use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionTableModel in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class CreateExternalTablesStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext context) throws InterruptedException {
Dataset dataset = getDataset(context, datasetService);
String suffix = getSuffix(context);
DataDeletionRequest dataDeletionRequest = getRequest(context);
validateTablesExistInDataset(dataDeletionRequest, dataset);
for (DataDeletionTableModel table : dataDeletionRequest.getTables()) {
String path = table.getGcsFileSpec().getPath();
// let any exception here trigger an undo, no use trying to continue
bigQueryPdao.createSoftDeleteExternalTable(dataset, path, table.getTableName(), suffix);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionTableModel in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class CreateExternalTablesStep method undoStep.
public StepResult undoStep(FlightContext context) {
Dataset dataset = getDataset(context, datasetService);
String suffix = getSuffix(context);
for (DataDeletionTableModel table : getRequest(context).getTables()) {
try {
bigQueryPdao.deleteSoftDeleteExternalTable(dataset, table.getTableName(), suffix);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// catch any exception and get it into the log, make a
String msg = String.format("Couldn't clean up external table for %s from dataset %s w/ suffix %s", table.getTableName(), dataset.getName(), suffix);
logger.warn(msg, ex);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionTableModel in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DropExternalTablesStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext context) throws InterruptedException {
Dataset dataset = getDataset(context, datasetService);
String suffix = getSuffix(context);
DataDeletionRequest dataDeletionRequest = getRequest(context);
for (DataDeletionTableModel table : dataDeletionRequest.getTables()) {
bigQueryPdao.deleteSoftDeleteExternalTable(dataset, table.getTableName(), suffix);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionTableModel in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class BigQueryPdao method validateDeleteRequest.
* Goes through each of the provided tables and checks to see if the proposed row ids to soft delete exist in the
* raw dataset table. This will error out on the first sign of mismatch.
* @param dataset dataset repo concept object
* @param tables list of table specs from the DataDeletionRequest
* @param suffix a string added onto the end of the external table to prevent collisions
public void validateDeleteRequest(Dataset dataset, List<DataDeletionTableModel> tables, String suffix) throws InterruptedException {
BigQueryProject bigQueryProject = bigQueryProjectForDataset(dataset);
for (DataDeletionTableModel table : tables) {
String tableName = table.getTableName();
String rawTableName = dataset.getTableByName(tableName).get().getRawTableName();
String sql = new ST(validateSoftDeleteTemplate).add("rowId", PDAO_ROW_ID_COLUMN).add("project", bigQueryProject.getProjectId()).add("dataset", prefixName(dataset.getName())).add("softDeleteExtTable", externalTableName(tableName, suffix)).add("rawTable", rawTableName).render();
TableResult result = bigQueryProject.query(sql);
long numMismatched = getSingleLongValue(result);
// shortcut out early, no use wasting more compute
if (numMismatched > 0) {
throw new MismatchedRowIdException(String.format("Could not match %s row ids for table %s", numMismatched, tableName));
use of bio.terra.model.DataDeletionTableModel in project jade-data-repo by DataBiosphere.
the class DatasetIntegrationTest method testSoftDeleteHappyPath.
public void testSoftDeleteHappyPath() throws Exception {
datasetId = ingestedDataset();
// get row ids
DatasetModel dataset = dataRepoFixtures.getDataset(steward(), datasetId);
BigQuery bigQuery = BigQueryFixtures.getBigQuery(dataset.getDataProject(), stewardToken);
List<String> participantRowIds = getRowIds(bigQuery, dataset, "participant", 3L);
List<String> sampleRowIds = getRowIds(bigQuery, dataset, "sample", 2L);
// write them to GCS
String participantPath = writeListToScratch("softDel", participantRowIds);
String samplePath = writeListToScratch("softDel", sampleRowIds);
// build the deletion request with pointers to the two files with row ids to soft delete
List<DataDeletionTableModel> dataDeletionTableModels = Arrays.asList(deletionTableFile("participant", participantPath), deletionTableFile("sample", samplePath));
DataDeletionRequest request = dataDeletionRequest().tables(dataDeletionTableModels);
// send off the soft delete request
dataRepoFixtures.deleteData(steward(), datasetId, request);
// make sure the new counts make sense
assertTableCount(bigQuery, dataset, "participant", 2L);
assertTableCount(bigQuery, dataset, "sample", 5L);