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Example 1 with ChokePoint

use of bwem.ChokePoint in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class MapTest method assert_ChokePoints.

 * Tests that all chokepoint centers match between the original BWEM in C++ and this Java port.<br/>
private void assert_ChokePoints(final List<WalkPosition> expectedChokePointCenters, final List<ChokePoint> actualChokePoints) {
    final List<WalkPosition> actualChokepointCenters = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final ChokePoint actualChokePoint : actualChokePoints) {
        final WalkPosition actualChokePointCenter = actualChokePoint.getCenter();
    Assert.assertEquals("Chokepoint container sizes do not match. expected=" + expectedChokePointCenters.size() + ", actual=" + actualChokepointCenters.size(), expectedChokePointCenters.size(), actualChokepointCenters.size());
    // If an exact position is not found, search within this WalkTile radius value.
    final int tolerance = 20;
    // Keep track of and do not use the same tolerant center more than once.
    final List<WalkPosition> tolerantCenters = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final WalkPosition expectedChokePointCenter : expectedChokePointCenters) {
        final boolean found = actualChokepointCenters.contains(expectedChokePointCenter);
        if (!found) {
            logger.warn("Did not find original chokepoint: " + expectedChokePointCenter.toString() + ". Retrying with a max tolerance of " + tolerance + ".");
            final int boundsLowerX = expectedChokePointCenter.getX() - tolerance;
            final int boundsUpperX = expectedChokePointCenter.getX() + tolerance;
            final int boundsLowerY = expectedChokePointCenter.getY() - tolerance;
            final int boundsUpperY = expectedChokePointCenter.getY() + tolerance;
            boolean foundTolerant = false;
            for (int y = boundsLowerY; y <= boundsUpperY; ++y) {
                for (int x = boundsLowerX; x <= boundsUpperX; ++x) {
                    final WalkPosition tolerantCenter = new WalkPosition(x, y);
                    if (actualChokepointCenters.contains(tolerantCenter)) {
                        Assert.assertEquals("Found a tolerant center but it has already been used: " + tolerantCenter.toString(), false, tolerantCenters.contains(tolerantCenter));
                        foundTolerant = true;
                        logger.debug("Found tolerant center for chokepoint: " + expectedChokePointCenter.toString() + ", tolerant_center=" + tolerantCenter.toString() + ", tolerance=" + expectedChokePointCenter.subtract(tolerantCenter) + ".");
                if (foundTolerant) {
            Assert.assertEquals("Did not find original chokepoint even with a tolerance value. actualChokepointCenters=" + actualChokepointCenters.toString(), true, foundTolerant);
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint)

Example 2 with ChokePoint

use of bwem.ChokePoint in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class MapPrinterExample method pathExample.

public void pathExample(Map theMap) {
    if (theMap.getData().getMapData().getStartingLocations().size() < 2)
    Color col = new Color(255, 255, 255);
    WalkPosition a = (theMap.getData().getMapData().getStartingLocations().get(randomGenerator.nextInt(theMap.getData().getMapData().getStartingLocations().size()))).toWalkPosition();
    WalkPosition b = a;
    while (b.equals(a)) {
        b = (theMap.getData().getMapData().getStartingLocations().get(randomGenerator.nextInt(theMap.getData().getMapData().getStartingLocations().size()))).toWalkPosition();
    // Uncomment this to use random positions for a and b:
    // a = WalkPosition(theMap.RandomPosition());
    // b = WalkPosition(theMap.RandomPosition());, 6, col, MapPrinter.fill_t.fill);, 6, col, MapPrinter.fill_t.fill);
    MutableInt length = new MutableInt(0);
    CPPath path = theMap.getPath(a.toPosition(), b.toPosition(), length);
    // cannot reach b from a
    if (length.intValue() < 0)
    if (path.isEmpty()) {
        // bwem_assert(theMap.getNearestArea(a) == theMap.getNearestArea(b));
        if (!(theMap.getNearestArea(a).equals(theMap.getNearestArea(b)))) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        // just draw a single line between them:
        mapPrinter.line(a, b, col, MapPrinter.dashed_t.dashed);
    } else {
        // bwem_assert(theMap.getNearestArea(a) != theMap.getNearestArea(b));
        if (theMap.getNearestArea(a).equals(theMap.getNearestArea(b))) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        // draw a line between each ChokePoint in path:
        ChokePoint cpPrevious = null;
        for (ChokePoint cp : path) {
            if (cpPrevious != null) {
                mapPrinter.line(cpPrevious.getCenter(), cp.getCenter(), col, MapPrinter.dashed_t.dashed);
  , 6, col);
            cpPrevious = cp;
        mapPrinter.line(a, path.get(0).getCenter(), col, MapPrinter.dashed_t.dashed);
        mapPrinter.line(b, path.get(path.size() - 1).getCenter(), col, MapPrinter.dashed_t.dashed);
    // TODO: Handle exception.
    try {
        mapPrinter.writeImageToFile(Paths.get("map.png"), "png");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
Also used : CPPath(bwem.typedef.CPPath) MutableInt(org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt) WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint) IOException(

Example 3 with ChokePoint

use of bwem.ChokePoint in project BWAPI4J by OpenBW.

the class MapPrinterExample method getZoneColorCppAlgorithmAnyOf.

private boolean getZoneColorCppAlgorithmAnyOf(java.util.Map<Area, List<ChokePoint>> chokePointsByArea, java.util.Map<Integer, Color> mapZoneColor, Color color) {
    for (Area neighbor : chokePointsByArea.keySet()) {
        int neighborId = neighbor.getId().intValue();
        Color neighboringColor = mapZoneColor.get(neighborId);
        if (neighboringColor != null && (Math.abs(color.getRed() - neighboringColor.getRed()) + Math.abs(color.getGreen() - neighboringColor.getGreen()) < 150)) {
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : Area(bwem.area.Area) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint)

Example 4 with ChokePoint

use of bwem.ChokePoint in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BuildingMap method findBunkerPosition.

public TilePosition findBunkerPosition(ChokePoint choke) {
    TilePosition buildingSize = UnitType.Terran_Bunker.tileSize();
    int size = Math.max(buildingSize.getY(), buildingSize.getX());
    double chokeWidth = Util.getChokeWidth(choke);
    Position starting = choke.getCenter().toPosition();
    int x = starting.toTilePosition().getY();
    int y = starting.toTilePosition().getX();
    int i = 10;
    int j = 10;
    boolean expandBunker = choke.equals(getGs().naturalChoke);
    // Finds the first valid tileposition starting around the given tileposition
    TilePosition position = null;
    double dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int ii = (x - i); ii <= (x + i); ii++) {
        for (int jj = (y - j); jj <= (y + j); jj++) {
            if ((ii >= 0 && ii < height) && (jj >= 0 && jj < width)) {
                if ((!map[ii][jj].equals("M") && !map[ii][jj].equals("V") && !map[ii][jj].equals("E") && !map[ii][jj].equals("B")) && Integer.parseInt(map[ii][jj]) >= size) {
                    Area area = bwem.getMap().getArea(new TilePosition(jj, ii));
                    if (area != null && area.equals(getGs().naturalArea) && !expandBunker)
                    if (area != null && !area.equals(getGs().naturalArea) && expandBunker)
                    if (checkUnitsChosenBuildingGrid(new TilePosition(jj, ii), UnitType.Terran_Bunker)) {
                        TilePosition newPosition = new TilePosition(jj, ii);
                        Position centerBunker = Util.getUnitCenterPosition(newPosition.toPosition(), UnitType.Terran_Bunker);
                        if (chokeWidth <= 64.0 && Util.broodWarDistance(choke.getCenter().toPosition(), centerBunker) <= 64)
                        double newDist = Util.broodWarDistance(centerBunker, starting);
                        if (position == null || newDist < dist) {
                            position = newPosition;
                            dist = newDist;
    return position;
Also used : Area(bwem.Area) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) Position(org.openbw.bwapi4j.Position) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint)

Example 5 with ChokePoint

use of bwem.ChokePoint in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class Util method getGroundDistanceClosestChoke.

public static ChokePoint getGroundDistanceClosestChoke(Position pos) {
    ChokePoint closestChoke = null;
    double dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (ChokePoint choke : getGs().bwem.getMap().getChokePoints()) {
        double cDist = getGroundDistance(pos, choke.getCenter().toPosition());
        if (cDist == 0.0)
        if (closestChoke == null || cDist < dist) {
            closestChoke = choke;
            dist = cDist;
    return closestChoke;
Also used : ChokePoint(bwem.ChokePoint)


ChokePoint (bwem.ChokePoint)10 TilePosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition)4 WalkPosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)3 Base (bwem.Base)2 Area (bwem.area.Area)2 MiniTile (bwem.tile.MiniTile)2 Tile (bwem.tile.Tile)2 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Area (bwem.Area)1 Mineral (bwem.Mineral)1 TileImpl (bwem.tile.TileImpl)1 CPPath (bwem.typedef.CPPath)1 Geyser (bwem.unit.Geyser)1 Mineral (bwem.unit.Mineral)1 StaticBuilding (bwem.unit.StaticBuilding)1 MutablePair (ecgberht.Util.MutablePair)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 MutableInt (org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt)1