use of boofcv.struct.calib.MonoPlaneParameters in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class CheckVisualOdometryMonoPlaneSim method motionCheck.
public void motionCheck(double angleRate, double forwardRate) {
// Easier to make up a plane in this direction
Se3_F64 cameraToPlane = new Se3_F64();
ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, UtilAngle.degreeToRadian(cameraAngle), 0.1, 0.0, cameraToPlane.getR());
cameraToPlane.getT().set(0, -2, 0);
Se3_F64 planeToCamera = cameraToPlane.invert(null);
Se3_F64 worldToCurr = new Se3_F64();
Se3_F64 worldToCamera = new Se3_F64();
algorithm.setCalibration(new MonoPlaneParameters(param, planeToCamera));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// System.out.println("-------- Real rotY = "+angleRate*i);
// move forward
worldToCurr.getT().z = -i * forwardRate;
ConvertRotation3D_F64.rotY(angleRate * i, worldToCurr.getR());
worldToCurr.concat(planeToCamera, worldToCamera);
// render the images
// process the images
// Compare to truth. Only go for a crude approximation
Se3_F64 foundWorldToCamera = algorithm.getCameraToWorld().invert(null);
Se3_F64 foundWorldToCurr = foundWorldToCamera.concat(cameraToPlane, null);
// worldToCurr.getT().print();
// foundWorldToCurr.getT().print();
// worldToCurr.getR().print();
// foundWorldToCurr.getR().print();
assertTrue(MatrixFeatures_DDRM.isIdentical(foundWorldToCurr.getR(), worldToCurr.getR(), 0.1));
assertTrue(foundWorldToCurr.getT().distance(worldToCurr.getT()) < tolerance);
use of boofcv.struct.calib.MonoPlaneParameters in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMonocularPlaneVisualOdometryScaleInput method setCalibration.
public void setCalibration() {
param = null;
CameraPinholeRadial intrinsic = createIntrinsic();
Se3_F64 extrinsic = new Se3_F64();
extrinsic.T.x = 8;
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<GrayF32> alg = new MonocularPlaneVisualOdometryScaleInput<>(dummy, 0.5);
assertTrue(this.param == null);
alg.setCalibration(new MonoPlaneParameters(intrinsic, extrinsic));
assertEquals(320, this.param.intrinsic.width);
assertEquals(160, this.param.intrinsic.height);
assertTrue(this.param.planeToCamera.T.x == extrinsic.T.x);
use of boofcv.struct.calib.MonoPlaneParameters in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleVisualOdometryMonocularPlane method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
String directory = UtilIO.pathExample("vo/drc/");
// load camera description and the video sequence
MonoPlaneParameters calibration = CalibrationIO.load(media.openFile(directory + "mono_plane.yaml"));
SimpleImageSequence<GrayU8> video = media.openVideo(directory + "left.mjpeg", ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
// specify how the image features are going to be tracked
PkltConfig configKlt = new PkltConfig();
configKlt.pyramidScaling = new int[] { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
configKlt.templateRadius = 3;
ConfigGeneralDetector configDetector = new ConfigGeneralDetector(600, 3, 1);
PointTracker<GrayU8> tracker = FactoryPointTracker.klt(configKlt, configDetector, GrayU8.class, null);
// declares the algorithm
MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<GrayU8> visualOdometry = FactoryVisualOdometry.monoPlaneInfinity(75, 2, 1.5, 200, tracker, ImageType.single(GrayU8.class));
// Pass in intrinsic/extrinsic calibration. This can be changed in the future.
// Process the video sequence and output the location plus number of inliers
while (video.hasNext()) {
GrayU8 image =;
if (!visualOdometry.process(image)) {
Se3_F64 leftToWorld = visualOdometry.getCameraToWorld();
Vector3D_F64 T = leftToWorld.getT();
System.out.printf("Location %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f inliers %s\n", T.x, T.y, T.z, inlierPercent(visualOdometry));
use of boofcv.struct.calib.MonoPlaneParameters in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMonocularPlaneVisualOdometryScaleInput method process.
public void process() {
image = null;
CameraPinholeRadial intrinsic = createIntrinsic();
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<GrayF32> alg = new MonocularPlaneVisualOdometryScaleInput<>(dummy, 0.5);
alg.setCalibration(new MonoPlaneParameters(intrinsic, new Se3_F64()));
GrayF32 inputImage = new GrayF32(width, height);
assertTrue(inputImage != image);
assertEquals(320, image.width);
assertEquals(160, image.height);