Search in sources :

Example 6 with Gen

use of catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstExpJdbcAll method toInstance.

private Instance<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>, Gen, Null<?>> toInstance(AqlEnv env, SqlInstance inst, SqlSchema info) {
    AqlOptions ops = new AqlOptions(options, null, env.defaults);
    Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> sch = makeSchema(env, info, ops);
    Ctx<En, Collection<Gen>> ens0 = new Ctx<>(Util.newSetsFor0(sch.ens));
    Ctx<Ty, Collection<Null<?>>> tys0 = new Ctx<>();
    Ctx<Gen, Ctx<Fk, Gen>> fks0 = new Ctx<>();
    Ctx<Gen, Ctx<Att, Term<Ty, Void, Sym, Void, Void, Void, Null<?>>>> atts0 = new Ctx<>();
    Ctx<Null<?>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>>> extraRepr = new Ctx<>();
    for (Ty ty : sch.typeSide.tys) {
        tys0.put(ty, new HashSet<>());
    boolean schemaOnly = (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.schema_only);
    boolean nullOnErr = (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_null_on_err_unsafe);
    boolean dontCheckClosure = (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_dont_check_closure_unsafe);
    if (!schemaOnly) {
        int fr = 0;
        Map<SqlTable, Map<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>, Gen>> iso1 = new HashMap<>();
        for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
            Set<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>> tuples = inst.get(table);
            Map<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>, Gen> i1 = new HashMap<>();
            SqlColumn thePk = null;
            if ( == 1) {
                thePk = Util.get0(;
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> tuple : tuples) {
                Gen i = new Gen("v" + (fr++));
                /* can't do this until Gen need not be unique
					if (thePk == null) {
						i = new Gen("v" + (fr++));
					} else {
						Optional<Object> x = tuple.get(thePk);
						if (!x.isPresent()) {
							throw new RuntimeException("Primary key col is null in " + tuple);
						i = new Gen(x.get().toString()); //TODO aql
                i1.put(tuple, i);
                // tuple.keySet().
                // i2.put(i, tuple);
                ens0.get(new En(;
                for (SqlColumn c : table.columns) {
                    if (!atts0.containsKey(i)) {
                        atts0.put(i, new Ctx<>());
                    Optional<Object> val = tuple.get(c);
                    Term<Ty, Void, Sym, Void, Void, Void, Null<?>> xxx = InstExpJdbc.objectToSk(sch, val.orElse(null), i, new Att(new En(,, tys0, extraRepr, false, nullOnErr);
                    atts0.get(i).put(new Att(new En(,, xxx);
            iso1.put(table, i1);
        // iso2.put(table, i2);
        for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> in : inst.get(fk.source)) {
                Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> out = inst.follow(in, fk);
                Gen tgen = iso1.get(;
                Gen sgen = iso1.get(fk.source).get(in);
                if (!fks0.containsKey(sgen)) {
                    fks0.put(sgen, new Ctx<>());
                fks0.get(sgen).put(new Fk(new En(, fk.toString()), tgen);
    ImportAlgebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>> alg = new ImportAlgebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>>(sch, ens0, tys0, fks0, atts0, Object::toString, Object::toString, dontCheckClosure);
    return new SaturatedInstance<>(alg, alg, (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.require_consistency), (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe), true, extraRepr);
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) Null(catdata.Null) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Ctx(catdata.Ctx) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) ImportAlgebra(catdata.aql.ImportAlgebra) Optional(java.util.Optional) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) Term(catdata.aql.Term) Gen(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen) SqlForeignKey(catdata.sql.SqlForeignKey) Collection(java.util.Collection) AqlOptions(catdata.aql.AqlOptions) SqlTable(catdata.sql.SqlTable) SaturatedInstance(catdata.aql.fdm.SaturatedInstance) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) SqlColumn(catdata.sql.SqlColumn)

Example 7 with Gen

use of catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class RawTerm method toHeadNoPrim.

// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// only used for precedences with aql options
public static Head<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> toHeadNoPrim(String head, Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> col) {
    assertUnambig(head, col);
    if (col.syms.containsKey(new Sym(head))) {
        return Head.Sym(new Sym(head));
    } else if (col.gens.containsKey(new Gen(head))) {
        return Head.Gen(new Gen(head));
    } else if (col.sks.containsKey(new Sk(head))) {
        return Head.Sk(new Sk(head));
    for (En en : col.ens) {
        // TODO aql won't work with ambig
        if (col.fks.containsKey(new Fk(en, head))) {
            return Head.Fk(new Fk(en, head));
        if (col.atts.containsKey(new Att(en, head))) {
            return Head.Att(new Att(en, head));
    throw new RuntimeException("Anomaly: please report");
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) Gen(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) Sk(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Sk) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En)

Example 8 with Gen

use of catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class RawTerm method infer_good.

private static Set<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>> infer_good(RawTerm e, Chc<Ty, En> expected, Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> col, String pre, AqlJs<Ty, Sym> js, Map<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> vars) {
    if (e.annotation != null && !col.tys.contains(new Ty(e.annotation))) {
        throw new RuntimeException(pre + "Annotation " + e.annotation + " is not a type (" + col.tys + ").");
    Set<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>> ret = new HashSet<>();
    if (vars.keySet().contains(new Var((String) e.head)) && e.annotation == null) {
        Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Var(new Var((String) e.head));
        if (expected != null) {
            Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> ret2 = new Ctx<>();
            ret2.put(new Var((String) e.head), expected);
            if (ret2.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, ret2, expected));
        } else {
            for (En en : col.ens) {
                Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> ret2 = new Ctx<>();
                ret2.put(new Var((String) e.head), Chc.inRight(en));
                if (ret2.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                    ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, ret2, Chc.inRight(en)));
            for (Ty ty : col.tys) {
                Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> ret2 = new Ctx<>();
                if (ret2.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                    ret2.put(new Var((String) e.head), Chc.inLeft(ty));
                ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, ret2, Chc.inLeft(ty)));
    if (col.syms.containsKey(new Sym(e.head)) && e.annotation == null) {
        // //System.out.println("a " + e);
        List<List<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>>> l = new LinkedList<>();
        l.add(new LinkedList<>());
        for (int i = 0; i < e.args.size(); i++) {
            RawTerm arg = e.args.get(i);
            // //System.out.println("arg " + arg);
            Ty ty = col.syms.get(new Sym(e.head)).first.get(i);
            Set<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>> z = infer_good(arg, Chc.inLeft(ty), col, pre, js, vars);
            List<List<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>>> l2 = new LinkedList<>();
            for (List<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>> old : l) {
                // //System.out.println("old " + old);
                for (Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>> y : z) {
                    if (y.third.equals(Chc.inLeft(ty))) {
                        // //System.out.println("z z");
                        l2.add(Util.append(old, Util.singList(y)));
            l = l2;
        outer: for (List<Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>>> outcome : l) {
            // //System.out.println("outcome " + outcome);
            List<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>> w = -> x.first).collect(Collectors.toList());
            Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Sym(new Sym(e.head), w);
            Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> ret2 = new Ctx<>();
            for (Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>> ctx0 : outcome) {
                if (!ctx0.second.agreeOnOverlap(ret2) || !ctx0.second.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                    // //System.out.println("xxx ");
                    continue outer;
                // //System.out.println("yyy");
            for (int i = 0; i < e.args.size(); i++) {
                RawTerm arg = e.args.get(i);
                // //System.out.println("2arx " + arg);
                Chc<Ty, En> ty = Chc.inLeft(col.syms.get(new Sym(e.head)).first.get(i));
                Var v = new Var((String) arg.head);
                if (vars.keySet().contains(v)) {
                    // //System.out.println("a " + v);
                    if (ret2.containsKey(v) && !ret2.get(v).equals(ty)) {
                        // //System.out.println("b " + v);
                    } else if (!ret2.containsKey(v)) {
                        // //System.out.println("c " + v);
                        ret2.put(new Var(e.args.get(i).head), ty);
            Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inLeft(col.syms.get(new Sym(e.head)).second);
            if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
            // //System.out.println("d " );
            } else {
                // //System.out.println("e " );
                if (ret2.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                    ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, ret2, ret3));
    for (En en : col.ens) {
        if (col.fks.containsKey(new Fk(en, e.head)) && e.args.size() == 1 && e.annotation == null) {
            for (Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>> outcome : infer_good(e.args.get(0), Chc.inRight(col.fks.get(new Fk(en, e.head)).first), col, pre, js, vars)) {
                Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Fk(new Fk(en, e.head), outcome.first);
                // System.out.println("trying " + en + " and " + e.head);
                Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> ret2 = new Ctx<>(;
                Var v = new Var(e.args.get(0).head);
                Chc<Ty, En> ty = Chc.inRight(col.fks.get(new Fk(en, e.head)).first);
                if (vars.keySet().contains(v)) {
                    if (ret2.containsKey(v) && !ret2.get(v).equals(ty)) {
                        // System.out.println("no1");
                    } else if (!ret2.containsKey(v)) {
                        ret2.put(new Var(e.args.get(0).head), ty);
                Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inRight(col.fks.get(new Fk(en, e.head)).second);
                Chc<Ty, En> argt = Chc.inRight(col.fks.get(new Fk(en, e.head)).first);
                if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
                } else {
                    if (argt.equals(outcome.third)) {
                        if (ret2.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                            ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, ret2, ret3));
                        } else {
                        // System.out.println("b3");
                    } else {
                    // System.out.println("c3");
        if (col.atts.containsKey(new Att(en, e.head)) && e.args.size() == 1 && e.annotation == null) {
            // System.out.println("x " + e);
            for (Triple<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Chc<Ty, En>> outcome : infer_good(e.args.get(0), Chc.inRight(col.atts.get(new Att(en, e.head)).first), col, pre, js, vars)) {
                // System.out.println("y " + outcome);
                Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Att(new Att(en, e.head), outcome.first);
                Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>> ret2 = new Ctx<>(;
                Var v = new Var(e.args.get(0).head);
                Chc<Ty, En> ty = Chc.inRight(col.atts.get(new Att(en, e.head)).first);
                if (vars.keySet().contains(v)) {
                    if (ret2.containsKey(v) && !ret2.get(v).equals(ty)) {
                    } else if (!ret2.containsKey(v)) {
                        // System.out.println("b " + v);
                        ret2.put(v, ty);
                Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inLeft(col.atts.get(new Att(en, e.head)).second);
                Chc<Ty, En> argt = Chc.inRight(col.atts.get(new Att(en, e.head)).first);
                if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
                // System.out.println("d " + v);
                } else {
                    // System.out.println("e " + v);
                    if (argt.equals(outcome.third)) {
                        // System.out.println("f " + v);
                        if (ret2.agreeOnOverlap(Ctx.fromNullable(vars))) {
                            ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, ret2, ret3));
    if (col.gens.containsKey(new Gen(e.head)) && e.args.isEmpty() && e.annotation == null) {
        Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Gen(new Gen(e.head));
        Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inRight(col.gens.get(new Gen(e.head)));
        if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
        } else {
            ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, new Ctx<>(), ret3));
    if (col.sks.containsKey(new Sk(e.head)) && e.args.isEmpty() && e.annotation == null) {
        Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Sk(new Sk(e.head));
        Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inLeft(col.sks.get(new Sk(e.head)));
        if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
        } else {
            ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, new Ctx<>(), ret3));
    if (e.args.isEmpty() && e.annotation != null) {
        Ty ty = new Ty(e.annotation);
        Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Obj(js.parse(ty, e.head), ty);
        Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inLeft(ty);
        if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
        } else {
            ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, new Ctx<>(), ret3));
    // as primitive - only if not a variable/generator/etc in scope i.e. none above fired
    if (e.args.isEmpty() && e.annotation == null && ret.isEmpty()) {
        for (Ty ty : col.tys) {
            if (expected != null && !expected.equals(Chc.inLeft(ty))) {
            try {
                Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> ret1 = Term.Obj(js.parse(ty, e.head), ty);
                Chc<Ty, En> ret3 = Chc.inLeft(ty);
                if (expected != null && !expected.equals(ret3)) {
                // System.out.println("zzz");
                } else {
                    ret.add(new Triple<>(ret1, new Ctx<>(), ret3));
                // System.out.println("added " + ret + " and " + ret3);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (expected != null) {
                // throw ex;
            // //ex.printStackTrace();
    return ret;
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) Ctx(catdata.Ctx) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) Gen(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen) Sk(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Sk) Chc(catdata.Chc)

Example 9 with Gen

use of catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class AqlViewer method viewDP.

/*public static <Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> JComponent viewSchema2(Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> schema) {
		mxGraph graph = new mxGraph();
		Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();

		Ctx<Chc<En,Ty>, Object> nodes = new Ctx<>();
		for (En en : schema.ens) {
			Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, en.toString(), 20, 20, 80, 30);
			nodes.put(Chc.inLeft(en), v1);
		for (Ty ty : schema.typeSide.tys) {
			Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, ty.toString(), 20, 20, 80, 30);
			nodes.put(Chc.inRight(ty), v1);
		for (Att att : schema.atts.keySet()) {
			graph.insertEdge(parent, null, att.toString(), nodes.get(Chc.inLeft(schema.atts.get(att).first)), nodes.get(Chc.inRight(schema.atts.get(att).second)));
		for (Fk fk : schema.fks.keySet()) {
			graph.insertEdge(parent, null, fk.toString(), nodes.get(Chc.inLeft(schema.fks.get(fk).first)), nodes.get(Chc.inLeft(schema.fks.get(fk).second)));
		mxGraphLayout layout = new mxOrganicLayout(graph); // or whatever layouting algorithm
		mxGraphComponent graphComponent = new mxGraphComponent(graph);
		//  Map<String, Object> style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle();
		 // style.put(mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, true);
		//  style.put(mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_ENTITY_RELATION);
		return graphComponent;
	}	*/
private static <Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> JComponent viewDP(DP<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> dp, Collage col, AqlJs js) {
    CodeTextPanel input = new CodeTextPanel("Input (either equation-in-ctx or term-in-ctx)", "");
    CodeTextPanel output = new CodeTextPanel("Output", "");
    JButton eq = new JButton("Decide Equation-in-ctx");
    JButton nf = new JButton("Normalize Term-in-ctx");
		 * if (!dp.hasNFs()) { nf.setEnabled(false); }
    JButton print = new JButton("Show Info");
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 3));
    // TODO: aql does not position correctly
    Split split = new Split(.5, JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);
    JPanel main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    main.add(split, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    main.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    print.addActionListener(x -> output.setText(dp.toStringProver()));
    eq.addActionListener(x -> {
        try {
            Triple<List<Pair<String, String>>, RawTerm, RawTerm> y = AqlParser.getParser().parseEq(input.getText());
            Triple<Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>> z = RawTerm.infer2(y.first, y.second, y.third, col, js);
            boolean isEq = dp.eq(z.first, z.second, z.third);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
    nf.addActionListener(x -> {
        try {
            Pair<List<Pair<String, String>>, RawTerm> y = AqlParser.getParser().parseTermInCtx(input.getText());
            Triple<Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>> z = RawTerm.infer2(y.first, y.second, y.second, col, js);
            Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> w =, z.second);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
    return main;
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Ctx(catdata.Ctx) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) Term(catdata.aql.Term) RawTerm(catdata.aql.RawTerm) RawTerm(catdata.aql.RawTerm) Gen(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen) GridLayout(java.awt.GridLayout) BorderLayout(java.awt.BorderLayout) CodeTextPanel(catdata.ide.CodeTextPanel) Sk(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Sk) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Split(catdata.ide.Split)

Example 10 with Gen

use of catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstExpImport method eval.

public Instance<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>, Gen, Null<?>> eval(AqlEnv env) {
    Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> sch = schema.eval(env);
    for (Ty ty : sch.typeSide.tys) {
        if (!sch.typeSide.js.java_tys.containsKey(ty)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Import is only allowed onto java types");
    op = new AqlOptions(options, null, env.defaults);
    import_as_theory = (boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_as_theory);
    isJoined = (boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_joined);
    idCol = (String) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.id_column_name);
    nullOnErr = (Boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_null_on_err_unsafe);
    prepend_entity_on_ids = (Boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.prepend_entity_on_ids);
    import_col_seperator = (String) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_col_seperator);
    prefix = (String) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.csv_import_prefix);
    dont_check_closure = (boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_dont_check_closure_unsafe);
    ens0 = new Ctx<>(Util.newSetsFor0(sch.ens));
    tys0 = new Ctx<>(Util.newSetsFor0(sch.typeSide.tys));
    fks0 = new Ctx<>();
    atts0 = new Ctx<>();
    extraRepr = new Ctx<>();
    En last = null;
    try {
        Handle h = start(sch);
        if (!isJoined) {
				Map<En, Q> ens = new HashMap<>();
				Map<Ty, Q> tys = new HashMap<>();
				Map<Att, Q> atts = new HashMap<>();
				Map<Fk, Q> fks = new HashMap<>();
				for (String o : map.keySet()) {
					assertUnambig(o, sch);
					Q q = map.get(o);
					if (sch.typeSide.tys.contains(new Ty(o))) {
						tys.put(new Ty(o), q);
					} else if (sch.ens.contains(new En(o))) {
						ens.put(new En(o), q);
					} else if ( Att(o))) {
						atts.put(new Att(o), q);
					} else if ( Fk(o))) {
						fks.put(new Fk(o), q);
					} //TODO aql
				totalityCheck(sch, ens, tys, atts, fks);
				for (En en : ens.keySet()) {
					shreddedEn(h, en, ens.get(en), sch);
				for (Fk fk : fks.keySet()) {
					shreddedFk(h, fk, fks.get(fk), sch);
				for (Att att : atts.keySet()) {
					shreddedAtt(h, att, atts.get(att), sch);
            throw new RuntimeException("Unjoined form no longer supported.  To request, contact us.");
        } else {
            for (En en : sch.ens) {
                last = en;
                Q z = map.get(en.str);
                // TODO: aql: this check isn't needed
                // if (z == null) {
                // throw new RuntimeException("No binding given for " + en);
                // }
                joinedEn(h, en, z, sch);
    } catch (Exception exn) {
        String pre = "";
        if (last != null) {
            pre = "On entity " + last + ", ";
        throw new RuntimeException(pre + exn.getMessage() + "\n\n" + getHelpStr());
    if (import_as_theory) {
        return forTheory(sch, ens0, tys0, fks0, atts0, op);
    ImportAlgebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>> alg = new ImportAlgebra<>(sch, ens0, tys0, fks0, atts0, Object::toString, Object::toString, dont_check_closure);
    return new SaturatedInstance<>(alg, alg, (Boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.require_consistency), (Boolean) op.getOrDefault(AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe), true, extraRepr);
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) ImportAlgebra(catdata.aql.ImportAlgebra) Null(catdata.Null) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) Gen(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen) AqlOptions(catdata.aql.AqlOptions) SaturatedInstance(catdata.aql.fdm.SaturatedInstance)


Gen (catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen)17 Att (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att)16 En (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En)16 Fk (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk)16 Sym (catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym)15 Ty (catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty)14 Ctx (catdata.Ctx)12 Sk (catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Sk)11 AqlOptions (catdata.aql.AqlOptions)10 Chc (catdata.Chc)9 Pair (catdata.Pair)9 Term (catdata.aql.Term)9 Collage (catdata.aql.Collage)8 RawTerm (catdata.aql.RawTerm)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)6 List (java.util.List)6 Null (catdata.Null)5 Triple (catdata.Triple)5 It (catdata.aql.It)4