use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DataDeletionRequestValidator method validate.
public void validate(@NotNull Object target, Errors errors) {
if (target instanceof DataDeletionRequest) {
DataDeletionRequest dataDeletionRequest = (DataDeletionRequest) target;
dataDeletionRequest.getTables().forEach(table -> validateFileSpec(table, errors));
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class CreateExternalTablesStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext context) throws InterruptedException {
Dataset dataset = getDataset(context, datasetService);
String suffix = getSuffix(context);
DataDeletionRequest dataDeletionRequest = getRequest(context);
validateTablesExistInDataset(dataDeletionRequest, dataset);
for (DataDeletionTableModel table : dataDeletionRequest.getTables()) {
String path = table.getGcsFileSpec().getPath();
// let any exception here trigger an undo, no use trying to continue
bigQueryPdao.createSoftDeleteExternalTable(dataset, path, table.getTableName(), suffix);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DropExternalTablesStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext context) throws InterruptedException {
Dataset dataset = getDataset(context, datasetService);
String suffix = getSuffix(context);
DataDeletionRequest dataDeletionRequest = getRequest(context);
for (DataDeletionTableModel table : dataDeletionRequest.getTables()) {
bigQueryPdao.deleteSoftDeleteExternalTable(dataset, table.getTableName(), suffix);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetConnectedTest method testConcurrentSoftDeletes.
public void testConcurrentSoftDeletes() throws Exception {
// load a CSV file that contains the table rows to load into the test bucket
String resourceFileName = "snapshot-test-dataset-data.csv";
String dirInCloud = "scratch/testConcurrentSoftDeletes/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
BlobInfo ingestTableBlob = BlobInfo.newBuilder(testConfig.getIngestbucket(), dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName).build();
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
storage.create(ingestTableBlob, IOUtils.toByteArray(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(resourceFileName)));
String tableIngestInputFilePath = "gs://" + testConfig.getIngestbucket() + "/" + dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName;
// ingest the table
String tableName = "thetable";
IngestRequestModel ingestRequest = new IngestRequestModel().table(tableName).format(IngestRequestModel.FormatEnum.CSV).csvSkipLeadingRows(1).path(tableIngestInputFilePath);
connectedOperations.ingestTableSuccess(summaryModel.getId(), ingestRequest);
// make sure the JSON file gets cleaned up on test teardown
connectedOperations.addScratchFile(dirInCloud + "/" + resourceFileName);
// load CSV file #1 that contains the table rows to soft delete into the test bucket
String softDeleteRowId1 = "8c52c63e-8d9f-4cfc-82d0-0f916b2404c1";
DataDeletionRequest softDeleteRequest1 = uploadInputFileAndBuildSoftDeleteRequest(dirInCloud, "testConcurrentSoftDeletes1.csv", tableName, Collections.singletonList(softDeleteRowId1));
// load CSV file #1 that contains the table rows to soft delete into the test bucket
String softDeleteRowId2 = "13ae488a-e33f-4ee6-ba30-c1fca4d96b63";
DataDeletionRequest softDeleteRequest2 = uploadInputFileAndBuildSoftDeleteRequest(dirInCloud, "testConcurrentSoftDeletes2.csv", tableName, Collections.singletonList(softDeleteRowId2));
// NO ASSERTS inside the block below where hang is enabled to reduce chance of failing before disabling the hang
// ====================================================
// enable hang in DataDeletionStep
configService.setFault(, true);
// kick off the first soft delete request, it should hang just before updating the soft delete table
MvcResult softDeleteResult1 = connectedOperations.softDeleteRaw(summaryModel.getId(), softDeleteRequest1);
// give the flight time to launch
// check that the dataset metadata row has a shared lock
// note: asserts are below outside the hang block
UUID datasetId = UUID.fromString(summaryModel.getId());
String exclusiveLock1 = datasetDao.getExclusiveLock(datasetId);
String[] sharedLocks1 = datasetDao.getSharedLocks(datasetId);
// kick off the second soft delete request, it should also hang just before updating the soft delete table
MvcResult softDeleteResult2 = connectedOperations.softDeleteRaw(summaryModel.getId(), softDeleteRequest2);
// give the flight time to launch
// check that the dataset metadata row has two shared locks
// note: asserts are below outside the hang block
String exclusiveLock2 = datasetDao.getExclusiveLock(datasetId);
String[] sharedLocks2 = datasetDao.getSharedLocks(datasetId);
// disable hang in DataDeletionStep
configService.setFault(, true);
// ====================================================
// check that the dataset metadata row has a shared lock after the first soft delete request was kicked off
assertNull("dataset row has no exclusive lock", exclusiveLock1);
assertEquals("dataset row has one shared lock", 1, sharedLocks1.length);
// check that the dataset metadata row has two shared locks after the second soft delete request was kicked off
assertNull("dataset row has no exclusive lock", exclusiveLock2);
assertEquals("dataset row has two shared locks", 2, sharedLocks2.length);
// wait for the first soft delete to finish and check it succeeded
MockHttpServletResponse softDeleteResponse1 = connectedOperations.validateJobModelAndWait(softDeleteResult1);
connectedOperations.handleSuccessCase(softDeleteResponse1, DeleteResponseModel.class);
// wait for the second soft delete to finish and check it succeeded
MockHttpServletResponse softDeleteResponse2 = connectedOperations.validateJobModelAndWait(softDeleteResult2);
connectedOperations.handleSuccessCase(softDeleteResponse2, DeleteResponseModel.class);
// check that the size of the live table matches what we expect
List<String> liveTableRowIds = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), tableName);
assertEquals("Size of live table is 2", 2, liveTableRowIds.size());
assertFalse("Soft deleted row id #1 is not in live table", liveTableRowIds.contains(softDeleteRowId1));
assertFalse("Soft deleted row id #2 is not in live table", liveTableRowIds.contains(softDeleteRowId2));
// note: the soft delete table name is not exposed to end users, so to check that the state of the
// soft delete table is correct, I'm reaching into our internals to fetch the table name
Dataset internalDatasetObj = datasetDao.retrieve(UUID.fromString(summaryModel.getId()));
DatasetTable internalDatasetTableObj = internalDatasetObj.getTableByName(tableName).get();
String internalSoftDeleteTableName = internalDatasetTableObj.getSoftDeleteTableName();
// check that the size of the soft delete table matches what we expect
List<String> softDeleteRowIds = getRowIdsFromBQTable(summaryModel.getName(), internalSoftDeleteTableName);
assertEquals("Size of soft delete table is 2", 2, softDeleteRowIds.size());
assertTrue("Soft deleted row id #1 is in soft delete table", softDeleteRowIds.contains(softDeleteRowId1));
assertTrue("Soft deleted row id #2 is in soft delete table", softDeleteRowIds.contains(softDeleteRowId2));
// delete the dataset and check that it succeeds
// try to fetch the dataset again and confirm nothing is returned
connectedOperations.getDatasetExpectError(summaryModel.getId(), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionRequest in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetIntegrationTest method wildcardSoftDelete.
public void wildcardSoftDelete() throws Exception {
datasetId = ingestedDataset();
String pathPrefix = "softDelWildcard" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// get 5 row ids, we'll write them out to 5 separate files
DatasetModel dataset = dataRepoFixtures.getDataset(steward(), datasetId);
BigQuery bigQuery = BigQueryFixtures.getBigQuery(dataset.getDataProject(), stewardToken);
List<String> sampleRowIds = getRowIds(bigQuery, dataset, "sample", 5L);
for (String rowId : sampleRowIds) {
writeListToScratch(pathPrefix, Collections.singletonList(rowId));
// make a wildcard path 'gs://ingestbucket/softDelWildcard/*'
String wildcardPath = String.format("gs://%s/scratch/%s/*", testConfiguration.getIngestbucket(), pathPrefix);
// build a request and send it off
DataDeletionRequest request = dataDeletionRequest().tables(Collections.singletonList(deletionTableFile("sample", wildcardPath)));
dataRepoFixtures.deleteData(steward(), datasetId, request);
// there should be (7 - 5) = 2 rows "visible" in the sample table
assertTableCount(bigQuery, dataset, "sample", 2L);