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Example 1 with RawTransactionInput

use of in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class SellerAsTakerSignAndPublishDepositTx method run.

protected void run() {
    try {
        log.debug("\n\n------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "Contract as json\n" + trade.getContractAsJson() + "\n------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        byte[] contractHash = Hash.getSha256Hash(trade.getContractAsJson());
        List<RawTransactionInput> sellerInputs = checkNotNull(processModel.getRawTransactionInputs(), "sellerInputs must not be null");
        BtcWalletService walletService = processModel.getBtcWalletService();
        String id = processModel.getOffer().getId();
        Optional<AddressEntry> addressEntryOptional = walletService.getAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.MULTI_SIG);
        checkArgument(addressEntryOptional.isPresent(), "addressEntryOptional must be present");
        AddressEntry sellerMultiSigAddressEntry = addressEntryOptional.get();
        byte[] sellerMultiSigPubKey = processModel.getMyMultiSigPubKey();
        checkArgument(Arrays.equals(sellerMultiSigPubKey, sellerMultiSigAddressEntry.getPubKey()), "sellerMultiSigPubKey from AddressEntry must match the one from the trade data. trade id =" + id);
        Coin sellerInput = Coin.valueOf( -> input.value).sum());
        TradingPeer tradingPeer = processModel.getTradingPeer();
        Transaction depositTx = processModel.getTradeWalletService().takerSignsAndPublishesDepositTx(true, contractHash, processModel.getPreparedDepositTx(), tradingPeer.getRawTransactionInputs(), sellerInputs, tradingPeer.getMultiSigPubKey(), sellerMultiSigPubKey, trade.getArbitratorBtcPubKey(), new FutureCallback<Transaction>() {

            public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {
                if (!completed) {
                    log.trace("takerSignAndPublishTx succeeded " + transaction);
                    walletService.swapTradeEntryToAvailableEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.RESERVED_FOR_TRADE);
                } else {
                    log.warn("We got the onSuccess callback called after the timeout has been triggered a complete().");

            public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable t) {
                if (!completed) {
                } else {
                    log.warn("We got the onFailure callback called after the timeout has been triggered a complete().");
        // We set the deposit tx in case we get the onFailure called.
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        final Contract contract = trade.getContract();
        if (contract != null)
Also used : AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) RawTransactionInput( Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) TradingPeer( Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) BtcWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService) Contract(

Example 2 with RawTransactionInput

use of in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class BuyerAsMakerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx method run.

protected void run() {
    try {
        checkNotNull(trade.getTradeAmount(), "trade.getTradeAmount() must not be null");
        BtcWalletService walletService = processModel.getBtcWalletService();
        String id = processModel.getOffer().getId();
        TradingPeer tradingPeer = processModel.getTradingPeer();
        final Offer offer = trade.getOffer();
        // params
        final boolean makerIsBuyer = true;
        final byte[] contractHash = Hash.getSha256Hash(trade.getContractAsJson());
        log.debug("\n\n------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "Contract as json\n" + trade.getContractAsJson() + "\n------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        final Coin makerInputAmount = offer.getBuyerSecurityDeposit();
        Optional<AddressEntry> addressEntryOptional = walletService.getAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.MULTI_SIG);
        checkArgument(addressEntryOptional.isPresent(), "addressEntryOptional must be present");
        AddressEntry makerMultiSigAddressEntry = addressEntryOptional.get();
        final Coin msOutputAmount = makerInputAmount.add(trade.getTxFee()).add(offer.getSellerSecurityDeposit()).add(trade.getTradeAmount());
        final List<RawTransactionInput> takerRawTransactionInputs = tradingPeer.getRawTransactionInputs();
        final long takerChangeOutputValue = tradingPeer.getChangeOutputValue();
        final String takerChangeAddressString = tradingPeer.getChangeOutputAddress();
        final Address makerAddress = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(id, AddressEntry.Context.RESERVED_FOR_TRADE).getAddress();
        final Address makerChangeAddress = walletService.getOrCreateAddressEntry(AddressEntry.Context.AVAILABLE).getAddress();
        final byte[] buyerPubKey = processModel.getMyMultiSigPubKey();
        checkArgument(Arrays.equals(buyerPubKey, makerMultiSigAddressEntry.getPubKey()), "buyerPubKey from AddressEntry must match the one from the trade data. trade id =" + id);
        final byte[] sellerPubKey = tradingPeer.getMultiSigPubKey();
        final byte[] arbitratorBtcPubKey = trade.getArbitratorBtcPubKey();
        PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs result = processModel.getTradeWalletService().makerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx(makerIsBuyer, contractHash, makerInputAmount, msOutputAmount, takerRawTransactionInputs, takerChangeOutputValue, takerChangeAddressString, makerAddress, makerChangeAddress, buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, arbitratorBtcPubKey);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) RawTransactionInput( Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) TradingPeer( BtcWalletService(bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService) Offer(bisq.core.offer.Offer) PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs(

Example 3 with RawTransactionInput

use of in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class TradeWalletService method takerCreatesDepositsTxInputs.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Trade
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// We construct the deposit transaction in the way that the buyer is always the first entry (inputs, outputs, MS keys) and then the seller.
// In the creation of the deposit tx the taker/maker roles are the determining roles instead of buyer/seller.
// In the payout tx is is the buyer/seller role. We keep the buyer/seller ordering over all transactions to not get confusion with ordering,
// which is important to follow correctly specially for the order of the MS keys.
 * The taker creates a dummy transaction to get the input(s) and optional change output for the amount and the takersAddress for that trade.
 * That will be used to send to the maker for creating the deposit transaction.
 * @param inputAmount   Amount of takers input
 * @param txFee         Mining fee
 * @param takersAddress Address of taker
 * @return A data container holding the inputs, the output value and address
 * @throws TransactionVerificationException
 * @throws WalletException
public InputsAndChangeOutput takerCreatesDepositsTxInputs(Coin inputAmount, Coin txFee, Address takersAddress, Address takersChangeAddress) throws TransactionVerificationException, WalletException {
    log.debug("takerCreatesDepositsTxInputs called");
    log.debug("inputAmount " + inputAmount.toFriendlyString());
    log.debug("txFee " + txFee.toFriendlyString());
    log.debug("takersAddress " + takersAddress.toString());
    // We add the mining fee 2 times to the deposit tx:
    // 1. Will be spent when publishing the deposit tx (paid by buyer)
    // 2. Will be added to the MS amount, so when publishing the payout tx the fee is already there and the outputs are not changed by fee reduction
    // The fee for the payout will be paid by the seller.
         The tx we create has that structure:

         IN[0]  any input > inputAmount (including tx fee) (unsigned)
         IN[1...n] optional inputs supported, but normally there is just 1 input (unsigned)
         OUT[0] dummyOutputAmount (inputAmount - tx fee)
         OUT[1] Optional Change = inputAmount - dummyOutputAmount - tx fee

         We are only interested in the inputs and the optional change output.
    // inputAmount includes the tx fee. So we subtract the fee to get the dummyOutputAmount.
    Coin dummyOutputAmount = inputAmount.subtract(txFee);
    Transaction dummyTX = new Transaction(params);
    // The output is just used to get the right inputs and change outputs, so we use an anonymous ECKey, as it will never be used for anything.
    // We don't care about fee calculation differences between the real tx and that dummy tx as we use a static tx fee.
    TransactionOutput dummyOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, dummyTX, dummyOutputAmount, new ECKey().toAddress(params));
    // Find the needed inputs to pay the output, optionally add 1 change output.
    // Normally only 1 input and no change output is used, but we support multiple inputs and 1 change output.
    // Our spending transaction output is from the create offer fee payment.
    addAvailableInputsAndChangeOutputs(dummyTX, takersAddress, takersChangeAddress, txFee);
    // The completeTx() call signs the input, but we don't want to pass over signed tx inputs so we remove the signature
    // WalletService.printTx("dummyTX", dummyTX);
    List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputList = dummyTX.getInputs().stream().map(e -> {
        checkNotNull(e.getConnectedOutput(), "e.getConnectedOutput() must not be null");
        checkNotNull(e.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction(), "e.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction() must not be null");
        checkNotNull(e.getValue(), "e.getValue() must not be null");
        return getRawInputFromTransactionInput(e);
    // We don't support more then 1 change outputs, so there are max. 2 outputs
    checkArgument(dummyTX.getOutputs().size() < 3);
    // Only interested in optional change output, the dummy output at index 0 is ignored (that's why we use index 1)
    TransactionOutput changeOutput = dummyTX.getOutputs().size() == 2 ? dummyTX.getOutputs().get(1) : null;
    long changeOutputValue = 0L;
    String changeOutputAddress = null;
    if (changeOutput != null) {
        changeOutputValue = changeOutput.getValue().getValue();
        Address addressFromP2PKHScript = changeOutput.getAddressFromP2PKHScript(params);
        checkNotNull(addressFromP2PKHScript, "changeOutput.getAddressFromP2PKHScript(params) must not be null");
        changeOutputAddress = addressFromP2PKHScript.toString();
    return new InputsAndChangeOutput(new ArrayList<>(rawTransactionInputList), changeOutputValue, changeOutputAddress);
Also used : Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) TransactionConfidence(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence) Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) Wallet(org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Inject(javax.inject.Inject) NetworkParameters(org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters) Preconditions.checkArgument( TransactionSignature(org.bitcoinj.crypto.TransactionSignature) TransactionVerificationException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.TransactionVerificationException) VerificationException(org.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException) ImmutableList( Res(bisq.core.locale.Res) SendRequest(org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest) KeyParameter(org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter) Sha256Hash(org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash) DeterministicKey(org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey) Context(org.bitcoinj.core.Context) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) ScriptBuilder(org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder) PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs( AddressFormatException(org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException) WalletException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException) TransactionOutPoint(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint) RawTransactionInput( SigningException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.SigningException) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Utils(org.bitcoinj.core.Utils) Preconditions.checkNotNull( Log( BisqEnvironment( InputsAndChangeOutput( InsufficientMoneyException(org.bitcoinj.core.InsufficientMoneyException) Collectors( FutureCallback( ECKey(org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey) List(java.util.List) Script(org.bitcoinj.script.Script) AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) TransactionInput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput) TransactionOutput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput) Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) TransactionOutput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput) Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) RawTransactionInput( InputsAndChangeOutput( ECKey(org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey)

Example 4 with RawTransactionInput

use of in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class TradeWalletService method makerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx.

 * The maker creates the deposit transaction using the takers input(s) and optional output and signs his input(s).
 * @param makerIsBuyer              The flag indicating if we are in the maker as buyer role or the opposite.
 * @param contractHash              The hash of the contract to be added to the OP_RETURN output.
 * @param makerInputAmount          The input amount of the maker.
 * @param msOutputAmount            The output amount to our MS output.
 * @param takerRawTransactionInputs Raw data for the connected outputs for all inputs of the taker (normally 1 input)
 * @param takerChangeOutputValue    Optional taker change output value
 * @param takerChangeAddressString  Optional taker change address
 * @param makerAddress              The maker's address.
 * @param makerChangeAddress        The maker's change address.
 * @param buyerPubKey               The public key of the buyer.
 * @param sellerPubKey              The public key of the seller.
 * @param arbitratorPubKey          The public key of the arbitrator.
 * @return A data container holding the serialized transaction and the maker raw inputs
 * @throws SigningException
 * @throws TransactionVerificationException
 * @throws WalletException
public PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs makerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx(boolean makerIsBuyer, byte[] contractHash, Coin makerInputAmount, Coin msOutputAmount, List<RawTransactionInput> takerRawTransactionInputs, long takerChangeOutputValue, @Nullable String takerChangeAddressString, Address makerAddress, Address makerChangeAddress, byte[] buyerPubKey, byte[] sellerPubKey, byte[] arbitratorPubKey) throws SigningException, TransactionVerificationException, WalletException, AddressFormatException {
    log.debug("makerCreatesAndSignsDepositTx called");
    log.debug("makerIsBuyer " + makerIsBuyer);
    log.debug("makerInputAmount " + makerInputAmount.toFriendlyString());
    log.debug("msOutputAmount " + msOutputAmount.toFriendlyString());
    log.debug("takerRawInputs " + takerRawTransactionInputs.toString());
    log.debug("takerChangeOutputValue " + takerChangeOutputValue);
    log.debug("takerChangeAddressString " + takerChangeAddressString);
    log.debug("makerAddress " + makerAddress);
    log.debug("makerChangeAddress " + makerChangeAddress);
    log.debug("buyerPubKey " + ECKey.fromPublicOnly(buyerPubKey).toString());
    log.debug("sellerPubKey " + ECKey.fromPublicOnly(sellerPubKey).toString());
    log.debug("arbitratorPubKey " + ECKey.fromPublicOnly(arbitratorPubKey).toString());
    // First we construct a dummy TX to get the inputs and outputs we want to use for the real deposit tx.
    // Similar to the way we did in the createTakerDepositTxInputs method.
    Transaction dummyTx = new Transaction(params);
    TransactionOutput dummyOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, dummyTx, makerInputAmount, new ECKey().toAddress(params));
    addAvailableInputsAndChangeOutputs(dummyTx, makerAddress, makerChangeAddress, Coin.ZERO);
    // Normally we have only 1 input but we support multiple inputs if the user has paid in with several transactions.
    List<TransactionInput> makerInputs = dummyTx.getInputs();
    TransactionOutput makerOutput = null;
    // We don't support more then 1 optional change output
    checkArgument(dummyTx.getOutputs().size() < 3, "dummyTx.getOutputs().size() >= 3");
    // Only save change outputs, the dummy output is ignored (that's why we start with index 1)
    if (dummyTx.getOutputs().size() > 1)
        makerOutput = dummyTx.getOutput(1);
    // Now we construct the real deposit tx
    Transaction preparedDepositTx = new Transaction(params);
    ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> makerRawTransactionInputs = new ArrayList<>();
    if (makerIsBuyer) {
        // Add buyer inputs
        for (TransactionInput input : makerInputs) {
        // the sellers input is not signed so we attach empty script bytes
        for (RawTransactionInput rawTransactionInput : takerRawTransactionInputs) preparedDepositTx.addInput(getTransactionInput(preparedDepositTx, new byte[] {}, rawTransactionInput));
    } else {
        // the sellers input is not signed so we attach empty script bytes
        for (RawTransactionInput rawTransactionInput : takerRawTransactionInputs) preparedDepositTx.addInput(getTransactionInput(preparedDepositTx, new byte[] {}, rawTransactionInput));
        // Add seller inputs
        for (TransactionInput input : makerInputs) {
    // Add MultiSig output
    Script p2SHMultiSigOutputScript = getP2SHMultiSigOutputScript(buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, arbitratorPubKey);
    // Tx fee for deposit tx will be paid by buyer.
    TransactionOutput p2SHMultiSigOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, preparedDepositTx, msOutputAmount, p2SHMultiSigOutputScript.getProgram());
    // We add the hash ot OP_RETURN with a 0 amount output
    TransactionOutput contractHashOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, preparedDepositTx, Coin.ZERO, ScriptBuilder.createOpReturnScript(contractHash).getProgram());
    TransactionOutput takerTransactionOutput = null;
    if (takerChangeOutputValue > 0 && takerChangeAddressString != null)
        takerTransactionOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, preparedDepositTx, Coin.valueOf(takerChangeOutputValue), Address.fromBase58(params, takerChangeAddressString));
    if (makerIsBuyer) {
        // Add optional buyer outputs
        if (makerOutput != null)
        // Add optional seller outputs
        if (takerTransactionOutput != null)
    } else {
        // Add optional seller outputs
        if (takerTransactionOutput != null)
        // Add optional buyer outputs
        if (makerOutput != null)
    // Sign inputs
    int start = makerIsBuyer ? 0 : takerRawTransactionInputs.size();
    int end = makerIsBuyer ? makerInputs.size() : preparedDepositTx.getInputs().size();
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
        TransactionInput input = preparedDepositTx.getInput(i);
        signInput(preparedDepositTx, input, i);
        WalletService.checkScriptSig(preparedDepositTx, input, i);
    WalletService.printTx("prepared depositTx", preparedDepositTx);
    return new PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs(makerRawTransactionInputs, preparedDepositTx.bitcoinSerialize());
Also used : Script(org.bitcoinj.script.Script) TransactionOutput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput) Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) RawTransactionInput( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ECKey(org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey) RawTransactionInput( TransactionInput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput) TransactionOutPoint(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint) PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs(

Example 5 with RawTransactionInput

use of in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class TradeWalletService method takerSignsAndPublishesDepositTx.

 * The taker signs the deposit transaction he received from the maker and publishes it.
 * @param takerIsSeller             The flag indicating if we are in the taker as seller role or the opposite.
 * @param contractHash              The hash of the contract to be added to the OP_RETURN output.
 * @param makersDepositTxSerialized The prepared deposit transaction signed by the maker.
 * @param buyerInputs               The connected outputs for all inputs of the buyer.
 * @param sellerInputs              The connected outputs for all inputs of the seller.
 * @param buyerPubKey               The public key of the buyer.
 * @param sellerPubKey              The public key of the seller.
 * @param arbitratorPubKey          The public key of the arbitrator.
 * @param callback                  Callback when transaction is broadcasted.
 * @throws SigningException
 * @throws TransactionVerificationException
 * @throws WalletException
public Transaction takerSignsAndPublishesDepositTx(boolean takerIsSeller, byte[] contractHash, byte[] makersDepositTxSerialized, List<RawTransactionInput> buyerInputs, List<RawTransactionInput> sellerInputs, byte[] buyerPubKey, byte[] sellerPubKey, byte[] arbitratorPubKey, FutureCallback<Transaction> callback) throws SigningException, TransactionVerificationException, WalletException {
    Transaction makersDepositTx = new Transaction(params, makersDepositTxSerialized);
    log.debug("signAndPublishDepositTx called");
    log.debug("takerIsSeller " + takerIsSeller);
    log.debug("makersDepositTx " + makersDepositTx.toString());
    log.debug("buyerConnectedOutputsForAllInputs " + buyerInputs.toString());
    log.debug("sellerConnectedOutputsForAllInputs " + sellerInputs.toString());
    log.debug("buyerPubKey " + ECKey.fromPublicOnly(buyerPubKey).toString());
    log.debug("sellerPubKey " + ECKey.fromPublicOnly(sellerPubKey).toString());
    log.debug("arbitratorPubKey " + ECKey.fromPublicOnly(arbitratorPubKey).toString());
    // Check if maker's Multisig script is identical to the takers
    Script p2SHMultiSigOutputScript = getP2SHMultiSigOutputScript(buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, arbitratorPubKey);
    if (!makersDepositTx.getOutput(0).getScriptPubKey().equals(p2SHMultiSigOutputScript))
        throw new TransactionVerificationException("Maker's p2SHMultiSigOutputScript does not match to takers p2SHMultiSigOutputScript");
    // The outpoints are not available from the serialized makersDepositTx, so we cannot use that tx directly, but we use it to construct a new
    // depositTx
    Transaction depositTx = new Transaction(params);
    if (takerIsSeller) {
        // We grab the signature from the makersDepositTx and apply it to the new tx input
        for (int i = 0; i < buyerInputs.size(); i++) depositTx.addInput(getTransactionInput(depositTx, getScriptProgram(makersDepositTx, i), buyerInputs.get(i)));
        // Add seller inputs
        for (RawTransactionInput rawTransactionInput : sellerInputs) depositTx.addInput(getTransactionInput(depositTx, new byte[] {}, rawTransactionInput));
    } else {
        // Add buyer inputs and apply signature
        for (RawTransactionInput rawTransactionInput : buyerInputs) depositTx.addInput(getTransactionInput(depositTx, new byte[] {}, rawTransactionInput));
        // We grab the signature from the makersDepositTx and apply it to the new tx input
        for (int i = buyerInputs.size(), k = 0; i < makersDepositTx.getInputs().size(); i++, k++) depositTx.addInput(getTransactionInput(depositTx, getScriptProgram(makersDepositTx, i), sellerInputs.get(k)));
    // Check if OP_RETURN output with contract hash matches the one from the maker
    TransactionOutput contractHashOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, makersDepositTx, Coin.ZERO, ScriptBuilder.createOpReturnScript(contractHash).getProgram());
    log.debug("contractHashOutput " + contractHashOutput);
    TransactionOutput makersContractHashOutput = makersDepositTx.getOutputs().get(1);
    log.debug("makersContractHashOutput " + makersContractHashOutput);
    if (!makersContractHashOutput.getScriptPubKey().equals(contractHashOutput.getScriptPubKey()))
        throw new TransactionVerificationException("Maker's transaction output for the contract hash is not matching takers version.");
    // Add all outputs from makersDepositTx to depositTx
    // WalletService.printTx("makersDepositTx", makersDepositTx);
    // Sign inputs
    int start = takerIsSeller ? buyerInputs.size() : 0;
    int end = takerIsSeller ? depositTx.getInputs().size() : buyerInputs.size();
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
        TransactionInput input = depositTx.getInput(i);
        signInput(depositTx, input, i);
        WalletService.checkScriptSig(depositTx, input, i);
    WalletService.printTx("depositTx", depositTx);
    broadcastTx(depositTx, callback);
    return depositTx;
Also used : Script(org.bitcoinj.script.Script) TransactionOutput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput) Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) TransactionVerificationException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.TransactionVerificationException) RawTransactionInput( TransactionOutPoint(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint) RawTransactionInput( TransactionInput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput)


RawTransactionInput ( AddressEntry (bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry)5 Coin (org.bitcoinj.core.Coin)5 Transaction (org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction)5 PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs ( BtcWalletService (bisq.core.btc.wallet.BtcWalletService)4 TradingPeer ( Address (org.bitcoinj.core.Address)3 TransactionInput (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput)3 TransactionOutPoint (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint)3 TransactionOutput (org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput)3 Script (org.bitcoinj.script.Script)3 TransactionVerificationException (bisq.core.btc.exceptions.TransactionVerificationException)2 Offer (bisq.core.offer.Offer)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ECKey (org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey)2 Log ( BisqEnvironment ( InputsAndChangeOutput ( SigningException (bisq.core.btc.exceptions.SigningException)1