use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class NodeStack method popLong.
public INodeLong popLong() throws InvalidExpressionException {
IExpressionNode node = pop();
if (node instanceof INodeLong) {
return (INodeLong) node;
} else {
throw new InvalidExpressionException("Cannot cast " + node + " to a long!");
use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class NodeConditionalLong method inline.
public INodeLong inline() {
INodeBoolean c = condition.inline();
INodeLong t = ifTrue.inline();
INodeLong f = ifFalse.inline();
if (c instanceof NodeConstantBoolean && t instanceof NodeConstantLong && f instanceof NodeConstantLong) {
return new NodeConstantLong(((NodeConstantBoolean) c).value ? ((NodeConstantLong) t).value : ((NodeConstantLong) f).value);
} else if (c != condition || t != ifTrue || f != ifFalse) {
return new NodeConditionalLong(c, t, f);
} else {
return this;
use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class ExpressionTester method testVariables.
public void testVariables() {
FunctionContext ctx = new FunctionContext(DefaultContexts.createWithAll());
NodeVariableDouble someVariable = ctx.putVariableDouble("something");
someVariable.value = 0;
bakeAndCallDouble("something", 0, ctx);
someVariable.value = 1;
bakeAndCallDouble("something", 1, ctx);
NodeVariableObject<String> variant = ctx.putVariableString("variant");
String exp = "variant == 'gold'";
INodeBoolean expBool = bakeFunctionBoolean(exp, ctx);
variant.value = "nether_brick";
variant.value = "gold";
variant.value = "iron";
exp = "variant == 'wood' ? 0 : variant == 'steel' ? 1 : variant == 'obsidian' ? 2 : 3";
INodeLong expLong = bakeFunctionLong(exp, ctx);
variant.value = "wood";
Assert.assertEquals(expLong.evaluate(), 0);
variant.value = "steel";
Assert.assertEquals(expLong.evaluate(), 1);
variant.value = "obsidian";
Assert.assertEquals(expLong.evaluate(), 2);
variant.value = "some_other_value";
Assert.assertEquals(expLong.evaluate(), 3);
use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class ExpressionTester method bakeAndCallLong.
private static void bakeAndCallLong(String function, long expected, FunctionContext ctx) {
ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("Testing \"" + function + "\", expecting " + expected);
INodeLong node = bakeFunctionLong(function, ctx);
ExpressionDebugManager.debugPrintln("To " + node);
long got = node.evaluate();
Assert.assertEquals(expected, got);
use of buildcraft.lib.expression.api.IExpressionNode.INodeLong in project BuildCraft by BuildCraft.
the class ExpressionTester method testMath.
public void testMath() throws InvalidExpressionException {
FunctionContext ctx2 = DefaultContexts.createWithAll();
List<Class<?>> list_d = Collections.singletonList(double.class);
List<Class<?>> list_l = Collections.singletonList(long.class);
List<Class<?>> list_ll = Arrays.asList(long.class, long.class);
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("sin", list_d));
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("cosh", list_d));
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("round", list_d));
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("ceil", list_d));
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("max", list_d));
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("max", list_l));
System.out.println(ctx2.getFunction("max", list_ll));
NodeStack stack4 = new NodeStack();
stack4.push(new NodeConstantDouble(0.4));
INodeLong out = (INodeLong) ctx2.getFunction("ceil", list_d).getNode(stack4);
System.out.println(out + " = " + out.evaluate());
stack4.push(new NodeConstantDouble(0.4));
out = (INodeLong) ctx2.getFunction("floor", list_d).getNode(stack4);
System.out.println(out + " = " + out.evaluate());
INodeDouble nd = (INodeDouble) ctx2.getVariable("pi");
System.out.println(nd + " = " + nd.evaluate());
nd = (INodeDouble) ctx2.getVariable("e");
System.out.println(nd + " = " + nd.evaluate());
INodeFuncLong func3 = GenericExpressionCompiler.compileFunctionLong("input * 2 + 1", ctx2, Argument.argLong("input"));
NodeStack stack3 = new NodeStack();
NodeVariableLong input = stack3.push(new NodeVariableLong("input"));
INodeLong node3 = func3.getNode(stack3);
input.value = 1;
System.out.println(node3 + " = " + node3.evaluate());
input.value = 30;
System.out.println(node3 + " = " + node3.evaluate());
ctx2.put_ll_l("sub", (a, b) -> a - b);
testExpr("floor(ceil(0.5)+0.5)", ctx2);
testExpr("sub(5, 6)", ctx2);
testExpr("5.sub(6.4.round()) + 0.5.ceil()", ctx2);
testExpr("5.sub(6) + 0.5.ceil() & ' -- ' & 45 + 2", ctx2);
testExpr("165 + 15 - 6 * 46.sub(10)", ctx2);
testExpr("log(10)", ctx2);
testExpr("log10(10)", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(90))", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(90)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(91)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(92)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(93)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(94)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("floor(ceil(0.5)+0.5)", ctx2);
testExpr("sub(5, 6)", ctx2);
testExpr("5.sub(6.4.round()) + 0.5.ceil()", ctx2);
testExpr("5.sub(6) + 0.5.ceil() & ' -- ' & 45 + 2", ctx2);
testExpr("165 + 15 - 6 * 46.sub(10)", ctx2);
testExpr("log(10)", ctx2);
testExpr("log10(10)", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(90))", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(90)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(91)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(92)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(93)).round_float()", ctx2);
testExpr("cos(radians(94)).round_float()", ctx2);