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Example 1 with SqlColumn

use of catdata.sql.SqlColumn in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstExpJdbcAll method makeSchema.

public Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> makeSchema(AqlEnv env, SqlSchema info, AqlOptions ops) {
    boolean checkJava = !(Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe);
    TypeSide<Ty, Sym> typeSide = new SqlTypeSide(ops);
    // typeSide.validate(true);
    Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> col0 = new Collage<>(typeSide.collage());
    Set<Triple<Pair<Var, En>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void>>> eqs = new HashSet<>();
    for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
        col0.ens.add(new En(;
        for (SqlColumn c : table.columns) {
            if (col0.atts.containsKey(new Att(new En(, {
                throw new RuntimeException("Name collision: table " + + " col " + + " against table " + col0.atts.get(new Att(new En(, + "\n\n.Possible solution: set option jdbc_import_col_seperator so as to avoid name collisions.");
            col0.atts.put(new Att(new En(,, new Pair<>(new En(, new Ty(sqlTypeToAqlType(;
    for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
        col0.fks.put(new Fk(new En(, fk.toString()), new Pair<>(new En(, new En(;
        Var v = new Var("x");
        for (SqlColumn tcol : {
            SqlColumn scol =;
            Att l = new Att(new En(,;
            Att r = new Att(new En(,;
            Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> lhs = Term.Att(l, Term.Var(v));
            Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> rhs = Term.Att(r, Term.Fk(new Fk(new En(, fk.toString()), Term.Var(v)));
            eqs.add(new Triple<>(new Pair<>(v, new En(, lhs, rhs));
            col0.eqs.add(new Eq<>(new Ctx<>(new Pair<>(v, Chc.inRight(new En(, lhs, rhs));
    DP<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> dp = AqlProver.create(new AqlOptions(options, col0, env.defaults), col0, typeSide.js);
    Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> sch = new Schema<>(typeSide, col0.ens,,, eqs, dp, checkJava);
    return sch;
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) SqlTypeSide(catdata.aql.SqlTypeSide) Var(catdata.aql.Var) Ctx(catdata.Ctx) SqlSchema(catdata.sql.SqlSchema) Schema(catdata.aql.Schema) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Pair(catdata.Pair) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) Triple(catdata.Triple) SqlForeignKey(catdata.sql.SqlForeignKey) SqlTable(catdata.sql.SqlTable) AqlOptions(catdata.aql.AqlOptions) Collage(catdata.aql.Collage) SqlColumn(catdata.sql.SqlColumn)

Example 2 with SqlColumn

use of catdata.sql.SqlColumn in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstExpJdbcAll method toInstance.

private Instance<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>, Gen, Null<?>> toInstance(AqlEnv env, SqlInstance inst, SqlSchema info) {
    AqlOptions ops = new AqlOptions(options, null, env.defaults);
    Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> sch = makeSchema(env, info, ops);
    Ctx<En, Collection<Gen>> ens0 = new Ctx<>(Util.newSetsFor0(sch.ens));
    Ctx<Ty, Collection<Null<?>>> tys0 = new Ctx<>();
    Ctx<Gen, Ctx<Fk, Gen>> fks0 = new Ctx<>();
    Ctx<Gen, Ctx<Att, Term<Ty, Void, Sym, Void, Void, Void, Null<?>>>> atts0 = new Ctx<>();
    Ctx<Null<?>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>>> extraRepr = new Ctx<>();
    for (Ty ty : sch.typeSide.tys) {
        tys0.put(ty, new HashSet<>());
    boolean schemaOnly = (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.schema_only);
    boolean nullOnErr = (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_null_on_err_unsafe);
    boolean dontCheckClosure = (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.import_dont_check_closure_unsafe);
    if (!schemaOnly) {
        int fr = 0;
        Map<SqlTable, Map<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>, Gen>> iso1 = new HashMap<>();
        for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
            Set<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>> tuples = inst.get(table);
            Map<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>, Gen> i1 = new HashMap<>();
            SqlColumn thePk = null;
            if ( == 1) {
                thePk = Util.get0(;
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> tuple : tuples) {
                Gen i = new Gen("v" + (fr++));
                /* can't do this until Gen need not be unique
					if (thePk == null) {
						i = new Gen("v" + (fr++));
					} else {
						Optional<Object> x = tuple.get(thePk);
						if (!x.isPresent()) {
							throw new RuntimeException("Primary key col is null in " + tuple);
						i = new Gen(x.get().toString()); //TODO aql
                i1.put(tuple, i);
                // tuple.keySet().
                // i2.put(i, tuple);
                ens0.get(new En(;
                for (SqlColumn c : table.columns) {
                    if (!atts0.containsKey(i)) {
                        atts0.put(i, new Ctx<>());
                    Optional<Object> val = tuple.get(c);
                    Term<Ty, Void, Sym, Void, Void, Void, Null<?>> xxx = InstExpJdbc.objectToSk(sch, val.orElse(null), i, new Att(new En(,, tys0, extraRepr, false, nullOnErr);
                    atts0.get(i).put(new Att(new En(,, xxx);
            iso1.put(table, i1);
        // iso2.put(table, i2);
        for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> in : inst.get(fk.source)) {
                Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> out = inst.follow(in, fk);
                Gen tgen = iso1.get(;
                Gen sgen = iso1.get(fk.source).get(in);
                if (!fks0.containsKey(sgen)) {
                    fks0.put(sgen, new Ctx<>());
                fks0.get(sgen).put(new Fk(new En(, fk.toString()), tgen);
    ImportAlgebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>> alg = new ImportAlgebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Null<?>>(sch, ens0, tys0, fks0, atts0, Object::toString, Object::toString, dontCheckClosure);
    return new SaturatedInstance<>(alg, alg, (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.require_consistency), (Boolean) ops.getOrDefault(AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe), true, extraRepr);
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) Null(catdata.Null) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Ctx(catdata.Ctx) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) ImportAlgebra(catdata.aql.ImportAlgebra) Optional(java.util.Optional) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) Sym(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym) Term(catdata.aql.Term) Gen(catdata.aql.exp.InstExpRaw.Gen) SqlForeignKey(catdata.sql.SqlForeignKey) Collection(java.util.Collection) AqlOptions(catdata.aql.AqlOptions) SqlTable(catdata.sql.SqlTable) SaturatedInstance(catdata.aql.fdm.SaturatedInstance) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) SqlColumn(catdata.sql.SqlColumn)

Example 3 with SqlColumn

use of catdata.sql.SqlColumn in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class SqlChecker method path.

private Triple<String, Set<String>, String> path(String start, List<Pair<String, List<Pair<String, String>>>> path, List<Pair<String, String>> last, SqlSchema info) {
    String init = start;
    String v = next();
    String init_v = v;
    Set<String> from = new HashSet<>();
    Set<String> where = new HashSet<>();
    Set<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
    from.add(start + " AS " + v);
    for (Pair<String, List<Pair<String, String>>> edge : path) {
        String target = edge.first;
        if (!match(start, target, edge.second)) {
            String exn = pr(edge) + " is a not declared as a foreign key from " + start + " to " + target;
            if (haltOnErrors.isSelected()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(exn);
        ret.addAll(typeCheck(start, target, edge));
        if (!targetIsPK(start, target, edge)) {
            String exn = pr(edge) + " does not target the primary key of " + target;
            if (haltOnErrors.isSelected()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(exn);
        String v2 = next();
        from.add(target + " AS " + v2);
        for (Pair<String, String> p : edge.second) {
            where.add(v + "." + p.first + " = " + v2 + "." + p.second);
        v = v2;
        start = target;
    Set<String> select = new HashSet<>();
    for (SqlColumn col : info.getTable(init).columns) {
        select.add(init_v + "." + + " AS " + "I_" +;
    if (last != null) {
        for (Pair<String, String> col : last) {
            select.add(v + "." + col.first + " AS " + "O_" + col.second);
    } else {
        for (SqlColumn col : info.getTable(start).columns) {
            select.add(v + "." + + " AS " + "O_" +;
    // TODO: aql must check end is the same in path eq too
    String str = "SELECT DISTINCT " + Util.sep(select, ", ") + "\nFROM " + Util.sep(from, ", ") + (where.isEmpty() ? "" : "\nWHERE " + Util.sep(where, " AND "));
    return new Triple<>(str, ret, start);
Also used : Triple(catdata.Triple) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) JList(javax.swing.JList) SqlColumn(catdata.sql.SqlColumn) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 4 with SqlColumn

use of catdata.sql.SqlColumn in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class SqlToOpl method convert.

// : happy medium between CNF and non-CNF? ignore as many columns as possible?
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static Pair<OplSchema<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, OplInst<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String, String>> convert(SqlSchema info, SqlInstance inst, String S0, String I0) {
    Set<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>> sorts = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>> entities = new HashSet<>();
    Map<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, Pair<List<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>>, Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>>> symbols = new HashMap<>();
    List<Triple<OplCtx<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>>> equations = new LinkedList<>();
    for (SqlType type : info.types) {
    for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
        for (SqlColumn col : table.columns) {
            symbols.put(Chc.inRight(Chc.inLeft(col)), new Pair<>(Util.singList(Chc.inRight(table)), Chc.inLeft(col.type)));
    for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
        symbols.put(Chc.inRight(Chc.inRight(fk)), new Pair<>(Util.singList(Chc.inRight(fk.source)), Chc.inRight(;
        OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> head = new OplTerm<>("x");
        OplCtx<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, String> ctx = new OplCtx<>(Util.singList(new Pair<>("x", Chc.inRight(fk.source))));
        OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> rhs0 = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(Chc.inRight(fk)), Util.singList(head));
        for (SqlColumn tcol : {
            SqlColumn scol =;
            Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey> l = Chc.inLeft(scol);
            Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey> r = Chc.inLeft(tcol);
            OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> lhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(l), Util.singList(head));
            OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> rhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(r), Util.singList(rhs0));
            equations.add(new Triple<>(ctx, lhs, rhs));
    OplSchema<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> sch = new OplSchema<>(S0, entities);
    OplSig<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> sig = new OplSig<>(VIt.vit, new HashMap<>(), sorts, symbols, equations);
    OplInst<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String, String> I = new OplInst<>(S0, I0, "none");
    Map<String, Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>> gens = new HashMap<>();
    List<Pair<OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String>>> eqs = new LinkedList<>();
    int fr = 0;
    if (inst != null) {
        Map<SqlTable, Map<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>, String>> iso1 = new HashMap<>();
        for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
            Set<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>> tuples = inst.get(table);
            Map<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>, String> i1 = new HashMap<>();
            // Map<String, Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>> i2 = new HashMap<>();
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> tuple : tuples) {
                String i = "v" + (fr++);
                i1.put(tuple, i);
                // i2.put(i, tuple);
                gens.put(i, Chc.inRight(table));
                for (SqlColumn col : table.columns) {
                    SqlType ty = col.type;
                    Optional<Object> val = tuple.get(col);
                    if (!val.isPresent()) {
                    symbols.put(Chc.inLeft(val.get()), new Pair<>(new LinkedList<>(), Chc.inLeft(ty)));
                    OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> rhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inLeft(Chc.inLeft(val.get())), new LinkedList<>());
                    OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> lhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inLeft(Chc.inRight(Chc.inLeft(col))), Util.singList(new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(i), new LinkedList<>())));
                    eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
            iso1.put(table, i1);
        // iso2.put(table, i2);
        for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> in : inst.get(fk.source)) {
                Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> out = inst.follow(in, fk);
                String tgen = iso1.get(;
                String sgen = iso1.get(fk.source).get(in);
                OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> rhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(tgen), new LinkedList<>());
                OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> lhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inLeft(Chc.inRight(Chc.inRight(fk))), Util.singList(new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(sgen), new LinkedList<>())));
                eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
    OplPres<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String, String> P = new OplPres<>(new HashMap<>(), S0, sig, gens, eqs);
    I.validate(sch, P, null);
    return new Pair<>(sch, I);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) OplSchema(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplSchema) OplInst(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplInst) OplPres(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplPres) SqlType(catdata.sql.SqlType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Pair(catdata.Pair) Optional(java.util.Optional) OplSig(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplSig) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) SqlForeignKey(catdata.sql.SqlForeignKey) SqlTable(catdata.sql.SqlTable) SqlColumn(catdata.sql.SqlColumn) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Chc(catdata.Chc)

Example 5 with SqlColumn

use of catdata.sql.SqlColumn in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class SqlToOpl method convertCnf.

// : code formatter should not wrap lines ever
private static Pair<OplSchema<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, OplInst<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String, String>> convertCnf(SqlSchema info, SqlInstance inst, String S0, String I0) {
    if (!info.isCnf()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Schema not in categorical normal form");
    Set<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>> sorts = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>> entities = new HashSet<>();
    Map<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, Pair<List<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>>, Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>>> symbols = new HashMap<>();
    List<Triple<OplCtx<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>>> equations = new LinkedList<>();
    for (SqlType type : info.types) {
    for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
        for (SqlColumn col : table.columns) {
            if (col.equals(table.getCnfId())) {
            if (isFk(info, table, col)) {
            symbols.put(Chc.inRight(Chc.inLeft(col)), new Pair<>(Util.singList(Chc.inRight(table)), Chc.inLeft(col.type)));
    for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
        symbols.put(Chc.inRight(Chc.inRight(fk)), new Pair<>(Util.singList(Chc.inRight(fk.source)), Chc.inRight(;
    OplSchema<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> sch = new OplSchema<>(S0, entities);
    OplSig<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String> sig = new OplSig<>(VIt.vit, new HashMap<>(), sorts, symbols, equations);
    OplInst<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String, String> I = new OplInst<>(S0, I0, "none");
    Map<String, Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>> gens = new HashMap<>();
    List<Pair<OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String>>> eqs = new LinkedList<>();
    int fr = 0;
    if (inst != null) {
        Map<SqlTable, Map<Object, String>> iso1 = new HashMap<>();
        for (SqlTable table : info.tables) {
            Set<Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>>> tuples = inst.get(table);
            Map<Object, String> i1 = new HashMap<>();
            // Map<String, Object> i2 = new HashMap<>();
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> tuple : tuples) {
                String i = "v" + (fr++);
                if (!tuple.get(table.getCnfId()).isPresent()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Anomly: please report");
                i1.put(tuple.get(table.getCnfId()).get(), i);
                // i2.put(i, tuple.get(table.getCnfId()).get());
                gens.put(i, Chc.inRight(table));
                for (SqlColumn col : table.columns) {
                    if (col.equals(table.getCnfId())) {
                    if (isFk(info, table, col)) {
                    SqlType ty = col.type;
                    Optional<Object> val = tuple.get(col);
                    if (!val.isPresent()) {
                    symbols.put(Chc.inLeft(val.get()), new Pair<>(new LinkedList<>(), Chc.inLeft(ty)));
                    OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> rhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inLeft(Chc.inLeft(val.get())), new LinkedList<>());
                    OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> lhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inLeft(Chc.inRight(Chc.inLeft(col))), Util.singList(new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(i), new LinkedList<>())));
                    eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
            iso1.put(table, i1);
        // iso2.put(table, i2);
        for (SqlForeignKey fk : info.fks) {
            for (Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> in : inst.get(fk.source)) {
                Map<SqlColumn, Optional<Object>> out = inst.follow(in, fk);
                if (!out.get( || !in.get(fk.source.getCnfId()).isPresent()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Anomaly: please report");
                String tgen = iso1.get(;
                String sgen = iso1.get(fk.source).get(in.get(fk.source.getCnfId()).get());
                OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> rhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(tgen), new LinkedList<>());
                OplTerm<Chc<Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String>, String> lhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inLeft(Chc.inRight(Chc.inRight(fk))), Util.singList(new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(sgen), new LinkedList<>())));
                eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
    OplPres<Chc<SqlType, SqlTable>, Chc<Object, Chc<SqlColumn, SqlForeignKey>>, String, String> P = new OplPres<>(new HashMap<>(), S0, sig, gens, eqs);
    I.validate(sch, P, null);
    return new Pair<>(sch, I);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) OplSchema(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplSchema) OplInst(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplInst) OplPres(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplPres) SqlType(catdata.sql.SqlType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Pair(catdata.Pair) Optional(java.util.Optional) OplSig(catdata.opl.OplExp.OplSig) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) SqlForeignKey(catdata.sql.SqlForeignKey) SqlTable(catdata.sql.SqlTable) SqlColumn(catdata.sql.SqlColumn) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Chc(catdata.Chc)


SqlColumn (catdata.sql.SqlColumn)5 Triple (catdata.Triple)4 SqlForeignKey (catdata.sql.SqlForeignKey)4 SqlTable (catdata.sql.SqlTable)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 Pair (catdata.Pair)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Optional (java.util.Optional)3 Chc (catdata.Chc)2 Ctx (catdata.Ctx)2 AqlOptions (catdata.aql.AqlOptions)2 Att (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att)2 En (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En)2 Fk (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk)2 Sym (catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym)2 Ty (catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty)2 OplInst (catdata.opl.OplExp.OplInst)2 OplPres (catdata.opl.OplExp.OplPres)2