use of buildcraft.core.lib.EntityResizableCuboid in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class PipeTransportRendererFluids method getDisplayFluidList.
private static DisplayFluidList getDisplayFluidList(int fluidID) {
if (INSTANCE.fluidLists.containsKey(fluidID)) {
return INSTANCE.fluidLists.get(fluidID);
long start = System.nanoTime();
Fluid fluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(fluidID);
if (fluid == null) {
INSTANCE.fluidLists.put(fluidID, null);
return null;
TextureAtlasSprite sprite = FluidRenderer.getFluidTexture(fluid, FluidType.STILL);
int[] center = new int[DISPLAY_STAGES];
for (int i = 0; i < DISPLAY_STAGES; i++) {
center[i] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(center[i], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
GL11.glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
GL11.glScalef(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f);
GL11.glTranslated(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25);
EntityResizableCuboid cuboid = new EntityResizableCuboid(null);
cuboid.xSize = 0.5;
cuboid.ySize = 0.5 * ((i + 1) / (float) (DISPLAY_STAGES));
cuboid.zSize = 0.5;
cuboid.texture = sprite;
RenderResizableCuboid.INSTANCE.renderCube(cuboid, true, false);
int[] vertical = new int[DISPLAY_STAGES];
for (int i = 0; i < DISPLAY_STAGES; i++) {
vertical[i] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(vertical[i], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
double width = ((i + 1) / (float) (DISPLAY_STAGES));
GL11.glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
GL11.glScalef(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f);
GL11.glTranslated(-0.25 * width, -0.25, -0.25 * width);
EntityResizableCuboid cuboid = new EntityResizableCuboid(null);
cuboid.xSize = 0.5 * width;
cuboid.ySize = 0.5;
cuboid.zSize = 0.5 * width;
cuboid.texture = sprite;
RenderResizableCuboid.INSTANCE.renderCube(cuboid, true, false);
int[][] connections = new int[DISPLAY_STAGES][];
for (int i = 0; i < DISPLAY_STAGES; i++) {
connections[i] = new int[6];
for (EnumFacing connect : EnumFacing.values()) {
int connectOrdinal = connect.ordinal();
boolean vert = connect.getAxis() == Axis.Y;
double diff = ((i + 1) / (float) (DISPLAY_STAGES)) * 0.5;
double width = vert ? diff : 0.5;
double height = vert ? 0.5 : diff;
EnumFacing pos = connect.getAxisDirection() == AxisDirection.POSITIVE ? connect : connect.getOpposite();
Vec3d size = new Vec3d(width, 0.5, width).subtract(Utils.convert(pos, 0.25));
Vec3d position = new Vec3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5).add(Utils.convert(connect, 0.375));
position = position.subtract(Utils.multiply(size, 0.5));
// The position is not correct!
connections[i][connectOrdinal] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(connections[i][connectOrdinal], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
GL11.glTranslated(position.xCoord, position.yCoord, position.zCoord);
GL11.glTranslated(size.xCoord / 2d, size.yCoord / 2d, size.zCoord / 2d);
GL11.glScalef(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f);
GL11.glTranslated(-size.xCoord / 2d, -size.yCoord / 2d, -size.zCoord / 2d);
EntityResizableCuboid cuboid = new EntityResizableCuboid(null);
cuboid.xSize = size.xCoord;
cuboid.ySize = height;
cuboid.zSize = size.zCoord;
cuboid.texture = sprite;
RenderResizableCuboid.INSTANCE.renderCube(cuboid, true, false);
DisplayFluidList dfl = new DisplayFluidList(center, vertical, connections);
INSTANCE.fluidLists.put(fluidID, dfl);
long diff = System.nanoTime() - start;"DisplayFluidList generation took " + (diff / 1000000) + "ms, " + (diff % 1000000) + "ns for " + new FluidStack(fluid, 1).getLocalizedName() + "#" + fluidID);
return dfl;
use of buildcraft.core.lib.EntityResizableCuboid in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class PipeTransportRendererFluids method renderConnection.
private static void renderConnection(TextureAtlasSprite sprite, float amount, double sideFlow, EnumFacing connect) {
boolean vert = connect.getAxis() == Axis.Y;
double diff = amount * 0.5;
double width = vert ? diff : 0.5;
double height = vert ? 0.5 : diff;
EnumFacing positive = Utils.convertPositive(connect);
Vec3d size = new Vec3d(width, 0.5, width).subtract(Utils.convert(positive, 0.25));
Vec3d position = new Vec3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5).add(Utils.convert(connect, 0.375));
position = position.subtract(Utils.multiply(size, 0.5));
// The position is not correct!
GL11.glTranslated(position.xCoord, position.yCoord, position.zCoord);
GL11.glTranslated(size.xCoord / 2d, size.yCoord / 2d, size.zCoord / 2d);
GL11.glScalef(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f);
GL11.glTranslated(-size.xCoord / 2d, -size.yCoord / 2d, -size.zCoord / 2d);
EntityResizableCuboid cuboid = new EntityResizableCuboid(null);
cuboid.xSize = size.xCoord;
cuboid.ySize = height;
cuboid.zSize = size.zCoord;
cuboid.texture = sprite;
double flow = sideFlow;
cuboid.textureOffsetX = connect.getAxis() == Axis.X ? flow : 0;
cuboid.textureOffsetY = connect.getAxis() == Axis.Y ? flow : 0;
cuboid.textureOffsetZ = connect.getAxis() == Axis.Z ? flow : 0;
use of buildcraft.core.lib.EntityResizableCuboid in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class PipeTransportRendererPower method renderSidePower.
private static void renderSidePower(EnumFacing face, double stage, double flow, double centerStage) {
if (stage <= 0) {
double width = 0.5 * stage / POWER_STAGES;
double centerRadius = 0.25 * centerStage / POWER_STAGES;
Vec3d center = Utils.VEC_HALF.add(Utils.convert(face, 0.25 + centerRadius / 2d));
face = Utils.convertPositive(face);
Vec3d size = Utils.VEC_ONE.subtract(Utils.convert(face));
size = Utils.multiply(size, width);
size = size.add(Utils.convert(face, 0.5 - centerRadius));
EntityResizableCuboid cuboid = new EntityResizableCuboid(null);
cuboid.texture = PipeIconProvider.TYPE.Power_Normal.getIcon();
// 8 - textureWidth / 2;
double offsetNonFlow = 0;
double offsetFlow = flow;
Vec3d textureOffset = new Vec3d(offsetNonFlow, offsetNonFlow, offsetNonFlow);
textureOffset = textureOffset.add(Utils.convert(face, -offsetNonFlow));
textureOffset = textureOffset.add(Utils.convert(face, offsetFlow));
cuboid.textureOffsetX = textureOffset.xCoord;
cuboid.textureOffsetY = textureOffset.yCoord;
cuboid.textureOffsetZ = textureOffset.zCoord;
// Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer().setBrightness(0xFFFFFFFF);
OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 0xF0, 0xF0);
use of buildcraft.core.lib.EntityResizableCuboid in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class PipeTransportRendererPower method renderCenterPower.
private static void renderCenterPower(double stage, Vec3d centerFlow) {
if (stage <= 0) {
double width = 0.5 * stage / POWER_STAGES;
Vec3d size = new Vec3d(width, width, width);
Vec3d pos = Utils.VEC_HALF;
EntityResizableCuboid erc = new EntityResizableCuboid(null);
erc.texture = PipeIconProvider.TYPE.Power_Normal.getIcon();
erc.textureOffsetX = centerFlow.xCoord;
erc.textureOffsetY = centerFlow.yCoord;
erc.textureOffsetZ = centerFlow.zCoord;
// Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer().setBrightness(0xFFFFFFFF);
OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 0xF0, 0xF0);
use of buildcraft.core.lib.EntityResizableCuboid in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class FactoryProxyClient method newPumpTube.
public EntityResizableCuboid newPumpTube(World w) {
EntityResizableCuboid eb = super.newPumpTube(w);
eb.texture = pumpTexture;
return eb;