use of in project j2objc by google.
the class MessageRegressionTest method Test4142938.
* @bug 4142938
* MessageFormat handles single quotes in pattern wrong.
* This is actually a problem in ChoiceFormat; it doesn't
* understand single quotes.
public void Test4142938() {
String pat = "''Vous'' {0,choice,0#n''|1#}avez s\u00E9lectionne\u00E9 " + "{0,choice,0#aucun|1#{0}} client{0,choice,0#s|1#|2#s} " + "personnel{0,choice,0#s|1#|2#s}.";
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(pat);
String[] PREFIX = { "'Vous' n'avez s\u00E9lectionne\u00E9 aucun clients personnels.", "'Vous' avez s\u00E9lectionne\u00E9 ", "'Vous' avez s\u00E9lectionne\u00E9 " };
String[] SUFFIX = { null, " client personnel.", " clients personnels." };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
String out = mf.format(new Object[] { new Integer(i) });
if (SUFFIX[i] == null) {
if (!out.equals(PREFIX[i]))
errln("" + i + ": Got \"" + out + "\"; Want \"" + PREFIX[i] + "\"");
} else {
if (!out.startsWith(PREFIX[i]) || !out.endsWith(SUFFIX[i]))
errln("" + i + ": Got \"" + out + "\"; Want \"" + PREFIX[i] + "\"...\"" + SUFFIX[i] + "\"");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class MessageRegressionTest method Test4116444.
/* @bug 4116444
* MessageFormat.parse has different behavior in case of null.
public void Test4116444() {
String[] patterns = { "", "one", "{0,date,short}" };
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
String pattern = patterns[i];
try {
Object[] array = mf.parse(null, new ParsePosition(0));
logln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
log(" parsedObjects: ");
if (array != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
if (array[j] != null)
err("\"" + array[j].toString() + "\"");
if (j < array.length - 1)
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
errln(" Exception: " + e.getMessage());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class MessageRegressionTest method Test4105380.
/* @bug 4105380
* When using ChoiceFormat, MessageFormat is not good for I18n.
public void Test4105380() {
String patternText1 = "The disk \"{1}\" contains {0}.";
String patternText2 = "There are {0} on the disk \"{1}\"";
MessageFormat form1 = new MessageFormat(patternText1);
MessageFormat form2 = new MessageFormat(patternText2);
double[] filelimits = { 0, 1, 2 };
String[] filepart = { "no files", "one file", "{0,number} files" };
ChoiceFormat fileform = new ChoiceFormat(filelimits, filepart);
form1.setFormat(1, fileform);
form2.setFormat(0, fileform);
Object[] testArgs = { new Long(12373), "MyDisk" };
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class MessageRegressionTest method Test4074764.
/* @bug 4074764
* Null exception when formatting pattern with MessageFormat
* with no parameters.
public void Test4074764() {
String[] pattern = { "Message without param", "Message with param:{0}", "Longer Message with param {0}" };
// difference between the two param strings are that
// in the first one, the param position is within the
// length of the string without param while it is not so
// in the other case.
MessageFormat messageFormatter = new MessageFormat("");
try {
// Apply pattern with param and print the result
Object[] paramArray = { new String("BUG"), new Date() };
String tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(paramArray);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Message with param:BUG"))
errln("MessageFormat with one param test failed.");
logln("Formatted with one extra param : " + tempBuffer);
// Apply pattern without param and print the result
tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(null);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Message without param"))
errln("MessageFormat with no param test failed.");
logln("Formatted with no params : " + tempBuffer);
tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(paramArray);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Message without param"))
errln("Formatted with arguments > subsitution failed. result = " + tempBuffer.toString());
logln("Formatted with extra params : " + tempBuffer);
// This statement gives an exception while formatting...
// If we use pattern[1] for the message with param,
// we get an NullPointerException in
// If we use pattern[2] for the message with param,
// we get an StringArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
// Both are due to maxOffset not being reset to -1
// in applyPattern() when the pattern does not
// contain any param.
} catch (Exception foo) {
errln("Exception when formatting with no params.");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class MessageRegressionTest method Test4118594.
/* @bug 4118594
* MessageFormat.parse fails for some patterns.
public void Test4118594() {
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("{0}, {0}, {0}");
String forParsing = "x, y, z";
Object[] objs = mf.parse(forParsing, new ParsePosition(0));
logln("pattern: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
logln("text for parsing: \"" + forParsing + "\"");
if (!objs[0].toString().equals("z"))
errln("argument0: \"" + objs[0] + "\"");
mf.applyPattern("{0,number,#.##}, {0,number,#.#}");
Object[] oldobjs = { new Double(3.1415) };
String result = mf.format(oldobjs);
logln("pattern: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
logln("text for parsing: \"" + result + "\"");
// result now equals "3.14, 3.1"
if (!result.equals("3.14, 3.1"))
errln("result = " + result);
Object[] newobjs = mf.parse(result, new ParsePosition(0));
// newobjs now equals {new Double(3.1)}
if (// was (Double) [alan]
((Number) newobjs[0]).doubleValue() != 3.1)
errln("newobjs[0] = " + newobjs[0]);