use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetIntegrationTest method testSoftDeleteHappyPath.
public void testSoftDeleteHappyPath() throws Exception {
datasetId = ingestedDataset();
// get row ids
DatasetModel dataset = dataRepoFixtures.getDataset(steward(), datasetId);
BigQuery bigQuery = BigQueryFixtures.getBigQuery(dataset.getDataProject(), stewardToken);
List<String> participantRowIds = getRowIds(bigQuery, dataset, "participant", 3L);
List<String> sampleRowIds = getRowIds(bigQuery, dataset, "sample", 2L);
// write them to GCS
String participantPath = writeListToScratch("softDel", participantRowIds);
String samplePath = writeListToScratch("softDel", sampleRowIds);
// build the deletion request with pointers to the two files with row ids to soft delete
List<DataDeletionTableModel> dataDeletionTableModels = Arrays.asList(deletionTableFile("participant", participantPath), deletionTableFile("sample", samplePath));
DataDeletionRequest request = dataDeletionRequest().tables(dataDeletionTableModels);
// send off the soft delete request
dataRepoFixtures.deleteData(steward(), datasetId, request);
// make sure the new counts make sense
assertTableCount(bigQuery, dataset, "participant", 2L);
assertTableCount(bigQuery, dataset, "sample", 5L);
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DataDeletionStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext context) throws InterruptedException {
Dataset dataset = getDataset(context, datasetService);
String suffix = getSuffix(context);
DataDeletionRequest dataDeletionRequest = getRequest(context);
List<String> tableNames = dataDeletionRequest.getTables().stream().map(DataDeletionTableModel::getTableName).collect(Collectors.toList());
bigQueryPdao.validateDeleteRequest(dataset, dataDeletionRequest.getTables(), suffix);
while (!configService.testInsertFault(ConfigEnum.SOFT_DELETE_LOCK_CONFLICT_CONTINUE_FAULT)) {"Sleeping for CONTINUE FAULT");
bigQueryPdao.applySoftDeletes(dataset, tableNames, suffix);
// TODO: this can be more informative, something like # rows deleted per table, or mismatched row ids
DeleteResponseModel deleteResponseModel = new DeleteResponseModel().objectState(DeleteResponseModel.ObjectStateEnum.DELETED);
FlightUtils.setResponse(context, deleteResponseModel, HttpStatus.OK);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetConnectedTest method uploadInputFileAndBuildSoftDeleteRequest.
private DataDeletionRequest uploadInputFileAndBuildSoftDeleteRequest(String dirInCloud, String filenameInCloud, String tableName, List<String> softDeleteRowIds) throws Exception {
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
// load a CSV file that contains the table rows to soft delete into the test bucket
StringBuilder csvLines = new StringBuilder();
for (String softDeleteRowId : softDeleteRowIds) {
csvLines.append(softDeleteRowId + "\n");
BlobInfo softDeleteBlob = BlobInfo.newBuilder(testConfig.getIngestbucket(), dirInCloud + "/" + filenameInCloud).build();
storage.create(softDeleteBlob, csvLines.toString().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
String softDeleteInputFilePath = "gs://" + testConfig.getIngestbucket() + "/" + dirInCloud + "/" + filenameInCloud;
// make sure the JSON file gets cleaned up on test teardown
connectedOperations.addScratchFile(dirInCloud + "/" + filenameInCloud);
// build the soft delete request with a pointer to a file that contains the row ids to soft delete
DataDeletionGcsFileModel softDeleteGcsFileModel = new DataDeletionGcsFileModel().fileType(DataDeletionGcsFileModel.FileTypeEnum.CSV).path(softDeleteInputFilePath);
DataDeletionTableModel softDeleteTableModel = new DataDeletionTableModel().tableName(tableName).gcsFileSpec(softDeleteGcsFileModel);
DataDeletionRequest softDeleteRequest = new DataDeletionRequest().deleteType(DataDeletionRequest.DeleteTypeEnum.SOFT).specType(DataDeletionRequest.SpecTypeEnum.GCSFILE).tables(Arrays.asList(softDeleteTableModel));
return softDeleteRequest;
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetConnectedTest method testRepeatedSoftDelete.
public void testRepeatedSoftDelete() throws Exception {
// load a CSV file that contains the table rows to load into the test bucket
String resourceFileName = "snapshot-test-dataset-data.csv";
String dirInCloud = "scratch/testRepeatedSoftDelete/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
BlobInfo ingestTableBlob = BlobInfo.newBuilder(testConfig.getIngestbucket(), dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName).build();
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
storage.create(ingestTableBlob, IOUtils.toByteArray(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(resourceFileName)));
String tableIngestInputFilePath = "gs://" + testConfig.getIngestbucket() + "/" + dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName;
// ingest the table
String tableName = "thetable";
IngestRequestModel ingestRequest = new IngestRequestModel().table(tableName).format(IngestRequestModel.FormatEnum.CSV).csvSkipLeadingRows(1).path(tableIngestInputFilePath);
connectedOperations.ingestTableSuccess(summaryModel.getId(), ingestRequest);
// make sure the JSON file gets cleaned up on test teardown
connectedOperations.addScratchFile(dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName);
// load a CSV file that contains the table rows to soft delete into the test bucket
String softDeleteRowId = "8c52c63e-8d9f-4cfc-82d0-0f916b2404c1";
List<String> softDeleteRowIds = new ArrayList<>();
// add the same rowid twice
DataDeletionRequest softDeleteRequest = uploadInputFileAndBuildSoftDeleteRequest(dirInCloud, "testRepeatedSoftDelete.csv", tableName, softDeleteRowIds);
// make the soft delete request and wait for it to return
connectedOperations.softDeleteSuccess(summaryModel.getId(), softDeleteRequest);
// check that the size of the live table matches what we expect
List<String> liveTableRowIds1 = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), tableName);
assertEquals("Size of live table is 3", 3, liveTableRowIds1.size());
assertFalse("Soft deleted row id is not in live table", liveTableRowIds1.contains(softDeleteRowId));
// note: the soft delete table name is not exposed to end users, so to check that the state of the
// soft delete table is correct, I'm reaching into our internals to fetch the table name
Dataset internalDatasetObj = datasetDao.retrieve(UUID.fromString(summaryModel.getId()));
DatasetTable internalDatasetTableObj = internalDatasetObj.getTableByName(tableName).get();
String internalSoftDeleteTableName = internalDatasetTableObj.getSoftDeleteTableName();
// check that the size of the soft delete table matches what we expect
List<String> softDeleteRowIds1 = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), internalSoftDeleteTableName);
assertEquals("Size of soft delete table is 1", 1, softDeleteRowIds1.size());
assertTrue("Soft deleted row id is in soft delete table", softDeleteRowIds1.contains(softDeleteRowId));
// repeat the same soft delete request and wait for it to return
connectedOperations.softDeleteSuccess(summaryModel.getId(), softDeleteRequest);
// check that the size of the live table has not changed
List<String> liveTableRowIds2 = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), tableName);
assertEquals("Size of live table is still 3", 3, liveTableRowIds2.size());
assertFalse("Soft deleted row id is still not in live table", liveTableRowIds2.contains(softDeleteRowId));
// check that the size of the soft delete table has not changed
List<String> softDeleteRowIds2 = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), internalSoftDeleteTableName);
assertEquals("Size of soft delete table is still 1", 1, softDeleteRowIds2.size());
assertTrue("Soft deleted row id is still in soft delete table", softDeleteRowIds2.contains(softDeleteRowId));
// delete the dataset and check that it succeeds
// try to fetch the dataset again and confirm nothing is returned
connectedOperations.getDatasetExpectError(summaryModel.getId(), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetConnectedTest method testBadSoftDelete.
public void testBadSoftDelete() throws Exception {
// load a CSV file that contains the table rows to load into the test bucket
String resourceFileName = "snapshot-test-dataset-data.csv";
String dirInCloud = "scratch/testBadSoftDelete/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
BlobInfo ingestTableBlob = BlobInfo.newBuilder(testConfig.getIngestbucket(), dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName).build();
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
storage.create(ingestTableBlob, IOUtils.toByteArray(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(resourceFileName)));
String tableIngestInputFilePath = "gs://" + testConfig.getIngestbucket() + "/" + dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName;
// ingest the table
String tableName = "thetable";
IngestRequestModel ingestRequest = new IngestRequestModel().table(tableName).format(IngestRequestModel.FormatEnum.CSV).csvSkipLeadingRows(1).path(tableIngestInputFilePath);
connectedOperations.ingestTableSuccess(summaryModel.getId(), ingestRequest);
// make sure the JSON file gets cleaned up on test teardown
connectedOperations.addScratchFile(dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName);
// load a CSV file that contains the table rows to soft delete into the test bucket
String softDeleteBadRowId = "badrowid";
String softDeleteGoodRowId = "8c52c63e-8d9f-4cfc-82d0-0f916b2404c1";
List<String> softDeleteRowIds = new ArrayList<>();
DataDeletionRequest softDeleteRequest = uploadInputFileAndBuildSoftDeleteRequest(dirInCloud, "testBadSoftDelete.csv", tableName, softDeleteRowIds);
// make the soft delete request and wait for it to return
MvcResult softDeleteResult = connectedOperations.softDeleteRaw(summaryModel.getId(), softDeleteRequest);
MockHttpServletResponse softDeleteResponse = connectedOperations.validateJobModelAndWait(softDeleteResult);
assertEquals("soft delete of bad row id failed", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(), softDeleteResponse.getStatus());
// check that the size of the live table matches what we expect
List<String> liveTableRowIds = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), tableName);
assertEquals("Size of live table is 4", 4, liveTableRowIds.size());
assertFalse("Bad row id is not in live table", liveTableRowIds.contains(softDeleteBadRowId));
assertTrue("Good row id is in live table", liveTableRowIds.contains(softDeleteGoodRowId));
// note: the soft delete table name is not exposed to end users, so to check that the state of the
// soft delete table is correct, I'm reaching into our internals to fetch the table name
Dataset internalDatasetObj = datasetDao.retrieve(UUID.fromString(summaryModel.getId()));
DatasetTable internalDatasetTableObj = internalDatasetObj.getTableByName(tableName).get();
String internalSoftDeleteTableName = internalDatasetTableObj.getSoftDeleteTableName();
// check that the size of the soft delete table matches what we expect
List<String> softDeleteRowIdsFromBQ = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), internalSoftDeleteTableName);
assertEquals("Size of soft delete table is 0", 0, softDeleteRowIdsFromBQ.size());
assertFalse("Bad row id is not in soft delete table", softDeleteRowIdsFromBQ.contains(softDeleteBadRowId));
assertFalse("Good row id is not in soft delete table", softDeleteRowIdsFromBQ.contains(softDeleteGoodRowId));
// delete the dataset and check that it succeeds
// try to fetch the dataset again and confirm nothing is returned
connectedOperations.getDatasetExpectError(summaryModel.getId(), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);