Search in sources :

Example 11 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class CalibratedYuleModel method initAndValidate.

public void initAndValidate() {
    type = correctionTypeInput.get();
    final TreeInterface tree = treeInput.get();
    // shallow copy. we shall change cals later
    final List<CalibrationPoint> cals = new ArrayList<>(calibrationsInput.get());
    int calCount = cals.size();
    final List<TaxonSet> taxaSets = new ArrayList<>(calCount);
    if (cals.size() > 0) {
        xclades = new int[calCount][];
        // convenience
        for (final CalibrationPoint cal : cals) {
    } else {
        // find calibration points from prior
        for (final Object beastObject : getOutputs()) {
            if (beastObject instanceof CompoundDistribution) {
                final CompoundDistribution prior = (CompoundDistribution) beastObject;
                for (final Distribution distr : prior.pDistributions.get()) {
                    if (distr instanceof MRCAPrior) {
                        final MRCAPrior _MRCAPrior = (MRCAPrior) distr;
                        // make sure MRCAPrior is monophyletic
                        if (_MRCAPrior.distInput.get() != null) {
                            // make sure MRCAPrior is monophyletic
                            if (!_MRCAPrior.isMonophyleticInput.get()) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("MRCAPriors must be monophyletic for Calibrated Yule prior");
                            // create CalibrationPoint from MRCAPrior
                            final CalibrationPoint cal = new CalibrationPoint();
                            cal.distInput.setValue(_MRCAPrior.distInput.get(), cal);
                            cal.taxonsetInput.setValue(_MRCAPrior.taxonsetInput.get(), cal);
                            cal.forParentInput.setValue(_MRCAPrior.useOriginateInput.get(), cal);
                            calcCalibrations = false;
                        } else {
                            if (_MRCAPrior.isMonophyleticInput.get()) {
                                Log.warning.println("WARNING: MRCAPriors (" + _MRCAPrior.getID() + ") must have a distribution when monophyletic. Ignored for Calibrated Yule prior");
                            } else {
                                Log.warning.println("WARNING: MRCAPriors (" + _MRCAPrior.getID() + ") found that is not monophyletic. Ignored for Calibrated Yule prior");
        xclades = new int[calCount][];
    if (calCount == 0) {
        Log.warning.println("WARNING: Calibrated Yule prior could not find any properly configured calibrations. Expect this to crash in a BEAST run.");
        // assume we are in beauti, back off for now
    for (int k = 0; k < calCount; ++k) {
        final TaxonSet tk = taxaSets.get(k);
        for (int i = k + 1; i < calCount; ++i) {
            final TaxonSet ti = taxaSets.get(i);
            if (ti.containsAny(tk)) {
                if (!(ti.containsAll(tk) || tk.containsAll(ti))) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Overlapping taxaSets??");
    orderedCalibrations = new CalibrationPoint[calCount];
        int loc = taxaSets.size() - 1;
        while (loc >= 0) {
            assert loc == taxaSets.size() - 1;
            // place maximal taxaSets at end one at a time
            int k = 0;
            for (; /**/
            k < taxaSets.size(); ++k) {
                if (isMaximal(taxaSets, k)) {
            final List<String> tk = taxaSets.get(k).asStringList();
            final int tkcount = tk.size();
            this.xclades[loc] = new int[tkcount];
            for (int nt = 0; nt < tkcount; ++nt) {
                final int taxonIndex = getTaxonIndex(tree, tk.get(nt));
                this.xclades[loc][nt] = taxonIndex;
                if (taxonIndex < 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Taxon not found in tree: " + tk.get(nt));
            orderedCalibrations[loc] = cals.remove(k);
            // cals and taxaSets should match
    // tio[i] will contain all taxaSets contained in the i'th clade, in the form of thier index into orderedCalibrations
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Integer>[] tio = new List[orderedCalibrations.length];
    for (int k = 0; k < orderedCalibrations.length; ++k) {
        tio[k] = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int k = 0; k < orderedCalibrations.length; ++k) {
        final TaxonSet txk = orderedCalibrations[k].taxa();
        for (int i = k + 1; i < orderedCalibrations.length; ++i) {
            if (orderedCalibrations[i].taxa().containsAll(txk)) {
    this.taxaPartialOrder = new int[orderedCalibrations.length][];
    for (int k = 0; k < orderedCalibrations.length; ++k) {
        final List<Integer> tiok = tio[k];
        this.taxaPartialOrder[k] = new int[tiok.size()];
        for (int j = 0; j < tiok.size(); ++j) {
            this.taxaPartialOrder[k][j] = tiok.get(j);
    // true if clade is not contained in any other clade
    final boolean[] maximal = new boolean[calCount];
    for (int k = 0; k < calCount; ++k) {
        maximal[k] = true;
    for (int k = 0; k < calCount; ++k) {
        for (final int i : this.taxaPartialOrder[k]) {
            maximal[i] = false;
    userPDF = userMarInput.get();
    if (userPDF == null) {
        if (type == Type.OVER_ALL_TOPOS) {
            if (calCount == 1) {
            // closed form formula
            } else {
                boolean anyParent = false;
                for (final CalibrationPoint c : orderedCalibrations) {
                    if (c.forParentInput.get()) {
                        anyParent = true;
                if (anyParent) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sorry, not implemented: calibration on parent for more than one clade.");
                if (calCount == 2 && orderedCalibrations[1].taxa().containsAll(orderedCalibrations[0].taxa())) {
                // closed form formulas
                } else {
                    setUpTables(tree.getLeafNodeCount() + 1);
                    linsIter = new CalibrationLineagesIterator(this.xclades, this.taxaPartialOrder, maximal, tree.getLeafNodeCount());
                    lastHeights = new double[calCount];
        } else if (type == Type.OVER_RANKED_COUNTS) {
            setUpTables(tree.getLeafNodeCount() + 1);
    final List<Node> leafs = tree.getExternalNodes();
    final double height = leafs.get(0).getHeight();
    for (final Node leaf : leafs) {
        if (Math.abs(leaf.getHeight() - height) > 1e-8) {
            Log.warning.println("WARNING: Calibrated Yule Model cannot handle dated tips. Use for example a coalescent prior instead.");
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TaxonSet(beast.evolution.alignment.TaxonSet) TreeInterface(beast.evolution.tree.TreeInterface) CompoundDistribution(beast.core.util.CompoundDistribution) ParametricDistribution(beast.math.distributions.ParametricDistribution) CompoundDistribution(beast.core.util.CompoundDistribution) Distribution(beast.core.Distribution) MRCAPrior(beast.math.distributions.MRCAPrior) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 12 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class Exchange method wide.

 * WARNING: Assumes strictly bifurcating beast.tree.
 * @param tree
public double wide(final Tree tree) {
    final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
    Node i = tree.getRoot();
    while (i.isRoot()) {
        i = tree.getNode(Randomizer.nextInt(nodeCount));
    Node j = i;
    while (j.getNr() == i.getNr() || j.isRoot()) {
        j = tree.getNode(Randomizer.nextInt(nodeCount));
    final Node p = i.getParent();
    final Node jP = j.getParent();
    if ((p != jP) && (i != jP) && (j != p) && (j.getHeight() < p.getHeight()) && (i.getHeight() < jP.getHeight())) {
        exchangeNodes(i, j, p, jP);
        // so they need to be marked FILTHY.
        if (markCladesInput.get()) {
            Node iup = p;
            Node jup = jP;
            while (iup != jup) {
                if (iup.getHeight() < jup.getHeight()) {
                    assert !iup.isRoot();
                    iup = iup.getParent();
                } else {
                    assert !jup.isRoot();
                    jup = jup.getParent();
        return 0;
    // reject instead of counting (like we do for narrow).
    return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 13 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class BeagleTreeLikelihood method traverse.

 * Traverse the tree calculating partial likelihoods.
 * @param node           node
 * @param operatorNumber operatorNumber
 * @param flip           flip
 * @return boolean
private int traverse(Node node, int[] operatorNumber, boolean flip) {
    int nodeNum = node.getNr();
    if (operatorNumber != null) {
        operatorNumber[0] = -1;
    // First update the transition probability matrix(ices) for this branch
    int update = (node.isDirty() | hasDirt);
    // if (parent!=null) {
    // update |= parent.isDirty();
    // }
    final double branchRate = branchRateModel.getRateForBranch(node);
    final double branchTime = node.getLength() * branchRate;
    if (!node.isRoot() && (update != Tree.IS_CLEAN || branchTime != m_branchLengths[nodeNum])) {
        m_branchLengths[nodeNum] = branchTime;
        if (branchTime < 0.0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Negative branch length: " + branchTime);
        if (flip) {
            // first flip the matrixBufferHelper
        // then set which matrix to update
        // = m_substitutionModel.getBranchIndex(node);
        final int eigenIndex = 0;
        final int updateCount = branchUpdateCount[eigenIndex];
        matrixUpdateIndices[eigenIndex][updateCount] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
        // if (!m_substitutionModel.canReturnDiagonalization()) {
        // m_substitutionModel.getTransitionProbabilities(node, parent.getHeight(), node.getHeight(), branchRate, m_fProbabilities);
        // int matrixIndex = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
        // beagle.setTransitionMatrix(matrixIndex, m_fProbabilities, 1);
        // }
        branchLengths[eigenIndex][updateCount] = branchTime;
        update |= Tree.IS_DIRTY;
    // If the node is internal, update the partial likelihoods.
    if (!node.isLeaf()) {
        // Traverse down the two child nodes
        Node child1 = node.getLeft();
        final int[] op1 = { -1 };
        final int update1 = traverse(child1, op1, flip);
        Node child2 = node.getRight();
        final int[] op2 = { -1 };
        final int update2 = traverse(child2, op2, flip);
        // If either child node was updated then update this node too
        if (update1 != Tree.IS_CLEAN || update2 != Tree.IS_CLEAN) {
            int x = operationCount[operationListCount] * Beagle.OPERATION_TUPLE_SIZE;
            if (flip) {
                // first flip the partialBufferHelper
            final int[] operations = this.operations[operationListCount];
            operations[x] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
            if (useScaleFactors) {
                // get the index of this scaling buffer
                int n = nodeNum - tipCount;
                if (recomputeScaleFactors) {
                    // flip the indicator: can take either n or (internalNodeCount + 1) - n
                    // store the index
                    scaleBufferIndices[n] = scaleBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(n);
                    // Write new scaleFactor
                    operations[x + 1] = scaleBufferIndices[n];
                    operations[x + 2] = Beagle.NONE;
                } else {
                    operations[x + 1] = Beagle.NONE;
                    // Read existing scaleFactor
                    operations[x + 2] = scaleBufferIndices[n];
            } else {
                if (useAutoScaling) {
                    scaleBufferIndices[nodeNum - tipCount] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
                // Not using scaleFactors
                operations[x + 1] = Beagle.NONE;
                operations[x + 2] = Beagle.NONE;
            // source node 1
            operations[x + 3] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child1.getNr());
            // source matrix 1
            operations[x + 4] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child1.getNr());
            // source node 2
            operations[x + 5] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child2.getNr());
            // source matrix 2
            operations[x + 6] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child2.getNr());
            update |= (update1 | update2);
    return update;
Also used : CalculationNode(beast.core.CalculationNode) Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)

Example 14 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class BeagleTreeLikelihood method initialize.

private boolean initialize() {
    m_nNodeCount = treeInput.get().getNodeCount();
    m_bUseAmbiguities = m_useAmbiguities.get();
    m_bUseTipLikelihoods = m_useTipLikelihoods.get();
    if (!(siteModelInput.get() instanceof SiteModel.Base)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("siteModel input should be of type SiteModel.Base");
    m_siteModel = (SiteModel.Base) siteModelInput.get();
    substitutionModel = m_siteModel.substModelInput.get();
    branchRateModel = branchRateModelInput.get();
    if (branchRateModel == null) {
        branchRateModel = new StrictClockModel();
    m_branchLengths = new double[m_nNodeCount];
    storedBranchLengths = new double[m_nNodeCount];
    m_nStateCount = dataInput.get().getMaxStateCount();
    patternCount = dataInput.get().getPatternCount();
    // System.err.println("Attempt to load BEAGLE TreeLikelihood");
    // this.branchSubstitutionModel.getEigenCount();
    eigenCount = 1;
    double[] categoryRates = m_siteModel.getCategoryRates(null);
    // check for invariant rates category
    if (m_siteModel.hasPropInvariantCategory) {
        for (int i = 0; i < categoryRates.length; i++) {
            if (categoryRates[i] == 0) {
                proportionInvariant = m_siteModel.getRateForCategory(i, null);
                int stateCount = dataInput.get().getMaxStateCount();
                int patterns = dataInput.get().getPatternCount();
                calcConstantPatternIndices(patterns, stateCount);
                invariantCategory = i;
                double[] tmp = new double[categoryRates.length - 1];
                for (int k = 0; k < invariantCategory; k++) {
                    tmp[k] = categoryRates[k];
                for (int k = invariantCategory + 1; k < categoryRates.length; k++) {
                    tmp[k - 1] = categoryRates[k];
                categoryRates = tmp;
        if (constantPattern != null && constantPattern.size() > dataInput.get().getPatternCount()) {
            // if there are many more constant patterns than patterns (each pattern can
            // have a number of constant patters, one for each state) it is less efficient
            // to just calculate the TreeLikelihood for constant sites than optimising
            Log.debug("switch off constant sites optimisiation: calculating through separate TreeLikelihood category (as in the olden days)");
            invariantCategory = -1;
            proportionInvariant = 0;
            constantPattern = null;
            categoryRates = m_siteModel.getCategoryRates(null);
    this.categoryCount = m_siteModel.getCategoryCount() - (invariantCategory >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
    tipCount = treeInput.get().getLeafNodeCount();
    internalNodeCount = m_nNodeCount - tipCount;
    int compactPartialsCount = tipCount;
    if (m_bUseAmbiguities) {
        // if we are using ambiguities then we don't use tip partials
        compactPartialsCount = 0;
    // one partials buffer for each tip and two for each internal node (for store restore)
    partialBufferHelper = new BufferIndexHelper(m_nNodeCount, tipCount);
    // two eigen buffers for each decomposition for store and restore.
    eigenBufferHelper = new BufferIndexHelper(eigenCount, 0);
    // two matrices for each node less the root
    matrixBufferHelper = new BufferIndexHelper(m_nNodeCount, 0);
    // one scaling buffer for each internal node plus an extra for the accumulation, then doubled for store/restore
    scaleBufferHelper = new BufferIndexHelper(getScaleBufferCount(), 0);
    // Attempt to get the resource order from the System Property
    if (resourceOrder == null) {
        resourceOrder = parseSystemPropertyIntegerArray(RESOURCE_ORDER_PROPERTY);
    if (preferredOrder == null) {
        preferredOrder = parseSystemPropertyIntegerArray(PREFERRED_FLAGS_PROPERTY);
    if (requiredOrder == null) {
        requiredOrder = parseSystemPropertyIntegerArray(REQUIRED_FLAGS_PROPERTY);
    if (scalingOrder == null) {
        scalingOrder = parseSystemPropertyStringArray(SCALING_PROPERTY);
    // first set the rescaling scheme to use from the parser
    // = rescalingScheme;
    rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.DEFAULT;
    rescalingScheme = DEFAULT_RESCALING_SCHEME;
    int[] resourceList = null;
    long preferenceFlags = 0;
    long requirementFlags = 0;
    if (scalingOrder.size() > 0) {
        this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.parseFromString(scalingOrder.get(instanceCount % scalingOrder.size()));
    if (resourceOrder.size() > 0) {
        // added the zero on the end so that a CPU is selected if requested resource fails
        resourceList = new int[] { resourceOrder.get(instanceCount % resourceOrder.size()), 0 };
        if (resourceList[0] > 0) {
            // Add preference weight against CPU
            preferenceFlags |= BeagleFlag.PROCESSOR_GPU.getMask();
    if (preferredOrder.size() > 0) {
        preferenceFlags = preferredOrder.get(instanceCount % preferredOrder.size());
    if (requiredOrder.size() > 0) {
        requirementFlags = requiredOrder.get(instanceCount % requiredOrder.size());
    if (scaling.get().equals(Scaling.always)) {
        this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.ALWAYS;
    if (scaling.get().equals(Scaling.none)) {
        this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.NONE;
    // Define default behaviour here
    if (this.rescalingScheme == PartialsRescalingScheme.DEFAULT) {
        // if GPU: the default is^H^Hwas dynamic scaling in BEAST, now NONE
        if (resourceList != null && resourceList[0] > 1) {
            // this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.DYNAMIC;
            this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.NONE;
        } else {
            // if CPU: just run as fast as possible
            // this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.NONE;
            // Dynamic should run as fast as none until first underflow
            this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.DYNAMIC;
    if (this.rescalingScheme == PartialsRescalingScheme.AUTO) {
        preferenceFlags |= BeagleFlag.SCALING_AUTO.getMask();
        useAutoScaling = true;
    } else {
    // preferenceFlags |= BeagleFlag.SCALING_MANUAL.getMask();
    String r = System.getProperty(RESCALE_FREQUENCY_PROPERTY);
    if (r != null) {
        rescalingFrequency = Integer.parseInt(r);
        if (rescalingFrequency < 1) {
            rescalingFrequency = RESCALE_FREQUENCY;
    if (preferenceFlags == 0 && resourceList == null) {
        // else determine dataset characteristics
        if (// TODO determine good cut-off
        m_nStateCount == 4 && patternCount < 10000)
            preferenceFlags |= BeagleFlag.PROCESSOR_CPU.getMask();
    if (substitutionModel.canReturnComplexDiagonalization()) {
        requirementFlags |= BeagleFlag.EIGEN_COMPLEX.getMask();
    try {
        beagle = BeagleFactory.loadBeagleInstance(tipCount, partialBufferHelper.getBufferCount(), compactPartialsCount, m_nStateCount, patternCount, // eigenBufferCount
        eigenBufferHelper.getBufferCount(), matrixBufferHelper.getBufferCount(), categoryCount, // Always allocate; they may become necessary
        scaleBufferHelper.getBufferCount(), resourceList, preferenceFlags, requirementFlags);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        beagle = null;
    if (beagle == null) {
        return false;
    InstanceDetails instanceDetails = beagle.getDetails();
    ResourceDetails resourceDetails = null;
    if (instanceDetails != null) {
        resourceDetails = BeagleFactory.getResourceDetails(instanceDetails.getResourceNumber());
        if (resourceDetails != null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("  Using BEAGLE version: " + BeagleInfo.getVersion() + " resource ");
            sb.append(resourceDetails.getNumber()).append(": ");
            if (resourceDetails.getDescription() != null) {
                String[] description = resourceDetails.getDescription().split("\\|");
                for (String desc : description) {
                    if (desc.trim().length() > 0) {
                        sb.append("    ").append(desc.trim()).append("\n");
            sb.append("    with instance flags: ").append(instanceDetails.toString());
        } else {
            Log.warning.println("  Error retrieving BEAGLE resource for instance: " + instanceDetails.toString());
            beagle = null;
            return false;
    } else {
        Log.warning.println("  No external BEAGLE resources available, or resource list/requirements not met, using Java implementation");
        beagle = null;
        return false;
    Log.warning.println("  " + (m_bUseAmbiguities ? "Using" : "Ignoring") + " ambiguities in tree likelihood.");
    Log.warning.println("  " + (m_bUseTipLikelihoods ? "Using" : "Ignoring") + " character uncertainty in tree likelihood.");
    Log.warning.println("  With " + patternCount + " unique site patterns.");
    Node[] nodes = treeInput.get().getNodesAsArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < tipCount; i++) {
        int taxon = dataInput.get().getTaxonIndex(nodes[i].getID());
        if (m_bUseAmbiguities || m_bUseTipLikelihoods) {
            setPartials(beagle, i, taxon);
        } else {
            setStates(beagle, i, taxon);
    if (dataInput.get().isAscertained) {
        ascertainedSitePatterns = true;
    double[] patternWeights = new double[patternCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < patternCount; i++) {
        patternWeights[i] = dataInput.get().getPatternWeight(i);
    if (this.rescalingScheme == PartialsRescalingScheme.AUTO && resourceDetails != null && (resourceDetails.getFlags() & BeagleFlag.SCALING_AUTO.getMask()) == 0) {
        // If auto scaling in BEAGLE is not supported then do it here
        this.rescalingScheme = PartialsRescalingScheme.DYNAMIC;
        Log.warning.println("  Auto rescaling not supported in BEAGLE, using : " + this.rescalingScheme.getText());
    } else {
        Log.warning.println("  Using rescaling scheme : " + this.rescalingScheme.getText());
    if (this.rescalingScheme == PartialsRescalingScheme.DYNAMIC) {
        // If false, BEAST does not rescale until first under-/over-flow.
        everUnderflowed = false;
    updateSubstitutionModel = true;
    updateSiteModel = true;
    // some subst models (e.g. WAG) never become dirty, so set up subst models right now
    // set up sitemodel
    currentCategoryRates = categoryRates;
    currentFreqs = new double[m_nStateCount];
    currentCategoryWeights = new double[categoryRates.length];
    return true;
Also used : InstanceDetails(beagle.InstanceDetails) CalculationNode(beast.core.CalculationNode) Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node) SiteModel(beast.evolution.sitemodel.SiteModel) ResourceDetails(beagle.ResourceDetails) StrictClockModel(beast.evolution.branchratemodel.StrictClockModel)

Example 15 with Node

use of beast.evolution.tree.Node in project beast2 by CompEvol.

the class RateStatistic method calcValues.

 * calculate the three statistics from scratch *
public double[] calcValues() {
    int length = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    final int nrOfLeafs = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
    if (external) {
        length += nrOfLeafs;
    if (internal) {
        length += tree.getInternalNodeCount() - 1;
    final double[] rates = new double[length];
    // need those only for mean
    final double[] branchLengths = new double[length];
    final Node[] nodes = tree.getNodesAsArray();
     * handle leaf nodes *
    if (external) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nrOfLeafs; i++) {
            final Node child = nodes[i];
            final Node parent = child.getParent();
            branchLengths[i] = parent.getHeight() - child.getHeight();
            rates[i] = branchRateModel.getRateForBranch(child);
        offset = nrOfLeafs;
     * handle internal nodes *
    if (internal) {
        final int n = tree.getNodeCount();
        int k = offset;
        for (int i = nrOfLeafs; i < n; i++) {
            final Node child = nodes[i];
            if (!child.isRoot()) {
                final Node parent = child.getParent();
                branchLengths[k] = parent.getHeight() - child.getHeight();
                rates[k] = branchRateModel.getRateForBranch(child);
    final double[] values = new double[3];
    double totalWeightedRate = 0.0;
    double totalTreeLength = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < rates.length; i++) {
        totalWeightedRate += rates[i] * branchLengths[i];
        totalTreeLength += branchLengths[i];
    values[MEAN] = totalWeightedRate / totalTreeLength;
    // Q2R why not?
    // final double mean = DiscreteStatistics.mean(rates);
    // values[VARIANCE] = DiscreteStatistics.variance(rates, mean);
    // values[COEFFICIENT_OF_VARIATION] = Math.sqrt(D values[VARIANCE]) / mean;
    values[VARIANCE] = DiscreteStatistics.variance(rates);
    final double mean = DiscreteStatistics.mean(rates);
    values[COEFFICIENT_OF_VARIATION] = Math.sqrt(DiscreteStatistics.variance(rates, mean)) / mean;
    return values;
Also used : Node(beast.evolution.tree.Node)


Node (beast.evolution.tree.Node)140 Conversion (bacter.Conversion)24 MultiTypeNode (beast.evolution.tree.MultiTypeNode)22 Locus (bacter.Locus)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Tree (beast.evolution.tree.Tree)14 Test (org.junit.Test)9 CalculationNode (beast.core.CalculationNode)8 RealParameter (beast.core.parameter.RealParameter)8 TreeInterface (beast.evolution.tree.TreeInterface)7 ClusterTree (beast.util.ClusterTree)7 ConversionGraph (bacter.ConversionGraph)6 Alignment (beast.evolution.alignment.Alignment)6 TaxonSet (beast.evolution.alignment.TaxonSet)6 SiteModel (beast.evolution.sitemodel.SiteModel)5 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)5 StateNode (beast.core.StateNode)4 JukesCantor (beast.evolution.substitutionmodel.JukesCantor)4 TreeParser (beast.util.TreeParser)3 CFEventList (bacter.CFEventList)2