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Example 6 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class Relationalizer method terminal.

public static Triple<Const, Map<Node, Map<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Object>>> terminal(FQLProgram prog, SigExp.Const sig0) {
    Triple<Const, Map<Node, Map<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Object>>> jjj = cache.get(new Pair<>(prog, sig0));
    if (jjj != null) {
        // so do not have to recompute when doing omega operations
        return jjj;
    try {
        Signature sig = sig0.toSig(prog);
        Pair<FinCat<Node, Path>, Fn<Path, Arr<Node, Path>>> start = sig.toCategory2();
        // FinCat<Node, Path> cat = start.first;
        Fn<Path, Arr<Node, Path>> map = start.second;
        Map<Node, List<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>>> obs = sig.obs();
        Map<Node, List<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>> m = sig.obsbar();
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> nodes = new LinkedList<>();
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> attrs = new LinkedList<>();
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> arrows = new LinkedList<>();
        // Map<String, Set<Pair<Object, Object>>> data = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Node, Map<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>> m1 = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Node, Map<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Object>> m2 = new HashMap<>();
        int i = 0;
        for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
            Map<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>> map1 = new HashMap<>();
            Map<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Object> map2 = new HashMap<>();
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new LinkedList<>();
            m1.put(n, map1);
            m2.put(n, map2);
            for (LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> i2 : m.get(n)) {
                Object o = Integer.toString(++i);
                map1.put(o, i2);
                map2.put(i2, o);
                set.add(new Pair<>(o, o));
            nodes.add(new Pair<>(n.string, set));
        for (Attribute<Node> a : sig.attrs) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Pair<Object, Object> k : PropPSM.lookup(nodes, a.source.string)) {
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id = m1.get(a.source).get(k.first);
                set.add(new Pair<>(k.first, new_id.get(new Pair<>(map.of(new Path(sig, a.source)), a))));
            attrs.add(new Pair<>(, set));
        for (Edge a : sig.edges) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Pair<Object, Object> k : PropPSM.lookup(nodes, a.source.string)) {
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id = m1.get(a.source).get(k.first);
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id0 = PropPSM.truncate2(sig, new_id, new Arr<>(new Path(sig, a), a.source,, obs.get(;
                // LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id0 = PropPSM.truncate(sig, new_id, a, m.get(;
                Object o = m2.get(;
                set.add(new Pair<>(k.first, o));
            arrows.add(new Pair<>(, set));
        // Instance ret0 = new Instance(sig, data);
        Const retX = new Const(nodes, attrs, arrows, sig.toConst());
        Triple<Const, Map<Node, Map<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Object>>> ret = new Triple<>(retX, m1, m2);
        cache.put(new Pair<>(prog, sig0), ret);
        return ret;
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getLocalizedMessage());
Also used : Arr( Attribute(catdata.fql.decl.Attribute) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FinCat( Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Pair(catdata.Pair) Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) Const(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Const) Fn(catdata.fql.Fn) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) Signature(catdata.fql.decl.Signature) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Edge(catdata.fql.decl.Edge)

Example 7 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class ExpPSM method exec.

public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
    try {
        Instance Ix = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(I, sig, state));
        Instance Jx = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(J, sig, state));
        IntRef idx = new IntRef(interp.guid);
        Quad<Instance, Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>>, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>, Object>>> ret = Instance.exp2(idx, Ix, Jx);
        interp.guid = idx.i;
        interp.exps2.put(pre, ret);
        PSMGen.shred(pre, ret.first, state);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getLocalizedMessage());
Also used : Arr( Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) Attribute(catdata.fql.decl.Attribute) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) IntRef(catdata.IntRef) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 8 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class PSMEval method exec.

public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
    try {
        Quad<Instance, Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>>, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>, Object>>> xxx = interp.exps2.get(AB);
        Instance Jw = xxx.first;
        Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>> map = xxx.second;
        Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>> map2 = xxx.third;
        FinCat<Node, Path> cat = Jw.thesig.toCategory2().first;
        Instance abb = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(ABB, sig, state));
        // Instance ab = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(AB, sig, state));
        // //already have in interp
        Instance a = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(A, sig, state));
        Instance b = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(B, sig, state));
        Transform fst = new Transform(abb, Jw, PSMGen.gather(ABB + "_fst", sig, state));
        Transform snd = new Transform(abb, b, PSMGen.gather(ABB + "_snd", sig, state));
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> data = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> d = new LinkedList<>();
            Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>> m2 = map2.get(n);
            for (Pair<Object, Object> id : {
                Object id_ab = lookup(, id.first);
                Object x = lookup(, id.first);
                Transform t = m2.get(id_ab).second;
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> w = m2.get(id_ab).first;
                Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>> m = map.get(new Pair<>(n, w));
                Object y = m.third.get(n).get(new Pair<>(, x));
                Object f = lookup(, y);
                d.add(new Pair<>(id.first, f));
            data.add(new Pair<>(n.string, d));
        Transform curry = new Transform(abb, a, data);
        PSMGen.shred(pre, curry, state);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
Also used : Arr( Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) Attribute(catdata.fql.decl.Attribute) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Pair(catdata.Pair) Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) Transform(catdata.fql.decl.Transform) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 9 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class TransChecker method visit.

public Pair<String, String> visit(FQLProgram env, Const e) {
    InstExp src = env.insts.get(e.src);
    if (src == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing instance " + e.src);
    InstExp dst = env.insts.get(e.dst);
    if (dst == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing instance " + e.src);
    if (!(src instanceof InstExp.Const)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.src + " is not a constant.");
    if (!(dst instanceof InstExp.Const)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.dst + " is not a constant.");
    InstExp.Const src0 = (InstExp.Const) src;
    InstExp.Const dst0 = (InstExp.Const) dst;
    SigExp srct = src0.type(env);
    SigExp dstt = dst0.type(env);
    if (!srct.equals(dstt)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Instances not of same type on " + e + " are " + srct + " and " + dstt);
    Signature sig = srct.toSig(env);
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> bbb = e.objs;
    try {
        new Transform(new Instance(sig,, new Instance(sig,, bbb);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getLocalizedMessage());
    return new Pair<>(e.src, e.dst);
Also used : InstExp(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) SigExp(catdata.fql.decl.SigExp) Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) Const(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Const) Signature(catdata.fql.decl.Signature) Transform(catdata.fql.decl.Transform) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 10 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class CategoryOfElements method makePanel.

public static Pair<JPanel, JPanel> makePanel(String name, Instance i, Color c) {
    try {
        JPanel ret;
        JPanel ret2;
        Pair<Graph<Pair<Node, Object>, Pair<Path, Integer>>, HashMap<Pair<Node, Object>, Map<Attribute<Node>, Object>>> g = build(i);
        ret = g.first.getVertexCount() == 0 ? new JPanel() : doView(c, i, g.first, g.second);
        ret2 = dot(name, i, g.first, g.second);
        return new Pair<>(ret, ret2);
    } catch (FQLException e) {
        JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1));
        JTextArea a = new JTextArea(e.getMessage());
        p.add(new JScrollPane(a));
        return new Pair<>(p, p);
Also used : Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) JTextArea(javax.swing.JTextArea) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Attribute(catdata.fql.decl.Attribute) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) GridLayout(java.awt.GridLayout) Graph(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph) Pair(catdata.Pair)


FQLException (catdata.fql.FQLException)37 Pair (catdata.Pair)28 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)21 Node (catdata.fql.decl.Node)20 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)20 Arr ( Map (java.util.Map)15 Instance (catdata.fql.decl.Instance)14 Path (catdata.fql.decl.Path)14 Transform (catdata.fql.decl.Transform)12 Attribute (catdata.fql.decl.Attribute)11 Edge (catdata.fql.decl.Edge)11 Signature (catdata.fql.decl.Signature)11 List (java.util.List)11 Triple (catdata.Triple)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Fn (catdata.fql.Fn)5 CopyFlower (catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower)5 ExpPSM (catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM)5