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Example 1 with CertifiedDecision

use of bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision in project aware by bergerch.

the class CSTState method getCertifiedDecision.

 * Retrieves the certified decision for the last consensus present in this object
 * @param controller
 * @return The certified decision for the last consensus present in this object
public CertifiedDecision getCertifiedDecision(ServerViewController controller) {
    CommandsInfo ci = getMessageBatch(getLastCID());
    if (ci != null && ci.msgCtx[0].getProof() != null) {
        // do I have a proof for the consensus?
        Set<ConsensusMessage> proof = ci.msgCtx[0].getProof();
        LinkedList<TOMMessage> requests = new LinkedList<>();
        // Recreate all TOMMessages ordered in the consensus
        for (int i = 0; i < ci.commands.length; i++) {
        // Serialize the TOMMessages to re-create the proposed value
        BatchBuilder bb = new BatchBuilder(0);
        byte[] value = bb.makeBatch(requests, ci.msgCtx[0].getNumOfNonces(), ci.msgCtx[0].getSeed(), ci.msgCtx[0].getTimestamp(), controller.getStaticConf().getUseSignatures() == 1);
        // Assemble and return the certified decision
        return new CertifiedDecision(pid, getLastCID(), value, proof);
    } else
        // there was no proof for the consensus
        return null;
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage) ConsensusMessage(bftsmart.consensus.messages.ConsensusMessage) CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision) BatchBuilder(bftsmart.tom.util.BatchBuilder) CommandsInfo(bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.CommandsInfo) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 2 with CertifiedDecision

use of bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision in project aware by bergerch.

the class Synchronizer method processSTOPDATA.

// Processes STOPDATA messages that were not process upon reception, because they were
// ahead of the replica's expected regency
private void processSTOPDATA(LCMessage msg, int regency) {
    // TODO: It is necessary to verify the proof of the last decided consensus and the signature of the state of the current consensus!
    CertifiedDecision lastData = null;
    SignedObject signedCollect = null;
    int last = -1;
    byte[] lastValue = null;
    Set<ConsensusMessage> proof = null;
    ByteArrayInputStream bis;
    ObjectInputStream ois;
    try {
        // deserialize the content of the message
        bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getPayload());
        ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
        if (ois.readBoolean()) {
            // content of the last decided cid
            last = ois.readInt();
            lastValue = (byte[]) ois.readObject();
            proof = (Set<ConsensusMessage>) ois.readObject();
        // TODO: Proof is missing!
        lastData = new CertifiedDecision(msg.getSender(), last, lastValue, proof);
        lcManager.addLastCID(regency, lastData);
        signedCollect = (SignedObject) ois.readObject();
        lcManager.addCollect(regency, signedCollect);
        int bizantineQuorum = (controller.getCurrentViewN() + controller.getCurrentViewF()) / 2;
        int cftQuorum = (controller.getCurrentViewN()) / 2;
        // Did I already got messages from a Byzantine/Crash quorum,
        // related to the last cid as well as for the current?
        boolean conditionBFT = (controller.getStaticConf().isBFT() && lcManager.getLastCIDsSize(regency) > bizantineQuorum && lcManager.getCollectsSize(regency) > bizantineQuorum);
        boolean conditionCFT = (lcManager.getLastCIDsSize(regency) > cftQuorum && lcManager.getCollectsSize(regency) > cftQuorum);
        if (conditionBFT || conditionCFT) {
    } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        logger.error("Could not deserialize STOPDATA message", ex);
Also used : CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision) ConsensusMessage(bftsmart.consensus.messages.ConsensusMessage) ByteArrayInputStream( IOException( SignedObject( ObjectInputStream(

Example 3 with CertifiedDecision

use of bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision in project aware by bergerch.

the class Synchronizer method catch_up.

// this method is used to verify if the leader can make the message catch-up
// and also sends the message
private void catch_up(int regency) {
    logger.debug("Verifying STOPDATA info");
    ObjectOutputStream out = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
    CertifiedDecision lastHighestCID = lcManager.getHighestLastCID(regency);
    int currentCID = lastHighestCID.getCID() + 1;
    HashSet<SignedObject> signedCollects = null;
    byte[] propose = null;
    int batchSize = -1;
    // normalize the collects and apply to them the predicate "sound"
    if (lcManager.sound(lcManager.selectCollects(regency, currentCID))) {
        logger.debug("Sound predicate is true");
        // all original collects that the replica has received
        signedCollects = lcManager.getCollects(regency);
        // the only purpose of this object is to obtain the batchsize,
        Decision dec = new Decision(-1);
        // using code inside of createPropose()
        propose = tom.createPropose(dec);
        batchSize = dec.batchSize;
        try {
            // serialization of the CATCH-UP message
            bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
            // TODO: Missing: serialization of the proof?
            byte[] payload = bos.toByteArray();
  "Sending SYNC message for regency " + regency);
            // send the CATCH-UP message
            communication.send(this.controller.getCurrentViewOtherAcceptors(), new LCMessage(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), TOMUtil.SYNC, regency, payload));
            finalise(regency, lastHighestCID, signedCollects, propose, batchSize, true);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error("Could not serialize message", ex);
Also used : CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision) LCMessage(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCMessage) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( ObjectOutputStream( SignedObject( Decision(bftsmart.consensus.Decision) CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision)

Example 4 with CertifiedDecision

use of bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision in project aware by bergerch.

the class Synchronizer method processSYNC.

// Processes SYNC messages that were not process upon reception, because they were
// ahead of the replica's expected regency
private void processSYNC(byte[] payload, int regency) {
    CertifiedDecision lastHighestCID = null;
    int currentCID = -1;
    HashSet<SignedObject> signedCollects = null;
    byte[] propose = null;
    int batchSize = -1;
    ByteArrayInputStream bis;
    ObjectInputStream ois;
    try {
        // deserialization of the message content
        bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(payload);
        ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
        lastHighestCID = (CertifiedDecision) ois.readObject();
        signedCollects = (HashSet<SignedObject>) ois.readObject();
        propose = (byte[]) ois.readObject();
        batchSize = ois.readInt();
        lcManager.setCollects(regency, signedCollects);
        currentCID = lastHighestCID.getCID() + 1;
        // Is the predicate "sound" true? Is the certificate for LastCID valid?
        if (lcManager.sound(lcManager.selectCollects(regency, currentCID)) && (!controller.getStaticConf().isBFT() || lcManager.hasValidProof(lastHighestCID))) {
            finalise(regency, lastHighestCID, signedCollects, propose, batchSize, false);
    } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        logger.error("Could not deserialize SYNC message", ex);
Also used : CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision) ByteArrayInputStream( IOException( SignedObject( ObjectInputStream(

Example 5 with CertifiedDecision

use of bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision in project aware by bergerch.

the class Synchronizer method startSynchronization.

// this method is called when a timeout occurs or when a STOP message is recevied
private void startSynchronization(int nextReg) {
    boolean condition;
    ObjectOutputStream out = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
    if (this.controller.getStaticConf().isBFT()) {
        condition = lcManager.getStopsSize(nextReg) > this.controller.getCurrentViewF();
    } else {
        condition = lcManager.getStopsSize(nextReg) > 0;
    // Ask to start the synchronizations phase if enough messages have been received already
    if (condition && lcManager.getNextReg() == lcManager.getLastReg()) {
        logger.debug("Initialize synch phase");
        // define next timestamp
        lcManager.setNextReg(lcManager.getLastReg() + 1);
        int regency = lcManager.getNextReg();
        // store information about message I am going to send
        lcManager.addStop(regency, this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId());
        // execManager.stop(); // stop execution of consensus
        // Get requests that timed out and the requests received in STOP messages
        // and add those STOPed requests to the client manager
        List<TOMMessage> messages = getRequestsToRelay();
        try {
            // serialize conent to send in the STOP message
            bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
            // Do I have messages to send in the STOP message?
            if (messages != null && messages.size() > 0) {
                // TODO: If this is null, there was no timeout nor STOP messages.
                // What shall be done then?
                byte[] serialized = bb.makeBatch(messages, 0, 0, controller.getStaticConf().getUseSignatures() == 1);
            } else {
                logger.warn("Strange... did not include any request in my STOP message for regency " + regency);
            byte[] payload = bos.toByteArray();
            // send message STOP
  "Sending STOP message to install regency " + regency + " with " + (messages != null ? messages.size() : 0) + " request(s) to relay");
            LCMessage stop = new LCMessage(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), TOMUtil.STOP, regency, payload);
            // make replica re-transmit the stop message until a new regency is installed
            requestsTimer.setSTOP(regency, stop);
            communication.send(this.controller.getCurrentViewOtherAcceptors(), stop);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error("Could not deserialize STOP message", ex);
    if (this.controller.getStaticConf().isBFT()) {
        condition = lcManager.getStopsSize(nextReg) > (2 * this.controller.getCurrentViewF());
    } else {
        condition = lcManager.getStopsSize(nextReg) > this.controller.getCurrentViewF();
    // if (lcManager.getStopsSize(nextReg) > this.reconfManager.getQuorum2F() && lcManager.getNextReg() > lcManager.getLastReg()) {
    if (condition && lcManager.getNextReg() > lcManager.getLastReg()) {
        // stop consensus execution if more than f replicas sent a STOP message
        if (!execManager.stopped())
        logger.debug("Installing regency " + lcManager.getNextReg());
        // define last timestamp
        int regency = lcManager.getLastReg();
        // avoid memory leaks
        // int leader = regency % this.reconfManager.getCurrentViewN(); // new leader
        int leader = lcManager.getNewLeader();
        // cid to execute
        int in = tom.getInExec();
        // last cid decided
        int last = tom.getLastExec();
        // If I am not the leader, I have to send a STOPDATA message to the elected leader
        if (leader != this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId()) {
            try {
                // serialize content of the STOPDATA message
                bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
                Consensus cons = null;
                // content of the last decided CID
                if (last > -1)
                    cons = execManager.getConsensus(last);
                // Do I have info on my last executed consensus?
                if (cons != null && cons.getDecisionEpoch() != null && cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue != null) {
                    // byte[] decision = exec.getLearner().getDecision();
                    byte[] decision = cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue;
                    Set<ConsensusMessage> proof = cons.getDecisionEpoch().getProof();
                // TODO: WILL BE NECESSARY TO ADD A PROOF!!!
                } else {
                    // //// THIS IS TO CATCH A BUG!!!!!
                    if (last > -1) {
                        logger.debug("[DEBUG INFO FOR LAST CID #1]");
                        if (cons == null) {
                            if (last > -1)
                                logger.debug("No consensus instance for cid " + last);
                        } else if (cons.getDecisionEpoch() == null) {
                            logger.debug("No decision epoch for cid " + last);
                        } else {
                            logger.debug("epoch for cid: " + last + ": " + cons.getDecisionEpoch().toString());
                            if (cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue == null) {
                                logger.debug("No propose for cid " + last);
                            } else {
                                logger.debug("Propose hash for cid " + last + ": " + Base64.encodeBase64String(tom.computeHash(cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue)));
                if (in > -1) {
                    // content of cid in execution
                    cons = execManager.getConsensus(in);
                    // cons.incEts(); // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                    // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                    // int ets = cons.getEts();
                    // cons.createEpoch(ets, controller);
                    cons.createEpoch(regency, controller);
                    // Logger.println("(Synchronizer.startSynchronization) incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + ets);
                    logger.debug("Incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + regency);
                    TimestampValuePair quorumWrites;
                    if (cons.getQuorumWrites() != null) {
                        quorumWrites = cons.getQuorumWrites();
                    } else {
                        quorumWrites = new TimestampValuePair(0, new byte[0]);
                    HashSet<TimestampValuePair> writeSet = cons.getWriteSet();
                    // CollectData collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), in, ets, quorumWrites, writeSet);
                    CollectData collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), in, regency, quorumWrites, writeSet);
                    SignedObject signedCollect = tom.sign(collect);
                } else {
                    cons = execManager.getConsensus(last + 1);
                    // cons.incEts(); // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                    // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                    // int ets = cons.getEts();
                    // cons.createEpoch(ets, controller);
                    cons.createEpoch(regency, controller);
                    // Logger.println("(Synchronizer.startSynchronization) incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + ets);
                    logger.debug("Incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + regency);
                    // CollectData collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), last + 1, ets, new TimestampValuePair(0, new byte[0]), new HashSet<TimestampValuePair>());
                    CollectData collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), last + 1, regency, new TimestampValuePair(0, new byte[0]), new HashSet<TimestampValuePair>());
                    SignedObject signedCollect = tom.sign(collect);
                byte[] payload = bos.toByteArray();
                int[] b = new int[1];
                b[0] = leader;
      "Sending STOPDATA of regency " + regency);
                // send message SYNC to the new leader
                communication.send(b, new LCMessage(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), TOMUtil.STOPDATA, regency, payload));
            // TODO: Turn on timeout again?
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                logger.error("Could not deserialize STOPDATA message", ex);
            // the replica might have received a SYNC that was out of context at the time it was received, but now can be processed
            Set<LCMessage> sync = getOutOfContextLC(TOMUtil.SYNC, regency);
            logger.debug("Checking if there are out of context SYNC for regency " + regency);
            if (sync.size() > 0) {
      "Processing out of context SYNC for regency " + regency);
            } else {
      "No out of context SYNC for regency " + regency);
            for (LCMessage m : sync) {
                if (m.getSender() == execManager.getCurrentLeader()) {
                    processSYNC(m.getPayload(), regency);
                    // makes no sense to continue, since there is only one SYNC message
        } else {
            // If leader, I will store information that I would send in a SYNC message
            logger.debug("I'm the leader for this new regency");
            CertifiedDecision lastDec = null;
            CollectData collect = null;
            Consensus cons = null;
            // Content of the last decided CID
            if (last > -1)
                cons = execManager.getConsensus(last);
            // Do I have info on my last executed consensus?
            if (cons != null && cons.getDecisionEpoch() != null && cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue != null) {
                // byte[] decision = exec.getLearner().getDecision();
                byte[] decision = cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue;
                Set<ConsensusMessage> proof = cons.getDecisionEpoch().getProof();
                lastDec = new CertifiedDecision(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), last, decision, proof);
            } else {
                lastDec = new CertifiedDecision(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), last, null, null);
                // //// THIS IS TO CATCH A BUG!!!!!
                if (last > -1) {
                    logger.debug("[DEBUG INFO FOR LAST CID #2]");
                    if (cons == null) {
                        if (last > -1)
                            logger.debug("No consensus instance for cid " + last);
                    } else if (cons.getDecisionEpoch() == null) {
                        logger.debug("No decision epoch for cid " + last);
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("epoch for cid: " + last + ": " + cons.getDecisionEpoch().toString());
                    if (cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue == null) {
                        logger.debug("No propose for cid " + last);
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("Propose hash for cid " + last + ": " + Base64.encodeBase64String(tom.computeHash(cons.getDecisionEpoch().propValue)));
            lcManager.addLastCID(regency, lastDec);
            if (in > -1) {
                // content of cid being executed
                cons = execManager.getConsensus(in);
                // cons.incEts(); // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                // int ets = cons.getEts();
                // cons.createEpoch(ets, controller);
                cons.createEpoch(regency, controller);
                // Logger.println("(Synchronizer.startSynchronization) incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + ets);
                logger.debug("Incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + regency);
                TimestampValuePair quorumWrites;
                if (cons.getQuorumWrites() != null) {
                    quorumWrites = cons.getQuorumWrites();
                } else {
                    quorumWrites = new TimestampValuePair(0, new byte[0]);
                HashSet<TimestampValuePair> writeSet = cons.getWriteSet();
                // collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), in, ets, quorumWrites, writeSet);
                collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), in, regency, quorumWrites, writeSet);
            } else {
                cons = execManager.getConsensus(last + 1);
                // cons.incEts(); // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                // make the consensus advance to the next epoch
                // int ets = cons.getEts();
                // cons.createEpoch(ets, controller);
                cons.createEpoch(regency, controller);
                // Logger.println("startSynchronization) incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + ets);
                logger.debug("Incrementing ets of consensus " + cons.getId() + " to " + regency);
                // collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), last + 1, ets, new TimestampValuePair(0, new byte[0]), new HashSet<TimestampValuePair>());
                collect = new CollectData(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(), last + 1, regency, new TimestampValuePair(0, new byte[0]), new HashSet<TimestampValuePair>());
            SignedObject signedCollect = tom.sign(collect);
            lcManager.addCollect(regency, signedCollect);
            // the replica might have received STOPDATAs that were out of context at the time they were received, but now can be processed
            Set<LCMessage> stopdatas = getOutOfContextLC(TOMUtil.STOPDATA, regency);
            logger.debug("Checking if there are out of context STOPDATAs for regency " + regency);
            if (stopdatas.size() > 0) {
                logger.debug("Processing " + stopdatas.size() + " out of context STOPDATAs for regency " + regency);
            } else {
                logger.debug("No out of context STOPDATAs for regency " + regency);
            for (LCMessage m : stopdatas) {
                processSTOPDATA(m, regency);
Also used : TOMMessage(bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage) TimestampValuePair(bftsmart.consensus.TimestampValuePair) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( ObjectOutputStream( CollectData(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CollectData) Consensus(bftsmart.consensus.Consensus) LCMessage(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCMessage) ConsensusMessage(bftsmart.consensus.messages.ConsensusMessage) CertifiedDecision(bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision) SignedObject( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


CertifiedDecision (bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CertifiedDecision)18 ConsensusMessage (bftsmart.consensus.messages.ConsensusMessage)10 SignedObject ( TOMMessage (bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage)7 IOException ( Consensus (bftsmart.consensus.Consensus)4 Decision (bftsmart.consensus.Decision)4 LCMessage (bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.LCMessage)4 BatchBuilder (bftsmart.tom.util.BatchBuilder)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)4 ByteArrayOutputStream ( ObjectOutputStream ( Epoch (bftsmart.consensus.Epoch)2 TimestampValuePair (bftsmart.consensus.TimestampValuePair)2 View (bftsmart.reconfiguration.views.View)2 ApplicationState (bftsmart.statemanagement.ApplicationState)2 CollectData (bftsmart.tom.leaderchange.CollectData)2 CommandsInfo (bftsmart.tom.server.defaultservices.CommandsInfo)2