use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TestMessageFormat method TestNullArgs.
// Test case for null arguments.
// Ticket#6361
public void TestNullArgs() {
MessageFormat msgfmt = new MessageFormat("{0} - {1}");
Object[][] TEST_CASES = { { null, "{0} - {1}" }, { new Object[] { null }, "null - {1}" }, { new Object[] { null, null }, "null - null" }, { new Object[] { "one" }, "one - {1}" }, { new Object[] { "one", null }, "one - null" }, { new Object[] { null, "two" }, "null - two" } };
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CASES.length; i++) {
String text = msgfmt.format(TEST_CASES[i][0]);
if (!text.equals(TEST_CASES[i][1])) {
errln("FAIL: Returned[" + text + "] Expected[" + TEST_CASES[i][1] + "]");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TestMessageFormat method TestCompatibleApostrophe.
// Compare behavior of JDK and ICU's DOUBLE_REQUIRED compatibility mode.
public void TestCompatibleApostrophe() {
// Message with choice argument which does not contain another argument.
// The JDK performs only one apostrophe-quoting pass on this pattern.
String pattern = "ab{0,choice,0#1'2''3'''4''''.}yz";
java.text.MessageFormat jdkMsg = new java.text.MessageFormat(pattern, Locale.ENGLISH);
MessageFormat compMsg = new MessageFormat("", Locale.ENGLISH);
compMsg.applyPattern(pattern, MessagePattern.ApostropheMode.DOUBLE_REQUIRED);
assertEquals("wrong value", MessagePattern.ApostropheMode.DOUBLE_REQUIRED, compMsg.getApostropheMode());
MessageFormat icuMsg = new MessageFormat("", Locale.ENGLISH);
icuMsg.applyPattern(pattern, MessagePattern.ApostropheMode.DOUBLE_OPTIONAL);
assertEquals("wrong value", MessagePattern.ApostropheMode.DOUBLE_OPTIONAL, icuMsg.getApostropheMode());
Object[] zero0 = new Object[] { 0 };
assertEquals("unexpected JDK MessageFormat apostrophe behavior", "ab12'3'4''.yz", jdkMsg.format(zero0));
assertEquals("incompatible ICU MessageFormat compatibility-apostrophe behavior", "ab12'3'4''.yz", compMsg.format(zero0));
assertEquals("unexpected ICU MessageFormat double-apostrophe-optional behavior", "ab1'2'3''4''.yz", icuMsg.format(zero0));
// Message with choice argument which contains a nested simple argument.
// The JDK performs two apostrophe-quoting passes.
pattern = "ab{0,choice,0#1'2''3'''4''''.{0,number,'#x'}}yz";
assertEquals("unexpected JDK MessageFormat apostrophe behavior", "ab1234'.0xyz", jdkMsg.format(zero0));
assertEquals("incompatible ICU MessageFormat compatibility-apostrophe behavior", "ab1234'.0xyz", compMsg.format(zero0));
assertEquals("unexpected ICU MessageFormat double-apostrophe-optional behavior", "ab1'2'3''4''.#x0yz", icuMsg.format(zero0));
// Message with choice argument which contains a nested choice argument.
// The JDK fails to parse this pattern.
// jdkMsg.applyPattern("cd{0,choice,0#ef{0,choice,0#1'2''3'''4''''.}uv}wx");
// For lack of comparison, we do not test ICU with this pattern.
// The JDK ChoiceFormat itself always performs one apostrophe-quoting pass.
ChoiceFormat choice = new ChoiceFormat("0#1'2''3'''4''''.");
assertEquals("unexpected JDK ChoiceFormat apostrophe behavior", "12'3'4''.", choice.format(0));
assertEquals("unexpected JDK ChoiceFormat apostrophe behavior", "12'3'4''.{0,number,#x}", choice.format(0));
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TestMessageFormat method TestSimpleFormat.
public void TestSimpleFormat() {
Object[] testArgs1 = { new Integer(0), "MyDisk" };
Object[] testArgs2 = { new Integer(1), "MyDisk" };
Object[] testArgs3 = { new Integer(12), "MyDisk" };
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0} file(s).");
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition ignore = new FieldPosition(FieldPosition_DONT_CARE);
form.format(testArgs1, string, ignore);
assertEquals("format", "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains 0 file(s).", string.toString());
form.format(testArgs2, string, ignore);
assertEquals("format", "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains 1 file(s).", string.toString());
form.format(testArgs3, string, ignore);
assertEquals("format", "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains 12 file(s).", string.toString());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TestMessageFormat method TestTrimArgumentName.
public void TestTrimArgumentName() {
// ICU 4.8 allows and ignores white space around argument names and numbers.
MessageFormat m = new MessageFormat("a { 0 , number , '#,#'#.0 } z", Locale.ENGLISH);
assertEquals("trim-numbered-arg format() failed", "a #,#2.0 z", m.format(new Object[] { 2 }));
m.applyPattern("x { _oOo_ , number , integer } y");
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("_oOo_", new Integer(3));
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
assertEquals("trim-named-arg format() failed", "x 3 y", m.format(map, result, new FieldPosition(0)).toString());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TestMessageFormat method TestPattern.
public // aka PatternTest()
void TestPattern() {
Object[] testArgs = { new Double(1), new Double(3456), "Disk", new Date(1000000000L) };
String[] testCases = { "Quotes '', '{', 'a' {0} '{0}'", "Quotes '', '{', 'a' {0,number} '{0}'", "'{'1,number,'#',##} {1,number,'#',##}", "There are {1} files on {2} at {3}.", "On {2}, there are {1} files, with {0,number,currency}.", "'{1,number,percent}', {1,number,percent},", "'{1,date,full}', {1,date,full},", "'{3,date,full}', {3,date,full},", "'{1,number,#,##}' {1,number,#,##}" };
// ICU 4.8 returns the original pattern (testCases)
// rather than toPattern() reconstituting a new, equivalent pattern string (testResultPatterns).
/*String testResultPatterns[] = {
"Quotes '', '{', a {0} '{'0}",
"Quotes '', '{', a {0,number} '{'0}",
"'{'1,number,#,##} {1,number,'#'#,##}",
"There are {1} files on {2} at {3}.",
"On {2}, there are {1} files, with {0,number,currency}.",
"'{'1,number,percent}, {1,number,percent},",
"'{'1,date,full}, {1,date,full},",
"'{'3,date,full}, {3,date,full},",
"'{'1,number,#,##} {1,number,#,##}"
String[] testResultStrings = { "Quotes ', {, 'a' 1 {0}", "Quotes ', {, 'a' 1 {0}", "{1,number,'#',##} #34,56", "There are 3,456 files on Disk at 1/12/70, 5:46 AM.", "On Disk, there are 3,456 files, with $1.00.", "{1,number,percent}, 345,600%,", "{1,date,full}, Wednesday, December 31, 1969,", "{3,date,full}, Monday, January 12, 1970,", "{1,number,#,##} 34,56" };
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
// it_out << "\nPat in: " << testCases[i]);
// String buffer;
MessageFormat form = null;
try {
form = new MessageFormat(testCases[i], Locale.US);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
errln("MessageFormat for " + testCases[i] + " creation failed.");
// ICU 4.8 returns the original pattern (testCases)
// rather than toPattern() reconstituting a new, equivalent pattern string (testResultPatterns).
// assertEquals("\"" + testCases[i] + "\".toPattern()", testResultPatterns[i], form.toPattern());
assertEquals("\"" + testCases[i] + "\".toPattern()", testCases[i], form.toPattern());
// Note: An alternative test would be to build MessagePattern objects for
// both the input and output patterns and compare them, taking SKIP_SYNTAX etc.
// into account.
// (Too much trouble...)
// it_out << "Pat out: " << form.toPattern(buffer));
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition fieldpos = new FieldPosition(0);
form.format(testArgs, result, fieldpos);
assertEquals("format", testResultStrings[i], result.toString());
// it_out << "Result: " << result);
// /* TODO: Look at this test and see if this is still a valid test */
// logln("---------------- test parse ----------------");
// int count = 4;
// form.toPattern(buffer);
// logln("MSG pattern for parse: " + buffer);
// int parseCount = 0;
// Formattable* values = form.parse(result, parseCount, success);
// if (U_FAILURE(success)) {
// errln("MessageFormat failed test #5");
// logln(String("MessageFormat failed test #5 with error code ")+(int)success);
// } else if (parseCount != count) {
// errln("MSG count not %d as expected. Got %d", count, parseCount);
// }
// UBool failed = FALSE;
// for (int j = 0; j < parseCount; ++j) {
// if (values == 0 || testArgs[j] != values[j]) {
// errln(((String)"MSG testargs[") + j + "]: " + toString(testArgs[j]));
// errln(((String)"MSG values[") + j + "] : " + toString(values[j]));
// failed = TRUE;
// }
// }
// if (failed)
// errln("MessageFormat failed test #6");