Search in sources :

Example 1 with Mineral

use of bwem.unit.Mineral in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class TestListenerBwem method onFrame.

public void onFrame() {
    try {
        // Send idle workers to mine at the closest mineral patch.
        for (final Worker worker : workers) {
            if (worker.isIdle()) {
                MineralPatch closestMineralPatch = null;
                for (final MineralPatch mineralPatch : bw.getMineralPatches()) {
                    if (closestMineralPatch == null) {
                        closestMineralPatch = mineralPatch;
                    } else {
                        if (mineralPatch.getPosition().getDistance(self.getStartLocation().toPosition()) < closestMineralPatch.getPosition().getDistance(self.getStartLocation().toPosition())) {
                            closestMineralPatch = mineralPatch;
        /* Train an SCV at every Command Center. */
            if (self.getRace() == Race.Terran) {
                for (final PlayerUnit u : bw.getUnits(self)) {
                    if (u instanceof CommandCenter) {
                        final CommandCenter commandCenter = (CommandCenter) u;
                        if (!commandCenter.isTraining()) {
        /* Highlight starting locations and possible base locations. */
            for (final Base base : bwem.getMap().getBases()) {
                final boolean isStartingLocation = base.isStartingLocation();
                final Color highlightColor = isStartingLocation ? Color.GREEN : Color.YELLOW;
                final Position baseLocation = base.getLocation().toPosition();
                final Position resourceDepotSize = UnitType.Terran_Command_Center.tileSize().toPosition();
                if (isOnScreen(baseLocation)) {
                    bw.getMapDrawer().drawBoxMap(baseLocation, baseLocation.add(resourceDepotSize), highlightColor);
                /* Display minerals. */
                for (final Mineral mineral : base.getMinerals()) {
                    if (isOnScreen(mineral.getCenter())) {
                        bw.getMapDrawer().drawLineMap(mineral.getCenter(), base.getCenter(), Color.CYAN);
                /* Display geysers. */
                for (final Geyser geyser : base.getGeysers()) {
                    if (isOnScreen(geyser.getCenter())) {
                        bw.getMapDrawer().drawLineMap(geyser.getCenter(), base.getCenter(), Color.GREEN);
        /* Highlight choke points. */
            final int chokePointRadius = 8;
            final Color chokePointColor = Color.RED;
            for (final ChokePoint chokePoint : bwem.getMap().getChokePoints()) {
                final Position center = chokePoint.getCenter().toPosition();
                if (isOnScreen(center)) {
                    bw.getMapDrawer().drawCircleMap(center, chokePointRadius, chokePointColor);
                    bw.getMapDrawer().drawLineMap(center.getX() - chokePointRadius, center.getY(), center.getX() + chokePointRadius, center.getY(), chokePointColor);
                    bw.getMapDrawer().drawLineMap(center.getX(), center.getY() - chokePointRadius, center.getX(), center.getY() + chokePointRadius, chokePointColor);
        /* Highlight workers. */
            for (final Worker worker : workers) {
                final Position tileSize = new TilePosition(worker.tileWidth(), worker.tileHeight()).toPosition();
                final Position topLeft = worker.getPosition().subtract(tileSize.divide(new Position(2, 2)));
                final Position bottomRight = topLeft.add(tileSize);
                if (isOnScreen(topLeft)) {
                    bw.getMapDrawer().drawBoxMap(topLeft, bottomRight, Color.BROWN);
        /* Draw mouse position debug info. */
            final Position screenPosition = bw.getInteractionHandler().getScreenPosition();
            final Position mousePosition = screenPosition.add(bw.getInteractionHandler().getMousePosition());
            final String mouseText = "T:" + mousePosition.toTilePosition().toString() + "\nW:" + mousePosition.toWalkPosition().toString() + "\nP:" + mousePosition.toString();
            bw.getMapDrawer().drawBoxMap(mousePosition.toTilePosition().toPosition(), mousePosition.toTilePosition().toPosition().add(new TilePosition(1, 1).toPosition()), Color.WHITE);
            bw.getMapDrawer().drawTextMap(mousePosition.add(new Position(20, -10)), mouseText);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Mineral(bwem.unit.Mineral) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) Position(org.openbw.bwapi4j.Position) Color(org.openbw.bwapi4j.type.Color) CommandCenter(org.openbw.bwapi4j.unit.CommandCenter) MineralPatch(org.openbw.bwapi4j.unit.MineralPatch) Geyser(bwem.unit.Geyser) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) Worker(org.openbw.bwapi4j.unit.Worker) PlayerUnit(org.openbw.bwapi4j.unit.PlayerUnit)

Example 2 with Mineral

use of bwem.unit.Mineral in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class Graph method createChokePoints.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Creates a new Area for each pair (top, miniTiles) in AreasList (See Area::top() and Area::miniTiles())
public void createChokePoints(final List<StaticBuilding> staticBuildings, final List<Mineral> minerals, final List<MutablePair<MutablePair<AreaId, AreaId>, WalkPosition>> rawFrontier) {
    Index newIndex = new Index(0);
    final List<Neutral> blockingNeutrals = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final StaticBuilding s : staticBuildings) {
        if (s.isBlocking()) {
    for (final Mineral m : minerals) {
        if (m.isBlocking()) {
    // Note: pseudoChokePointsToCreate is only used for pre-allocating the GetChokePoints array size.
    // This number will highly likely be very small. There is no reason to set a minimum size.
    // int pseudoChokePointsToCreate = 0;
    // for (final Neutral blockingNeutral : blockingNeutrals) {
    // if (blockingNeutral.getNextStacked() == null) {
    // ++pseudoChokePointsToCreate;
    // }
    // }
    // 1) size the matrix
    initializeChokePointsMatrix(this.chokePointsMatrix, getAreaCount());
    // 2) Dispatch the global raw frontier between all the relevant pairs of areas:
    final java.util.Map<MutablePair<AreaId, AreaId>, List<WalkPosition>> rawFrontierByAreaPair = createRawFrontierByAreaPairMap(rawFrontier);
    // 3) For each pair of areas (A, B):
    for (final java.util.Map.Entry<MutablePair<AreaId, AreaId>, List<WalkPosition>> entry : rawFrontierByAreaPair.entrySet()) {
        MutablePair<AreaId, AreaId> rawleft = entry.getKey();
        final List<WalkPosition> rawFrontierAB = entry.getValue();
        // Because our dispatching preserved order,
        // and because Map::m_RawFrontier was populated in descending order of the altitude (see Map::computeAreas),
        // we know that rawFrontierAB is also ordered the same way, but let's check it:
            final List<Altitude> altitudes = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final WalkPosition w : rawFrontierAB) {
            // bwem_assert(is_sorted(altitudes.rbegin(), altitudes.rend()));
            for (int i = 1; i < altitudes.size(); ++i) {
                final int prev = altitudes.get(i - 1).intValue();
                final int curr = altitudes.get(i).intValue();
                if (prev < curr) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
        // 3.1) Use that information to efficiently cluster rawFrontierAB in one or several chokepoints.
        // Each cluster will be populated starting with the center of a chokepoint (max altitude)
        // and finishing with the ends (min altitude).
        final int clusterMinDist = (int) Math.sqrt(BwemExt.lake_max_miniTiles);
        final List<List<WalkPosition>> clusters = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final WalkPosition w : rawFrontierAB) {
            boolean added = false;
            for (final List<WalkPosition> cluster : clusters) {
                final int distToFront = BwemExt.queenWiseDist(cluster.get(0), w);
                final int distToBack = BwemExt.queenWiseDist(cluster.get(cluster.size() - 1), w);
                if (Math.min(distToFront, distToBack) <= clusterMinDist) {
                    if (distToFront < distToBack) {
                        cluster.add(0, w);
                    } else {
                    added = true;
            if (!added) {
                final List<WalkPosition> list = new ArrayList<>();
        // 3.2) Create one Chokepoint for each cluster:
        final AreaId a = rawleft.getLeft();
        final AreaId b = rawleft.getRight();
        // getChokePoints(a, b).reserve(clusters.size() + pseudoChokePointsToCreate);
        for (final List<WalkPosition> cluster : clusters) {
            getChokePoints(a, b).add(new ChokePointImpl(this, newIndex, getArea(a), getArea(b), cluster));
            newIndex = newIndex.add(1);
    // 4) Create one Chokepoint for each pair of blocked areas, for each blocking Neutral:
    for (final Neutral blockingNeutral : blockingNeutrals) {
        if (blockingNeutral.getNextStacked() == null) {
            // in the case where several neutrals are stacked, we only consider the top
            final List<Area> blockedAreas = blockingNeutral.getBlockedAreas();
            for (final Area blockedAreaA : blockedAreas) for (final Area blockedAreaB : blockedAreas) {
                if (blockedAreaB.equals(blockedAreaA)) {
                    // breaks symmetry
                final WalkPosition center = getMap().breadthFirstSearch(blockingNeutral.getCenter().toWalkPosition(), // findCond
                args -> {
                    Object ttile = args[0];
                    if (!(ttile instanceof MiniTile)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                    MiniTile miniTile = (MiniTile) ttile;
                    return miniTile.isWalkable();
                }, // visitCond
                args -> true);
                final List<WalkPosition> list = new ArrayList<>();
                getChokePoints(blockedAreaA, blockedAreaB).add(new ChokePointImpl(this, newIndex, blockedAreaA, blockedAreaB, list, blockingNeutral));
                newIndex = newIndex.add(1);
    // 5) Set the references to the freshly created Chokepoints:
    for (int loopA = 1; loopA <= getAreaCount(); ++loopA) for (int loopB = 1; loopB < loopA; ++loopB) {
        final AreaId a = new AreaId(loopA);
        final AreaId b = new AreaId(loopB);
        if (!getChokePoints(a, b).isEmpty()) {
            ((AreaInitializer) getArea(a)).addChokePoints(getArea(b), getChokePoints(a, b));
            ((AreaInitializer) getArea(b)).addChokePoints(getArea(a), getChokePoints(a, b));
            this.chokePoints.addAll(getChokePoints(a, b));
Also used : StaticBuilding(bwem.unit.StaticBuilding) Utils(bwem.util.Utils) Altitude(bwem.typedef.Altitude) MutableInt(org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt) PriorityQueue(java.util.PriorityQueue) Map( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) Pair(org.openbw.bwapi4j.util.Pair) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Area(bwem.area.Area) MutablePair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair) GroupId(bwem.area.typedef.GroupId) AreaId(bwem.area.typedef.AreaId) CPPath(bwem.typedef.CPPath) Index(bwem.typedef.Index) AdvancedData( StaticBuilding(bwem.unit.StaticBuilding) Position(org.openbw.bwapi4j.Position) Tile(bwem.tile.Tile) Neutral(bwem.unit.Neutral) AreaInitializer(bwem.area.AreaInitializer) WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) Mineral(bwem.unit.Mineral) TileImpl(bwem.tile.TileImpl) List(java.util.List) Geyser(bwem.unit.Geyser) AreaInitializerImpl(bwem.area.AreaInitializerImpl) BwemExt(bwem.util.BwemExt) Queue(java.util.Queue) Comparator(java.util.Comparator) MiniTile(bwem.tile.MiniTile) Neutral(bwem.unit.Neutral) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AreaId(bwem.area.typedef.AreaId) MiniTile(bwem.tile.MiniTile) Index(bwem.typedef.Index) MutablePair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Mineral(bwem.unit.Mineral) Area(bwem.area.Area) WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) Map( HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 3 with Mineral

use of bwem.unit.Mineral in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class AreaInitializerImpl method validateBaseLocation.

public boolean validateBaseLocation(final AdvancedData mapAdvancedData, final TilePosition location, final List<Mineral> blockingMinerals) {
    final TilePosition dimCC = UnitType.Terran_Command_Center.tileSize();
    for (int dy = -3; dy < dimCC.getY() + 3; ++dy) for (int dx = -3; dx < dimCC.getX() + 3; ++dx) {
        final TilePosition deltaLocation = location.add(new TilePosition(dx, dy));
        if (mapAdvancedData.getMapData().isValid(deltaLocation)) {
            final Tile deltaTile = mapAdvancedData.getTile(deltaLocation, CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
            final Neutral deltaTileNeutral = deltaTile.getNeutral();
            if (deltaTileNeutral != null) {
                if (deltaTileNeutral instanceof Geyser) {
                    return false;
                } else if (deltaTileNeutral instanceof Mineral) {
                    final Mineral deltaTileMineral = (Mineral) deltaTileNeutral;
                    if (deltaTileMineral.getInitialAmount() <= 8) {
                    } else {
                        return false;
    // checks the distance to the bases already created:
    for (final Base base : getBases()) {
        if (BwemExt.roundedDist(base.getLocation(), location) < BwemExt.min_tiles_between_Bases) {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : Mineral(bwem.unit.Mineral) Neutral(bwem.unit.Neutral) Geyser(bwem.unit.Geyser) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) Tile(bwem.tile.Tile) MiniTile(bwem.tile.MiniTile) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint) Base(bwem.Base)

Example 4 with Mineral

use of bwem.unit.Mineral in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class AreaInitializerImpl method createBases.

public void createBases(final AdvancedData mapAdvancedData) {
    final TilePosition resourceDepotDimensions = UnitType.Terran_Command_Center.tileSize();
    final List<Resource> remainingResources = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Mineral mineral : getMinerals()) {
        if ((mineral.getInitialAmount() >= 40) && !mineral.isBlocking()) {
    for (final Geyser geyser : getGeysers()) {
        if ((geyser.getInitialAmount() >= 300) && !geyser.isBlocking()) {
    while (!remainingResources.isEmpty()) {
        // 1) Calculate the SearchBoundingBox (needless to search too far from the remainingResources):
        TilePosition topLeftResources = new TilePosition(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        TilePosition bottomRightResources = new TilePosition(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        for (final Resource r : remainingResources) {
            final Pair<TilePosition, TilePosition> pair1 = BwemExt.makeBoundingBoxIncludePoint(topLeftResources, bottomRightResources, r.getTopLeft());
            topLeftResources = pair1.getFirst();
            bottomRightResources = pair1.getSecond();
            final Pair<TilePosition, TilePosition> pair2 = BwemExt.makeBoundingBoxIncludePoint(topLeftResources, bottomRightResources, r.getBottomRight());
            topLeftResources = pair2.getFirst();
            bottomRightResources = pair2.getSecond();
        final TilePosition dimensionsBetweenResourceDepotAndResources = new TilePosition(BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES, BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES);
        TilePosition topLeftSearchBoundingBox = topLeftResources.subtract(resourceDepotDimensions).subtract(dimensionsBetweenResourceDepotAndResources);
        TilePosition bottomRightSearchBoundingBox = bottomRightResources.add(new TilePosition(1, 1)).add(dimensionsBetweenResourceDepotAndResources);
        topLeftSearchBoundingBox = BwemExt.makePointFitToBoundingBox(topLeftSearchBoundingBox, getTopLeft(), getBottomRight().subtract(resourceDepotDimensions).add(new TilePosition(1, 1)));
        bottomRightSearchBoundingBox = BwemExt.makePointFitToBoundingBox(bottomRightSearchBoundingBox, getTopLeft(), getBottomRight().subtract(resourceDepotDimensions).add(new TilePosition(1, 1)));
        // 2) Mark the Tiles with their distances from each remaining Resource (Potential Fields >= 0)
        for (final Resource r : remainingResources) for (int dy = -resourceDepotDimensions.getY() - BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; dy < r.getSize().getY() + resourceDepotDimensions.getY() + BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; ++dy) for (int dx = -resourceDepotDimensions.getX() - BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; dx < r.getSize().getX() + resourceDepotDimensions.getX() + BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; ++dx) {
            final TilePosition deltaTilePosition = r.getTopLeft().add(new TilePosition(dx, dy));
            if (mapAdvancedData.getMapData().isValid(deltaTilePosition)) {
                final Tile tile = mapAdvancedData.getTile(deltaTilePosition, CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
                int dist = (BwemExt.distToRectangle(, r.getTopLeft().toPosition(), r.getSize().toPosition()) + (TilePosition.SIZE_IN_PIXELS / 2)) / TilePosition.SIZE_IN_PIXELS;
                int score = Math.max(BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES + 3 - dist, 0);
                if (r instanceof Geyser) {
                    // somewhat compensates for Geyser alone vs the several minerals
                    score *= 3;
                if (tile.getAreaId().equals(getId())) {
                    // note the additive effect (assume tile.InternalData() is 0 at the beginning)
                    ((TileImpl) tile).setInternalData(((TileImpl) tile).getInternalData() + score);
        // 3) Invalidate the 7 x 7 Tiles around each remaining Resource (Starcraft rule)
        for (final Resource r : remainingResources) for (int dy = -3; dy < r.getSize().getY() + 3; ++dy) for (int dx = -3; dx < r.getSize().getX() + 3; ++dx) {
            final TilePosition deltaTilePosition = r.getTopLeft().add(new TilePosition(dx, dy));
            if (mapAdvancedData.getMapData().isValid(deltaTilePosition)) {
                final Tile tileToUpdate = mapAdvancedData.getTile(deltaTilePosition, CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
                ((TileImpl) tileToUpdate).setInternalData(-1);
        // 4) Search the best location inside the SearchBoundingBox:
        TilePosition bestLocation = null;
        int bestScore = 0;
        final List<Mineral> blockingMinerals = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int y = topLeftSearchBoundingBox.getY(); y <= bottomRightSearchBoundingBox.getY(); ++y) for (int x = topLeftSearchBoundingBox.getX(); x <= bottomRightSearchBoundingBox.getX(); ++x) {
            final int score = computeBaseLocationScore(mapAdvancedData, new TilePosition(x, y));
            if (score > bestScore) {
                if (validateBaseLocation(mapAdvancedData, new TilePosition(x, y), blockingMinerals)) {
                    bestScore = score;
                    bestLocation = new TilePosition(x, y);
        // 5) Clear Tile::m_internalData (required due to our use of Potential Fields: see comments in 2))
        for (Resource r : remainingResources) {
            for (int dy = -resourceDepotDimensions.getY() - BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; dy < r.getSize().getY() + resourceDepotDimensions.getY() + BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; ++dy) for (int dx = -resourceDepotDimensions.getX() - BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; dx < r.getSize().getX() + resourceDepotDimensions.getX() + BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES; ++dx) {
                final TilePosition deltaTilePosition = r.getTopLeft().add(new TilePosition(dx, dy));
                if (mapAdvancedData.getMapData().isValid(deltaTilePosition)) {
                    final Tile tileToUpdate = mapAdvancedData.getTile(deltaTilePosition, CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
                    ((TileImpl) tileToUpdate).setInternalData(0);
        if (bestScore == 0) {
        // 6) Create a new Base at bestLocation, assign to it the relevant resources and remove them from RemainingResources:
        final List<Resource> assignedResources = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Resource r : remainingResources) {
            if (BwemExt.distToRectangle(r.getCenter(), bestLocation.toPosition(), resourceDepotDimensions.toPosition()) + 2 <= BwemExt.MAX_TILES_BETWEEN_COMMAND_CENTER_AND_RESOURCES * TilePosition.SIZE_IN_PIXELS) {
        // for (int i = 0; i < remainingResources.size(); ++i) {
        // Resource r = remainingResources.get(i);
        // if (assignedResources.contains(r)) {
        // remainingResources.remove(i--);
        // }
        // }
        if (assignedResources.isEmpty()) {
        super.bases.add(new BaseImpl(this, bestLocation, assignedResources, blockingMinerals));
Also used : Mineral(bwem.unit.Mineral) TileImpl(bwem.tile.TileImpl) Resource(bwem.unit.Resource) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BaseImpl(bwem.BaseImpl) Tile(bwem.tile.Tile) MiniTile(bwem.tile.MiniTile) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint) Geyser(bwem.unit.Geyser) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition)

Example 5 with Mineral

use of bwem.unit.Mineral in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class MapImpl method onMineralDestroyed.

public void onMineralDestroyed(Unit u) {
    for (int i = 0; i < getNeutralData().getMinerals().size(); ++i) {
        Mineral mineral = getNeutralData().getMinerals().get(i);
        if (mineral.getUnit().equals(u)) {
            /* IMPORTANT! These actions are performed in the "~Neutral" dtor in BWEM 1.4.1 C++. */
    // bwem_assert(iMineral != minerals.end());
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("unit is not a Mineral");
Also used : Mineral(bwem.unit.Mineral)


Mineral (bwem.unit.Mineral)6 Geyser (bwem.unit.Geyser)5 TilePosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition)5 MiniTile (bwem.tile.MiniTile)4 Tile (bwem.tile.Tile)4 ChokePoint (bwem.ChokePoint)3 TileImpl (bwem.tile.TileImpl)3 Base (bwem.Base)2 Area (bwem.area.Area)2 Neutral (bwem.unit.Neutral)2 StaticBuilding (bwem.unit.StaticBuilding)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 MutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair)2 Position (org.openbw.bwapi4j.Position)2 WalkPosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)2 BaseImpl (bwem.BaseImpl)1 AreaInitializer (bwem.area.AreaInitializer)1 AreaInitializerImpl (bwem.area.AreaInitializerImpl)1 AreaId (bwem.area.typedef.AreaId)1