use of in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class PatternShape2d method fillTemplate.
public boolean fillTemplate(IFilledTemplate filledTemplate, IStatementParameter[] params) {
PatternParameterAxis axis = getParam(0, params, PatternParameterAxis.Y);
PatternParameterRotation dir = getParam(2, params, PatternParameterRotation.NONE);
PathIterator2d iterator = getIterator(filledTemplate, axis);
int maxA = axis == PatternParameterAxis.X ? filledTemplate.getMax().getY() : filledTemplate.getMax().getX();
int maxB = axis == PatternParameterAxis.Z ? filledTemplate.getMax().getY() : filledTemplate.getMax().getZ();
int normMaxA = maxA;
int normMaxB = maxB;
if (dir.rotationCount % 2 == 1) {
int maxT = maxA;
maxA = maxB;
maxB = maxT;
final int max_b = maxB;
final PathIterator2d old = iterator;
iterator = (a, b) -> old.iterate(max_b - b, a);
if (dir.rotationCount > 1) {
final PathIterator2d old = iterator;
final int max_a = maxA;
final int max_b = maxB;
// Technically this is wrong... but it doesn't matter for any of
// the shapes that use this, as they are all symetrical
iterator = (a, b) -> old.iterate(max_a - a, max_b - b);
LineList list = new LineList(iterator);
genShape(maxA, maxB, list);
PatternParameterHollow filled = getParam(1, params, PatternParameterHollow.HOLLOW);
if (filled.filled) {
int fillA = list.fillInA;
int fillB = list.fillInB;
if (fillA != -1 && fillB != -1) {
maxA = normMaxA;
maxB = normMaxB;
if (dir.rotationCount % 2 == 1) {
int fillT = fillA;
fillA = fillB;
fillB = fillT;
if (dir.rotationCount > 1) {
fillA = maxA - fillA;
fillB = maxB - fillB;
iterator = getIterator(filledTemplate, axis);
PositionGetter getter = getFillGetter(filledTemplate, axis);
if (filled.outerFilled) {
iterator = (a, b) -> {
// Expand outwards from the point
Set<Point> visited = new HashSet<>();
List<Point> open = new ArrayList<>();
open.add(new Point(fillA, fillB));
while (!open.isEmpty()) {
List<Point> next = new ArrayList<>();
for (Point p : open) {
if (p.a < 0 || p.a > maxA) {
if (p.b < 0 || p.b > maxB) {
if (!visited.add(p)) {
if (getter.isFilled(p.a, p.b)) {
iterator.iterate(p.a, p.b);
next.add(new Point(p.a + 1, p.b));
next.add(new Point(p.a - 1, p.b));
next.add(new Point(p.a, p.b + 1));
next.add(new Point(p.a, p.b - 1));
open = next;
if (filled.outerFilled) {
iterator = getIterator(filledTemplate, axis);
for (int a = 0; a <= maxA; a++) {
for (int b = 0; b <= maxB; b++) {
if (visited.contains(new Point(a, b))) {
iterator.iterate(a, b);
return true;
use of in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class PatternSpherePart method fillTemplate.
public boolean fillTemplate(IFilledTemplate filledTemplate, IStatementParameter[] params) {
PatternParameterFacing facing = getParam(1, params, PatternParameterFacing.DOWN);
PatternParameterRotation rotation = getParam(2, params, PatternParameterRotation.NONE);
PatternParameterHollow hollow = getParam(0, params, PatternParameterHollow.FILLED_INNER);
Vec3d center;
Vec3d radius;
Set<EnumFacing> innerSides = EnumSet.noneOf(EnumFacing.class);
Vec3d max = new Vec3d(filledTemplate.getMax().getX(), filledTemplate.getMax().getY(), filledTemplate.getMax().getZ());
center = VecUtil.scale(max, 0.5);
radius = center.addVector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
Axis axis = facing.face.getAxis();
Vec3d offset = VecUtil.offset(Vec3d.ZERO, facing.face, VecUtil.getValue(radius, axis));
center = center.add(offset);
radius = VecUtil.replaceValue(radius, axis, VecUtil.getValue(radius, axis) * 2);
if (type.openFaces > 1) {
Axis secondaryAxis;
if (rotation.rotationCount % 2 == 1) {
secondaryAxis = axis == Axis.X ? Axis.Y : axis == Axis.Y ? Axis.Z : Axis.X;
} else {
secondaryAxis = axis == Axis.X ? Axis.Z : axis == Axis.Y ? Axis.X : Axis.Y;
EnumFacing secondaryFace = VecUtil.getFacing(secondaryAxis, rotation.rotationCount >= 2);
offset = VecUtil.offset(Vec3d.ZERO, secondaryFace, VecUtil.getValue(radius, secondaryAxis));
center = center.add(offset);
radius = VecUtil.replaceValue(radius, secondaryAxis, VecUtil.getValue(radius, secondaryAxis) * 2);
if (type.openFaces > 2) {
Axis tertiaryAxis;
int rotationCount = (rotation.rotationCount + 1) & 3;
if (rotationCount % 2 == 1) {
tertiaryAxis = axis == Axis.X ? Axis.Y : axis == Axis.Y ? Axis.Z : Axis.X;
} else {
tertiaryAxis = axis == Axis.X ? Axis.Z : axis == Axis.Y ? Axis.X : Axis.Y;
EnumFacing tertiaryFace = VecUtil.getFacing(tertiaryAxis, rotationCount >= 2);
offset = VecUtil.offset(Vec3d.ZERO, tertiaryFace, VecUtil.getValue(radius, tertiaryAxis));
center = center.add(offset);
radius = VecUtil.replaceValue(radius, tertiaryAxis, VecUtil.getValue(radius, tertiaryAxis) * 2);
double cx = center.x;
double cy = center.y;
double cz = center.z;
double rx = radius.x;
double ry = radius.y;
double rz = radius.z;
BitSet data = null;
if (hollow != PatternParameterHollow.FILLED_INNER) {
data = new BitSet(Snapshot.getDataSize(filledTemplate.getSize()));
for (int x = 0; x <= filledTemplate.getMax().getX(); x++) {
double dx = Math.abs(x - cx) / rx;
double dxx = dx * dx;
for (int y = 0; y <= filledTemplate.getMax().getY(); y++) {
double dy = Math.abs(y - cy) / ry;
double dyy = dy * dy;
for (int z = 0; z <= filledTemplate.getMax().getZ(); z++) {
double dz = Math.abs(z - cz) / rz;
double dzz = dz * dz;
if (dxx + dyy + dzz < 1) {
if (hollow != PatternParameterHollow.FILLED_INNER) {
// noinspection ConstantConditions
data.set(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z), true);
} else {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
boolean outerFilled = hollow.outerFilled;
if (hollow != PatternParameterHollow.FILLED_INNER) {
// Z iteration
for (int x = 0; x <= filledTemplate.getMax().getX(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y <= filledTemplate.getMax().getY(); y++) {
if (!innerSides.contains(EnumFacing.NORTH)) {
for (int z = 0; z <= filledTemplate.getMax().getZ(); z++) {
if (data.get(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z))) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (outerFilled) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (!innerSides.contains(EnumFacing.SOUTH)) {
for (int z = filledTemplate.getMax().getZ(); z >= 0; z--) {
if (data.get(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z))) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (outerFilled) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
// Y iteration
for (int x = 0; x <= filledTemplate.getMax().getX(); x++) {
for (int z = 0; z <= filledTemplate.getMax().getZ(); z++) {
if (!innerSides.contains(EnumFacing.DOWN)) {
for (int y = 0; y <= filledTemplate.getMax().getY(); y++) {
if (data.get(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z))) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (outerFilled) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (!innerSides.contains(EnumFacing.UP)) {
for (int y = filledTemplate.getMax().getY(); y >= 0; y--) {
if (data.get(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z))) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (outerFilled) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
// X iteration
for (int y = 0; y <= filledTemplate.getMax().getY(); y++) {
for (int z = 0; z <= filledTemplate.getMax().getZ(); z++) {
if (!innerSides.contains(EnumFacing.WEST)) {
for (int x = 0; x <= filledTemplate.getMax().getX(); x++) {
if (data.get(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z))) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (outerFilled) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (!innerSides.contains(EnumFacing.EAST)) {
for (int x = filledTemplate.getMax().getX(); x >= 0; x--) {
if (data.get(Snapshot.posToIndex(filledTemplate.getSize(), x, y, z))) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
if (outerFilled) {
filledTemplate.set(x, y, z, true);
return true;