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the class TestMessageFormat method testFormatNamedArguments.
// This tests passing named arguments instead of numbers to format().
public void testFormatNamedArguments() {
Map arguments = new HashMap();
arguments.put("startDate", new Date(871068000000L));
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String formatStr = "On {startDate,date}, it began.";
String compareStr = "On Aug 8, 1997, it began.";
MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(formatStr);
FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(0);
try {
msg.format(arguments.get("startDate"), result, fp);
errln("*** MSG format without expected error code.");
} catch (Exception e1) {
result = msg.format(arguments, result, fp);
assertEquals("format", compareStr, result.toString());
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the class TestMessageFormat method testApostropheInPluralAndSelect.
public void testApostropheInPluralAndSelect() {
MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat("abc_{0,plural,other{#'#'#'{'#''}}_def_{1,select,other{sel'}'ect''}}_xyz", Locale.ENGLISH);
String expected = "abc_3#3{3'_def_sel}ect'_xyz";
String result = fmt.format(new Object[] { 3, "x" });
if (!result.equals(expected)) {
errln("MessageFormat with apostrophes in plural/select arguments failed:\n" + "Expected " + expected + "\n" + "Got " + result);
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the class TestMessageFormat method testSelectFormat.
* This tests SelectFormats used inside MessageFormats.
public void testSelectFormat() {
String pattern = null;
MessageFormat msgFmt = null;
// Create the MessageFormat with simple French pattern
pattern = "{0} est {1, select, female {all\\u00E9e} other {all\\u00E9}} \\u00E0 Paris.";
msgFmt = new MessageFormat(pattern);
assertNotNull("ERROR:Failure in constructing with simple French pattern", msgFmt);
// Format
Object[][] testArgs = { { "Kirti", "female" }, { "Victor", "other" }, { "Ash", "unknown" } };
String[] exp = { "Kirti est all\\u00E9e \\u00E0 Paris.", "Victor est all\\u00E9 \\u00E0 Paris.", "Ash est all\\u00E9 \\u00E0 Paris." };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertEquals("ERROR:Failure in format with simple French Pattern", exp[i], msgFmt.format(testArgs[i]));
// Create the MessageFormat with Quoted French Pattern
pattern = "{0} est {1, select, female {all\\u00E9e c''est} other {all\\u00E9 c''est}} \\u00E0 Paris.";
msgFmt = new MessageFormat(pattern);
assertNotNull("ERROR:Failure in constructing with quoted French pattern", msgFmt);
// Format
Object[][] testArgs1 = { { "Kirti", "female" }, { "Victor", "other" }, { "Ash", "male" } };
String[] exp1 = { "Kirti est all\\u00E9e c'est \\u00E0 Paris.", "Victor est all\\u00E9 c'est \\u00E0 Paris.", "Ash est all\\u00E9 c'est \\u00E0 Paris." };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertEquals("ERROR:Failure in format with quoted French Pattern", exp1[i], msgFmt.format(testArgs1[i]));
// Nested patterns with plural, number ,choice ,select format etc.
// Select Format with embedded number format
pattern = "{0} est {1, select, female {{2,number,integer} all\\u00E9e} other {all\\u00E9}} \\u00E0 Paris.";
msgFmt = new MessageFormat(pattern);
assertNotNull("ERROR:Failure in constructing with nested pattern 1", msgFmt);
// Format
Object[][] testArgs3 = { { "Kirti", "female", 6 }, { "Kirti", "female", 100.100 }, { "Kirti", "other", 6 } };
String[] exp3 = { "Kirti est 6 all\\u00E9e \\u00E0 Paris.", "Kirti est 100 all\\u00E9e \\u00E0 Paris.", "Kirti est all\\u00E9 \\u00E0 Paris." };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertEquals("ERROR:Failure in format with nested Pattern 1", exp3[i], msgFmt.format(testArgs3[i]));
// Plural format with embedded select format
pattern = "{0} {1, plural, one {est {2, select, female {all\\u00E9e} other {all\\u00E9}}} other {sont {2, select, female {all\\u00E9es} other {all\\u00E9s}}}} \\u00E0 Paris.";
msgFmt = new MessageFormat(pattern);
assertNotNull("ERROR:Failure in constructing with nested pattern 2", msgFmt);
// Format
Object[][] testArgs4 = { { "Kirti", 6, "female" }, { "Kirti", 1, "female" }, { "Ash", 1, "other" }, { "Ash", 5, "other" } };
String[] exp4 = { "Kirti sont all\\u00E9es \\u00E0 Paris.", "Kirti est all\\u00E9e \\u00E0 Paris.", "Ash est all\\u00E9 \\u00E0 Paris.", "Ash sont all\\u00E9s \\u00E0 Paris." };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
assertEquals("ERROR:Failure in format with nested Pattern 2", exp4[i], msgFmt.format(testArgs4[i]));
// Select, plural, and number formats heavily nested
pattern = "{0} und {1, select, female {{2, plural, one {{3, select, female {ihre Freundin} other {ihr Freund}} } other {ihre {2, number, integer} {3, select, female {Freundinnen} other {Freunde}} } }} other{{2, plural, one {{3, select, female {seine Freundin} other {sein Freund}}} other {seine {2, number, integer} {3, select, female {Freundinnen} other {Freunde}}}}} } gingen nach Paris.";
msgFmt = new MessageFormat(pattern);
assertNotNull("ERROR:Failure in constructing with nested pattern 3", msgFmt);
// Format
Object[][] testArgs5 = { { "Kirti", "other", 1, "other" }, { "Kirti", "other", 6, "other" }, { "Kirti", "other", 1, "female" }, { "Kirti", "other", 3, "female" }, { "Kirti", "female", 1, "female" }, { "Kirti", "female", 5, "female" }, { "Kirti", "female", 1, "other" }, { "Kirti", "female", 5, "other" }, { "Kirti", "mixed", 1, "mixed" }, { "Kirti", "mixed", 1, "other" }, { "Kirti", "female", 1, "mixed" }, { "Kirti", "mixed", 5, "mixed" }, { "Kirti", "mixed", 5, "other" }, { "Kirti", "female", 5, "mixed" } };
String[] exp5 = { "Kirti und sein Freund gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und seine 6 Freunde gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und seine Freundin gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und seine 3 Freundinnen gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und ihre Freundin gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und ihre 5 Freundinnen gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und ihr Freund gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und ihre 5 Freunde gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und sein Freund gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und sein Freund gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und ihr Freund gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und seine 5 Freunde gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und seine 5 Freunde gingen nach Paris.", "Kirti und ihre 5 Freunde gingen nach Paris." };
// Format
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
assertEquals("ERROR:Failure in format with nested Pattern 3", exp5[i], msgFmt.format(testArgs5[i]));
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the class TestMessageFormat method TestParse.
public void TestParse() {
String msgFormatString = "{0} =sep= {1}";
MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(msgFormatString);
String source = "abc =sep= def";
try {
Object[] fmt_arr = msg.parse(source);
if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
} else {
// TODO: This if statement seems to be redundant. [tschumann]
if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
} else {
assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_arr[0]);
assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_arr[1]);
} catch (ParseException e1) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) error.");
ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
Object[] fmt_arr = msg.parse(source, pp);
if (pp.getIndex() == 0 || fmt_arr == null) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) error.");
} else {
if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
} else {
assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_arr[0]);
assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_arr[1]);
Object[] fmta;
fmta = (Object[]) msg.parseObject(source, pp);
if (pp.getIndex() == 0) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, Object, parsepos ) error.");
} else {
if (fmta.length != 2) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
} else {
// [tschumann]
if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
} else {
// TODO: Don't we want to check fmta? [tschumann]
assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_arr[0]);
assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_arr[1]);
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the class TestMessageFormat method TestHashCode.
public void TestHashCode() {
ULocale save = ULocale.getDefault();
MessageFormat x = new MessageFormat("There are {0} files on {1}");
MessageFormat z = new MessageFormat("There are {0} files on {1}");
MessageFormat y = null;
y = (MessageFormat) x.clone();
if (x.hashCode() != y.hashCode())
errln("FAIL: identical objects have different hashcodes");
if (x.hashCode() != z.hashCode())
errln("FAIL: identical objects have different hashcodes");
/* These are not errors
if (x.hashCode() == y.hashCode())
errln("FAIL: different objects have same hashcodes. Locale ignored");
z.applyPattern("There are {0} files on {1} the disk");
if (x.hashCode() == z.hashCode())
errln("FAIL: different objects have same hashcodes. Pattern ignored");