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Example 6 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class TipDatesRandomWalker method proposal.

public double proposal() {
    // randomly select leaf node
    int i = Randomizer.nextInt(taxonIndices.length);
    Node node = treeInput.get().getNode(taxonIndices[i]);
    double value = node.getHeight();
    double newValue = value;
    if (useGaussian) {
        newValue += Randomizer.nextGaussian() * windowSize;
    } else {
        newValue += Randomizer.nextDouble() * 2 * windowSize - windowSize;
    if (newValue > node.getParent().getHeight()) {
        // || newValue < 0.0) {
        if (reflectValue) {
            newValue = reflectValue(newValue, 0.0, node.getParent().getHeight());
        } else {
            return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    if (newValue == value) {
        // this saves calculating the posterior
        return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    return 0.0;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 7 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class WilsonBalding method proposal.

 * WARNING: Assumes strictly bifurcating beast.tree.
 * override this for proposals,
 * @return log of Hastings Ratio, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if proposal should not be accepted *
public double proposal() {
    Tree tree = treeInput.get(this);
    double oldMinAge, newMinAge, newRange, oldRange, newAge, hastingsRatio;
    // choose a random node avoiding root
    final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
    Node i;
    do {
        i = tree.getNode(Randomizer.nextInt(nodeCount));
    } while (i.isRoot());
    final Node p = i.getParent();
    // choose another random node to insert i above
    Node j;
    Node jP;
    // make sure that the target branch <k, j> is above the subtree being moved
    do {
        j = tree.getNode(Randomizer.nextInt(nodeCount));
        jP = j.getParent();
    } while ((jP != null && jP.getHeight() <= i.getHeight()) || (i.getNr() == j.getNr()));
    // disallow moves that change the root.
    if (j.isRoot() || p.isRoot()) {
        return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // j != root tested above
    assert jP != null;
    final int pnr = p.getNr();
    final int jPnr = jP.getNr();
    if (jPnr == pnr || j.getNr() == pnr || jPnr == i.getNr())
        return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    final Node CiP = getOtherChild(p, i);
    final Node PiP = p.getParent();
    newMinAge = Math.max(i.getHeight(), j.getHeight());
    newRange = jP.getHeight() - newMinAge;
    newAge = newMinAge + (Randomizer.nextDouble() * newRange);
    oldMinAge = Math.max(i.getHeight(), CiP.getHeight());
    oldRange = PiP.getHeight() - oldMinAge;
    hastingsRatio = newRange / Math.abs(oldRange);
    if (oldRange == 0 || newRange == 0) {
        // For symmetry, newRange = 0 should therefore be ruled out as well
        return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // root changing moves disallowed earlier. Comment out just like in BEAST 1
    // update
    // if (j.isRoot()) {
    // // 1. remove edges <p, CiP>
    // // 2. add edges <k, p>, <p, j>, <PiP, CiP>
    // replace(p, CiP, j);
    // replace(PiP, p, CiP);
    // // p is the new root
    // p.setParent(null);
    // tree.setRoot(p);
    // } else if (p.isRoot()) {
    // // 1. remove edges <k, j>, <p, CiP>, <PiP, p>
    // // 2. add edges <k, p>, <p, j>, <PiP, CiP>
    // replace(jP, j, p);
    // //replace(p, CiP, p);
    // replace(p, CiP, j);
    // // CiP is the new root
    // CiP.setParent(null);
    // tree.setRoot(CiP);
    // } else {
    // // 1. remove edges <k, j>, <p, CiP>, <PiP, p>
    // 2. add edges <k, p>, <p, j>, <PiP, CiP>
    // disconnect p
    final Node pP = p.getParent();
    replace(pP, p, CiP);
    // re-attach, first child node to p
    replace(p, CiP, j);
    // then parent node of j to p
    replace(jP, j, p);
    // mark paths to common ancestor as changed
    if (markCladesInput.get()) {
        Node iup = pP;
        Node jup = p;
        while (iup != jup) {
            if (iup.getHeight() < jup.getHeight()) {
                assert !iup.isRoot();
                iup = iup.getParent();
            } else {
                assert !jup.isRoot();
                jup = jup.getParent();
    // }
    return Math.log(hastingsRatio);
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node) Tree(beast.evolution.tree.Tree)

Example 8 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class CalibratedBirthDeathModel method log.

public void log(final long sample, final PrintStream out) {
    out.print(getCurrentLogP() + "\t");
    if (calcCalibrations) {
        final TreeInterface tree = treeInput.get();
        for (int k = 0; k < orderedCalibrations.length; ++k) {
            final CalibrationPoint cal = orderedCalibrations[k];
            Node c;
            final int[] taxk = xclades[k];
            if (taxk.length > 1) {
                // find MRCA of taxa
                c = getCommonAncestor(tree, taxk);
            } else {
                c = tree.getNode(taxk[0]);
            if (cal.forParent()) {
                c = c.getParent();
            final double h = c.getHeight();
            out.print(h + "\t");
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node) TreeInterface(beast.evolution.tree.TreeInterface)

Example 9 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class CalibratedBirthDeathModel method getCorrection.

public double getCorrection(final TreeInterface tree, final double lam, final double a, final double rho) {
    double logL = 0.0;
    final int calCount = orderedCalibrations.length;
    final double[] hs = new double[calCount];
    for (int k = 0; k < calCount; ++k) {
        final CalibrationPoint cal = orderedCalibrations[k];
        Node c;
        final int[] taxk = xclades[k];
        if (taxk.length > 1) {
            // find MRCA of taxa
            c = getCommonAncestor(tree, taxk);
            // only monophyletics clades can be calibrated
            if (getLeafCount(c) != taxk.length) {
                return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        } else {
            c = tree.getNode(taxk[0]);
            assert cal.forParent();
        if (cal.forParent()) {
            c = c.getParent();
        final double h = c.getHeight();
        // add calibration density for point
        if (calcCalibrations) {
            logL += cal.logPdf(h);
        hs[k] = h;
    if (Double.isInfinite(logL)) {
        // some calibration points out of range
        return logL;
    if (type == Type.NONE) {
        return logL;
    if (userPDF == null) {
        final int taxonCount = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
        switch(type) {
            case OVER_ALL_TOPOS:
                    if (calCount == 1 && isYule) {
                        logL -= logMarginalDensity(lam, taxonCount, hs[0], xclades[0].length, orderedCalibrations[0].forParent());
                    } else if (calCount == 2 && taxaPartialOrder[1].length == 1 && isYule) {
                        // assert !forParent[0] && !forParent[1];
                        logL -= logMarginalDensity(lam, taxonCount, hs[0], xclades[0].length, hs[1], xclades[1].length);
                    } else {
                        if (lastLam == lam) {
                            int k = 0;
                            for (; k < hs.length; ++k) {
                                if (hs[k] != lastHeights[k]) {
                            if (k == hs.length) {
                                return lastValue;
                        // the slow and painful way
                        final double[] hss = new double[hs.length];
                        final int[] ranks = new int[hs.length];
                        for (int k = 0; k < hs.length; ++k) {
                            int r = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
                                r += (hs[j] <= hs[k]) ? 1 : 0;
                            for (int j = k + 1; j < hs.length; ++j) {
                                r += (hs[j] < hs[k]) ? 1 : 0;
                            // for (final double h : hs) {
                            // r += (h < hs[k]) ? 1 : 0;
                            // }
                            ranks[k] = r + 1;
                            hss[r] = hs[k];
                        logL -= logMarginalDensity(lam, hss, ranks, linsIter);
                        lastLam = lam;
                        System.arraycopy(hs, 0, lastHeights, 0, lastHeights.length);
                        lastValue = logL;
            case OVER_RANKED_COUNTS:
                    final int[] ranks = new int[hs.length];
                    for (int k = 0; k < hs.length; ++k) {
                        int r = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
                            r += (hs[j] <= hs[k]) ? 1 : 0;
                        for (int j = k + 1; j < hs.length; ++j) {
                            r += (hs[j] < hs[k]) ? 1 : 0;
                        ranks[k] = r + 1;
                    final double nt = countTrees(ranks, linsIter);
                    logL -= nt;
                    final int[] cs = new int[calCount + 1];
                    for (final Node n : tree.getInternalNodes()) {
                        final double nhk = n.getHeight();
                        int i = 0;
                        for (; /**/
                        i < hs.length; ++i) {
                            if (hs[i] >= nhk) {
                        if (i == hs.length) {
                        } else {
                            if (nhk < hs[i]) {
                    if (isYule) {
                        double ll = 0;
                        ll += cs[0] * Math.log1p(-Math.exp(-lam * hs[0])) - lam * hs[0] - lfactorials[cs[0]];
                        for (int i = 1; i < cs.length - 1; ++i) {
                            final int c = cs[i];
                            ll += c * (Math.log1p(-Math.exp(-lam * (hs[i] - hs[i - 1]))) - lam * hs[i - 1]);
                            ll += -lam * hs[i] - lfactorials[c];
                        ll += -lam * (cs[calCount] + 1) * hs[calCount - 1] - lfactorials[cs[calCount] + 1];
                        ll += Math.log(lam) * calCount;
                        logL -= ll;
                    } else {
                        assert (a < 1);
                        // We try to minimize the effects of numerical unstability,
                        // so the evaluations look different than the nice equations in the MS.
                        final double r = lam;
                        final double ia = 1 - a;
                        final double ira = ia - rho;
                        final double v = (ia * ia) / r;
                        // accumulate terms here
                        double ll = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < cs.length - 1; ++i) {
                            final int c = cs[i];
                            final double mrh = -r * hs[i];
                            final double mrh1 = (i > 0) ? -r * hs[i - 1] : 0;
                            ll -= lfactorials[c];
                            // double xx =  Math.log(1 - Math.exp(mrh - mrh1));
                            // can we have accurate  log(1+e^x) ??
                            final double xxo = Math.log1p(-Math.exp(mrh - mrh1));
                            final double xx1 = rho + ira * Math.exp(mrh);
                            final double xx2 = rho + ira * Math.exp(mrh1);
                            ll += c * (mrh1 + xxo + Math.log(v / (xx1 * xx2)));
                            // contribution of  calibration point
                            final double z = Math.log(ia / (rho + ira * Math.exp(mrh)));
                            ll += 2 * z + mrh;
                        // from last calibration to oo contribution
                        final double xu = ia / (rho + ira * Math.exp(-r * hs[calCount - 1]));
                        // fixme
                        final int n2 = cs[calCount];
                        // fixme
                        assert n2 > 0;
                        final double rhoia = rho / ia;
                        ll += -lfactorials[n2 + 1] - (n2) * Math.log(r * rhoia) - (n2 + 1) * r * hs[calCount - 1] + (n2 + 1) * Math.log(xu);
                        // non-node terms
                        ll += lfactorials[taxonCount] + (taxonCount - 1) * Math.log(r * rhoia);
                        logL -= ll;
    } else {
        final double value = userPDF.getArrayValue();
        if (Double.isNaN(value) || Double.isInfinite(value)) {
            logL = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        } else {
            logL -= value;
    return logL;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 10 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class CalibratedYuleModel method calculateYuleLikelihood.

private static double calculateYuleLikelihood(final TreeInterface tree, final double lam) {
    final int taxonCount = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
    // add all lambda multipliers here
    // No normalization at the moment.  for n! use logGamma(taxonCount + 1);
    double logL = (taxonCount - 1) * Math.log(lam);
    final Node[] nodes = tree.getNodesAsArray();
    for (int i = taxonCount; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        final Node node = nodes[i];
        assert (!node.isLeaf());
        final double height = node.getHeight();
        final double mrh = -lam * height;
        logL += mrh + (node.isRoot() ? mrh : 0);
    return logL;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)


Node (beast.evolution.tree.Node)140 Conversion (bacter.Conversion)24 MultiTypeNode (beast.evolution.tree.MultiTypeNode)22 Locus (bacter.Locus)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Tree (beast.evolution.tree.Tree)14 Test (org.junit.Test)9 CalculationNode (beast.core.CalculationNode)8 RealParameter (beast.core.parameter.RealParameter)8 TreeInterface (beast.evolution.tree.TreeInterface)7 ClusterTree (beast.util.ClusterTree)7 ConversionGraph (bacter.ConversionGraph)6 Alignment (beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment)6 TaxonSet (beast.evolution.alignment.TaxonSet)6 SiteModel (beast.evolution.sitemodel.SiteModel)5 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)5 StateNode (beast.core.StateNode)4 JukesCantor (beast.evolution.substitutionmodel.JukesCantor)4 TreeParser (beast.util.TreeParser)3 CFEventList (bacter.CFEventList)2