use of beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment in project beast2 by CompEvol.
the class ExchangeOperatorTest method testNarrowExchange6Taxa.
public void testNarrowExchange6Taxa() throws Exception {
int runs = 10000;
Sequence A = new Sequence("A", "A");
Sequence B = new Sequence("B", "A");
Sequence C = new Sequence("C", "A");
Sequence D = new Sequence("D", "A");
Sequence E = new Sequence("E", "A");
Sequence F = new Sequence("F", "A");
Alignment data = new Alignment();
data.initByName("sequence", A, "sequence", B, "sequence", C, "sequence", D, "sequence", E, "sequence", F, "dataType", "nucleotide");
// String sourceTree = "((((A:2.0,B:2.0):1.0,(C:1.0,D:1.0):2.0):1.0,E:4.0):1.0,F:5.0):0.0"; // ((((A,B),(C,D)),E),F)
// String targetTree = "((((A:2.0,(C:1.0,D:1.0):1.0):1.0,B:3.0):1.0,E:4.0):1.0,F:5.0):0.0"; // ((((A,(C,D)),B),E),F)
String sourceTree = "(((A:5.0,B:5.0):2.0,((C:5.0,D:5.0):1.0,E:6.0):1.0):1.0,F:8.0):0.0";
String targetTree = "(((A:5.0,B:5.0):2.0,F:7.0):1.0,((C:5.0,D:5.0):1.0,E:6.0):2.0):0.0";
testNarrowExchange(sourceTree, targetTree, runs, data);
use of beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment in project beast2 by CompEvol.
the class BirthDeathGernhard08ModelTest method testJC69Likelihood.
public void testJC69Likelihood() throws Exception {
// Set up JC69 model: uniform freqs, kappa = 1, 0 gamma categories
Alignment data = BEASTTestCase.getAlignment();
Tree tree = BEASTTestCase.getTree(data);
RealParameter birthDiffRate = new RealParameter("1.0");
RealParameter relativeDeathRate = new RealParameter("0.5");
RealParameter originHeight = new RealParameter("0.1");
BirthDeathGernhard08Model likelihood = new BirthDeathGernhard08Model();
likelihood.initByName("type", "unscaled", "tree", tree, "birthDiffRate", birthDiffRate, "relativeDeathRate", relativeDeathRate);
double logP = 0;
// -3.520936119641363
logP = likelihood.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 2.5878899503981287, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
likelihood.initByName("type", "timesonly", "tree", tree, "birthDiffRate", birthDiffRate, "relativeDeathRate", relativeDeathRate);
logP = likelihood.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 9.16714116240823, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
likelihood.initByName("type", "oriented", "tree", tree, "birthDiffRate", birthDiffRate, "relativeDeathRate", relativeDeathRate);
logP = likelihood.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 4.379649419626184, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
likelihood.initByName("type", "labeled", "tree", tree, "birthDiffRate", birthDiffRate, "relativeDeathRate", relativeDeathRate);
logP = likelihood.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 1.2661341104158121, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
likelihood.initByName("type", "labeled", "tree", tree, "birthDiffRate", birthDiffRate, "relativeDeathRate", relativeDeathRate, "originHeight", originHeight);
logP = likelihood.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 8.41413452832378, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
use of beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment in project beast2 by CompEvol.
the class RandomTreeTest method testCoalescentTimes.
public void testCoalescentTimes() throws Exception {
int Nleaves = 10;
int Niter = 5000;
// (Serially sampled) coalescent time means and variances
// estimated from 50000 trees simulated using MASTER
double[] coalTimeMeansTruth = { 1.754662, 2.833337, 3.843532, 4.850805, 5.849542, 6.847016, 7.8482, 8.855137, 10.15442 };
double[] coalTimeVarsTruth = { 0.2751625, 0.2727121, 0.2685172, 0.2705117, 0.2678611, 0.2671793, 0.2686952, 0.2828477, 1.076874 };
// Assemble BEASTObjects needed by RandomTree
StringBuilder traitSB = new StringBuilder();
List<Sequence> seqList = new ArrayList<Sequence>();
for (int i = 0; i < Nleaves; i++) {
String taxonID = "t " + i;
seqList.add(new Sequence(taxonID, "?"));
if (i > 0)
Alignment alignment = new Alignment(seqList, "nucleotide");
TaxonSet taxonSet = new TaxonSet(alignment);
TraitSet timeTrait = new TraitSet();
timeTrait.initByName("traitname", "date-backward", "taxa", taxonSet, "value", traitSB.toString());
ConstantPopulation popFunc = new ConstantPopulation();
popFunc.initByName("popSize", new RealParameter("1.0"));
// Create RandomTree and TreeInterval instances
RandomTree tree = new RandomTree();
TreeIntervals intervals = new TreeIntervals();
// Estimate coalescence time moments
double[] coalTimeMeans = new double[Nleaves - 1];
double[] coalTimeVars = new double[Nleaves - 1];
double[] coalTimes = new double[Nleaves - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < Niter; i++) {
tree.initByName("taxa", alignment, "populationModel", popFunc, "trait", timeTrait);
intervals.initByName("tree", tree);
for (int j = 0; j < Nleaves - 1; j++) {
coalTimeMeans[j] += coalTimes[j];
coalTimeVars[j] += coalTimes[j] * coalTimes[j];
// Normalise means and variances
for (int j = 0; j < Nleaves - 1; j++) {
coalTimeMeans[j] /= Niter;
coalTimeVars[j] /= Niter;
coalTimeVars[j] -= coalTimeMeans[j] * coalTimeMeans[j];
// Test means and variances against independently estimated values
for (int j = 0; j < Nleaves - 1; j++) {
assert (relError(coalTimeMeans[j], coalTimeMeansTruth[j]) < 5e-3);
assert (relError(coalTimeVars[j], coalTimeVarsTruth[j]) < 5e-2);
use of beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment in project beast2 by CompEvol.
the class MRCAPriorTest method testMRCATimePrior.
public void testMRCATimePrior() throws Exception {
Alignment data = BEASTTestCase.getAlignment();
TreeParser tree = new TreeParser();
tree.initByName("taxa", data, "newick", "((human:0.024003,(chimp:0.010772,bonobo:0.010772):0.013231):0.012035," + "(gorilla:0.024003,(orangutan:0.010772,siamang:0.010772):0.013231):0.012035);", "IsLabelledNewick", true);
Taxon human = new Taxon();
Taxon bonobo = new Taxon();
Taxon chimp = new Taxon();
Taxon gorilla = new Taxon();
Taxon orangutan = new Taxon();
Taxon siamang = new Taxon();
MRCAPrior prior = new MRCAPrior();
TaxonSet set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", human, "taxon", bonobo, "taxon", chimp);
Exponential exp = new Exponential();
/* get distribution for set (human, bonobo, chimp) */
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true, "distr", exp);
double logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(-0.024003, logP, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
/* get distribution for set (human, chimp), do not require the set to by monophyletic */
set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", human, "taxon", chimp);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", false);
logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(-0.024003, logP, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
/* get distribution for set (human, chimp), DO require the set to by monophyletic */
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true);
logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, logP, 0);
/* get distribution for set (human, gorilla) = root, not monophyletic */
set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", human, "taxon", gorilla);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", false);
logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(-0.024003 - 0.012035, logP, BEASTTestCase.PRECISION);
use of beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment in project beast2 by CompEvol.
the class MRCAPriorTest method testSingleMonophyleticConstraint.
public void testSingleMonophyleticConstraint() throws Exception {
Alignment data = BEASTTestCase.getAlignment();
TreeParser tree = new TreeParser();
tree.initByName("taxa", data, "newick", "((human:0.024003,(chimp:0.010772,bonobo:0.010772):0.013231):0.012035," + "(gorilla:0.024003,(orangutan:0.010772,siamang:0.010772):0.013231):0.012035);", "IsLabelledNewick", true);
Taxon human = new Taxon();
Taxon bonobo = new Taxon();
Taxon chimp = new Taxon();
Taxon gorilla = new Taxon();
Taxon orangutan = new Taxon();
Taxon siamang = new Taxon();
MRCAPrior prior = new MRCAPrior();
/* check (human, bonobo, chimp) is monophyletic **/
TaxonSet set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", human, "taxon", bonobo, "taxon", chimp);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true);
double logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 0, 0);
/* check (gorilla, siamang) is NOT monophyletic **/
set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", gorilla, "taxon", siamang);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true);
logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0);
/* check (gorilla, orangutan, siamang) is monophyletic **/
set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", gorilla, "taxon", orangutan, "taxon", siamang);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true);
logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, 0, 0);
/* check (human, gorilla) is NOT monophyletic **/
set = new TaxonSet();
set.initByName("taxon", human, "taxon", gorilla);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true);
logP = prior.calculateLogP();
assertEquals(logP, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
String log = new String(baos.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
assertEquals(log, "mrcatime(test)\t");
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ps = new PrintStream(baos);
prior.initByName("tree", tree, "taxonset", set, "monophyletic", true, "useOriginate", true);
log = new String(baos.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
assertEquals(log, "mrcatime(test.originate)\t");