use of alma.jconttest.DummyComponentWrapper in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ContainerClientPendingReplyTimeoutTest method testOrbLevelTimeout.
* Tests the client-side relative roundtrip ORB timeout for Java containers "frodoContainerWithTimeoutX".
* Here the values in the CDB are supposed to override the general ORB timeout setting from
public void testOrbLevelTimeout() throws Exception {
assertEquals(syslevelOrbTimeoutSecDefined, syslevelOrbTimeoutSec);
//seconds defined in CDB
String container = "frodoContainerWithTimeout";
String component = "DummyCompWrapper_ContainerTimeout";
String container1, component1;
int[] timeout = { 30, 10, 20 };
//Change this value from 1 to 2 or 3 if you want to test other configurations by hand. This is set to 1 to avoid a timeout from NRI tests.
int n = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
container1 = container + (i + 1);
component1 = component + (i + 1);
DummyComponentWrapper wrapper1 = DummyComponentWrapperHelper.narrow(getContainerServices().getComponent(component1));
int timeout1Sec = (int) jconttestUtil.getContainerLevelOrbTimeout(container1);
assertEquals("Unexpected CDB timeout for container " + container1, timeout[i], timeout1Sec);
//because this test is run several times with different values of syslevelOrbTimeoutSec
if (syslevelOrbTimeoutSec <= timeout1Sec)
assertTrue(container1 + "'s timeout should be shorter than the system-level timeout", syslevelOrbTimeoutSec - timeout1Sec >= 5);
try {
assertFalse(wrapper1.callDummyComponentWithTime((timeout1Sec - 5) * 1000));
//Here we will check that the timeout is similar (+- 5 s) to the timeout defined in CDB
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(m_logger);
boolean gotTimeoutException = wrapper1.callDummyComponentWithTime((timeout1Sec + 5) * 1000);
int actualTimeout1Sec = (int) sw.getLapTimeMillis() / 1000;
assertTrue("timeout exception expected", gotTimeoutException);
int deviationSec = Math.abs(actualTimeout1Sec - timeout1Sec);
assertTrue("Expected timeout exception was thrown, but after unexpected " + actualTimeout1Sec + " ms.", deviationSec < 2);
} catch (CouldntPerformActionEx ex) {
// so that junit can display the exception trace
throw AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx.fromCouldntPerformActionEx(ex);
// @TODO: use also DummyCompWrapper_ContainerTimeout2 and DummyCompWrapper_ContainerTimeout3
// to check different container timeout settings.
// This should also check the effect of variations of the system-level timeout, as described in COMP-1063/19/Jun/08 10:03 AM
// (The magic 3 minutes even if system level is at 7 minutes. To be verified usign command line override of
// property jacorb.connection.client.pending_reply_timeout)
//This test will be run 2 times with different values of the system level timeout timeout using the prologue of TAT