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Example 1 with TOMMessage

use of bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage in project aware by bergerch.

the class ServiceProxy method invoke.

 * This method sends a request to the replicas, and returns the related reply.
 * If the servers take more than invokeTimeout seconds the method returns null.
 * This method is thread-safe.
 * @param request Request to be sent
 *        reconfiguration requests.
 * @return The reply from the replicas related to request
public byte[] invoke(byte[] request, TOMMessageType reqType) {
    try {
        // Clean all statefull data to prepare for receiving next replies
        Arrays.fill(replies, null);
        receivedReplies = 0;
        response = null;
        replyQuorum = getReplyQuorum();
        // Send the request to the replicas, and get its ID
        reqId = generateRequestId(reqType);
        operationId = generateOperationId();
        requestType = reqType;
        replyServer = -1;
        hashResponseController = null;
        if (requestType == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_HASHED_REQUEST) {
            replyServer = getRandomlyServerId();
            logger.debug("[" + this.getClass().getName() + "] replyServerId(" + replyServer + ") " + "pos(" + getViewManager().getCurrentViewPos(replyServer) + ")");
            hashResponseController = new HashResponseController(getViewManager().getCurrentViewPos(replyServer), getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses().length);
            TOMMessage sm = new TOMMessage(getProcessId(), getSession(), reqId, operationId, request, getViewManager().getCurrentViewId(), requestType);
        } else {
            TOMulticast(request, reqId, operationId, reqType);
        logger.debug("Sending request (" + reqType + ") with reqId=" + reqId);
        logger.debug("Expected number of matching replies: " + replyQuorum);
        // by the client side communication system
        try {
            if (reqType == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_HASHED_REQUEST) {
                if (!, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
          "######## UNORDERED HASHED REQUEST TIMOUT ########");
                    return invoke(request, TOMMessageType.ORDERED_REQUEST);
            } else {
                if (!, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
          "Reply timeout for reqId=" + reqId + ", Replies received: " + receivedReplies);
                    return null;
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            logger.error("Problem aquiring semaphore", ex);
        logger.debug("Response extracted = " + response);
        byte[] ret = null;
        if (response == null) {
            // the response can be null if n-f replies are received but there isn't
            // a replyQuorum of matching replies
            logger.debug("Received n-f replies and no response could be extracted.");
            if (reqType == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_REQUEST || reqType == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_HASHED_REQUEST) {
                // invoke the operation again, whitout the read-only flag
                return invokeOrdered(request);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Received n-f replies without f+1 of them matching.");
        } else {
            // ******* EDUARDO BEGIN **************//
            if (reqType == TOMMessageType.ORDERED_REQUEST) {
                // Reply to a normal request!
                if (response.getViewID() == getViewManager().getCurrentViewId()) {
                    // return the response
                    ret = response.getContent();
                } else {
                    // if(response.getViewID() > getViewManager().getCurrentViewId())
                    // updated view received
                    reconfigureTo((View) TOMUtil.getObject(response.getContent()));
                    return invoke(request, reqType);
            } else if (reqType == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_REQUEST || reqType == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_HASHED_REQUEST) {
                if (response.getViewID() == getViewManager().getCurrentViewId()) {
                    // return the response
                    ret = response.getContent();
                } else {
                    return invoke(request, TOMMessageType.ORDERED_REQUEST);
            } else {
                if (response.getViewID() > getViewManager().getCurrentViewId()) {
                    // Reply to a reconfigure request!
                    logger.debug("Reconfiguration request' reply received!");
                    Object r = TOMUtil.getObject(response.getContent());
                    if (r instanceof View) {
                        // did not executed the request because it is using an outdated view
                        reconfigureTo((View) r);
                        return invoke(request, reqType);
                    } else if (r instanceof ReconfigureReply) {
                        // reconfiguration executed!
                        reconfigureTo(((ReconfigureReply) r).getView());
                        ret = response.getContent();
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("Unknown response type");
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Unexpected execution flow");
        return ret;
    } finally {
        // always release lock
        if (canSendLock.isHeldByCurrentThread())
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage) ReconfigureReply(bftsmart.reconfiguration.ReconfigureReply) View(bftsmart.reconfiguration.views.View)

Example 2 with TOMMessage

use of bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage in project aware by bergerch.

the class ServiceReplica method receiveReadonlyMessage.

 * @deprecated
public final void receiveReadonlyMessage(TOMMessage message, MessageContext msgCtx) {
    TOMMessage response;
    // This is used to deliver the requests to the application and obtain a reply to deliver
    // to the clients. The raw decision does not need to be delivered to the recoverable since
    // it is not associated with any consensus instance, and therefore there is no need for
    // applications to log it or keep any proof.
    response = executor.executeUnordered(id, SVController.getCurrentViewId(), (message.getReqType() == TOMMessageType.UNORDERED_HASHED_REQUEST && message.getReplyServer() !=, message.getContent(), msgCtx);
    if (response != null) {
        if (SVController.getStaticConf().getNumRepliers() > 0) {
        } else {
            cs.send(new int[] { response.getSender() }, response.reply);
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage)

Example 3 with TOMMessage

use of bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage in project aware by bergerch.

the class CSTState method getCertifiedDecision.

 * Retrieves the certified decision for the last consensus present in this object
 * @param controller
 * @return The certified decision for the last consensus present in this object
public CertifiedDecision getCertifiedDecision(ServerViewController controller) {
    CommandsInfo ci = getMessageBatch(getLastCID());
    if (ci != null && ci.msgCtx[0].getProof() != null) {
        // do I have a proof for the consensus?
        Set<ConsensusMessage> proof = ci.msgCtx[0].getProof();
        LinkedList<TOMMessage> requests = new LinkedList<>();
        // Recreate all TOMMessages ordered in the consensus
        for (int i = 0; i < ci.commands.length; i++) {
        // Serialize the TOMMessages to re-create the proposed value
        BatchBuilder bb = new BatchBuilder(0);
        byte[] value = bb.makeBatch(requests, ci.msgCtx[0].getNumOfNonces(), ci.msgCtx[0].getSeed(), ci.msgCtx[0].getTimestamp(), controller.getStaticConf().getUseSignatures() == 1);
        // Assemble and return the certified decision
        return new CertifiedDecision(pid, getLastCID(), value, proof);
    } else
        // there was no proof for the consensus
        return null;
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage) ConsensusMessage(bftsmart.consensus.messages.ConsensusMessage) CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision) BatchBuilder(bftsmart.tom.util.BatchBuilder) CommandsInfo(bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.CommandsInfo) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 4 with TOMMessage

use of bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage in project aware by bergerch.

the class Acceptor method insertProof.

 * Create a cryptographic proof for a consensus message
 * This method modifies the consensus message passed as an argument,
 * so that it contains a cryptographic proof.
 * @param cm The consensus message to which the proof shall be set
 * @param epoch The epoch during in which the consensus message was created
private void insertProof(ConsensusMessage cm, TOMMessage[] msgs) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(248);
    try {
        ObjectOutputStream obj = new ObjectOutputStream(bOut);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("Failed to serialize consensus message", ex);
    byte[] data = bOut.toByteArray();
    // check if consensus contains reconfiguration request
    boolean hasReconf = false;
    if (!controller.getStaticConf().getProofType().equalsIgnoreCase("signatures")) {
        for (TOMMessage msg : msgs) {
            if (msg.getReqType() == TOMMessageType.RECONFIG && msg.getViewID() == controller.getCurrentViewId()) {
                hasReconf = true;
                // no need to continue, exit the loop
    if (// if the library is configured to use signatures...
    controller.getStaticConf().getProofType().equalsIgnoreCase("signatures") || hasReconf) {
        // ... or if this consensus contains a reconfiguration request, we need to use
        // signatures (there might be replicas that will not be part of the next
        // consensus instance, and so their MAC will be outdated and useless)...
        PrivateKey privKey = controller.getStaticConf().getPrivateKey();
        byte[] signature = TOMUtil.signMessage(privKey, data);
    } else {
        // ... otherwise, we must use MAC vectores
        Mac mac = null;
        try {
            mac = TOMUtil.getMacFactory();
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
            logger.error("Failed to create MAC engine", ex);
        int[] processes = this.controller.getCurrentViewAcceptors();
        HashMap<Integer, byte[]> macVector = new HashMap<>();
        for (int id : processes) {
            try {
                SecretKey key = null;
                do {
                    key = communication.getServersConn().getSecretKey(id);
                    if (key == null) {
                        logger.warn("I don't have yet a secret key with " + id + ". Retrying.");
                } while (// JCS: This loop is to solve a race condition where a
                key == null);
                // replica might have already been inserted in the view or
                // recovered after a crash, but it still did not concluded
                // the diffie helman protocol. Not an elegant solution,
                // but for now it will do
                macVector.put(id, mac.doFinal(data));
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                logger.error("Interruption while sleeping", ex);
            } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) {
                logger.error("Failed to generate MAC vector", ex);
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage) PrivateKey( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( ObjectOutputStream( InvalidKeyException( Mac(javax.crypto.Mac) SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey)

Example 5 with TOMMessage

use of bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage in project aware by bergerch.

the class ServiceReplica method receiveMessages.

 * @deprecated
public void receiveMessages(int[] consId, int[] regencies, int[] leaders, CertifiedDecision[] cDecs, TOMMessage[][] requests) {
    int numRequests = 0;
    int consensusCount = 0;
    List<TOMMessage> toBatch = new ArrayList<>();
    List<MessageContext> msgCtxts = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean noop = true;
    for (TOMMessage[] requestsFromConsensus : requests) {
        TOMMessage firstRequest = requestsFromConsensus[0];
        int requestCount = 0;
        noop = true;
        for (TOMMessage request : requestsFromConsensus) {
            logger.debug("Processing TOMMessage from client " + request.getSender() + " with sequence number " + request.getSequence() + " for session " + request.getSession() + " decided in consensus " + consId[consensusCount]);
            if (request.getViewID() == SVController.getCurrentViewId()) {
                if (null == request.getReqType()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Should never reach here!");
                } else
                    switch(request.getReqType()) {
                        case ORDERED_REQUEST:
                            noop = false;
                            MessageContext msgCtx = new MessageContext(request.getSender(), request.getViewID(), request.getReqType(), request.getSession(), request.getSequence(), request.getOperationId(), request.getReplyServer(), request.serializedMessageSignature, firstRequest.timestamp, request.numOfNonces, request.seed, regencies[consensusCount], leaders[consensusCount], consId[consensusCount], cDecs[consensusCount].getConsMessages(), firstRequest, false);
                            if (requestCount + 1 == requestsFromConsensus.length) {
                            request.deliveryTime = System.nanoTime();
                            if (executor instanceof BatchExecutable) {
                                logger.debug("Batching request from " + request.getSender());
                                // that are asking for a state transfer).
                                if (this.recoverer != null)
                                    this.recoverer.Op(msgCtx.getConsensusId(), request.getContent(), msgCtx);
                                // deliver requests and contexts to the executor later
                            } else if (executor instanceof SingleExecutable) {
                                logger.debug("Delivering request from " + request.getSender() + " via SingleExecutable");
                                // that are asking for a state transfer).
                                if (this.recoverer != null)
                                    this.recoverer.Op(msgCtx.getConsensusId(), request.getContent(), msgCtx);
                                // This is used to deliver the requests to the application and obtain a reply to deliver
                                // to the clients. The raw decision is passed to the application in the line above.
                                TOMMessage response = ((SingleExecutable) executor).executeOrdered(id, SVController.getCurrentViewId(), request.getContent(), msgCtx);
                                if (response != null) {
                                    logger.debug("sending reply to " + response.getSender());
                                    replier.manageReply(response, msgCtx);
                            } else {
                                // this code should never be executed
                                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Non-existent interface");
                        case RECONFIG:
                            // this code should never be executed
                            throw new RuntimeException("Should never reach here!");
            } else if (request.getViewID() < SVController.getCurrentViewId()) {
                // message sender had an old view, resend the message to
                // him (but only if it came from consensus an not state transfer)
                tomLayer.getCommunication().send(new int[] { request.getSender() }, new TOMMessage(SVController.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), request.getSession(), request.getSequence(), request.getOperationId(), TOMUtil.getBytes(SVController.getCurrentView()), SVController.getCurrentViewId(), request.getReqType()));
        // hence the invocation of "noop"
        if (noop && this.recoverer != null) {
            logger.debug("Delivering a no-op to the recoverer");
  "A consensus instance finished, but there were no commands to deliver to the application.");
  "Notifying recoverable about a blank consensus.");
            byte[][] batch = null;
            MessageContext[] msgCtx = null;
            if (requestsFromConsensus.length > 0) {
                // Make new batch to deliver
                batch = new byte[requestsFromConsensus.length][];
                msgCtx = new MessageContext[requestsFromConsensus.length];
                // Put messages in the batch
                int line = 0;
                for (TOMMessage m : requestsFromConsensus) {
                    batch[line] = m.getContent();
                    msgCtx[line] = new MessageContext(m.getSender(), m.getViewID(), m.getReqType(), m.getSession(), m.getSequence(), m.getOperationId(), m.getReplyServer(), m.serializedMessageSignature, firstRequest.timestamp, m.numOfNonces, m.seed, regencies[consensusCount], leaders[consensusCount], consId[consensusCount], cDecs[consensusCount].getConsMessages(), firstRequest, true);
            this.recoverer.noOp(consId[consensusCount], batch, msgCtx);
        // MessageContext msgCtx = new MessageContext(-1, -1, null, -1, -1, -1, -1, null, // Since it is a noop, there is no need to pass info about the client...
        // -1, 0, 0, regencies[consensusCount], leaders[consensusCount], consId[consensusCount], cDecs[consensusCount].getConsMessages(), //... but there is still need to pass info about the consensus
        // null, true); // there is no command that is the first of the batch, since it is a noop
        // msgCtx.setLastInBatch();
        // this.recoverer.noOp(msgCtx.getConsensusId(), msgCtx);
    if (executor instanceof BatchExecutable && numRequests > 0) {
        // Make new batch to deliver
        byte[][] batch = new byte[numRequests][];
        // Put messages in the batch
        int line = 0;
        for (TOMMessage m : toBatch) {
            batch[line] = m.getContent();
        MessageContext[] msgContexts = new MessageContext[msgCtxts.size()];
        msgContexts = msgCtxts.toArray(msgContexts);
        // Deliver the batch and wait for replies
        TOMMessage[] replies = ((BatchExecutable) executor).executeBatch(id, SVController.getCurrentViewId(), batch, msgContexts);
        // Send the replies back to the client
        if (replies != null) {
            for (TOMMessage reply : replies) {
                if (SVController.getStaticConf().getNumRepliers() > 0) {
                    logger.debug("Sending reply to " + reply.getSender() + " with sequence number " + reply.getSequence() + " and operation ID " + reply.getOperationId() + " via ReplyManager");
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Sending reply to " + reply.getSender() + " with sequence number " + reply.getSequence() + " and operation ID " + reply.getOperationId());
                    replier.manageReply(reply, null);
                // cs.send(new int[]{request.getSender()}, request.reply);
        // DEBUG
        logger.debug("BATCHEXECUTOR END");
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage) SingleExecutable(bftsmart.tom.server.SingleExecutable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BatchExecutable(bftsmart.tom.server.BatchExecutable)


TOMMessage (bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage)72 IOException ( ConsensusMessage (bftsmart.consensus.messages.ConsensusMessage)10 ByteArrayOutputStream ( LCMessage (bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCMessage)8 View (bftsmart.reconfiguration.views.View)7 CertifiedDecision (bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision)7 ByteArrayInputStream ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)7 BatchReader (bftsmart.tom.util.BatchReader)6 ObjectOutputStream ( Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)6 DataInputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 BatchBuilder (bftsmart.tom.util.BatchBuilder)4 NoSuchAlgorithmException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Consensus (bftsmart.consensus.Consensus)3 ForwardedMessage (bftsmart.tom.core.messages.ForwardedMessage)3 CollectData (bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CollectData)3