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Example 1 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class TreeIntervals method collectTimes.

 * extract coalescent times and tip information into array times from beast.tree.
 * @param tree        the beast.tree
 * @param times       the times of the nodes in the beast.tree
 * @param childCounts the number of children of each node
protected static void collectTimes(Tree tree, double[] times, int[] childCounts) {
    Node[] nodes = tree.getNodesAsArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        Node node = nodes[i];
        times[i] = node.getHeight();
        childCounts[i] = node.isLeaf() ? 0 : 2;
Also used : CalculationNode(beast.core.CalculationNode) Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 2 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class TreeParser method translateLeafIds.

 * Given a map of name translations (string to string),
 * rewrites all leaf ids that match a key in the map
 * to the respective value in the matching key/value pair.
 * If current leaf id is null, then interpret translation keys as node numbers (origin 1)
 * and set leaf id of node n to map.get(n-1).
 * @param translationMap map of name translations
public void translateLeafIds(final Map<String, String> translationMap) {
    for (final Node leaf : getExternalNodes()) {
        String id = leaf.getID();
        if (id == null || !integerLeafLabels) {
            id = Integer.toString(leaf.getNr() + 1);
        final String newId = translationMap.get(id);
        if (newId != null) {
Also used : StateNode(beast.core.StateNode) Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 3 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class NodeReheight method reconstructTree.

 * construct tree top down by joining heighest left and right nodes *
private Node reconstructTree(final double[] heights, final int[] reverseOrder, final int from, final int to, final boolean[] hasParent) {
    // nodeIndex = maxIndex(heights, 0, heights.length);
    int nodeIndex = -1;
    double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int j = from; j < to; j++) {
        if (max < heights[j] && !m_nodes[reverseOrder[j]].isLeaf()) {
            max = heights[j];
            nodeIndex = j;
    if (nodeIndex < 0) {
        return null;
    final Node node = m_nodes[reverseOrder[nodeIndex]];
    // int left = maxIndex(heights, 0, nodeIndex);
    int left = -1;
    max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int j = from; j < nodeIndex; j++) {
        if (max < heights[j] && !hasParent[j]) {
            max = heights[j];
            left = j;
    // int right = maxIndex(heights, nodeIndex+1, heights.length);
    int right = -1;
    max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int j = nodeIndex + 1; j < to; j++) {
        if (max < heights[j] && !hasParent[j]) {
            max = heights[j];
            right = j;
    if (node.getLeft().isLeaf()) {
        heights[left] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    if (node.getRight().isLeaf()) {
        heights[right] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    hasParent[left] = true;
    hasParent[right] = true;
    heights[nodeIndex] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    reconstructTree(heights, reverseOrder, from, nodeIndex, hasParent);
    reconstructTree(heights, reverseOrder, nodeIndex, to, hasParent);
    return node;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 4 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class NodeReheight method proposal.

public double proposal() {
    final Tree tree = treeInput.get();
    m_nodes = tree.getNodesAsArray();
    final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
    // randomly change left/right order
    // we change the tree
    // collect heights
    final double[] heights = new double[nodeCount];
    final int[] reverseOrder = new int[nodeCount];
    collectHeights(tree.getRoot(), heights, reverseOrder, 0);
    // change height of an internal node
    int nodeIndex = Randomizer.nextInt(heights.length);
    while (m_nodes[reverseOrder[nodeIndex]].isLeaf()) {
        nodeIndex = Randomizer.nextInt(heights.length);
    final double maxHeight = calcMaxHeight(reverseOrder, nodeIndex);
    heights[nodeIndex] = Randomizer.nextDouble() * maxHeight;
    // reconstruct tree from heights
    final Node root = reconstructTree(heights, reverseOrder, 0, heights.length, new boolean[heights.length]);
    assert checkConsistency(root, new boolean[heights.length]);
    // System.err.println("Inconsisten tree");
    // }
    return 0;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node) Tree(beast.evolution.tree.Tree)

Example 5 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class ScaleOperator method proposal.

 * override this for proposals,
 * @return log of Hastings Ratio, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if proposal should not be accepted *
public double proposal() {
    try {
        double hastingsRatio;
        final double scale = getScaler();
        if (m_bIsTreeScaler) {
            final Tree tree = treeInput.get(this);
            if (rootOnlyInput.get()) {
                final Node root = tree.getRoot();
                final double newHeight = root.getHeight() * scale;
                if (newHeight < Math.max(root.getLeft().getHeight(), root.getRight().getHeight())) {
                    return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                return -Math.log(scale);
            } else {
                // scale the beast.tree
                final int internalNodes = tree.scale(scale);
                return Math.log(scale) * (internalNodes - 2);
        // not a tree scaler, so scale a parameter
        final boolean scaleAll = scaleAllInput.get();
        final int specifiedDoF = degreesOfFreedomInput.get();
        final boolean scaleAllIndependently = scaleAllIndependentlyInput.get();
        final RealParameter param = parameterInput.get(this);
        assert param.getLower() != null && param.getUpper() != null;
        final int dim = param.getDimension();
        if (scaleAllIndependently) {
            // update all dimensions independently.
            hastingsRatio = 0;
            final BooleanParameter indicators = indicatorInput.get();
            if (indicators != null) {
                final int dimCount = indicators.getDimension();
                final Boolean[] indicator = indicators.getValues();
                final boolean impliedOne = dimCount == (dim - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
                    if ((impliedOne && (i == 0 || indicator[i - 1])) || (!impliedOne && indicator[i])) {
                        final double scaleOne = getScaler();
                        final double newValue = scaleOne * param.getValue(i);
                        hastingsRatio -= Math.log(scaleOne);
                        if (outsideBounds(newValue, param)) {
                            return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                        param.setValue(i, newValue);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
                    final double scaleOne = getScaler();
                    final double newValue = scaleOne * param.getValue(i);
                    hastingsRatio -= Math.log(scaleOne);
                    if (outsideBounds(newValue, param)) {
                        return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                    param.setValue(i, newValue);
        } else if (scaleAll) {
            // update all dimensions
            // hasting ratio is dim-2 times of 1dim case. would be nice to have a reference here
            // for the proof. It is supposed to be somewhere in an Alexei/Nicholes article.
            // all Values assumed independent!
            final int computedDoF = param.scale(scale);
            final int usedDoF = (specifiedDoF > 0) ? specifiedDoF : computedDoF;
            hastingsRatio = (usedDoF - 2) * Math.log(scale);
        } else {
            hastingsRatio = -Math.log(scale);
            // which position to scale
            final int index;
            final BooleanParameter indicators = indicatorInput.get();
            if (indicators != null) {
                final int dimCount = indicators.getDimension();
                final Boolean[] indicator = indicators.getValues();
                final boolean impliedOne = dimCount == (dim - 1);
                // available bit locations. there can be hundreds of them. scan list only once.
                final int[] loc = new int[dimCount + 1];
                int locIndex = 0;
                if (impliedOne) {
                    loc[locIndex] = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dimCount; i++) {
                    if (indicator[i]) {
                        loc[locIndex] = i + (impliedOne ? 1 : 0);
                if (locIndex > 0) {
                    final int rand = Randomizer.nextInt(locIndex);
                    index = loc[rand];
                } else {
                    // no active indicators
                    return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            } else {
                // any is good
                index = Randomizer.nextInt(dim);
            final double oldValue = param.getValue(index);
            if (oldValue == 0) {
                // Error: parameter has value 0 and cannot be scaled
                return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            final double newValue = scale * oldValue;
            if (outsideBounds(newValue, param)) {
                // reject out of bounds scales
                return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            param.setValue(index, newValue);
        // provides a hook for subclasses
        // cleanupOperation(newValue, oldValue);
        return hastingsRatio;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // whatever went wrong, we want to abort this operation...
        return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node) Tree(beast.evolution.tree.Tree) RealParameter(beast.core.parameter.RealParameter) BooleanParameter(beast.core.parameter.BooleanParameter)


Node (beast.evolution.tree.Node)140 Conversion (bacter.Conversion)24 MultiTypeNode (beast.evolution.tree.MultiTypeNode)22 Locus (bacter.Locus)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Tree (beast.evolution.tree.Tree)14 Test (org.junit.Test)9 CalculationNode (beast.core.CalculationNode)8 RealParameter (beast.core.parameter.RealParameter)8 TreeInterface (beast.evolution.tree.TreeInterface)7 ClusterTree (beast.util.ClusterTree)7 ConversionGraph (bacter.ConversionGraph)6 Alignment (beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment)6 TaxonSet (beast.evolution.alignment.TaxonSet)6 SiteModel (beast.evolution.sitemodel.SiteModel)5 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)5 StateNode (beast.core.StateNode)4 JukesCantor (beast.evolution.substitutionmodel.JukesCantor)4 TreeParser (beast.util.TreeParser)3 CFEventList (bacter.CFEventList)2