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Example 1 with IExpressionNode

use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.

the class FunctionContext method getVariable.

// Variable getter/setters
public IExpressionNode getVariable(String name) {
    name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
    IExpressionNode current = variables.get(name);
    if (current != null) {
        return current;
    for (FunctionContext parent : parents) {
        IExpressionNode node = parent.getVariable(name);
        if (node != null)
            return node;
    INodeFunc func = getFunction(name, Collections.emptyList());
    if (func != null) {
        try {
            return func.getNode(new NodeStack());
        } catch (InvalidExpressionException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Found a 0-args function that didn't allow us to get a node for it!", e);
    return null;
Also used : InvalidExpressionException(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.InvalidExpressionException) INodeFunc(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeFunc) IExpressionNode(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode)

Example 2 with IExpressionNode

use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.

the class InternalCompiler method makeExpression.

private static IExpressionNode makeExpression(String[] postfix, FunctionContext context) throws InvalidExpressionException {
    NodeStack stack = new NodeStack();
    for (int i = 0; i < postfix.length; i++) {
        String op = postfix[i];
        if (OPERATORS.contains(op) && !"?".equals(op) && !":".equals(op)) {
            boolean isNegation = UNARY_NEGATION.equals(op);
            int count = 2;
            if (isNegation || OPERATORS_SINGLE.contains(op)) {
                op = isNegation ? "-" : op;
                count = 1;
            String function = op + FUNCTION_ARGS + count;
            pushFunctionNode(stack, function, context);
        } else if (// NO-OP, all handled by "?"
            // NO-OP, all handled by "?"
        else if ("?".equals(op))
        else if (isValidLong(op)) {
            long val = parseValidLong(op);
            stack.push(new NodeConstantLong(val));
        } else if (isValidDouble(op)) {
            stack.push(new NodeConstantDouble(Double.parseDouble(op)));
        } else if (BOOLEAN_MATCHER.matcher(op).matches()) {
        } else if (STRING_MATCHER.matcher(op).matches()) {
            stack.push(new NodeConstantObject<>(String.class, op.substring(1, op.length() - 1)));
        } else if (op.startsWith(FUNCTION_START)) {
            // Its a function
            String function = op.substring(1);
            pushFunctionNode(stack, function, context);
        } else {
            IExpressionNode node = context == null ? null : context.getVariable(op);
            if (node == null && op.contains(".")) {
                int index = op.indexOf('.');
                String type = op.substring(0, index);
                FunctionContext ctx = getContext(type);
                if (ctx != null) {
                    node = ctx.getVariable(op);
                    if (node == null) {
                        node = ctx.getVariable(op.substring(index + 1));
            if (node != null) {
            } else {
                String vars = getValidVariablesErrorString(context);
                throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unknown variable '" + op + "'" + vars);
    IExpressionNode node = stack.pop().inline();
    if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidExpressionException("Tried to make an expression with too many nodes! (" + stack + ")");
    return node;
Also used : InvalidExpressionException(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.InvalidExpressionException) INodeStack(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeStack) IExpressionNode(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode) NodeConstantLong(buildcraft.lib.expression.node.value.NodeConstantLong) NodeConstantDouble(buildcraft.lib.expression.node.value.NodeConstantDouble)

Example 3 with IExpressionNode

use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.

the class NodeStack method popLong.

public INodeLong popLong() throws InvalidExpressionException {
    IExpressionNode node = pop();
    if (node instanceof INodeLong) {
        return (INodeLong) node;
    } else {
        throw new InvalidExpressionException("Cannot cast " + node + " to a long!");
Also used : InvalidExpressionException(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.InvalidExpressionException) INodeLong(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong) IExpressionNode(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode)

Example 4 with IExpressionNode

use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.

the class NodeCasting method castToType.

public static IExpressionNode castToType(IExpressionNode node, Class<?> to) throws InvalidExpressionException {
    Class<?> from = NodeTypes.getType(node);
    if (from == to) {
        return node;
    FunctionContext castingContext = new FunctionContext(NodeTypes.getContext(from), NodeTypes.getContext(to));
    INodeFunc caster = castingContext.getFunction("(" + NodeTypes.getName(to) + ")", Collections.singletonList(from));
    if (caster == null) {
        if (to == String.class) {
            return new NodeCastToString(node);
        throw new InvalidExpressionException("Cannot cast from " + NodeTypes.getName(from) + " to " + NodeTypes.getName(to));
    NodeStack stack = new NodeStack(node);
    stack.setRecorder(Collections.singletonList(from), caster);
    IExpressionNode casted = caster.getNode(stack);
    Class<?> actual = NodeTypes.getType(casted);
    if (actual != to) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("The caster " + caster + " didn't produce the correct result! (Expected " + to + ", but got " + actual + ")");
    return casted;
Also used : InvalidExpressionException(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.InvalidExpressionException) INodeFunc(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeFunc) INodeStack(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeStack) NodeStack(buildcraft.lib.expression.NodeStack) FunctionContext(buildcraft.lib.expression.FunctionContext) IExpressionNode(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode)

Example 5 with IExpressionNode

use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.

the class InternalCompiler method pushFunctionNode.

private static void pushFunctionNode(NodeStack stack, String function, FunctionContext context) throws InvalidExpressionException {
    String name = function.substring(0, function.indexOf(FUNCTION_ARGS));
    String argCount = function.substring(function.indexOf(FUNCTION_ARGS) + 1);
    int count = Integer.parseInt(argCount);
    if (name.startsWith(".")) {
             * Allow object style function calling by making the called node be the first argument to the function,
             * pushing all other nodes back
        name = name.substring(1);
    List<IExpressionNode> popOrder = stack.peek(count);
    List<Class<?>> functionOrder = new ArrayList<>(popOrder.size());
    Map<List<Class<?>>, INodeFunc> functions = new HashMap<>();
    if (name.contains(".")) {
        int index = name.indexOf('.');
        String type = name.substring(0, index);
        FunctionContext ctx = getContext(type);
        if (ctx != null) {
            functions.putAll(ctx.getFunctions(name.substring(index + 1)));
    FunctionContext[] ctxs = new FunctionContext[count + 1];
    ctxs[0] = context;
    int n = 1;
    for (IExpressionNode node : popOrder) {
        Class<?> nodeType = NodeTypes.getType(node);
        functionOrder.add(0, nodeType);
        ctxs[n++] = NodeTypes.getContext(nodeType);
    functions.putAll(new FunctionContext(ctxs).getFunctions(name));
    INodeFunc bestFunction = null;
    int bestCastCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    List<INodeFunc> bestCasters = null;
    List<Class<?>> bestClassesTo = null;
    List<String> fnOrderNames =;
    ExpressionDebugManager.debugStart("Finding best function called '" + name + "' for " + fnOrderNames);
    for (Map.Entry<List<Class<?>>, INodeFunc> func : functions.entrySet()) {
        List<Class<?>> functionClasses = func.getKey();
        List<String> fnClassNames =;
        ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("Found " + fnClassNames);
        if (functionClasses.size() != functionOrder.size()) {
        int casts = 0;
        boolean canCast = true;
        List<INodeFunc> casters = new ArrayList<>();
        ExpressionDebugManager.debugStart("Finding casters...");
        for (int i = 0; i < functionClasses.size(); i++) {
            Class<?> from = functionOrder.get(i);
            Class<?> to = functionClasses.get(i);
            ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("  - " + NodeTypes.getName(from) + " -> " + NodeTypes.getName(to));
            if (from == to) {
                casters.add(a -> a.pop(from));
                ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("    - Equal types, no cast needed.");
            INodeFunc caster;
            if (from == long.class && to == INodeLong.class) {
                caster = new NodeFuncWrapper() {

                    public IExpressionNode getNode(INodeStack s) throws InvalidExpressionException {
                        return new NodeConstantObject<>(INodeLong.class, s.popLong());
            } else if (from == double.class && to == INodeDouble.class) {
                caster = new NodeFuncWrapper() {

                    public IExpressionNode getNode(INodeStack s) throws InvalidExpressionException {
                        return new NodeConstantObject<>(INodeDouble.class, s.popDouble());
            } else if (from == long.class && to == INodeDouble.class) {
                caster = new NodeFuncWrapper() {

                    public IExpressionNode getNode(INodeStack s) throws InvalidExpressionException {
                        INodeLong node = s.popLong();
                        INodeDouble nodeD = new NodeCastLongToDouble(node);
                        return new NodeConstantObject<>(INodeDouble.class, nodeD.inline());
            } else if (from == boolean.class && to == INodeBoolean.class) {
                caster = new NodeFuncWrapper() {

                    public IExpressionNode getNode(INodeStack s) throws InvalidExpressionException {
                        return new NodeConstantObject<>(INodeBoolean.class, s.popBoolean());
            } else {
                FunctionContext castingCtx = new FunctionContext(NodeTypes.getContext(from), NodeTypes.getContext(to));
                caster = castingCtx.getFunction("(" + NodeTypes.getName(to) + ")", Collections.singletonList(from));
                if (caster == null) {
                    ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("    - No cast found!");
                    canCast = false;
            ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("    - Caster = " + caster);
        if (!canCast) {
        if (casts < bestCastCount) {
            bestCastCount = casts;
            bestFunction = func.getValue();
            bestCasters = casters;
            bestClassesTo = functionClasses;
    ExpressionDebugManager.debugEnd("Best = " + bestFunction);
    if (bestFunction == null || bestCasters == null) {
        // Allow any object to be compared to itself with == and !=
        boolean isEq = "==".equals(name);
        boolean isNE = "!=".equals(name);
        if (count == 2 && (isEq | isNE) && functionOrder.get(0) == functionOrder.get(1)) {
            Class<?> cls = functionOrder.get(0);
            NodeFuncObjectObjectToBoolean.IFuncObjectObjectToBoolean<?, ?> func = isEq ? Objects::equals : (a, b) -> !Objects.equals(a, b);
            bestFunction = new NodeFuncObjectObjectToBoolean(name, cls, cls, func);
            bestCastCount = 0;
            bestCasters = Collections.emptyList();
            bestClassesTo = new ArrayList<>(functionOrder);
            ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("Using implicit object equality comparison.");
        } else {
            throw new InvalidExpressionException("No viable function called '" + name + "' found for " + fnOrderNames + getValidFunctionsErrorString(context));
    NodeStack realStack;
    if (bestCastCount == 0) {
        realStack = stack;
    } else {
        IExpressionNode[] nodes = new IExpressionNode[count];
        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            INodeFunc caster = bestCasters.get(i);
            Class<?> from = functionOrder.get(i);
            Class<?> to = bestClassesTo.get(i);
            stack.setRecorder(Collections.singletonList(from), caster);
            IExpressionNode node = caster.getNode(stack);
            Class<?> actual = NodeTypes.getType(node);
            if (actual != to) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("The caster " + caster + " didn't produce the correct result! (Expected " + to + ", but got " + actual + ")");
            nodes[i] = node;
        ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("Nodes = " + nodes);
        realStack = new NodeStack(nodes);
    INodeFunc func = bestFunction;
    bestClassesTo = new ArrayList<>(bestClassesTo);
    realStack.setRecorder(bestClassesTo, func);
    IExpressionNode node = func.getNode(realStack);
Also used : NodeConstantObject(buildcraft.lib.expression.node.value.NodeConstantObject) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) INodeFunc(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeFunc) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) INodeStack(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeStack) INodeLong(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong) InvalidExpressionException(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.InvalidExpressionException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) IExpressionNode(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode) INodeStack(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeStack) INodeDouble(buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeDouble) Objects(java.util.Objects) NodeCastLongToDouble(buildcraft.lib.expression.node.cast.NodeCastLongToDouble) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) NodeFuncObjectObjectToBoolean(buildcraft.lib.expression.node.func.NodeFuncObjectObjectToBoolean)


IExpressionNode (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode)12 InvalidExpressionException (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.InvalidExpressionException)11 INodeLong (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong)4 FunctionContext (buildcraft.lib.expression.FunctionContext)3 INodeBoolean (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeBoolean)3 INodeDouble (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeDouble)3 INodeObject (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeObject)3 INodeFunc (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeFunc)3 INodeStack (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.INodeStack)3 NodeStack (buildcraft.lib.expression.NodeStack)1 IConstantNode (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IConstantNode)1 IVariableNode (buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IVariableNode)1 NodeCastLongToDouble (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.cast.NodeCastLongToDouble)1 NodeConditionalBoolean (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.condition.NodeConditionalBoolean)1 NodeConditionalDouble (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.condition.NodeConditionalDouble)1 NodeConditionalLong (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.condition.NodeConditionalLong)1 NodeConditionalObject (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.condition.NodeConditionalObject)1 NodeFuncGenericToBoolean (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.func.NodeFuncGenericToBoolean)1 NodeFuncGenericToDouble (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.func.NodeFuncGenericToDouble)1 NodeFuncGenericToLong (buildcraft.lib.expression.node.func.NodeFuncGenericToLong)1