use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class FiducialDetection method process.
private void process() {
if (detector == null) {
System.err.println("Need to specify which fiducial you wish to detect");
if (outputPath != null) {
try {
outputFile = new PrintStream(outputPath);
outputFile.println("# Results from fiducial detection ");
outputFile.println("# These comments should include the data source and the algorithm used, but I'm busy.");
outputFile.println("# ");
outputFile.println("# <frame #> <number of fiducials> <fiducial id> <X> <Y> <Z> <Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4> ...");
outputFile.println("# ");
outputFile.println("# The special Euclidean transform saved each fiducial is from fiducial to camera");
outputFile.println("# (X,Y,Z) is the translation and (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) specifies a quaternion");
outputFile.println("# ");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to open output file.");
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
CameraPinholeRadial intrinsic = intrinsicPath == null ? null : (CameraPinholeRadial) CalibrationIO.load(intrinsicPath);
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU8> sequence = null;
long pause = 0;
BufferedImage buffered = null;
if (inputType == InputType.VIDEO || inputType == InputType.WEBCAM) {
if (inputType == InputType.WEBCAM) {
String device = getCameraDeviceString();
sequence = media.openCamera(device, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
} else {
// just assume 30ms is appropriate. Should let the use specify this number
pause = 30;
sequence = media.openVideo(filePath, ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
intrinsic = handleIntrinsic(intrinsic, sequence.getNextWidth(), sequence.getNextHeight());
} else {
buffered = UtilImageIO.loadImage(filePath);
if (buffered == null) {
System.err.println("Can't find image or it can't be read. " + filePath);
intrinsic = handleIntrinsic(intrinsic, buffered.getWidth(), buffered.getHeight());
ImagePanel gui = new ImagePanel();
gui.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(intrinsic.width, intrinsic.height));
ShowImages.showWindow(gui, "Fiducial Detector", true);
detector.setLensDistortion(new LensDistortionRadialTangential(intrinsic), intrinsic.width, intrinsic.height);
if (sequence != null) {
processStream(intrinsic, sequence, gui, pause);
} else {
processImage(intrinsic, buffered, gui);
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleVisualOdometryDepth method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
String directory = UtilIO.pathExample("kinect/straight");
// load camera description and the video sequence
VisualDepthParameters param = CalibrationIO.load(media.openFile(directory + "visualdepth.yaml"));
// specify how the image features are going to be tracked
PkltConfig configKlt = new PkltConfig();
configKlt.pyramidScaling = new int[] { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
configKlt.templateRadius = 3;
PointTrackerTwoPass<GrayU8> tracker = FactoryPointTrackerTwoPass.klt(configKlt, new ConfigGeneralDetector(600, 3, 1), GrayU8.class, GrayS16.class);
DepthSparse3D<GrayU16> sparseDepth = new DepthSparse3D.I<>(1e-3);
// declares the algorithm
DepthVisualOdometry<GrayU8, GrayU16> visualOdometry = FactoryVisualOdometry.depthDepthPnP(1.5, 120, 2, 200, 50, true, sparseDepth, tracker, GrayU8.class, GrayU16.class);
// Pass in intrinsic/extrinsic calibration. This can be changed in the future.
visualOdometry.setCalibration(param.visualParam, new DoNothing2Transform2_F32());
// Process the video sequence and output the location plus number of inliers
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU8> videoVisual = media.openVideo(directory + "rgb.mjpeg", ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU16> videoDepth = media.openVideo(directory + "depth.mpng", ImageType.single(GrayU16.class));
while (videoVisual.hasNext()) {
GrayU8 visual =;
GrayU16 depth =;
if (!visualOdometry.process(visual, depth)) {
throw new RuntimeException("VO Failed!");
Se3_F64 leftToWorld = visualOdometry.getCameraToWorld();
Vector3D_F64 T = leftToWorld.getT();
System.out.printf("Location %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f inliers %s\n", T.x, T.y, T.z, inlierPercent(visualOdometry));
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleVisualOdometryMonocularPlane method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
String directory = UtilIO.pathExample("vo/drc/");
// load camera description and the video sequence
MonoPlaneParameters calibration = CalibrationIO.load(media.openFile(directory + "mono_plane.yaml"));
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU8> video = media.openVideo(directory + "left.mjpeg", ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
// specify how the image features are going to be tracked
PkltConfig configKlt = new PkltConfig();
configKlt.pyramidScaling = new int[] { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
configKlt.templateRadius = 3;
ConfigGeneralDetector configDetector = new ConfigGeneralDetector(600, 3, 1);
PointTracker<GrayU8> tracker = FactoryPointTracker.klt(configKlt, configDetector, GrayU8.class, null);
// declares the algorithm
MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<GrayU8> visualOdometry = FactoryVisualOdometry.monoPlaneInfinity(75, 2, 1.5, 200, tracker, ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
// Pass in intrinsic/extrinsic calibration. This can be changed in the future.
// Process the video sequence and output the location plus number of inliers
while (video.hasNext()) {
GrayU8 image =;
if (!visualOdometry.process(image)) {
Se3_F64 leftToWorld = visualOdometry.getCameraToWorld();
Vector3D_F64 T = leftToWorld.getT();
System.out.printf("Location %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f inliers %s\n", T.x, T.y, T.z, inlierPercent(visualOdometry));
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleVisualOdometryStereo method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
String directory = UtilIO.pathExample("vo/backyard/");
// load camera description and the video sequence
StereoParameters stereoParam = CalibrationIO.load(media.openFile(directory + "stereo.yaml"));
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU8> video1 = media.openVideo(directory + "left.mjpeg", ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU8> video2 = media.openVideo(directory + "right.mjpeg", ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
// specify how the image features are going to be tracked
PkltConfig configKlt = new PkltConfig();
configKlt.pyramidScaling = new int[] { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
configKlt.templateRadius = 3;
PointTrackerTwoPass<GrayU8> tracker = FactoryPointTrackerTwoPass.klt(configKlt, new ConfigGeneralDetector(600, 3, 1), GrayU8.class, GrayS16.class);
// computes the depth of each point
StereoDisparitySparse<GrayU8> disparity = FactoryStereoDisparity.regionSparseWta(0, 150, 3, 3, 30, -1, true, GrayU8.class);
// declares the algorithm
StereoVisualOdometry<GrayU8> visualOdometry = FactoryVisualOdometry.stereoDepth(1.5, 120, 2, 200, 50, true, disparity, tracker, GrayU8.class);
// Pass in intrinsic/extrinsic calibration. This can be changed in the future.
// Process the video sequence and output the location plus number of inliers
while (video1.hasNext()) {
GrayU8 left =;
GrayU8 right =;
if (!visualOdometry.process(left, right)) {
throw new RuntimeException("VO Failed!");
Se3_F64 leftToWorld = visualOdometry.getCameraToWorld();
Vector3D_F64 T = leftToWorld.getT();
System.out.printf("Location %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f inliers %s\n", T.x, T.y, T.z, inlierPercent(visualOdometry));
use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExamplePointFeatureTracker method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Class imageType = GrayF32.class;
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
int pause;
SimpleImageSequence sequence = media.openVideo(UtilIO.pathExample("zoom.mjpeg"), ImageType.single(imageType));
pause = 100;
// media.openCamera(null,640,480,ImageType.single(imageType)); pause = 5;
ExamplePointFeatureTracker app = new ExamplePointFeatureTracker(imageType, pause);
// Comment or un-comment to change the type of tracker being used
// app.createSURF();