use of binnie.botany.api.genetics.IFlower in project Binnie by ForestryMC.
the class FarmableVanillaFlower method plantSaplingAt.
public boolean plantSaplingAt(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack germling, World world, BlockPos pos) {
IFlowerRoot flowerRoot = BotanyCore.getFlowerRoot();
IFlower flower = flowerRoot.getConversion(germling);
return flowerRoot.plant(world, pos, flower, player.getGameProfile());
use of binnie.botany.api.genetics.IFlower in project Binnie by ForestryMC.
the class FarmableFlower method plantSaplingAt.
public boolean plantSaplingAt(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack germling, World world, BlockPos pos) {
IFlowerRoot flowerRoot = BotanyCore.getFlowerRoot();
IFlower flower = flowerRoot.getMember(germling);
flowerRoot.plant(world, pos, flower, player.getGameProfile());
return true;
use of binnie.botany.api.genetics.IFlower in project Binnie by ForestryMC.
the class FarmableFlower method getCropAt.
public ICrop getCropAt(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState blockState) {
IFlower flower = null;
if (world.getTileEntity(pos) instanceof TileEntityFlower) {
flower = ((TileEntityFlower) world.getTileEntity(pos)).getFlower();
// TODO Look at TileEntityFlower::onShear logic
if (flower != null && flower.getAge() > 1) {
IFlowerRoot flowerRoot = BotanyCore.getFlowerRoot();
ItemStack mature = flowerRoot.getMemberStack(flower, EnumFlowerStage.FLOWER);
ItemStack seed = flowerRoot.getMemberStack(flower, EnumFlowerStage.SEED);
if (!mature.isEmpty() && !seed.isEmpty()) {
world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 2);
return new FlowerCrop(pos, mature, seed);
return null;
use of binnie.botany.api.genetics.IFlower in project Binnie by ForestryMC.
the class ItemFlowerGE method pollinateFlower.
private EnumActionResult pollinateFlower(World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack) {
IFlower flower = BotanyAPI.flowerRoot.getMember(stack);
TileEntity target = world.getTileEntity(pos);
if (!(target instanceof IPollinatable)) {
return EnumActionResult.PASS;
IPollinatable pollinatable = (IPollinatable) target;
if (!pollinatable.canMateWith(flower)) {
return EnumActionResult.FAIL;
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
return EnumActionResult.SUCCESS;
use of binnie.botany.api.genetics.IFlower in project Binnie by ForestryMC.
the class PageSpeciesFlowerGenome method onValueChanged.
public void onValueChanged(IAlleleSpecies species) {
IAllele[] template = BotanyAPI.flowerRoot.getTemplate(species.getUID());
if (template == null) {
IFlower flower = BotanyAPI.flowerRoot.templateAsIndividual(template);
IFlowerGenome genome = flower.getGenome();
IAlleleFlowerSpecies flowerSpecies = genome.getPrimary();
int w = 144;
int h = 176;
new ControlText(this, new Area(0, 4, w, 16), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".title"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_CENTER);
ControlScrollableContent scrollable = new ControlScrollableContent(this, 4, 20, w - 8, h - 8 - 16, 12);
Control contents = new Control(scrollable, 0, 0, w - 8 - 12, h - 8 - 16);
int tw = w - 8 - 12;
int w2 = 55;
int w3 = tw - 50;
int y = 0;
int th = 14;
int th2 = 18;
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y, w2, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".temp"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(w2, y, w3, th), flowerSpecies.getTemperature().getName(), TextJustification.MIDDLE_LEFT);
y += th;
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y, w2, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".moist"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(w2, y, w3, th), EnumHelper.getLocalisedName(flowerSpecies.getMoisture(), false), TextJustification.MIDDLE_LEFT);
y += th;
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y, w2, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".ph"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(w2, y, w3, th), EnumHelper.getLocalisedName(flowerSpecies.getPH(), false), TextJustification.MIDDLE_LEFT);
y += th;
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y, w2, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".fertility"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(w2, y, w3, th), genome.getFertility() + "x", TextJustification.MIDDLE_LEFT);
y += th;
float lifespan = genome.getLifespan() * 68.27f / genome.getAgeChance() / 24000.0f;
String lifespanValue = String.format("%.2f", lifespan);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y, w2, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".lifespan"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(w2, y, w3, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".lifespan.value", lifespanValue), TextJustification.MIDDLE_LEFT);
y += th;
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y, w2, th), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".nectar"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
new ControlText(contents, new Area(w2, y, w3, th), genome.getActiveAllele(EnumFlowerChromosome.SAPPINESS).getAlleleName(), TextJustification.MIDDLE_LEFT);
y += th;
int x = w2;
int tot = 0;
for (IIndividual vid : BotanyCore.getFlowerRoot().getIndividualTemplates()) {
if (vid.getGenome().getPrimary() == flowerSpecies) {
if (tot > 0 && tot % 3 == 0) {
x -= 54;
y += 18;
ItemStack stack = BotanyCore.getFlowerRoot().getMemberStack(vid, EnumFlowerStage.FLOWER);
ControlItemDisplay display = new ControlItemDisplay(contents, x, y);
x += 18;
int numOfLines = 1 + (tot - 1) / 3;
new ControlText(contents, new Area(0, y - (numOfLines - 1) * 18, w2, 4 + 18 * numOfLines), I18N.localise(DatabaseConstants.BOTANY_GENOME_KEY + ".varieties"), TextJustification.MIDDLE_RIGHT);
y += th;
contents.setSize(new Point(contents.getSize().xPos(), y));