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Example 6 with WalletException

use of bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class TradeWalletService method addAvailableInputsAndChangeOutputs.

private void addAvailableInputsAndChangeOutputs(Transaction transaction, Address address, Address changeAddress, Coin txFee) throws WalletException {
    SendRequest sendRequest = null;
    try {
        // Lets let the framework do the work to find the right inputs
        sendRequest = SendRequest.forTx(transaction);
        sendRequest.shuffleOutputs = false;
        sendRequest.aesKey = aesKey;
        // We use a fixed fee
        sendRequest.fee = txFee;
        sendRequest.feePerKb = Coin.ZERO;
        sendRequest.ensureMinRequiredFee = false;
        // we allow spending of unconfirmed tx (double spend risk is low and usability would suffer if we need to wait for 1 confirmation)
        sendRequest.coinSelector = new BtcCoinSelector(address);
        // We use always the same address in a trade for all transactions
        sendRequest.changeAddress = changeAddress;
        // With the usage of completeTx() we get all the work done with fee calculation, validation and coin selection.
        // We don't commit that tx to the wallet as it will be changed later and it's not signed yet.
        // So it will not change the wallet balance.
        checkNotNull(wallet, "wallet must not be null");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (sendRequest != null && sendRequest.tx != null)
            log.warn("addAvailableInputsAndChangeOutputs: sendRequest.tx={}, sendRequest.tx.getOutputs()={}", sendRequest.tx, sendRequest.tx.getOutputs());
        throw new WalletException(t);
Also used : WalletException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException) SendRequest(org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest)

Example 7 with WalletException

use of bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class TradeWalletService method takerCreatesDepositsTxInputs.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Trade
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// We construct the deposit transaction in the way that the buyer is always the first entry (inputs, outputs, MS keys) and then the seller.
// In the creation of the deposit tx the taker/maker roles are the determining roles instead of buyer/seller.
// In the payout tx is is the buyer/seller role. We keep the buyer/seller ordering over all transactions to not get confusion with ordering,
// which is important to follow correctly specially for the order of the MS keys.
 * The taker creates a dummy transaction to get the input(s) and optional change output for the amount and the takersAddress for that trade.
 * That will be used to send to the maker for creating the deposit transaction.
 * @param inputAmount   Amount of takers input
 * @param txFee         Mining fee
 * @param takersAddress Address of taker
 * @return A data container holding the inputs, the output value and address
 * @throws TransactionVerificationException
 * @throws WalletException
public InputsAndChangeOutput takerCreatesDepositsTxInputs(Coin inputAmount, Coin txFee, Address takersAddress, Address takersChangeAddress) throws TransactionVerificationException, WalletException {
    log.debug("takerCreatesDepositsTxInputs called");
    log.debug("inputAmount " + inputAmount.toFriendlyString());
    log.debug("txFee " + txFee.toFriendlyString());
    log.debug("takersAddress " + takersAddress.toString());
    // We add the mining fee 2 times to the deposit tx:
    // 1. Will be spent when publishing the deposit tx (paid by buyer)
    // 2. Will be added to the MS amount, so when publishing the payout tx the fee is already there and the outputs are not changed by fee reduction
    // The fee for the payout will be paid by the seller.
         The tx we create has that structure:

         IN[0]  any input > inputAmount (including tx fee) (unsigned)
         IN[1...n] optional inputs supported, but normally there is just 1 input (unsigned)
         OUT[0] dummyOutputAmount (inputAmount - tx fee)
         OUT[1] Optional Change = inputAmount - dummyOutputAmount - tx fee

         We are only interested in the inputs and the optional change output.
    // inputAmount includes the tx fee. So we subtract the fee to get the dummyOutputAmount.
    Coin dummyOutputAmount = inputAmount.subtract(txFee);
    Transaction dummyTX = new Transaction(params);
    // The output is just used to get the right inputs and change outputs, so we use an anonymous ECKey, as it will never be used for anything.
    // We don't care about fee calculation differences between the real tx and that dummy tx as we use a static tx fee.
    TransactionOutput dummyOutput = new TransactionOutput(params, dummyTX, dummyOutputAmount, new ECKey().toAddress(params));
    // Find the needed inputs to pay the output, optionally add 1 change output.
    // Normally only 1 input and no change output is used, but we support multiple inputs and 1 change output.
    // Our spending transaction output is from the create offer fee payment.
    addAvailableInputsAndChangeOutputs(dummyTX, takersAddress, takersChangeAddress, txFee);
    // The completeTx() call signs the input, but we don't want to pass over signed tx inputs so we remove the signature
    // WalletService.printTx("dummyTX", dummyTX);
    List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputList = dummyTX.getInputs().stream().map(e -> {
        checkNotNull(e.getConnectedOutput(), "e.getConnectedOutput() must not be null");
        checkNotNull(e.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction(), "e.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction() must not be null");
        checkNotNull(e.getValue(), "e.getValue() must not be null");
        return getRawInputFromTransactionInput(e);
    // We don't support more then 1 change outputs, so there are max. 2 outputs
    checkArgument(dummyTX.getOutputs().size() < 3);
    // Only interested in optional change output, the dummy output at index 0 is ignored (that's why we use index 1)
    TransactionOutput changeOutput = dummyTX.getOutputs().size() == 2 ? dummyTX.getOutputs().get(1) : null;
    long changeOutputValue = 0L;
    String changeOutputAddress = null;
    if (changeOutput != null) {
        changeOutputValue = changeOutput.getValue().getValue();
        Address addressFromP2PKHScript = changeOutput.getAddressFromP2PKHScript(params);
        checkNotNull(addressFromP2PKHScript, "changeOutput.getAddressFromP2PKHScript(params) must not be null");
        changeOutputAddress = addressFromP2PKHScript.toString();
    return new InputsAndChangeOutput(new ArrayList<>(rawTransactionInputList), changeOutputValue, changeOutputAddress);
Also used : Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) TransactionConfidence(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence) Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) Wallet(org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Inject(javax.inject.Inject) NetworkParameters(org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters) Preconditions.checkArgument( TransactionSignature(org.bitcoinj.crypto.TransactionSignature) TransactionVerificationException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.TransactionVerificationException) VerificationException(org.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException) ImmutableList( Res(bisq.core.locale.Res) SendRequest(org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest) KeyParameter(org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter) Sha256Hash(org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash) DeterministicKey(org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey) Context(org.bitcoinj.core.Context) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) ScriptBuilder(org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder) PreparedDepositTxAndMakerInputs( AddressFormatException(org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException) WalletException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException) TransactionOutPoint(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint) RawTransactionInput( SigningException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.SigningException) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Utils(org.bitcoinj.core.Utils) Preconditions.checkNotNull( Log( BisqEnvironment( InputsAndChangeOutput( InsufficientMoneyException(org.bitcoinj.core.InsufficientMoneyException) Collectors( FutureCallback( ECKey(org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey) List(java.util.List) Script(org.bitcoinj.script.Script) AddressEntry(bisq.core.btc.AddressEntry) TransactionInput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput) TransactionOutput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput) Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) Coin(org.bitcoinj.core.Coin) TransactionOutput(org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput) Transaction(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction) Address(org.bitcoinj.core.Address) RawTransactionInput( InputsAndChangeOutput( ECKey(org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey)

Example 8 with WalletException

use of bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException in project bisq-core by bisq-network.

the class WalletService method checkWalletConsistency.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Checks
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public static void checkWalletConsistency(Wallet wallet) throws WalletException {
    try {
        log.trace("Check if wallet is consistent before commit.");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new WalletException(t);
Also used : WalletException(bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException)


WalletException (bisq.core.btc.exceptions.WalletException)8 TransactionVerificationException (bisq.core.btc.exceptions.TransactionVerificationException)6 Transaction (org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction)6 Coin (org.bitcoinj.core.Coin)4 InsufficientMoneyException (org.bitcoinj.core.InsufficientMoneyException)4 ChangeBelowDustException (bisq.core.btc.wallet.ChangeBelowDustException)3 FutureCallback ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)3 AddressFormatException (org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException)3 CryptoException (bisq.common.crypto.CryptoException)2 BisqEnvironment ( InsufficientBsqException (bisq.core.btc.wallet.InsufficientBsqException)2 Proposal (bisq.core.dao.proposal.Proposal)2 Popup (bisq.desktop.main.overlays.popups.Popup)2 InvalidProtocolBufferException ( Optional (java.util.Optional)2 SendRequest (org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest)2 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)2 Timer (bisq.common.Timer)1 UserThread (bisq.common.UserThread)1