it was in 'infinite' sending mode)
    } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
        throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
    } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
        Throwable ex2 = ex.getCause();
        if (ex2 instanceof CouldntPerformActionEx) {
            throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx((CouldntPerformActionEx) ex2);
        } else {
            throw ex2;
    } finally {
        componentAccessUtil.releaseComponent(subscriberComponentName, true);
        containerUtil.stopContainer(localhostName, subscriberContainerName);
    // for supplier component and container we trust the tearDown method..
Also used : CorbaNotifyConsumerOperations(alma.benchmark.CorbaNotifyConsumerOperations) CorbaNotifySupplierOperations(alma.benchmark.CorbaNotifySupplierOperations) NcEventSpec(alma.benchmark.NcEventSpec) Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx) CouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with CouldntPerformActionEx

use of alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ContainerClientPendingReplyTimeoutTest method testOrbLevelTimeout.

	 * Tests the client-side relative roundtrip ORB timeout for Java containers "frodoContainerWithTimeoutX".
	 * Here the values in the CDB are supposed to override the general ORB timeout setting from
public void testOrbLevelTimeout() throws Exception {
    assertEquals(syslevelOrbTimeoutSecDefined, syslevelOrbTimeoutSec);
    //seconds defined in CDB
    String container = "frodoContainerWithTimeout";
    String component = "DummyCompWrapper_ContainerTimeout";
    String container1, component1;
    int[] timeout = { 30, 10, 20 };
    //Change this value from 1 to 2 or 3 if you want to test other configurations by hand. This is set to 1 to avoid a timeout from NRI tests.
    int n = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        container1 = container + (i + 1);
        component1 = component + (i + 1);
        DummyComponentWrapper wrapper1 = DummyComponentWrapperHelper.narrow(getContainerServices().getComponent(component1));
        int timeout1Sec = (int) jconttestUtil.getContainerLevelOrbTimeout(container1);
        assertEquals("Unexpected CDB timeout for container " + container1, timeout[i], timeout1Sec);
        //because this test is run several times with different values of syslevelOrbTimeoutSec
        if (syslevelOrbTimeoutSec <= timeout1Sec)
        assertTrue(container1 + "'s timeout should be shorter than the system-level timeout", syslevelOrbTimeoutSec - timeout1Sec >= 5);
        try {
            assertFalse(wrapper1.callDummyComponentWithTime((timeout1Sec - 5) * 1000));
            //Here we will check that the timeout is similar (+- 5 s) to the timeout defined in CDB
            StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(m_logger);
            boolean gotTimeoutException = wrapper1.callDummyComponentWithTime((timeout1Sec + 5) * 1000);
            int actualTimeout1Sec = (int) sw.getLapTimeMillis() / 1000;
            assertTrue("timeout exception expected", gotTimeoutException);
            int deviationSec = Math.abs(actualTimeout1Sec - timeout1Sec);
            assertTrue("Expected timeout exception was thrown, but after unexpected " + actualTimeout1Sec + " ms.", deviationSec < 2);
        } catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
            // so that junit can display the exception trace
            throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
// @TODO: use also DummyCompWrapper_ContainerTimeout2 and DummyCompWrapper_ContainerTimeout3
// to check different container timeout settings.
// This should also check the effect of variations of the system-level timeout, as described in COMP-1063/19/Jun/08 10:03 AM
// (The magic 3 minutes even if system level is at 7 minutes. To be verified usign command line override of
// property jacorb.connection.client.pending_reply_timeout)
//This test will be run 2 times with different values of the system level timeout timeout using the prologue of TAT
Also used : AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx) CouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx) DummyComponentWrapper(alma.jconttest.DummyComponentWrapper) StopWatch(alma.acs.util.StopWatch)


CouldntPerformActionEx (alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.CouldntPerformActionEx)6 AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx (alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx)6 ACS.stringSeqHolder (alma.ACS.stringSeqHolder)1 CounterConsumer (alma.COUNTER.CounterConsumer)1 CounterSupplier (alma.COUNTER.CounterSupplier)1 NestedFridgeEvent (alma.FRIDGE.FridgeControlPackage.NestedFridgeEvent)1 LoggingConfigurable (alma.Logging.LoggingConfigurable)1 StopWatch (alma.acs.util.StopWatch)1 CorbaNotifyConsumerOperations (alma.benchmark.CorbaNotifyConsumerOperations)1 CorbaNotifySupplierOperations (alma.benchmark.CorbaNotifySupplierOperations)1 NcEventSpec (alma.benchmark.NcEventSpec)1 TestLogLevelsComp (alma.contLogTest.TestLogLevelsComp)1 DummyComponentWrapper (alma.jconttest.DummyComponentWrapper)1 Callable (java.util.concurrent.Callable)1 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1